Saturday, January 18, 2014


Mole Video:

.:: DAY 18 ::.

"So, I have asked Aiden and KT if I can sleep in the summer room. I don't want to sleep in a room with Evarrine. They gladly said Yes. Thank god for that as I no longer have to sleep in a room with Evarrine. Now, Evarrine will have to sleep in a room by herself."

"I thought I had experienced atrocities on this show before, but that last mission! I simply cannot believe that I was forced to endure an entire night in a chain! Me, Evarrine, reduced to a powerless role of waiting- and those fools would not even let me claim my rightful exemption. Only that would have eased the indignity of being chained against my will! But the worst of it is when, in my vulnerable state, I uttered the most... humiliating of words to that insufferable host. I shudder to remember. I said... things I dare not repeat, lest I suffer the humiliation again! Never again will I let this joke of a show get to me! No, I vow from this moment on to do my very best to show everyone who is the Queen in this house, including the host. He may think he has the power, but I won't let him make me miserable anymore! He will rue the day he tried to humiliate me, the mightiest of all powers! My magic may be unfortunately missing, and I may have had a moment of weakness, but I am still a force to be reckoned with! Mwahahaha!"

 Sara: "Moooohahaha!"


Evarrine: "AHHHHHHHHHH!!!"

 Sara: "Ahahahh!!! -oh, shit! She's coming!"
Evarrine: "YOU. YOU DID THIS!!"
Sara: "Uh oh."

 Sara: "RUN!!!"

 Evarrine: "Get back here vermin!"

"I kinda wanted to get some revenge on Evarrine for having me kiss her shoe. Right before I went into the Mole house, my co-worker named Emmet who is known for pulling pranks decided to give some fake poo to bring with me on the Mole in case I wanted to prank anybody. So, I have decided to use this opportunity to prank Evarrine. Since I moved to the summer room, I have decided to leave the fake poo in the cabin while she wasn't in the cabin. After Evarrine saw the fake poo, I saw her running out of that cabin  freaking out. That's what you get for having me kiss your shoe."


 Sara: "Guys, quick, hide me!"

 KT: "You right, Sara?"

 Sara: "No, I need to hide somewhere, Evarrine's going to kill me!!"
Aiden: *snoring loudly*  "....what can a goose do that a duck can't do and a lawyer should do?..... Stick his bill up his ARSE!!! Arhahahah!!  Zzzzzz....."

 KT: "Stop your blubbering, Evarrine's always threatening to kill someone. Did you hear she told off a guy from the camera crew? He was following her around for awhile and she finally lashed out at him and threatened to murder his family!"

 Sara: "No, I'm seriously screwed. The witch-bitch charged at me!"
KT: "Hey, I know she's terrible, but it's not necessary to call her names like that."

 Evarrine: "WHERE IS SHE?!"

  KT: "That was a rather dramatic entrance...."
Evarrine: "HA! Got you trapped!"

 Evarrine: "Now. Care to explain that little stunt you pulled back in the cabin?"
Sara: "...."
Evarrine: "HEY! I'm talking to you!!"

Sara: "I didn't do anything!"
Evarrine: "Don't lie to my face foolish girl."
Sara: "I'm not lying!! your face."
Aiden: "Zzzzz..... HngGGggh-Ppbhww..... Huh??"

 KT: "Evarrine, what did she do? How do you know it was her?"
Evarrine: "She placed stool on my pillow! And she was waiting outside the door, anticipating my reaction!"
Sara: "It wasn't real, you idiot!"

 Evarrine: "Excuse me?! How DARE you!" 

*shoves Sara*

 Sara: "Ackk!!"

 Aiden: "Wha-......Wuz goin' on ovah here??"

Sara: "Oww!"

KT: "Sara!!"
Evarrine: "YOU SEE! I don't need my magic to sustain my power!! I barely touched the girl and she went flying through the air!"

 KT: "Evarrine, I can't believe you just did that!"

Evarrine: "You are so ignorant of the world KT, it makes me sad."

 Aiden: "An' you make mah ANGREH! You be wut my folk calls a bulleh! You ain't have NO spot in da heavens!!"

Evarrine: "I forgot of your people's religion. All this heaven and hell nonsense. Moronic mortal concepts, that's what it is!"
KT: "I'm getting REAL tired of you harassing us, Evarrine. You should leave. Now. Before things get any worse."

 Evarrine: "I'm not going anywhere. Don't try and tell me what to do. If anything I should be telling YOU what to do. You all seem to underestimate my wrath and power."

 KT: "You okay, Sara?"

Sara: "Yeah, I'm fine, thanks. Luckily I just fell on sand. My shoes are ruined though...."

 KT: "You're despicable Evarrine, you know that?"
Evarrine: "I know that quite well, yes. And I'm rather proud of this achievement. It's an honor in the Roland family line."

Evarrine: "....You need something or are you just going to stand there staring at me? Because I could use a glass of wine."

KT: "You think you run this place. You think you are the queen of the castle who's better than everyone else and can order them around."
Evarrine: "....But I can, and I am! Shut up now peasant, and fetch me my wine."
KT: "No."
Evarrine: "No?"
KT: "NO."
Evarrine: "No to your first no, or do you mean a yes to your original no claim?"

KT: "NO! I will NOT fetch you anything!!"

Evarrine: "Sure you will, and if you don't, you will never live to see-"


Evarrine: "HUH!?!?"

Sara: *gasp*
Aiden: "Well I'll be!" :O

Evarrine: "YOU! You... you-....."

Evarrine: "I- I CANNOT be-believe that YOU...... didn't expect such.... INTOLERABLE behavior...... TO THE Q-QUEEN!! Inconceivable!"

Aiden: "Is dis da same KT dat I knows?!"

 Evarrine: "....You will live to regret this, mark my words!! You are cursed for ETERNITY!"

KT: *cracks fingers*  "That got the job done!"
KT: "Oh no...."

*            *            *

.:: DAY 19 ::.

Gregory: "Gahhh, damn you!!"
Kaita: "Hate the game, not the playah!"

 Kaita: "SCORE! Oh yeah, who's on top of the leader board NOW?!"

Gregory: "Drats.... one more round!? Please!"

Shayne: "Hey guys."
Kaita: "Oh, hey there, Shayne! Why don't you come join us?"

Gregory: "Yeah, I need all the help I can get to take you down!!"

 Shayne: "Is the round just starting?"
Gregory: "Yes, quick, get a controller and jump in!"

Shayne: "Haha alright. I miss playing video games, I feel like I haven't played one in ages!! I just.... haven't been in the mood, I guess...."
Kaita: "That's understandable."
Shayne: "Yeah.... anyway, can you guys believe what KT did yesterday??"

 Gregory: "Not at all! KT, punching someone in the face?! No way! Even if it WAS Evarrine, I would never expect KT to do such a thing."

 Kaita: "Yeah, too bad we missed it! Everyone else was in the room when it happened. That sure would have been a sight to see.... Evarrine punched in the face... Priceless!"

Gregory: "How are we ever going to top that?!"
Kaita: "I don't know.... We'll break her eventually, though I wasn't expecting KT as an ally, haha. What she did was physical; that's only going to make Evarrine more mad. If we continue to mess with her brain, ruin her MENTALLY, she has to break at some point."

 Shayne: "What in the world are you two talking about?!"
Gregory & Kaita: "Nothing!"

 Shayne: "Well, it's better I stay out of it. I don't want anything to do with Evarrine, I don't need anymore drama, especially after I got drunk the other day and embarrassed myself in the mission.... I'm hoping they're going to edit me out a bit, that would be nice."
KENZEN (through intercom): "Why.... the HELL, would we do that?! Your drunken state is absolutely HYSTERICAL!"
Shayne: "...."

 Gregory: "Well, the execution is tonight. You two at all nervous?"
Shayne: "A little bit, I guess."
Kaita: "I'm not! Bring it on!"

*            *            *


1. Is the Mole, male or female?
a) Male
b) Female

2. What is the dominant color in the Mole's undermost layer of upperwear?
a) White
b) Green
c) Pink
d) Red
e) Purple
f) Black

3. In the mission, "Jail Break", in which order was the Mole standing, left to right, from Kenzen's point of view?
a) 1st
b) 2nd
c) 3rd
d) 4th
e) 5th
f) 6th
g) 7th

4. Did the Mole at any point during the mission use the key to free his/her self from their chain?
a) Yes   
b) No

5. Was the Mole among the three who stayed chained up together all through the night?
a) No
b) Yes

6. Who is, the Mole?
a) Shayne Holmes
b) Aiden Hicks
c) Gregory Plaice
d) Kaita Blake
e) KT!
f) Sara Vesela
g) Evarrine Roland


7. Is the Mole's Accomplice male or female?
a) Male
b) Female

8. In what order did the MA approach the box?
a) 1st
b) 2nd
c) 3rd
d) The MA never had the opportunity to reach the box.

9. Has this week's Accomplice ever been the Mole's Accomplice before?
a) Yes
b) No

10. Who is the Mole's Accomplice for this week?
a) Shayne Holmes
b) Aiden Hicks
c) Gregory Plaice
d) Kaita Blake
e) KT!
f) Sara Vesela
g) Evarrine Roland


KENZEN: "Welcome back to your beachy execution area, contestants!! I must admit, I opted for something a bit more.... spectacular, after the awesome execution ship in Sunlit Tides. I'm jealous that Crook guy got to execute you imbeciles by making you jump the ship, and I'm stuck here watching you guys drive away in a van. How boring in comparison."

 Sara: "Hey Kenzie-poo!"
KENZEN: "Shut the **** up. We have business to attend to."
Sara: "...okay."

KENZEN: "AS I was saying, our tradition here is a bit boring for my tastes. I argued for something a bit more fun for next season, but I won't be hosting again next season- not because I got fired, but because I QUIT- so I don't think any change will be made. Who knows. We'll see! But maybe this season I can still make you guys jump off a bridge or something....."

 "AHAHA, anyways! Let's get this execution started. I'm excited for this one. Oh how much I've missed this."

"If your screen turns green, you stay alive another day. HOWEVER, if your screen turns red, well..... ADIOS, AMIGO!!
Now, let's start with...... Aiden, my favorite hillbilly!"


Aiden: "Awww, SHUCKS!"

 KENZEN: "Oh god, this is the real awkward part.... How do I say this? Uhm, well, Aiden, yes, you are executed, but you won't be entering the van alone. Because tonight is a DOUBLE-ELIMINATION!! YES! MY FAVORITE!"

 KENZEN: "My welcome home gift to you all is this double elimination. Best present ever, right?? Thought so. Aiden, please leave the area now. Once he exits, this execution ceremony will continue, and another player will be eliminated from the game. HEE-HEE!! I can barely contain my excitement!!! EEK!"

 KENZEN: "Uhmmm.... you're going the wrong way.....Aiden. Aiden? YOU'RE GOING THE WRONG- gahh, whatever, production can deal with that one."

KENZEN: "Now. Where were we?"

 "Ah, yes, the execution continues!! Next up..... Shayne!"



"And the girl wearing the red dress, KT!"

 KT: "That's unfortunate."

 KENZEN: "I'm terribly sorry, KT, but you have been executed. Please join Aiden by the van, your luggage awaits you there."

KT: "Bye everyone! It's been a fun year with you all!!"
KENZEN: "....18 days."
KT: "...yeah, right." ;)

KENZEN: "Any words of excitement now, Sara?"
Sara: "......"
KENZEN: "For once, you are completely speechless!! Haha!"

Sara: "I'm in complete shock. This sucks. Everyone around me is gone! I feel so isolated..."
Shayne: "That's probably because you ARE isolated. There's an entire row behind you in case you weren't aware...."
Kaita: "I can't believe two people just went home! I was NOT expecting a double-elimination this far into the game...."
Gregory: "Poor KT. She didn't deserve that. And Aiden too.... he was a funny guy, I guess, but I'm still onto him.... Ugly my ass! More like.... ALIEN!"
Evarrine: "I fail to understand why you mortals are complaining. You are all here to win, correct? Then stop whining. You just got that much closer to the gold at the end of this wicked thing."

KENZEN: "Well, here we are. Any last words from you, Aiden?"

Aiden: "Imma jus' glad to goes back home in Miss'ippi!! I din't win, bu' dats alwright. A'ways sometin' new aroun' da corner, righ'?!"

KENZEN: "Spoken like a true.... redneck. It's been fun having you this season, Aiden. You were certainly always the butt of the jokes!"
Aiden: "Thanks! .... Wait, you be callin' mah ah BEHIND!?"
KENZEN: >.<  "Just go home now, Aiden. And go read a dictionary while you're at it."

KENZEN: "And you, KT? Anything you're dying to say?"

KT: "Well, I'm not exactly dying to say this, but I think I would have much preferred to have had your hosting position, which is what I came here for. Though, I did have fun playing, and I got past the half way mark, which is further than I thought I would. I know my friends, family, and devoted KT! fans will be proud of me. I'm excited to get back to normal life."

KENZEN: "Haha, and what's 'normal life' for you?"

 KT: "Ermm... constant paparazzi, concerts, and not having to be constantly paranoid about any type of 'Mole', that's for sure!"
KENZEN: "Well, it was nice having you, you were definitely the protagonist of the season! Farewell, KT, and we'll see you and Aiden again on Finale night!!!"

KT: "You ready??"
Aiden: "Me... in da same van as da beautiful KT, fer multiple hours..... HALLELUJAH! THE LORD HAS ANSWERED MY PRAYERS AT LAST!"

 KENZEN: "It's time to yet again reveal the Mole's Accomplice for this week. This week's MA obviously had a huge advantage, seeing as they were automatically safe during a double execution. I almost want to say they deserve some sort of penalty, because it's like they cheated. But, since the selection process was random, everyone had an equal chance of becoming the Accomplice, so this person just lucked out, as does the Accomplice each week."

"That being said, The MA this week went completely undetected without anyone voting for him/her in the quiz. That means they will get ALL 200 points added into their personal pot....
May the Accomplice please stand up and reveal yourself to your fellow contestants."

 Evarrine: "Mwhahhaha.... The power is all MINE! Bet none of you suspected that me, Queen Roland, would rise as the Accomplice again, did you?? I sabotaged that mission to the fullest of my abilities without appearing too obvious, and naturally I succeeded."
KENZEN: "Blah blah blah, Queen this, queen that....."

 Evarrine: "YOU BE QUIET! Or else face my wrath. Your attitude is insufferable and I am dead tired of you thinking you are of higher position than me. The only reason you still breathe in my presence is because if anything happened to you, and I was responsible, I would be evicted from this show, and I simply cannot afford that."

 Evarrine: "A prime example of my immense power has been displayed tonight. I may be without my magic, but do NOT underestimate me. I do not need my magic to crush you all to worthless little pulps like you already are!"

Evarrine: "And Sara, admit defeat. Your relentless fighting is honorable, but you are no match to me. Look to your left. And now your right. Your friends in this game are gone. I have destroyed them, and you stand alone in this deceitful game."

Evarrine: "Listen to this now mortals: Whoever even LOOKS at this poor girl before you ever again, will be promptly annihilated. You all will ignore her from now, a peasant of her class has no worth and deserves no attention from any of you. These are my orders, and I expect you all to obey them. Or else you will be the next player I execute.... Have I made myself clear??"

KENZEN: "....yes, y-your Highness. You have made- aha- made yourself v-very CLEAR." *tries to hold back laughter*
"You are all dismissed! I've had enough of you all for one night."

*            *            *

The Mole has made their mark on 9. Only 4 remain.
Who will make it to end, and who will be the Mole's next victim?

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