Friday, March 14, 2014


Mole Video:

.:: DAY 24 ::.

"Ok, so this is awkward. Earlier today I was looking through photos that I have on my camera that I keep hidden in my bag, and what did I see? The stalkerish pictures of KT! The only person that knows about the camera is me, so how did those photos get there? OMIGOD, I must be the stalker and not even know it! Maybe I took them in my sleep? I do have a bad habit of sleepwalking..."

Sara: "Hey Greg! Whatcha up to??"
Gregory: "Plotting."
Sara: "Plotting what?!"
Gregory: "....Against the aliens, of course! What else is there to plot against?"
Sara: "Oh, that's what I thought.... Hey, do you have any extra toothpaste? I ran out."
Gregory: "I do, but I'm afraid I can't share that."

Sara: "And why not?"
Gregory: "When people apply toothpaste to their toothbrush, they tend to wipe the tube against the toothbrush, thus, transferring germs between the two. I'd like to stay on the safe side and prevent that from happening, as I don't want people's germs on my toothpaste bottle."
Sara: "O-kaaay..."
Gregory: "Check Shayne's bag. I'm sure he has some."

Sara: "Alright. I hope he won't mind too much... But this is sort of an emergency. I need to be prepared to have fresh, clean breath in case Kenzen ever pops in!!"

Sara: "Oh, I didn't know Shayne had a camera? Was that even allowed?"
Gregory: "Probably not. Depends on what he's been taking photographs of. Check, I'm interested now.... MAYBE HE HAS EVIDENCE THAT EVARRINE IS AN ALIEN!!!"

Sara: "....woah."
Gregory: "Woah what?"
Sara: "....WOAH."
Gregory: "WHAT?!"
Sara: "This is.... disgusting."
Gregory: "Hm... I know what it is."
Sara: "You do?"
Gregory: "Yes. It's the alien scum undergoing metamorphoses, isn't it? Shayne got photographic evidence of it!!"

Sara: "No, no.... It's pictures of KT..... Shayne is the stalker!!"

"OMG! Shayne is a f*cking creep. He was stalking KT and he was running the What Is KT Doing account on Tumblr. I honestly thought that Evarrine was the stalker due to her being all evil and stuff. However, when I found out that Shayne was the stalker, I was honestly disgusted. If I were KT, I would write a restraining order on Shayne. While I am likely to stalk Kenzen, I would not have done the things Shayne did to KT."

[that night....]

Shayne: "Wow, it's really getting down to the wire now, isn't it? With Kaita gone, there's just 4 people left. It's kinda hard to believe that one of us has been lying all along..."

Sara: "Hey boys!"
Shayne: "Heya. Are you cold?"
Sara: ""
Shayne: "Oh. You look cold with that outfit on." *continues eating sandwich*
Gregory: *stirs soup awkwardly* 

Sara: "Okay then.... pervert."

Shayne: "What did she say?"
Gregory: "Err...  She said she wants sherbert."

Shayne: "Oh, sorry Sara, I ate the last of the sherbert ice cream last night."
Sara: "Of course you did."
Gregory: "She knows...."
Shayne: "Knows what?"

Sara: "Hm. I would drink the soda on the bottom shelf, but I fear if I bend over to pick it up someone might take a picture of me from behind and post it on the internet. Good thing I'm not a celebrity though, right? So I should be fine. But, you know, just in case, I'll just take the juice here to save myself from the potential of being exposed. So yes, juice will have to do for today."

Shayne: ".....she found my camera, didn't she?"
Gregory: "I'm afraid so, my alien-colored hair friend."
Shayne: "Shit. How am I going to talk myself out of this one?"

Sara: "I'd also love to take a shower tonight, but I fear someone might walk in and take photos of me. So I guess I can't do that either now."
Camera Man: "Why do people keep bringing this up?! You mess up ONE time and no one ever forgets!"
Sara: "Wasn't talking to you, Fred!"

Shayne: "Sara, wait. I have some explaining to do."

 Sara: "Hell yeah you do, you creep!"
Shayne: "Well...."
Sara: "Come on now. No need to skirt around the issue."

Gregory: "Perhaps I should leave...."

Shayne: "Look, Sara- it wasn't me. I mean, well, yes technically it was me, but I didn't do it consciously. I don't remember taking those photos! Please, you have to believe me! I'm not some kind of creepy stalker like you think I am. I likely did it while sleep walking. I know that sounds insane, but I've always been quite the active sleep walker. You could ask Kenzen to show you footage! I bet it would show me taking the photos in my sleep. Or, just ask Gregory!! He's probably witnessed my sleep activity."
Gregory: "He's right. At first, I assumed he was being possessed by aliens when he didn't respond to me. But I soon found out we was just sleepwalking. So nothing to worry about!!"

Sara: "Sooo... you're telling me you took the photos, but in your sleep? So you have no recollection of any of it?"
Shayne: "That's correct."

 Sara: *sighs*  "Well. I guess I have no reason not to believe you... although that's still a bit suspicious. It's pretty rare to do reoccurring actions while sleepwalking, isn't it?"
Gregory: "Very, very rare, yes."

Sara: "I'm gonna go to bed. We have to get up early for our mission tomorrow. I want to be well-rested!!"
Shayne: "Goodnight."
Gregory: "Yeah, goodnight... Don't let the earthworms bite.... WAIT..."

Gregory: "It's been the earthworms all along! They bite you in the night and take control of your body as you sleep! They're starting off slowly and testing their powers, but soon they will be able to control the entire human race....."


Evarrine: "The light... Must find the light!"

Evarrine: "How can I find the light when all I see is darkness??"

Evarrine: "Gah... The Mole House. The source of my problems! No help here."

Evarrine: "I'm going to end up turning into that girl Ariel at this rate.... MUST. FIND. THE. LIGHT!!"

Evarrine: "Wait.... what is that?!"

Evarrine: "I found it! I found the light!!"

 Evarrine: "It's getting closer... I can feel it's immense power and energy!"

Evarrine: "Must not give up!"

Evarrine: "...great. After all this, and a blasted WALL is what gets in my way?!"

Evarrine: "I can't climb this.... I've lost too much energy. I'm as weak as the poorest peasant!"

Evarrine: "This can't be the end! It can't!"

*sudden whirlwind sound can be heard from behind*
Evarrine: "-wha?!"

Sara: "Hello, Evarrine."

Evarrine: "What.... what is this?! Sar- Sara?! Is that you?"
Sara: "Yes, it is me, my dear Evarrine. I see you have followed my advice and have sought to find the light. Well, good news is.... You found it!"

Evarrine: "Ah, that's reassuring to hear. I feel like I'm about to drop dead from exhaustion...."

 Sara: "Oh, no, you didn't exactly find the light that you thought you were supposed to find. No, you failed in that regard. You have fallen for my trap. My precious unicorn has lead you astray. And now, it's time...."
Evarrine: "Time for what-?"


Evarrine: "But how?! I'M IMMORTAL!"


 Evarrine: "NO! THE LIGHT! IT BURNS!!"


 Evarrine: "AHHH!!"

Evarrine: "HUH!?!"

Evarrine: "...ohhh... It was.... just a dream..... Wait, if I was dreaming that, how'd you guys get footage of it?"
Camera Man (now named 'Fred'): "Magic."
Evarrine: "Curses."

"I find myself more conflicted than I have been in a long time. After searching for so long, the magic is starting to appear in the most unexpected places. I thought this strange world was lacking magic, yet now I discover that it is not the world- it is me. I must come out of the darkness and into the light. The seer has foretold that it is the only way for me to regain my true glory. But I have always revered darkness: the potential for hiding and stealing the magic I need, the dark spells that provide me with anything I wish for, the immense power found in places where there is no hope. What will my life be worth if I abandon the darkness? Who will I be? When one has power, they do not need to ask questions. I have never questioned myself before, and I do not like it now."

"So, you've been enjoying the show, a-holes?"

 .:: DAY 25 ::.

Evarrine: "What's so shocking about four peasants?"
Gregory: "Yes, that's Taiha! And Brianne! And of course Cole!!"
Kenneth: "Hey! Don't forget me bro!"
Shayne: "Wow.... The final 4 from last season! That's cool."

Kenneth: "Welcome, contestants! Please have a seat."
Brianne: "What- the cameras are rolling already?! You could have warned us first you complete IMBECILES!"

Taiha: "Oh Brianne, I've missed you so much!"
Cole: "No need to play nice, kitty. I think we've all enjoyed the year off from this show and everyone in it."
Taiha: "Why so pessimistic today, Cole the Mole?? I've missed you all so much! Now only if Grey were here..." 

Kenneth: "Well he's in jail, so you can forget about Grey and try pursuing other men MUCH better in bed than him... you know who I'm talking about...." *winks at the cameras*
Brianne: "Still a pig. Some people never change."
Cole: "I thought maybe he'd mature a bit after seeing himself on TV. It's only made him worse, apparently."

Taiha: "Uhmmmm. Just so you know, Kenneth. Grey loves me. Did you not see how he kissed me last season during the finale? Yeah. He clearly wants me. I just need to get the money to bail him out of jail"
Brianne: "Tsk-tsk. The million dollars you won should help you with that.... Or rather, the million dollars that I SHOULD HAVE WON could help you with that."
Taiha: "I already spent it all...."

Shayne: "On what?!"
Taiha: "Uhm.... well..... mostly for the funding for my show, Taiha's Mini Mole. But also on a bit of clothes here and there... for Mr. Fluffers."
Cole: "Jesus Christ."
Brianne: "Don't remind me of that insolent little furball puke."
Taiha: "Hey! Don't call my cat a little puke! How rude!!" >:(
Kenneth: "It's Brianne we're talking about here.... And honestly, her rudeness is sort of turning me on in a really weird way.... I'm getting the same vibe from Ms. Roland here actually."

Evarrine: "Trust me, son.... I can crush you with my pinky. And I am FAR older than you."

Kenneth: "Ooh, feisty! I like that in a woman. Hard to get. The chase is what I enjoy most. And I don't mind getting intimate with an older woman.... Just means more experience in bed, right??"
Brianne: "Ignore him. Trust me, I would know."
Evarrine: "I admire your authority, but don't try to act mightier and more knowledgeable than me, you peasant."

Brianne: "....hey! I- I.... I am NOT a peasant, okay! How incredibly rude of you! Just because I'm a bit low on money at the moment... You just wait! I'll be wealthy again one day! Someday..."

Evarrine: "Calm thyself, woman. It was only meant to be a slight insult. No need to take it so personally. My lord. The mortals in this world.... If they only knew who I am!! ....or was...."

Brianne: "Excuse me. Now that I think of it: Who are YOU to talk? Where's your fortune? Where's your mammoth mansion, huh? Aren't you on this show for the very same reason I signed up for it? To prove your power and win some money? You are poorer than me, you filth! I've seen a few episodes of this season. You're nothing but a crazy homeless woman walking the streets of New York, likely yelling absurdities to passerby.... Now THAT should put you in your place, you poor excuse for a woman!!!"

Taiha: "Damn girl....."
Kenneth: "Yep. I'm officially turned on. Imagine these two arguing while naked.... AHHYEEAHH!"

Evarrine: "I'm not even going to respond, you foul, worthless fool. Just know, my fortunes lie in another realm, one I'm trying to get back to. In that land, with my magic, you wouldn't be talking back to me as you are now. You'd be bowing down at my feet like the poor peasant you are."

 Taiha: "Well then.... that sure escalated... AS I WAS SAYING.... Someday I will bail Grey out of jail, I'll be his savior, and then he will be so thankful that he will be obliged to marry me!! I have it all planned out! Only setback is Kenzen. He's sort of a roadblock."
 Sara: "Hey! Leave Kenzen out of this!" >:(
Taiha: "Oh, OHHHHH!!! TRUST me, he is ALL yours. Can't believe how obsessed you are with that dreadful man. The only good quality he has is that Grey supposedly is in love with him! Anyone Grey likes has some worth, I suppose."

Sara: "Pft! You're one to talk! You were the one chasing Grey's tail 24/7 in your season!"

Taiha: "Wait. Wai-wai-waiwaiwaiwait. WAIT...... does he actually have a tail?"
Sara: "...what?"
Taiha: "Nothing!"
Sara: "Okay...."
Taiha: "Although just imagine Grey with a tail! Oh my god, most adorable thing EVER!!! I can't even- gosh. What if he was part CAT?! Now THAT would be cute. He'd be like my pet-husband!!"

 Kenneth: "....I'll be your pet-husband...."

Kenneth: "I still have dreams of you Taiha.... Sexy, fierce, wet-"

 Cole: "Dude. Shut up for like... ONCE in your life. Someone really needs to put a sensor on you...."

Kenneth: "You still mad I fucked your girlfriend? That's it, isn't it? Can't believe you're still not over it."

 Brianne: "How on earth did I get myself involved in this awful show again?"
Evarrine: "The money they're providing you. Since evidently you need it."
Shayne: "I read she wasn't able to sue the show, so yeah, she still needs the money I assume. Although Brianne, I'm willing to help you out in filing some lawsuits against this show, they too have exploited me time and time again. They go out of their way to torture me-"
Production Woman: "Hey hey hey!! Less talky about suing, and more talky about how much you hate each other!! Yes? Good. Because this is television gold."

Shayne: "Notice how she didn't reject the fact that they've intentionally been toying with my fears and psychological problems. It's human abuse, we could definitely take them to court-"
Brianne: "I may be in love with you."



"What did she say?"


 "Say what now?"



 Brianne: "I didn't mean it! It just came out!"

Sara: "Like the time you 'accidentally' kissed Kenzen?"
Brianne: "Precisely correct."
Sara: "Stay away from my man. He's mine."

Brianne: "I'm a proper woman, he wouldn't want the likes of you! You're just the same as Taiha; an annoying, obnoxious fan girl who can't take NO for an answer!!
.... Oh dear. I'm starting to lose my mind again. This show has a tendency to do that. I must refrain from further conversation here. I need to keep my dignity. I'm only here to accept the few thousand dollars I get from it. I didn't mean to get involved in petty arguments and all this drama once more. I apologize."

 Cole: "I think it might be a good idea if we all just stopped quarreling and got to the mission. This is The Mole, after all. Not The Jerry Springer show."

 Gregory: "You're the cohosts... Do something! Never seen such a dysfunctional family of people before..... ALIEN FAMILY! ...wait, no, that can't be right."
Kenneth: "You remind me of Thomas. I like you. Wanna be my wing-man?"
Taiha: "Not this again.... No more distractions people! Let's get down to business now.... This mission is called "20 Questions", and is worth 240 points."

Kenneth: "It's played exactly like the game with the same name. Us four cohosts know the answer, and will attempt to correctly answer all your questions. Your goal is to figure out what we have in mind. And it can be anything. I mean, like, anything. Like possibly even sexual-"
Brianne: "-moving on. Each person gets 5 questions to ask. These first 20 questions will be free to ask; however, once everyone has asked their free 5 questions, each additional question will cost the group 40 points, and each guess made will cost the group 20 points."

Taiha: "You're allowed to ask questions in any order; pay attention to each question asked and try not to repeat similar type questions.... unless you're trying to sabotage the mission, but that's up to you. You can guess whenever, by the way; but remember this does count as one of your 5 initial 'questions'. This mission ends when either the 240 points runs out, or someone correctly identifies the 'thing' we have in our mind."
Cole: "And you didn't forget about the exemption, did you? This mission holds the season's final exemption. This is highly valuable, since it gives you a ticket to the finale- of course, if you're the Mole, like I was, you have no need for this safety. But for those interested.... The person who first solves the riddle and gets the answer right, will earn this final exemption. This might cause some unintended sabotaging, since players don't want to ask all the questions and let someone else use this info and be able to guess it right first. Ooh, how much I miss sabotaging others!!"

 All 4 Co-hosts: "START!!"

 [All the following questions were actually asked by the respective creators of each player]
"Is it a person?"
Taiha: "No" 
"Is it a Mole?"
Taiha: "No"

"Is it alive?" 
Brianne: "No"

"Is it a food?"  
Kenneth: "No"

"Is it a common household object?"
Cole: "No"

"Is it one of the objects that used in either the time capsule mission from this season or the Words is a Man's Best Friend mission from season 2?"
Taiha: "Kitten Christ...No"

"Is it a place?"
Brianne: "No"
"Is it found outdoors?"
Brianne: "...Yes"

"Is it an object of nature?"
Cole: "No"

"Is it a UFO?"
Taiha: "No"

"Is it related to any of this season's The Mole contestants?"
Cole: "That's irrelephant.... Sorry. I mean Irrelevant. Too subjective to answer"

"Is it a famous landmark?"
Kenneth: "No"

"Is it a type of plant?"
Cole: "No"

"Is it mobile?"
Kenneth: "Yes"

"Is it a boat?"
Cole: "No"

"Is it a helicopter?"
Taiha: "No"
"Does it have wheels?"

Kenneth: "No" 

"Can it be used by children?"
 Brianne: "Yes" 
"Is it a ball?"
Brianne: "No" 

 "Is it a toy?"
Kenneth: "Yes"

 Cole: "All 20 questions have been asked!!"
Taiha: "We now enter the danger zone. Any question now will cost you dearly. Be smart with what you ask."
Brianne: "Everyone gets 3 additional questions per 3 minutes."
Kenneth: "Remember: Additional questions will cost 40 points, while a guess is 20 points. Obviously a question is worth more since it further narrows down the possibilities of answers."
Taiha: "GO!!"

Sara: "Is it a teddy bear?"
Taiha: "No"
[240 - 20 = 220 points left]

Sara: "Is it something that starts with the first half of the alphabet?"
Taiha: "Yes"
[220 - 40 = 180 points left]

Sara: "Is it a doll?"
Taiha: "No"
[180 - 20 = 160 points left]

 Evarrine: "Hmm... Is it a frisbee? Ya'know, one of those peasant toys. Flying disc or disk or whatever the hell you mortals call it."
 Brianne: "That would be.... CORRECT! And yeah I have no idea what to call that childish thing. Never touched one in my life."

Evarrine: "Excellent. Just excellent. That guarantees me a spot in the finale.... and more time to find my magic!!
Ah! Unicorns! My nightmare is coming true!!"

Brianne: "Wow, you really are crazy. You belong in a mental institute. I thought perhaps it was just an act, but no, now that I've met you in person, I can confirm you really are just insane. And way too full of yourself."
Evarrine: "And you aren't?"
Brianne: "I'm entitled to certain privileges, yes. But you think you own the whole human race. You're living in a fantasy world."

Evarrine: "I BELONG in a fantasy world, yes. I do not belong in this dump of a place. Hope you enjoy living and dying here. Ha. Your ignorance of the other existing realms highly amuses me."

 Brianne: "Must be nice to be clinically insane. You can create the world as you imagine and pay no heed to others."
Taiha: "Wrong. My brother, Remy. Remember him? Yeah, his life isn't exactly a walk in the park. You can't make generalizations like that. But I'm not saying Evarrine isn't one crazy bitch. Because she is."
Kenneth: "Ladies, ladies, no need to throw any hissy fits! I know how much you enjoy unsheathing your claws and taking stabs at each other, but COME ON!"
Taiha: " it just me or did he have multiple references to cats? I think I may just pick up on those things more. Hm."
Cole: "Nope, I definitely heard it too, and I also heard the sexual puns and suggestions as well. He's a sick, sick man."
Kenneth: "You know, I'm right here!"

Brianne: "Honestly, no one quite cares."
Kenneth: "Whatever. I'm leaving. That was easy money."

 *loud tearing sound can be heard*
Taiha: "What was that?"
Brianne: "Uh... NOTHING!"

Kenneth: "Hey Sara... Here's my number. Once you're out of here and want to have a little fun sometime, call me up. We could arrange some type of meeting, I know we live on opposite sides of the country, but we can make it work."
 Brianne: "Must flee! I have.... important things to take care of! Like my garden!"

*another ripping sound can be heard*
Brianne: "Ah!! How atrocious! This is the worst moment of my life! How terribly embarrassing!"
*tries to hide tear on the back of her skirt*

Cole: "Wow. Can't say I'm surprised, Kenneth. I was wondering when you'd start hitting on her too."

 Kenneth: "What can I say, can't miss out on a potential opportunity! I don't like letting the good ones get away."

Kenneth: "Call me!"
Sara: "Ooh, ooh, like that song, 'Call me maybe!' .... LOVE that song!"
Kenneth: "No songs. Just call me."
Sara: "Oh, okay. I won't though... I'm marrying Kenzen. So I can't cheat on him with you. Sorry."
Kenneth: "Harsh, but okay. Good luck with that. Same crazy as Taiha. Wow."

Gregory: "....Tell me again why we needed 4 cohosts to host this mission?"
Shayne: "That's what I was thinking."
Sara: "Kenzen could have easily hosted this all by himself. Goes to show how GREAT of a host and a person he is!!"
Evarrine: "They wanted the confrontations, and that's what they got. Clever fools."
Gregory: "That would be an oxymoron."
Evarrine: "An oxy-what?"
Gregory: "An oxy-.... what you are. A moron."
Shayne: "I thought she was an alien?"
Gregory: "Hush! Number one rule of preventing an alien attack; get them to think you're oblivious to their existence! So you can surprise attack them!!"
Evarrine: "This alien thing is really getting old."
Shayne: "You're really getting old."
Evarrine: "It's true. I am old. Thanks for pointing out the obvious."
Production Woman: "Do you guys ever stop talking?!?! The episode needs to end. Like, yesterday, it needed to end. So no more talking. Thanks. Say goodbye now! ... oh too late.

 *             *             *

[140/240 points earned in this mission]


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