Sunday, March 23, 2014


 Mole Video:


 .:: DAY 27 ::.

"OMG! I've made it to the final 3. I never expected to make it this far. No matter what, I am proud of myself for making it this far. I hope I win. If I do win, I am planning on going to college using the money I fairly earn."

*loud, blaring sound of bells chiming*

Gregory: "What the Venus!?"


Evarrine: "Huh??"

*Chiming sound stops*

Gregory: "Okay then...."

Sara: "Oh... Thought that was Kenzen... Never mind... super awkward.... Why am I talking out loud? Not sure. But I'm going back to sleep. Goodnight Kenzen if you're watching this right now!!"

*1 hour later, the loud gong sounds through the house once more*

Gregory: "Again?? What's going on here?"

Sara: "It's so loud! Make it stop, make it stop!!"

Evarrine: "What is this nonsense? I command the noise to disperse!"
*sound stops*
Evarrine: "That's what I thought."

Sara: "Phew, it stopped again... Maybe now I can actually get some rest."

*30 minutes later, the sound goes off again*

Evarrine: "You've got to be shitting me."


Gregory: "Where are my glasses?? I NEED ANSWERS! Is.... IS THIS AN ALIEN INVASION!?" 0_o

*the sound persists for several more minutes*

Evarrine: "Blasted sound!"

Evarrine: "I can't do this anymore... I refuse to try and sleep if this persists!"

Evarrine: "Who's in charge here?? I demand you to show yourself at once! Cowards hide, while brave souls face their foes!"
Mr Snowman: "IMMA SNOWMAN!" :-)

*that afternoon...*

Gregory: "What is this plaice?"
Sara: "Is that a pun?"
Gregory: "Maybe... How could you tell?"
Sara: "No idea... Wait, wow, look, deer!"

Evarrine: "I'd use my magic to have it attack you, but unfortunately I'm without my magic at the moment. Next time, though."
Sara: "How generous of you, Evarrine. Have you found the light yet?"
Evarrine: "Now I feel like you're mocking me. That's not acceptable."
Gregory: "Let's just get to the mission before we kill each other, please."

Sara: "Oh, Kenzie! Hey!! What's today's mission?"

Sara: "...."
KENZEN: "Hehe, thanks."

KENZEN: "Now, as you guys probably know, we were periodically blasting loud sounds all throughout the night."

All: "Uh-huh."

KENZEN: "Well, that's because the final mission of the season involves trying to fight off one of man's most basic needs... sleep."

KENZEN: "Here's how this mission will work.... Every hour, for the next 24 hours, the clock behind me will go off. Each time it does, the group pot will lose 10 points."

"Now, in order to prevent the gong from sounding off of this grandfather's clock, at each :59th minute of every hour, right before it goes off, one player needs to reset it. To reset, simply open up the glass compartment and move the minute hand back exactly one hour... Or, rather, 59 minutes. Doing so incorrectly or doing it at the wrong time will confuse the clock, and will count as a strike. 3 strikes and the mission ends, with no points being added to the pot."

 "So the mission starts at 228 points, and as said, each time the gong goes off, I'll subtract 10 points from this. I like to call this mission, 'Today Never Dies', since, well, it's going to feel like the day will never end! And who doesn't like a good ole' 007 reference? Now if only Kaita were the Mole, that would have been a good clue.... for shame."

 KENZEN: "I'm going to bed to catch up on some much needed sleep. I might do some relaxing and meditating here and there too. So if that clock goes off, it'll definitely wake me up or disturb my peace and quiet, thus the markdown of 10 points. And if any of you dweebs disturb me with your loud obnoxious voices.... I'm looking at you Sara and Evarrine- I'll go ahead and take more points off. So LIBRARY VOICES ONLY!"

 *GONG! ... GONG!*
 [Current time: 12:01 pm]

 "Ooh, good timing! That's the starting gong."

KENZEN: "Good luck, contestants. Oh, and forgot to mention: I provided you all with some state-of-the-art $5 sleeping bags, so you can sleep in those if you just happen to get tired.... I hope none of you get tired, because you have a looooooong 24 hours ahead of you!! Muahahahaha!!!! .....Geez now I'm starting to sound like Evarrine. Gross."

 Evarrine: "What I wouldn't do to see that man axed in half..... Kiss Sara's shoe, that might be the only thing."

 Sara: "Well guys.... Who wants the first shift?"

 Gregory: "The mission just started! We don't need shifts already."
Sara: "Well, I just thought you two might be tired....
Gregory: "I'm not sleeping yet, I don't trust either of you to reset that clock properly."
Sara: "Yes sir!"

*58 minutes later....*

Gregory: "Is it time?
Evarrine: "Looks like it. It reads 1:59.... Better hurry peasant."
Sara: "Yeah yeah I got it."

Sara: "What do I do again? Open the glass door, reset the clock?"
Evarrine: "Yes, hurry you little rat!"

 Sara: "How do I open this thing?! In hindsight we should have figured this out before it was 1:59...."

Sara: "Okay..... and.... sliding it over.... Got it!"
*Sara resets the clock just in time. The hour hand clicks to 2 PM*
Sara: "Uh-oh.... not.... not.... NOT Agai- wah... wahhhh.... WAHHHHHHHHHH!!!"

Sara: *begins to sob uncontrollably, tries to balance herself by grabbing onto the grandfather clock, starts shaking it back and forth while crying hysterically*
Evarrine: "This.... this is quite the sight. I didn't think you could go any lower than you already were, Sara, but you've proven me wrong. Incredulously you are infinitely more pathetic than I originally thought!"

Evarrine: "That's enough! Be quiet! I silence you!! I'm tired of all these obnoxious noises being drilled inside my ears, I WANT IT TO STOP!!"
Sara: "....It's 2:01. I'm good now. Thanks for bearing with me guys!!.... Oh. You look upset Evarrine, sorry if my crying made you feel emotional. And Gregory, when did he go to sleep?!"
Gregory: "I'm not sleeping, my stomach just hurts really bad...."
Sara: "Alrighty. Well, I guess I'll do the next one."

*another hour passes....*

 [Current time: 2:59]

 Sara: "Don't worry guys! I got it!"
*Sara resets the time*

 *another hour passes....*

[Current time: 3:58]

 Evarrine: "Okay, I'll do the next one."
Sara: "You sure?"
 Evarrine: "Yes mortal, I'm sure."
Sara: "Alright, just making sure."

Evarrine: "I don't like you."
Sara: "I'm not too fond of you either."
Evarrine: "Good. You'd be a fool otherwise. Trust and friendship is a sign of weakness."
Sara: "You just keep thinking that, see where it gets you."

Evarrine: "It's gotten me to be the royal Queen of an entire kingdom. You were saying?"
Sara: "And were you happy?"
Evarrine: "Immensely so."
Sara: "And now?"
Evarrine: "Not so much that I'm stuck here with you."

 Sara: "Well, I have Kenzen, so I'm happy! Too bad you will never be again."
Evarrine: "Oh, do not worry, I'll be happy again, once I find my magic and become rightful ruler over my kindgom of Brendale once more."

 Sara: "You keep saying that, but you're not getting anywhere."

 Evarrine: "That's because I need to win the money from this show first, in order to buy a portal back to my own dimension or establish a new kingdom in the New York land.....Oh, it's 3:59."
*Evarrine resets the clock*

Sara: "OMG I'm so close to Kenzen Summers, I can almost touch him!!!!"

 Sara: "Hey Kenzen.... I'm your future wife! Don't you ever forget that!!"
Sara: "What?! How rude! You know, sometimes Kenzen, you aren't very charming or romantic."
KENZEN: *Snores louder*
Sara: "Pft! How dare you accuse me of such a thing!! I'm going back to my REAL friends!"
Gregory: "YOU AND I.... WE'RE NOT FRIENDS. Same can be said for this al- I mean, I mean- la-lady over here..."
Sara: "Okay Greg.... You just go to sleep. You're delirious."
Gregory: "You're probably right... Night!"
Sara: "It's the middle of the afternoon....."
Gregory: "Oh, is it?"
Sara: "Yeah....
Gregory: "Well, time is irrelevant in space terms. My mind if often in space time. And any alien visitors we may have here probably don't understand our time table.... EVARRINE!"
Evarrine: "Excuse me?? I can understand clocks just fine."
Gregory: "That's what they all say....."
Sara: "Sleep Gregory. You need it!! Evarrine, you got the next one?"
Evarrine: "Indeed."

 *Evarrine resets the clock at 4:59*

 [Current time: 5:58]

Sara: "You want to do one, Greg?"
Gregory: "Nawhh... my stomach is still killing me...."
Sara: "Ah, that's alright. I can do it for you. And I'm sorry... I hope you don't have appendicitis!"

Gregory: "I already got that removed. I think I may have been poisoned...."
Sara: "Poisoned??"
Gregory: "Yes, poisoned... by none other than our friend Evarrine the alien scum!! I believe she poisoned my breakfast this morning in order to prevent me from doing well in this mission... Evarrine is the Mole! She HAS to be!! How else could she have made it this far with so much faulty information from Kaita and yourself? EVARRINE IS THE MOLE, I TELL YOU!!"

 Sara: "Hush! You'll wake her!! ...and Kenzen too! Normally I wouldn't mind Kenzen waking, but in this situation, it's best he stays asleep... uh-oh, I don't have much time left!"

 *Sara resets the clock*
Sara: "Ooh! Just got it!"

Gregory: "Okay, think you can do the next few? My stomach hurts way too much I can barely stand standing any longer."
Sara: "Yeah, I'm good. Lie down and get some rest!"
Gregory: "What will you do to past the time? Since you don't have us two to keep you company and prevent you from falling asleep."

Sara: "Oh, don't worry.... I can keep myself entertained... heehee! Kenzen is unconscious on the other side of the room, after all...."
Gregory: "Creepy. Alright, wake me up later when it's time to change shifts."
Sara: "Will do!"

 [Sara resets the clock a few more times...]

 Sara: "Hmm.... I'm starting to get a bit drowsy.... perhaps I should wake Greg... No.... his stomach is probably still killing him... I could wake Evarrine.... but she'd probably kill MY stomach... with magic and whatever... What am I saying?? Magic? Gosh, I'm tired.... Haven't slept in so long.... perhaps if I just took a little cat nap...."

[Current time: 10:00]

* loud sound of the clock going off *

KENZEN: "Ahhh... about time they missed one!"


"Oh... They're all sleeping. Well, that's the first 10 points out of the pot!"

 *exactly one hour later*

 *gongs going off*

KENZEN: "Another 10 points off. That's $10,000 wasted! Such a shame."

 .:: DAY 28 ::.

*this happens several more times... or should I say 8 more times....*

Production Woman: "Probably because we kept them up all night..."

 KENZEN: "These idiots are losing a fortune because they're sleeping the night away! And I'm stuck here getting woken up again and again because of these worthless bags of shit! I thought this mission would be easy for me, all I had to do was sleep and relax. But no, I CAN'T EVEN DO THAT!!"

*kicks clock right after it stops sounding off the chime*

"I'm going to do some meditating. That may relax me."

Sara: "Did I just feel Kenzen's presence by me??"

 Sara: "I did! I felt his beautiful body walk by my body! We almost touched! ...oh, crap, the mission!"

Sara: "Kenzen, has anyone else been resetting the clock while I was asleep?"
KENZEN: "How would I know? I was asleep. And now I'm trying to relax by meditating. So shut your face hole before I take away more points from the pot."
Sara: "...Okay...."

Sara: "The evil Queen is STILL sleeping?!?!? Hmm... okay... I guess I should take care of the resetting until she wakes up."

*Sara resets the clock four more times.... okay, this mission is starting to get repetitive XD*

 [Current time: 11:58]

 Sara: "Okay... This is the very last time! Do you want to do the honors, Evarrine?"
Evarrine: "No."
Sara: "Gregory, do you want to do-"
Gregory: "No."
Sara: "Alrighty then. I guess I'll do it...... again."
*Sara resets the clock... a piece of paper falls to the floor*

 Gregory: "Wait, what was that??"
Sara: "I don't know.... it just fell right out!"

Sara: "It's a note..."
Evarrine: "What does it say?"

Sara: "It says...
'Because you were the last to reset the clock and thus, finish the cycle of the day, you have rewarded with an opportunity; beneath Kenzen's pillow lies the Mole's Dossier. You can take it right now, but beware, you risk waking him up and you have no idea how angry he will get this time... Choose carefully.'
Sooo.... Basically do I go with the money, or the extra information?"

 *Sara crumples the note*
Evarrine: "What are you doing?!"
Sara: "Destroying the note. I don't need the Mole's Dossier. I'm confident I know who the Mole is. I don't need no Dossier to help me out. And I don't want to risk getting Kenzen angry at me!"
Evarrine: "Well... can I at least get the opportunity to take the Dossier??"
Sara: "I don't think that's an option."
Evarrine: "Curses."

 Sara: "Well, I guess this mission is officially over! Let's wait for Kenzen to wake up."


KENZEN: "Well, contestants... I was awoken 10 times, so 10x10 is... well, 100, for those that suck at math.... Like Turner!" :P 

"So 228-100 is 128. Meaning, 128 points will be added to the preexisting pot, which was 754 point. So 754 + 128 = 882, out of 2000 in total. To make this simpler, let's round that up to 890 points. So that's our final pot, everyone! The winner this season will walk away with $890,000, plus their personal pot, while the Mole walks away with $1,110,000!! I must say, the Mole was on fire this season.... literally!"

"Hope you all had fun on your last mission FOREVER. At least I hope it's forever,  I don't want any of slimeballs back in All-Stars, although it's bound to happen most likely... blegh."

"So, that's all I have for you today. You'll get today and tomorrow to rest, but the following day is the ultimate day that reveals all. First you will have to take our 20-question quiz, then proceed to our Finale ceremony where we'll do the usual shabang. Reveal the winner, reveal the Mole, yadda yadda, you know the rest. A whole lot of fun for you, not for me. Although at least I'll finally be through with this boring job and seeing all you freaks. And maybe I might just kill one of you like Grey did so I can be reunited with him in jail!!! ...hey, that isn't such a bad idea after all... Now I just need to plot who I'm going to kill.... Anywho, goodbye final 3. Study hard for that quiz, because it covers the entire season."

  *             *             *

New Poll:



10:59- Jake
11:59- Jake
12:59- Jojo
1:59- Jojo
2:59- Jojo
3:59- Jake
4:59- Jake
5:59- Jake
6:59- Jake
7:59- Kenzen is awakened! He takes away 10 points from the pot [218 points]
8:59- Kenzen is awakened! He takes away 10 points from the pot [208 points]
9:59- Kenzen is awakened! He takes away 10 points from the pot [198 points]
10:59- Kenzen is awakened! He takes away 10 points from the pot [188 points]
11:59- Kenzen is awakened! He takes away 10 points from the pot [178 points]
12:59- Kenzen is awakened! He takes away 10 points from the pot [168 points]
1:59- Kenzen is awakened! He takes away 10 points from the pot [158 points]
2:59- Kenzen is awakened! He takes away 10 points from the pot [148 points]
3:59- Kenzen is awakened! He takes away 10 points from the pot [138 points]
4:59- Kenzen is awakened! He takes away 10 points from the pot [128 points]
5:59- Jake
6:59- Jake
7:59- Jake
8:59- Jake
9:59- Jake

(Jake refused to take the offer for the Mole's Dossier at the cost of additional points being lost)

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