Sunday, February 16, 2014


.:: DAY 22 ::.
"So, today, I am planning to  play along with tricking Evarrine into believing that we have magical powers. I will tell her that I am a seer as seers have normal hair colors. I will tell her that she will have a very dark future. So dark that not even a bit of happiness will happen in Evarrine's future. However, if Evarrine wants to prevent the darkness from happening in Evarrine's future, she will have to start being nice to everybody including me. I hope that this plan works as I kinda done with Evarrine's bullshit."

Sara: "Come forth!"
Evarrine: "Huh?!"

Sara: "I said... Come forth!"

Evarrine: "...Sara?? What do you think you are doing in my room?! I banished you from this place a fortnight ago!"

Sara: "Evarrine, it was like.... 3 days ago. And you didn't 'banish' me, I left on my own will."

Evarrine: "Really? It felt like an eternity ago. I guess I have just been enjoying the pleasures of solitude more with you not present, thank the gods for that!! And... things are just so terribly dull in this miserable village. There's nothing to do. No people to rule over, no peasants to kill for my entertainment, no horses to ride, no grand festivals and balls hosted by yours truly, no... nothing! Time drags on forever here."

Sara: "That's nice. Now get in the igloo. I have matters to discuss with you."
Evarrine: "If you think I'm going to degrade myself by getting on all fours to crawl in there and join you in a petty conversation, you are sadly mistaken."
Sara: "I'm a Seer."
Evarrine: "Excuse me?!?"
Sara: "I am a Seer. 

Evarrine: "A Seer.... I.... I can't believe it!"

 Sara: "I know it might be hard to accept. But if you come in I'll give you some answers."
Evarrine: "I.... Alright. I'm coming in."

Evarrine: "Arrrgh, stupid, blasted icicles!!!"

Sara: "Welcome, Evarrine."

Sara: "You may proceed. Have a seat, if you wish."

 Evarrine: "What is this nonsense? Don't try and act all high and mighty. I refuse to obey your demands. I'm standing. I'm not going to bow down to you if that's what you're seeking. Now. I want answers. Are you really a Seer?"

Sara: "Yes, I am. Why do you doubt me?"

Evarrine: "I haven't met a Seer in.... years. The last Seer I've spoken to was.... my granddaughter, actually."
Sara: "I can prove it if you wish."
Evarrine: "No, no, I believe you. It's all starting to make sense. The prophecy, how you were able to share in the others' magic. Only the most powerful of Seers can actually extract magical properties from others- without actually stealing them, which is my specialty. I'd much rather steal than share."

 Evarrine: "So if you truly are a Seer, of which I have little doubt.... You must tell me. What does my future foretell?? Do I gain my magic back? Do I make it back to my homeland? Do I regain my previous prestige and power and rule over Brendale once more?!?"

 Sara: "No, no, not at all, my dear Evarrine. You're not on a path to power. Rather, you're on a path to utter misery. No good fortune is in your future, all I can see in my visions is more and more misfortune, and on your part, not the lives of those below you. In fact, those you often refer to as 'peasants' and 'fools' will rise above you and punish you for all the years of torment you have given them. You will be completely powerless, and you can do nothing to stop this endless cycle, not even taking your own life. You're immortal. There's no way out. Just a tragically long, lonely, dark, never-ending life of misery and suffering. There's no hope for you."

Sara: "However....."

Evarrine: "....however what?!"

Sara: "However. This 'curse' cast by the gods you have angered, are willing to alleviate this spell if you manage to save and redeem your soul."
Evarrine: "And how must I accomplish this?"

Sara: "You must cleanse your soul of all evil. Of every bad intention, evil thought, or cruel desire you might possess. The source of your salvation is somewhere hidden and you only have a limited amount of time to seek it out and wash away your sins and be reborn again. And once you do, the path to regaining your magic, and thus, the path to your glorious future, will suddenly become clear and much easier to traverse.
But, if you fail this task, your future will be darker than the darkest corner of the Earth.
'Dark is a way and light is a place'.... I have seen your past, and you don't want your future to be the same constant pathway towards darkness. The past is the past; but you can still change your future."

Evarrine: ".... I understand now. I must find the light to be restored to my former ruling. Light is not necessarily the essence of peace and joy; it can represent vast power and immense control. It's darkness that's overpowering my spirit.....
 I must find the light."

.:: DAY 23 ::.

Kaita: "Ooh, I love that bathroom! It's so high-tech and... spy-ee, I guess."

Gregory: "Quite frankly, the doors remind me of something you'd see in a UFO. But that's just me."

 Shayne: "Okay, so what's the scoop? Did Evarrine fall for our plan yesterday?"

Kaita: "Yes, she definitely bought it! She believes we all possess some kind of magical energy somehow. And she really thinks I can read minds.... Now, I just need to tell her who the "Mole" is... sooooooo..... any suggestions?"

Shayne: "Uhhhh.... Well, we need to find a false Mole, right? Someone we can trust should volunteer."
Gregory: "Yeah...."
Kaita: "Uh-huh...."


 Gregory: "Me! I volunteer as tribute!"

Kaita: "You sure about that decision?"
Shayne: "Pretty bold move dude.... Whether or not you're the Mole!"

Gregory: "You guys can trust me. I want that alien scum gone more than the both of you combined!! This is our chance to finally see her executed. Tell her it's me. Tell Evarrine I'm the Mole."

Kaita: "Okay... we're trusting you here, Gregory."

Shayne: "I would have volunteered myself if no one else had, by the way...."
Gregory: "Good to know."

 Kaita: "Yeah, but by doing so, you're ruining your own game. Because that's one less suspect for the rest of us.... assuming you're telling the truth, that is."

Gregory: "Hey.... what if Evarrine is the Mole??"

Kaita: "Impossible. There's no way. I talked to her quite extensively when we were coalition partners.... She's all about uncovering the Mole, and winning the prize at the end."

Gregory: "True.... but what if she's just been acting all long? I mean, she's been acting as a human all this time, so why can't she pretend to be a regular contestant too?! It makes total sense. Alien, aka Mole, disguised as human. Best strategy ever."

Shayne: "That WOULD be an interesting twist if she was just an actress after all this time..... that's a mind-blowing idea! I can't even comprehend."

Kaita: "Neither can I.... Evarrine is Evarrine. She couldn't possibly have been lying to us after all this time.... could she?"

 *moments before the quiz....*

Shayne: "Alright, who's driving? I'm not driving this time, I drove last time!"
Sara: "Fine, give me the keys, I'll drive!"

Kaita: "Hey, Evarrine!"
Evarrine: "What is it?"

 Kaita: "I realized that you've been pretty fair to me this whole game, and we were friends once. 
And finally with my powers back, I can suddenly read minds again- and I can say with confidence that Greg is the Mole. I'm fairly confident about this."

Evarrine: "You think Gregory is the Mole?!"
Kaita: "Huh hush, they might hear you! We don't want them thinking we're working together again...."
Evarrine: "I don't give a damn what they think!"

 Evarrine: "You think you can try and fool me, Kaita! I don't know what your intentions are, but something seems off here. I'm suspecting you even more now. You could be telling the truth; or you could be lying. If only I could read your mind to tell which one it was...."

Kaita: "Ha! Classic Evarrine. Always counting on herself instead of accepting help from others, as you see it as a "weakness", which is the farthest from the truth.  Good luck with that."

Evarrine: "Hmm....."

Evarrine: "Do I believe the mind-reader or not? So many decisions, so little time....."

 *           *           *

The Quiz is next....

1. Is the Mole, male or female?
a) Male
b) Female

2. How many letters are in the Mole's first name?
a) 4
b) 5
c) 6
d) 7
e) 8

3. In the mission, "Cryptic Digits", in what order did the Mole go in to tell Kenzen his/her number?
a) 1st
b) 2nd
c) 3rd
d) 4th
e) 5th

4. How many digits did the Mole use in their selected number?
a) 1
b) 4
c) 5
d) 6

5. How many answers did the Mole guess correctly?
a) 4
b) 2
c) 1
d) 0
6. Who is, the Mole?
a) Shayne Holmes
b) Gregory Plaice
c) Kaita Blake
d) Sara Vesela
e) Evarrine Roland


7. Is the Mole's Accomplice male or female?
a) Male
b) Female

8. Describe the primary rationale behind the MA's number choice
a) Spelled out first name of contestant by solving the hidden code.
b) Date that signified an important historic event to the contestant.
c) Date which contestant remembers longing for at a younger age.
d) Represented the contestant's arrogance and egocentric attitude.
e) Literally spelled out a main aspect of the contestant's personality.

9. Has this week's FINAL Accomplice ever been the Mole's Accomplice before?
a) Yes
b) No

10. Who is the last Mole's Accomplice of the season?
a) Shayne Holmes
b) Gregory Plaice
c) Kaita Blake
d) Sara Vesela
e) Evarrine Roland

 *           *           *


KENZEN: "Erm. You guys sorta missed the stairs... yeah. Wrong way there. Clearly, since, you know, you're currently going through some bushes.... Oh forget it, you imbeciles! Just come over and sit down already."

KENZEN: "Finally managed to fit just one row of seats out here.... This season sure is starting to wrap up!"

KENZEN: "You guys know the drill. Let's just get right to it. Shayne's exempt. Green, you're good. Red.... it's bye-bye for you!"

KENZEN: "Let's begin.... with....."


KENZEN: "Evarrine."

KENZEN: "Kaita."

KENZEN: "I'm sorry, Kaita, but you have been executed. Please say your goodbyes and follow me to the van awaiting you."

Kaita: "Bye everyone. It's been real."

Evarrine: "She should have never broken up our coalition. The foolish girl."
Shayne: "Hm. Not sure how I feel anymore. I feel so numb. You'd think each consecutive execution would get harder and harder. But no. It's getting easier and easier, actually. Like murdering people. The more you do it, the easier it gets..... okay, that was a bad analogy...."
Sara: "I get what you're saying, Shayne, that it's just yet another person gone. But I still feel great pain. Kaita was such an awesome person. And still is an awesome person!"
Gregory: "Agreed. It's too bad she can't finish this journey with us, but that's the nature of this game. What a shame, I really liked her too. I trusted her a lot up until the end.... I knew I was right to trust her. She will be missed."

KENZEN: "So. Any last words?"

 Kaita: "Eh. What can I say? It was a long, hard journey, but I had fun. I miss my work back in the UK. I'm excited to go back. I was somewhat neglected of technology and my gadgets here on this show, so going back to my workstation in the MI6 HQ will be nice."

 KENZEN: "Well, it was nice having you on the show. And between you and me, you were my favorite contestant this season. Though.... I guess that isn't between just you and me now.... But it's a shame you couldn't win, but hey, at least you got this far, right?? 4th place isn't bad. You did pretty darn well."
Kaita: "Thanks Kenzen." :-)

"There's your van! So long, Kaita Blake!"

 Kaita: "So long! But don't worry.... I'll be back!"
KENZEN: "If you mean for Finale night, then yes."

KENZEN: "Mole's Accomplice time!! Will the real MA please stand up...."


Sara: "ME!! It was me for the first time!!! Hehee!"

KENZEN: "Yep, it was you. Glad you remembered."

 KENZEN: "Since you skated by mostly unnoticed, you get all the points you earned into your personal pot. Congrats."

KENZEN: "And as you guys know already..... Sara was our LAST Mole's Accomplice of the season!! That's right, this season's twist has finally come to an end. I quite enjoyed it if I do say so myself. Added a nice extra layer of fun and strategy to the game. It will be missed. 
I'll be running some errands during the next mission, so we'll be having some guest co-hosts do it instead. So that should be fun.
Well, anyway, get some good sleep tonight, contestants. Or don't. I don't really care either way."

 *           *           *


KENZEN: "Err..... Kaita? What are you doing back??"

Evarrine: "What is SHE doing here?!"

 KENZEN: "Kind of in the middle of finding out who the MA was... You're ruining the moment here."

Kaita: "Oh, don't worry, I won't be long. I just wanted to say that I'm NOT a vampire! It was just a disguise to cover up my TRUE identity..... for beneath this pale skin, lies....."
KENZEN: "Please don't say black skin, please don't say black skin...."
Kaita: "Say what?!"
KENZEN: "Oh, nothing! Just the way you were going with that made it sound like you actually have black skin under there or something.... I was afraid you were Nocturne in disguise again.... And you know what I'd have to do then. I'd have to shoot you."
Kaita: "Erm. No. I was just going to say that I have blood under my skin. Not vampire blood, or black blood, or plasma, or whatever the hell the steroetypical vampire blood is. I just have regular, normal blood, and I just happen to have shiny skin and eyes. That's all."

 KENZEN: "Well, I'm glad you finally addressed that, because I was never sure whether or not- ... wait, where'd she go?!?!"

 Picture of the Evil Queen for everyone's enjoyment:

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