Sunday, February 2, 2014


 Mole Video:

.:: DAY 20 ::.

"Evarrine is such a b*tch. She told me that my relentless fighting is over because both of my friends have been executed. Well, at least, I ACTUALLY HAVE FRIENDS. Plus, still I got Kenzen here. I believe in a little thing called karma and I believe Evarrine will get some karma in the end."

Sara: "Do you actually think Kaita's plan is going to work?"
Shayne: "I can't say for sure. It's a pretty crazy plan... But Evarrine is pretty crazy, so I guess it fits."

Sara: "So talk this through me again. Evarrine's going to come running in here, trying to find me, and we're just going to pretend like we're tending the garden? Because....why?"
 Shayne: "Long story short- Evarrine believes people with an unnatural hair color possess magical properties. Apparently, in Evarrine's mind, people with green hair are extraordinarily good green thumbs, people with orange hair can talk to electronics and control them with their mind, and those with pink hair-"
Sara: "-can read minds."

Shayne: "Correct. And if Greg, Kaita, and I all suddenly show control of these powers, Evarrine will assume magic has been restored. With magic restored, she can finally get Kaita, a "mind reader", to tell her who the true Mole is. And thus, by feeding her false knowledge, we will be able to get Evarrine executed next."

Sara: "Sounds like a well thought out plan, but if Evarrine believes magic is back, couldn't she just do that thing where she takes others powers? Once she realizes she can't successfully do this, she'll know her supposed magic isn't really back after all...."

Shayne: "Well, that's where you come in. But Kaita will fill you on the details later, Evarrine is coming right now!! So get ready."

Evarrine: "Where's the little wretchling?! I've searched the entire house and can't find the pathetic mortal anywhere. She must be hiding in here. Show yourself!"

Sara: "Uhhh.... right over here, Evarrine."
Evarrine: "Ah! There you are, you repulsive creature! What do you think you're doing in here?! Are you speaking with my dear friend Shayne here?"
Sara: "Of course not!"
Evarrine: "LIAR!"

 Shayne: "Don't worry, your Highness. She wasn't speaking to me at all."

 Evarrine: "Is that so? Then care to explain why she's in here? Because if I recall correctly, when she most fortunately left me to be alone in the Winter Room, she moved to the so-called Summer Room. She has no reason to be in here."

Shayne: "She's helping me tend the plants, that's all."

Evarrine: "The plants?! Since when- wait.... Have you always tended the plants before??"
Shayne: "No, I think the production team did. They haven't been doing it lately, and since it never rains in here.... the plants are beginning to die. Fortunately I'm here to take care of them!"

Sara: "I'm not much of a gardener.... admittedly, I'm sort of a red thumb- I kill everything I touch! But overnight my thumb has grown increasingly green- speaking figuratively, of course. I finally feel empowered!!
...what's up, Evarrine? You look really flustered about something."

Evarrine: "I-.... it's nothing. I need to think. Excuse me."

 Shayne: "Yes, of course, Your Majesty."

Shayne: "Phew. If it takes kissing her ass to keep her off my back, I'm willing to do it."
KENZEN (through intercom): "That sounded disturbingly sexual and admittedly, slightly stimulating....  Carry on."
Production Woman: "I swear, if you interrupt a conversation ONE more time..."
KENZEN: "You'll what? Fire me? Hah!! Do it! ....No seriously, fire me. I'm begging you."
Production Woman: "I can't fire you, but what I CAN do is tell mom the truth about who actually crashed her car that night!"
KENZEN: "NO! You wouldn't dare!"
Shayne: "Uhmm... I think she knows now, since you guys are still talking through the intercom..."

KENZEN: "What?! Not again! Godamnit. Well, that's okay, we won't air this part. No worries."
Production Woman: "You're not in charge of what gets shown and what doesn't! I'll make sure the editing team includes this entire conversation in the show if you ever interrupt with the intercom again! There! Now what do you have to say about that?!"
Sara, Shayne, Gregory, Evarrine, Kaita: "SHUT UP!"

 Sara: "Anyways. Where were we? Oh, yeahh!! The plan to get Evarrine out of the house. Is Gregory in position?"
Shayne: "He should be. I think we already got her thinking, hopefully Gregory can drive the point home!"

Evarrine: "Huh?"

 Gregory: "We're on, I think she's seen me."

 Evarrine: "Is he....? No, it can't be! ....Can it?"

Gregory: "What exactly am I supposed to be doing here?"

Kaita: "What you're doing is fine, just keep talking to the tv, make it look like you're communicating to it somehow. I'll just keep changing the channels, so don't physically touch the tv at all."

 Gregory: "Great. Like I'm changing the channels with my mind? Is Evarrine really going to buy that?"
Kaita: "Yes, she will, believe me. She's nuts."
Gregory: "And what exactly am I doing with my hand here?"
Kaita: "Oh, sorry, just move it around or something. Just make sure it doesn't look like you're holding the remote."

Evarrine: "What in the Overlord's name is he doing?? He's clearly altering this 'TV'-or so the mortals call it- through his mind. But how? That's not possible, unless....."

Evarrine: "Finally.... Magic has been restored!"

.:: DAY 21 ::.

 Kaita: "So you understand the plan now, right? Sorry we couldn't fill you in fully before, it's kind of hard to find the chance to talk to you, as I'm sure you know."

Sara: "Yeah, it's fine, I completely understand. Evarrine's been watching me like a hawk! Any opportunity I have to talk to someone is short-lived."
Kaita: "Shh, she's coming! Get ready!!"
Sara: "Exactly my point."

 Evarrine: "Ooh, good morning, Lady Blake, peasant. Not engaging in any conversation, I assume?"
Kaita: "I'm ignoring her, like you wished."

Evarrine: "Good, good. It's unfortunate, my old friend, that we have broken our ties, but I hope we can maintain a mutual respect for each other. And I respect you immensely, especially when you choose to ignore that filth that sits across from you now. She has no class nor honor, and really shouldn't even be sitting at the same table as yourself. She should be on the ground at best, begging you for food in true peasant fashion. Unfortunately, the rules of this despicable show seem to indicate everyone gets an equal share to our food source, so for now, she eats. But she'll be crawling back to her rat hole soon enough."

Sara: "In case you're trying to intimidate me, Evarrine, just know I block you out when you talk and listen to Fall Out Boy music in my head instead. So if you were talking to me I didn't hear anything you just said."

Evarrine: "Do not get yourself too excited, I was blessing Kaita with my speech, not you."

*quiet giggles heard from behind*

Evarrine: "Hmmm...."

*laughing from Sara and Kaita grows louder*

Sara: "HA!!"  *nods head vigorously* 
Kaita: "Heehee!!!!"  *shakes head*  "ahahahahahahha!!"
Evarrine: "I knew it...."

Evarrine: "I KNEW you two were communicating somehow!"
Kaita: "What??"

 Evarrine: "Don't try and fool me! You know I know of your powers, Kaita. You can read minds, as you were just doing with Sara!"
Sara: "Haha, what are you talking about, Evarrine?"
Evarrine: "Silence!"

Evarrine: "Don't you dare lie to me, Kaita. I just heard you two laughing and nodding your heads, clearly you were talking through each others mind. Tell me how you did it. How has magic returned?? This land isn't supposed to have magic, and yet, since the last Execution I've seen you and your fellow magical creatures displaying their magical abilities."
Kaita: "Fine. You got me. But I can't tell you."

 Evarrine: "Can't or won't?"

 Kaita: "....won't. Unless..."
Evarrine: "Unless what??"

Kaita: "You bow down to me. And the others as well. Every time one of us enters the room, you must get down on your knees and worship us."

Evarrine: "That's preposterous. That is never going to happen."
Kaita: "Then I guess you will never know the secret to getting back your magic."

Evarrine: "I don't need you to uncover the secret. I can find it on my own. All I needed to know was that magic has in fact been reimposed. So you have helped me greatly. And once I DO gain back my power, I will have no mercy. On anyone. This show will then become worthless to me, as I will be able to walk upon the streets and demand the whole world to bow before me."

Evarrine: "I may be powerless now, but I will soon rise, gaining more and more power until I conquer this entire land and rise again to my former glory! EVERYONE WILL FEAR ME ONCE AGAIN!  

Sara: "Yeeeah...... good luck with that."

 Evarrine: "I can taste my magic, I can just taste it! It feels so close, but seems... so terribly far away. I don't understood how these mortals have achieved their magic, seemingly out of nowhere! There must have been some type of powerful force preventing the use of magic in this house. What changed?  .....wait, the Execution! When KT was executed, magic was somehow restored.... In theory, it makes sense. Perhaps KT is this so called 'savior' in the prophecy I dreamed of. You see, decades ago, I dreamed of a mysterious and warm-hearted woman appearing. She came when I was at my lowest point, when I had nothing and no power. And the prophecy foretold that at my weakest point, she would overpower the current Queen (myself) in an epic battle of ancient dark and light magic. She would dethrone me and evict me from my Kingdom of Brendale. So, perhaps, this KT is my sworn enemy from the Prophecy? It would explain how she survived taking a knife to the back..... 
But she's been executed. So doesn't that mean I win? But I'm supposed to lose, or so the Prophecy foretells. Though now that I think about it, maybe it doesn't have to do with KT at all. I cursed her the day she was Executed, and up till that point, my curses haven't been working. But the moment that hideous monster Aiden was executed, my curse suddenly worked! So that means.... Aiden was the fool blocking the magic in this land!! He's a man, however, so he can't be the Chosen One from the prophecy. I've always had strong feelings that he was a troll. Perhaps, he was, and if that's true, he must have possessed some type of magical block spell which restricted the use of magic around him. Essentially, he absorbed all magical quantities. 
And now with him gone, magic is beginning to prosper once more. But where's my magic? And how does the peasant named Sara possess magic?? She was healing plants, reading Kaita's mind and conversing with her, and I've seen her manipulating the computer a multitude of times. 
That can only mean one thing. Sara is this supposed Savior. She's gaining more power each day, even borrowing the powers of the other mortals in the house. I don't know where she came from, or how she got here. This can't be her homeland, magic is sparse here! Wherever she comes from, she comes from a despicable peaceful background. She's this so-called "light" that's going to shine away the darkness. But I got news for her. Shadow always overpowers the light. Always.
She's come to try and defeat me. But I won't let her. I'm going to have to destroy her before she destroys me. I will NOT let a peasant such as herself to even achieve NEAR the amount of power and control I possess. To believe she is the one to overthrow is somewhat unbelievable, but I should tread carefully, for most prophecies come true, one way or another."

 KENZEN: "HOLY SMOKES. You talk WAY too much Evarrine. You need to learn when to shut up."
Production Woman: "That's it.... I'm putting our previous conversation in the episode."
KENZEN: "What?!"
Production Woman: "I told you if you interrupt the contestants again, I would do it!"
KENZEN: "....I hate you."
Production Woman: "I know."

 *         *         *

KENZEN: "Welcome to your next mission, contestants. Thanks for having a seat."

"This mission is extremely simple and should go by pretty fast, that's why we're having it here. No need for extravagance."

 "This mission is called 'Cryptic Digits' and is worth 240 points. Basically, you must all privately come up with a single number, doesn't matter how long, to represent, signify, or symbolize you in some way or fashion. Simple at that. Once I got all your numbers, everyone must try and guess the 4 other players' number. For each correct guess, I'll add 12 points to the pot. That means, each person is responsible for 48 points."

"Oh, and, if you guess all 4 correctly, you'll earn yourself an exemption. However, if there's a tie, whoever's number got correctly guessed the most times will win the tie and get the exemption. Whereas in recent missions, you had to sacrifice points to get the exemption, this mission, it goes to whoever contributes the most to the pot."

"And if I seem a bit bland today, that's because today marks the Anniversary of the first day Grey and I met. So that's dampened my mood quite a bit. He's still in jail, for who knows how long, and I'm stuck here instead of being with him. So I apologize if I'm not too enthusiastic today.... although I never really am...."

"We'll go clockwise, so Sara, you're first. I'll give you all 5 minutes to come up with your number. Remember, there is a Mole and possibly a separate MA amongst you, so be careful you're not tricked. Sabotage is bound to happen this mission, and it won't be as easy to detect."

 "Ooooh, I like this room! Very.... blue. Almost as beautiful as my eyes."

 *5 minutes later*

KENZEN: "You're supposed to sit on the opposite couch. Don't you see the camera man pointing his camera in that direction?"
Sara: "Oh yes, I see him! But I just wanted to sit by you and comfort you, I know you're going through some rough times."

 KENZEN: "I'm not in the mood to talk to you. Just tell me your number."
Sara: "I can respect that. Okay, I've thought about it-"
KENZEN: "Obviously."
Sara: "And my number is ___."
KENZEN: "Thanks, you can return to the group now."

KENZEN: "Your number, please?"
Kaita: "I thought you were gay, what do you need my number for?"
KENZEN: "Cute. But you know what I'm talking about."

Kaita: "Well, I had a lot of different numbers in my mind, but I think ___ is my best bet."
KENZEN: "Alright, thanks. Call the next person up."

KENZEN: "Your number? And no, not your phone number."
Gregory: "Well, I'd give it to you if you wanted me to! I don't mind. I'm an open guy."
KENZEN: "What the hell does that mean?"
Gregory: "It means I'm open to anything. Anyone."
KENZEN: "Still not getting it."
Gregory: "I'm bi."
KENZEN: "What?! Those actually exist??"
Gregory: "Errrr yeah. They do. Along with aliens. But let's keep that a secret between you and me."
KENZEN: "Well I guess that's two secrets I'm holding for you now. So, again, what's your number?"
Gregory: "You want my actual number? Because I wouldn't turn you down, you're a pretty attractive dude-"
KENZEN: "Okay, this is getting really weird, coming from you. And no thanks, I'm taken. Now are you going to give me your number for this mission or not?"

Gregory: "Yeah, the number I chose is pretty obvious to me, hopefully it will be to everyone else too. It's ___."
KENZEN: "That'll do. NEXT!"

KENZEN: "Don't tell me you're bi too. Or worse.... an asexual."
Shayne: "Excuse me??"
Production Woman (through intercom): "Really funny, Kenny. Just because I'm asexual doesn't mean you need to make fun of the whole non-sexual community." 
KENZEN: "Look who's interrupting now? Anyway, sorry 'bout that, Shayne. Never mind what I said before. Have you come up with a number yet?"

Shayne: "Yes, I have it. It's ___."
KENZEN: "Great, thanks. Call in the witch-bitch."

KENZEN: "Greetings my Queen."
Evarrine: "Just so you know, I'm closer than ever to gaining my powers back. And once I do, I shall obliterate you and this entire show. I'm only still here because I believe the secret to achieving my magic again lies somewhere in this house."
KENZEN: "Wow. What a nice little story you got going there. Now before I shoot myself in the face out of boredom, please tell me your selected number."

Evarrine: "You're a disgrace to the mortal kind. Although, they never really had much going for them to begin with. My number is ___."
KENZEN: "Really? That's your final number?! Ha! That's hilarious. But I guess it suits you. I was thinking of the number 666 for you, since, well, you're pure evil. But that's just me. Anyways. You may return to the group."

KENZEN: "Here's some paper and pens. You might want to write these numbers down quickly, because I'm only saying them once.
You may begin guessing. No cheating, aka peeking at others, or helping each other out. Please just write the number next to the name of the person you think it corresponds to. You have 30 minutes to try and figure them out, you may use any resource in the house, except each other. Go!"

 *...30 minutes later...*

 KENZEN: "Annnnd we're back. There was a mad dash towards the computers in the study, but eventually everyone got a turn. That was the only resource the contestants used, except their own journal and brain, of course. The camera behind me has footage from previous episodes that may have been helpful, but no one discovered this potentially useful resource. Which is fine, your own logic should have helped you out the most for this mission."

"Let's find out how everyone did, shall we? But first....the answer key!!"

1 = Evarrine
5070 = Shayne
52482 = Kaita
081947 = Gregory
842003 = Sara

Sara's answers:
1 = Evarrine
5070 = Kaita
52482 = Gregory
081947 = Shayne

Kaita's answers:
1 = Gregory
5070 = Sara
081947 = Evarrine
842003 = Shayne

Gregory's answers:
1 = Evarrine
5070 = Sara
52482 = Kaita
842003 = Shayne

Shayne's answers: 
1 = Evarrine
52482 = Kaita
081947 = Gregory
842003 = Sara

Evarrine's answers: 
5070 = Kaita
52482 = Shayne

081947 = Gregory
842003 = Sara

KENZEN: "I'll leave it up to speculation on why each of the contestants chose the number they did. But you may all freely discuss this, along with why you chose the answers you did, once I leave. Because I don't feel like hearing this nonsense, and I've had enough of numbers for one day."

"Before I go back to my cold and empty house, I must mention that someone successfully got all their answers right. That person is Shayne! Congratulations. You earned yourself an exemption. Not bad. Even though you may have partly guessed and lucked out, some knowledge and skill was required. So good job."

Shayne: "Woop-woop."

KENZEN: "Altogether 9 answers were correct, so that's 108 points added to the pot. That means, 132 points are going to go into the Mole's Accomplice's personal pot instead. Not too bad, considering the fact at least one of you is a saboteur. The group actually did pretty good.... for once....
 Make sure you record all of this mission's results and details in your journal. You all should be studying your journals carefully, we're getting down to the wire now. If you still have no idea who the Mole is, you're in trouble. Now's the time to really step it up and find that bastard once and for all. It's like finding a rainbow. It may seem like an impossible task, but then suddenly you find it, and all you gotta do is cross over to the other side and discover the pot of gold waiting for you."  ;-)

  *            *            *

Current Pot
Mole's Earnings: 918
Winner's Earnings: 614

{shown above}

Number Reasoning [from creator]
Evarrine (1): Represents her arrogance; she believes she's #1
Shayne (5070): Spells "SOLO", Shayne is a lone wolf
Kaita (52482): Using a modern phone dial, this literally spells out "Kaita"
Gregory (081947): Date of the Roswell Incident, which is also where Gregory resides
Sara (842003): Date that Fall Out Boy released their single "Grand Theft Autumn"

You can find the real life mission here:

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