Tuesday, March 18, 2014


Mole Video:

 .:: DAY 26 ::.

"Today, I thought of two positive things about Evarrine. The first thing is that her name is not Ryan. The 2nd thing is that she is not a Smurf OR AT LEAST SHE SAYS SHE ISN'T."

Shayne: "I'm just tired of constantly feeling exploited, that's all. And not being able to do anything about it... But, I guess that's what we all signed up for by joining this show."

Sara: "Well.... maybe there IS something we can do about it...."

Shayne: "Yeah? Like what?"

 Sara: "Reality shows revolve around dialogue, mostly. They can't exist without interesting characters and dialogue. They're not known for intense action sequences or special effects in general. If we refuse to talk.... What could they possibly film? What would air if we didn't talk?"
Production Woman: "I don't like where this is going..... SO STOP IT."

Shayne: "Hmmm... You do have a point there!"

Evarrine: "What trivial matters are you mortals discussing now?"

Gregory: "Anyone else smell alien scum?"

Shayne: "We've decided to do a protest against the show, since they've been exploiting us since day one. Time for them to get a taste of their own medicine!"
Sara: "And we're rebelling by not talking. If we don't talk, they don't have a show! And then maybe Kenzen will have to intervene and burst into the doors and take me away with him!!  ...."   *coughs*   "....Erm. What were we saying?"

Evarrine: "You mean I don't have to talk to you poor souls for the rest of the day?! Ha!! Sounds good to me."
Shayne: "A win-win situation for everyone."


Gregory: "....Well this is awkward."

"I am really nervous for tonight's execution. I really messed up in the last mission. I made some irrational guesses and if I were to do this mission again, I would hands down ask different questions. I will try to do my best in tonight's quiz. I will even double check all the questions if I have to."

*            *           *


1. Is the Mole male or female?
a) Male
b) Female

2. What is the Mole's age?
a) 19
b) 21
c) 23
d) "27"

3. In the mission, "20 Questions", which ex-contestant answered the Mole's Questions?
a) Kenneth
b) Brianne
c) Taiha
d) Cole

4. Was it the Mole who asked the following question: "Is it a Mole?"
a) Yes
b) No

5. Did the Mole sit across from Cole the Mole?
a) No
b) Yes
6. How many times was the Mole's questions answered with a 'Yes'?
a) 0
b) 2
c) 3

7. How many total questions did the Mole ask throughout the mission?
a) 5
b) 6
c) 8

8. Did the Mole earn the exemption?
a) Yes
b) No

9. What is the Mole's root hair color?
a) Black
b) Ginger

10. Who is, the Mole?
a) Shayne Holmes
b) Gregory Plaice
c) Sara Vesela
d) Evarrine Roland


KENZEN: "You idiots. You're costing the show money! Trying to rebel by not speaking in front of the cameras."

KENZEN: ".... and the idea is GENIUS!! If I'm an absolute terrible host, they might very well fire me before the end of the season, and that would be just plain awesome. I'm so sick of seeing all your ugly faces. So we can all thank Sarah here for this LEGEN...... wait for it......"

KENZEN: "-DARY idea."

Sara: "What did you just say?"

KENZEN: "Legen- wait for it...."

Sara: "No, I mean before that! You just called me Sarah!! Hehe, that's such a cute nickname, thanks Kenzie!"

KENZEN: "I don't get it. Isn't that your name?"

Sara: "No, it's Sara, not Sar-AH!"

KENZEN: "Nope, pretty sure it's Sar-AH."
Sara: "Trust me, my name is Sara."

KENZEN: "Well, you've got it all wrong, because you see, on your application it was spelled with an 'h', so technically it's Sar-AH."
Sara: "Don't be silly, Kenzen! My name is Sara Vesela, that's what I put on the application. You're just playing tricks with me!"

KENZEN: *puts hand up to ear* "....what? ....yes, I know- Okay, I see..... uh-huh. Yeah, I know that...... mhmm......... you know what, shut up Karen! I'm tired of you always trying to be right!" *throws earpiece into the sand*

KENZEN: "You're right, there's no 'h' in your name, Sarah."
Sara: "Told you! Wait- no, it's Sara, you just said--!!"

KENZEN: "MOVING ON. Let's get this execution on the road. We still want this to be the shortest episode ever, right? Then let's get right to it..... Shayne, you're up first!!"

Shayne: "Ouch.... Though, I saw it coming."

KENZEN: "Wait. Shayne, say your goodbyes here. I'd rather not walk you down and engage in an unemotional and pointless farewell."

Shayne: "Well then. I don't have much to say. All that I needed to say has been said already. I had fun, and learned a lot about myself in the process.... I do have some regrets.... like kissing Indigo or getting drunk... but that's for another time. I'm glad I made it this far, much farther than I thought I'd make it. Too bad I can't make it into the Finale though. Oh well."

KENZEN: "Is that all?"

Shayne: "Not quite. Fuck you all for making the Execution area right next to the fricken ocean.... but.... I'm almost okay with that now. I don't really mind too much anymore.... Hey! That's a revelation! Did I just finally conquer my fear of water...??"

KENZEN: "Indeed you have, my friend. Indeed you have."
 Shayne: "Don't tell me that was your plan all along. To expose me to ponds, pools, lakes,underground reservoirs, and oceans."
KENZEN: "The Mole works in mysterious ways."

Shayne: "Uh-huh. Wow. You guys are good.... I'm almost comfortable with the thought now, like I've finally come in terms with my past.... I don't even know what to say..."
Gregory: "Don't say anything at all. The aliens are watching. RUN WHILE YOU STILL CAN!!" :0
Sara: "Awhh, little Shayne finally overcame his fear! I'm happy for you, buddy!!"
Shayne: "Then I guess I don't have any regrets at all. This experience has helped me immensely. So for that, I thank you all. It's time for me to leave.... Goodbye everyone! Good luck catching that sneaky Mole!!"

KENZEN: "Well, folks. 11 down, and 2 more to go. The next to go will be the Mole's 12th victim. And then, the final one to go will be the Mole, when the winner of the season finally exposes the Mole for their dirty tricks and claims the title of sole 'Mole Hunter' and takes away the grand prize."

 KENZEN: "Good night, contestants. Do let the earthworms bite."
Gregory: "But that would be the end of humanity!!" 0_o
KENZEN: "My point exactly."

*            *           *

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