Saturday, January 4, 2014


Mole Video:

.:: DAY 16 ::.

 Shayne: "Yay..... and we're back."
Aiden: "It 'bout time!"
Gregory: "I feel like we were on that island forever...."
Kaita: "We practically were!"

 KT: "Sara! What's the rush?"
Sara: "I must find KENZEN!!!"
Evarrine: "Good luck with that, foolish girl. I doubt Kenzen will be in there with open arms, waiting to greet us with fresh baked chocolate cookies in hand."

Everyone: "...."


Evarrine: "Oh, not this dreadful room again.... Though I must admit, I do admire that ice guy over there. And I respect the snowmen, almost acting as faithful guards keeping this place intact. Reminds me a bit of my righteous castle back in Brendale."

Evarrine: "...but it's far too cold out here. I have no potions or spells with me to prevent myself from freezing to death."

Evarrine: "Nice and toasty in here!"

Evarrine: "...and as usual, there's Sara right behind me."

Evarrine: "What do you want, mortal?"

Sara: "What do I want? This is my room too you know. Just because you got a room to yourself in the house back in Sunlit Tides doesn't mean you get one to yourself here as well."

 Evarrine: "Whatever. I guess I can handle your annoying presence for a few more days before you're executed next. What are you staring at?! Stop standing there like a fool."

 Sara: "It's just.... Antoine's gone now. It's so sad. This place isn't the same now. Antoine's spirit filled this entire cabin. It's a bit depressing to be stuck in here with just you."

Evarrine: "Gee, thanks, Sara. Don't hold back on what you're actually feeling. Jeesh."

 Sara: "Sorry, just being honest."

Evarrine: "You need to learn to keep certain things to yourself, especially in the presence of someone of high status such as myself.... I thought you learned this already."
Sara: "Yeah, yeah, sorry, I'll keep it to myself next time."

Evarrine: "Wait, what do you think you're doing? I believe that's my bed. Yours is the one above."

Sara: "Oh, I know. It's just that ever since that time you told me about that fatal day with your husband and son.... I just felt the need to take the bottom bunk!! So if an intruder comes in again, you'll be safe. He'll have to come through ME first if he wants to get to you."

 Evarrine: "Who's going to intrude on us? Mr. Evil snowman outside?"
Sara: "Not exactly. But you have to stay on guard!! That's what my father taught me. Always be prepared for anything!!!"

Evarrine: "Well as touching and thoughtful as that is, I'm going to have to request you to get the HELL off my bed."

Evarrine: "Did.... you NOT just hear what I said?!"

 Sara: "Oh, no, I heard you, but I still feel the need to protect you. It feels wrong not to, under, you know.... the circumstances."

 Evarrine: "Under what circumstances?! I can take care of myself you twit!"

Sara: "Obviously not! You couldn't before!"

Evarrine: "Guess what, you fool! There was no 'before'! I lied to you during that mission, so you'd give me your damn coin! Understand now? I LIED. That's what this game is about. LYING."

 Sara: "Y-you.... You were just LYING about all of that?!"
Evarrine: "Yeah. That's literally what I just said."

Sara: "I can't believe you, Evarrine! Actually... I can believe you. This is so you to do this! Lie, cheat, steal, do whatever you need to win!"
Evarrine: "Being kind doesn't get you very far in life, Sara. You'll learn that soon enough. People will just walk all over you."

Sara: "So instead of being considerate of others, your answer to everything is just to be as ruthless and cruel as possible??"

Evarrine: "...yep. Pretty much sums it up."

Sara: "You're a monster, Evarrine. A terrible, horrible, ugly monster!! I'm out."
Evarrine: "Out of the game, or...."
Sara: "Just out of the cabin, Evarrine. Goodbye. But without the good part."

Evarrine: "Well, have fun sleeping in the igloo!"

Sara: "I WILL!!"

 Evarrine: "GOOD! .... I'd so liquidate that imprudent little RAT if I just had my powers back! AHHHHHHH!!!"

 Kaita: "Phew! It's nice to be back in here...."

Kaita: "...but now I'm utterly alone. No Indigo to keep me company me or accompany me while we spy on other contestants..."

Gregory: "You have me!!"

Kaita: "Ah! Gregory, you scared me!! ....What are you doing in here?!"

Gregory: "Oh, nothing.... Just wanted to discuss some things with you."

Kaita: "Okay? Let's sit down then. I forgot about how much rain falls down into this room. I'm already getting drenched!"

Kaita: "So what is it?"

Gregory: "Well.... you see.... I need help."

Kaita: "With what?"

Gregory: "Uhm.... well, to be frank, I need help against Evarrine. I need allies at my side, I really haven't had anyone to talk to since Casey was executed...."
Kaita: "What do you mean? Are you going to fight her or something?!"
Gregory: "Not exactly... I just need a scout! Someone who can help me spy on her, watch her every move. Try and drive her crazy long enough that she breaks down and exposes her true form, as an alien!"

Kaita: "This is starting to sound like that thing lead by Antoine. And look how that ended. Sara told me all about it.... Antoine recruited both Sara and Casey to help him spy on Evarrine, because he believed she might be some witch from a prophecy. Casey thought she might be an earthworm. And Sara.... I don't know why she was apart of it, just for fun, I guess. But I can promise you one thing, Gregory- she's not a witch, an alien in disguise, and especially not an earthworm."

Gregory: "I knew you wouldn't help me! Why did I even bother asking...."

Kaita: "Hey, I never said I wouldn't help! In fact, the idea is pretty appealing. Of course, I don't believe in this alien nonsense, but I'd take much pleasure in seeing her in distress. I'm tired of working with her, she pretty much broke it off the other day with all her crazy shenanigans. She can't be trusted. She's a liar, and she'll walk all over you to get what she wants."
Gregory: "Sooo... you WILL help me?"

 Kaita: "Yes, yes I will! I want to crush her. I want to ruin her... Make her come to her senses. The bitch needs a wake-up call."

 Gregory: "Fantastic! I'm glad I came to you then. I knew you were the closest person to her, and after that argument you guys had, I was sure you wanted some revenge against her."

Kaita: "Revenge would be nice, yes. And, I figure since I'm alone, and you're alone in this game, it only makes sense that we pair up and try to take out all these blokes left in the game!"

Gregory: "Are you offering a coalition??"
Kaita: "Indeed I am."

 Gregory: "Then I accept!"

Kaita: "I thought you would. Well, it was a pleasure doing business with you, Greg. Let's meet up again soon and discuss our next attack against the dreadful Evarrine."
Gregory: "Why so formal?"

Kaita: "I don't know.... I'm feeling empowered today. Like I can do whatever I want, with no consequences. It's nice to not be attached to that crazy lady anymore, I always had to tiptoe around her. Not anymore. I am Kaita Blake, proud Engineer of the Tech Department for MI6, and I can do as I wish."

Gregory: "Don't get too cocky, you never know what might happen. Anyway, I should go back to my room. But it's so awkward in there.... I don't think Shayne likes me very much."

Kaita: "Don't worry about him, he doesn't seem to like anyone. He's a real softie on the inside though, I promise."
Gregory: "Yeah.... I don't know, he's pretty hard to read sometimes."
Kaita: "True."

Gregory: "Alright, later then. Try not to get too lonely in here!!"

Kaita: "Haha, thanks, I'll try."

 Kaita: "Although I'm a bit more concerned about the cold than my lack of company. It was so nice in Sunlit Tides, always so warm. I forgot how cold and wet this room was...."

Kaita: "...he already left, didn't he?" -.-

.:: DAY 17 ::.

Shayne: "Aid-Aiden.... I wantchu to make me anotherr batch, plea-please..."

Aiden: "Shore 'ting, bud! Bu', I, er.... ain't so shore on how t' make whut yer askin' me... I dunno whut some dese ting's are... Dat looks like a pipe cleana, not sumetin' to make drinks wit!"

Shayne: "HAHA!! Jusht.... JUST MAKE MORE!"

Aiden: "Alwrighty den! There no arguing wit dat!!"

Shayne: "Thanksh man, yourrr my.... my saviorr...."

Aiden: "I dunno wat dis is eider, bu' it looks yums!"

KT: "Hey you two! What's going on in here?"

Aiden: "Awwhhh... not much! Dis feller here wuz askin' fer some whiskeh, trouble is, I dunno how to make sum dis fanceh stuff. Back in Miss'ippi, we jus' drink from duh barrel!"

Shayne: "HEY! Look! itsh, IT'S KT!! COME JOIN ME FORRR A DRINK!!!"

KT: "Shayne, you're drunk! Right before a mission too!"
Shayne: "No I'm not."

 KT: "Yes, you are! Your speech is slurred, and you never are this happy when you talk."
Aiden: "I sorreh ma'am, he willy wanted me to makes him sum drinks, so o'course I hads to oblige-"

 KT: "It's fine, Aiden. Just don't make him anymore, please. He doesn't need it."
Aiden: "I hears yah, beaut'ful girl!"

KT: "I'm taking this away from you, Shayne. You've had enough already."

Shayne: "But...."

 Shayne: "Hmph!! Thoshe were mine! You can-.... yous can't shteal things from people!"

 Shayne: "I can't believe this!"
Aiden: "I can' eider."
Shayne: "Can or can't?"
Aiden: "Not dis again.... Can'!"
Shayne: "Sho you CAN bewieve herrrr?!"
Aiden: "NO! I can'-"

 KT: "How's everything going in here?"
Shayne: "Fan-fucking-tastic, THANKSH forrr askin!"
KT: "Pardon me, Shayne, but I'd prefer it if you didn't swear, I find it offensive."

 Aiden: "He jus' mad you tooks his drinks from him..."

KT: "I figured he might. But he should know that I did it for him, I know he doesn't want to embarrass himself on national television!"

 Shayne: "Too late for that."
KT: "Awe, what are you talking about??"

Shayne: "Are youse kidding?! I've made myshelf a comp'ete baboon!!"
KT: "And how's that?"

Shayne: "Well, forrr shtarters... Thish show continuously makesh fun o-of me!! I ca-came onto thish shhhow, hopin' for a new shtart, make shome money in the progresshhhh...."
KT: "So what? You're still in the game. And I see you growing as a person more and more everyday. I'm sorry the show keeps reminding you of the past, but I'm sure all those cases of bodies of water were purely coincidental...."

KENZEN (through intercom): "I can assure you, that almost none of those instances were coincidental.... just saying." 
*whacking sounds* 
 "Owwh!! Stop it!"
Producer Lady (through intercom): "Be quiet! This is an emotional moment that we're certainly going to air, so you can't interrupt it, you dumbo!"
KENZEN (through intercom): "Sor-ry! Gosh. You didn't have to hit me!"
Producer dude (heard faintly in the background): "Uhmm... you guys are still talking through the intercom. They can hear you."
Producer Lady: "What?! Crap! Everyone, continue on as normal! Sorry that my IDIOTIC brother interrupted you all!"
KENZEN: "Idiotic, huh? Pft, yeah, I'M the idiotic one, you-" *BEEP*

 Everyone: "....."
Shayne: "As you were sayin', KT?"

 KT: "What was I saying? Well, I guess I just don't understand why you're drinking so heavily. You've gotten past the halfway point in the game, you're doing good in here, everyone likes you. You have an amazing girlfriend at home, which I'm you'll make a beautiful family with."

 Shayne: "Ha! Then I guess you didn't hear about the incident I had with Indigo, then!! I kissed her, the night she was executed. I KISSED ANOTHER GIRL ON LIVE TELEVISION! There's no way my girl back home is going to stay with me afterrr THAT!! PFT, no way, jose!"

KT: "I know how easy it is to look back in the past and be angry, to regret the decisions you made. But you can't dwell on those things that make you sad, or angry. You have to appreciate what you have now, and hope for the best for your future."

KT: "And that, my friend, is the secret to happiness. Haha, now, let's get you sobered up before we drive to the mission. You need some exercise to get you going, some jumping jacks will do. Then take a cold shower, that should waken you right up."

Shayne: "Woot! Sounds like some fun for me!!"
KT: "Oh, and by the way.... Do you know anything about my errr..... stalker?"
Shayne: "Shtalker?! Someone's shtalking youuu?"
KT: "Yes, yes indeed. You're drunk and vulnerable, and you don't seem to know anything about it. I'll cross you off from the suspects list."

 Aiden: "Daw'gonnit! Wat do I gotta do in orda for da pretteh KT to help ME into da shower?!?!? Get drunk!? Welp, if dat's wat it takes...."

*         *         *

Sara: "KENZEN!!!"

Kaita: "Annnnd she's off again."
(yes, I realized AFTER that Kaita is not within these photos, and I am far too lazy to go back and re-do them :b)

[The following song is part of Jake's (Sara's creator) DRE. Click the link below to follow along with the song, if you wish:
Cascada- Glorious]

 Sara: "Do you know, it’s time to let yourself go?"

 KENZEN: "Oh, this should be fun..... not."

"Why don’t we just let it show?
Tell me what you’re waiting forrrrr....."

KENZEN: "Seriously, where is this music coming from??"

"Cause I, I wanna live before I die"
KENZEN: " can you die, without previously living?"
 "Crash and burn and lose my mind"

"We can set the world on fiiiiire"
KENZEN: "That's probably not a very good idea."

"Tonight we can be glorious
We are young at heart and we’re free"

KENZEN: "It's America, so yes, we're free. Although tonight you won't be .... you'll be chained up, definitely not 'glorious.' "

"The world is ours, I can feel the music in me"
KENZEN: "Technically, you can only hear music, you can't physically feel it. And those two things have absolutely no correlation to each other, so therefore should not be in the same sentence."

"Glorious, found a love that eyes cannot see"

KENZEN: "....alrighty then. Again, love is not a physical entity, so obviously eyes cannot see it."

"Delirious, oh oh!!"


 Sara: "...okay. Sorry Kenzie, didn't mean to annoy you!!"

KENZEN: "Just....go join everyone else. That's all I ask."

Sara: "Yesiree Bob!"

"OMG! KENZEN IS BACK IN TOWN. As soon as I saw Kenzen at the mission today, I decided to sing him a song. The song was Glorious by Cascada. However, after the first chorus, Kenzen forced me to stop the song or else he'll force-eliminate me. So, I stop the song sadly for Kenzen. But trust me, someday, Kenzen will gladly let me sing for him."

 KENZEN: "There we go. Phew!! Could have done without that serenading, but I'll live. Anyway. Welcome back contestants!! I've missed you all so, so, SO much! I suspect you all have forgiven me since the time I drugged you all during breakfast and sent you on pirate ship in the middle of nowhere locked together in a small, smelly prison cell?"

 KENZEN: "O-kay then.... Still holding grudges, I see. Well, I would apologize, but then I wouldn't be honest, because I definitely don't feel sorry about that. At all. In fact I thoroughly enjoyed it. You should have seen your faces!! Especially those that stayed conscious the longest. Thought I killed you all! HA! Classic. Best moment in The Mole history, I know they're going to bring me back next season just because of that stunt I pulled."
Camera Man: "Uhm. Actually, no, we're not. Once this season's through, you're fired."

KENZEN: "AHEM. Let's just get to the mission, shall we? First, I need all of you to fasten the cuff of each chain link behind you to your ankle...... good. There we go. Not that difficult to understand, Aiden.... no. Your ANKLE, not your wrist..... Yep, that's it. No- oh for Christ's sakes, help him out, Kaita!"

"....As I was saying. The objective of this mission is for everyone to free themselves before sunrise, which will be in a few hours. Behind me here, is a contraption. Every 12 minutes, this window here will open for exactly a minute, before closing again and taking another 12 minutes before reopening."

"The person who reaches this point has two decisions to make. Either:
-Take the key from its box, and free yourself from the lock around your ankle,
-Take the exemption card in front of it (and then use the key to free yourself)
You can choose either option, and by taking the exemption, you end the mission. And this exemption isn't free, either. This mission is all-or-nothing, worth 250 points. If anyone, at any point, chooses to take the exemption, all 200 points will be lost."

 "And those still left chained up, will not only suffer from a 2 point deduction on their next quiz, but will also be forced to sleep out here, in the near-freezing weather. Those who already freed themselves will be sent to a nice, high quality hotel, where a warm meal awaits them and a cozy bed to sleep in."

"Also. Like I said, everyone needs to be freed before sunrise if you wish to succeed in this mission. If so, all 250 points will be added to the pot. However, if there's still people chained up when the sun rises, all 200 points will be lost. So, make your decisions quickly, because only one person at a time can reach this box. If you miss too many of the 12-minute openings, chances are, not everyone is going to make it out on time."

 "One last thing. I like to call this mission, "Jail Break", for obvious reasons. I like how you all come back here and actually obey my every demand! I tell you to chain yourselves up, and you do it! How great! You're like perfect little obedient dogs. This is my warm welcome back to all of you, a mission out in the freezing cold where you're held against your will and must argue your way to freedom, all while people are willing to lie and backstab in order to satisfy their greedy and selfish secret desires. Just my kind of mission!!"

KENZEN: "And before anyone asks, yes, I did change my style up a bit. Recently I found out that I'm more likely to go on a shopping spree than a crazy magician, and so to satisfy this stereotype against gay men I decided to go out and freshen up my outfit. You know, just to be ironic and all."
Everyone: "...."
KENZEN: "Ah, forget it, inside joke. And also a very long story.... I got bored while you were all gone in Sunlit Tides, so I kept myself busy in the reality show business. You'll see me on TV soon enough."

KENZEN: "Stay warm, and HAVE FUN!!"

Evarrine: "So. Who wants to go first?"

 Sara: "I think Aiden should go first. He just had an exemption, so I don't think he deserves another one. I trust him not to take it."

 Aiden: "Meh?! But-"
Kaita: "Sounds good to me."
Gregory: "I don't know..... I'm not so sure we can trust him not to. Aliens- I mean.... ahaha.... hehe...ermmm... Rednecks. Cannot be trusted. He was so selfish in the last mission too. He didn't even consider offering his coins to anyone."

KT: "Well, does anyone have a better idea?"
*long silence*
KT: "Aiden it is then. He's a pretty honest man. If he says he's not going to take the exemption, then I believe him."

 Shayne: "AND IF HE DOES?!"

Evarrine: "Woah, what's going on with darkie over there? Is he okay?"
KT: "He's... he's just a tad drunk."
Evarrine: "Drunk? As in, drinking too much nectar, or wine?"
KT: "Something along those lines. Alcohol, yes."
Aiden: "It okay, E'arrine. I don' understand der drinks eider."
Evarrine: "At least you belong in this realm.... I don't understand half of the things I see in this land."
Kaita: "We get it, Evarrine. You don't belong on Earth, blah blah blah."

 Gregory: "Hush, Kaita! We don't want her to know that we're onto her!"

 Aiden: "Urgghhhhh...... I ain't shore if anyone else noticed, bu' da box aw'ready opened an' is 'bout to close agains....."

Everyone: "WHAT?!"
Shayne: "HURRY! Goooo ge-gets the key!"

Aiden: "Dis is all I can go! I can' go any furder!"

Aiden: "Annnd it closed ahgain...."

Kaita: "Well, at least we know how this works now."
Gregory: "Yes, we do. All of our chains are connected. Since some of us were closer to the fence, it provided more slack for Aiden to move forward. I'm guessing everyone needs to be next to the fence in order for the person to reach the box."
Kaita: "So basically it has to be a unanimous decision. If just one person doesn't follow suit, there won't be enough slack for the person to grab the key.... or the exemption."

KT: "So now we wait."

*12 minutes later....*

Sara: "Okay Aiden, you should be able to reach the box now! And quickly, before it closes again!!"

Aiden: "Hmmm.... dec'sions, dec'sions...."

Aiden: "....I takin' da KEY!"
*sighs of relief can be heard from behind*

Aiden: "Didja willy tink I'd jus' leave all y'all in da cold like dat?!"
Evarrine: "Actually... yes. I believe you would. But I'm not saying I wouldn't too."

 *uses key to open the lock*

*puts key back*

Aiden: "Later gators!"
Sara: "Alright. Who's next?!?"

*45 minutes later....*

Kaita: "And we still haven't made a decision. I can't believe you people. So indecisive, so paranoid of each other. I'm getting rather tired of this. I'm leaving."

Sara: "You can't just get up and leave, Kaita!! We're sort of chained up together. If you want to go next, we all have to agree with it. That's how this mission works!"
Kaita: "You think I don't know that, emo girl?"
Sara: "Again, I'm not emo, I'm Scene!!"

Kaita: "Yeah, yeah. Anyway. Give me a minute."
Gregory: "I KNEW I should have peed before coming here... Of all the missions this could have been, of course it's the one where we're all tied up together without a bathroom in sight. Even the cell in the pirate mission had a toilet in it...."

Kaita: "Ah! There it is. Got it."

Shayne: "Ermmm.... Whattt ish that girl doin'?!"
Gregory: "No idea."
Sara: "Kaita, how is a hair clip going to cut through a metal chain?!"

Kaita: "I'm not a special member of the MI6 for nothing, people. We've prepared agents for these types of situations, if they were to get captured, and held hostage against their will. I just so happened to have one of my very own gadgets with me."

KT: "...a hair clip? Because I don't think you invented that. And I don't see how it's going to help you escape. That's not part of the mission, anyway."
Evarrine: "So that's what those things are called?? Hm. A hair clip. I guess the name fits. I bought mine some place in what you mortals call 'New York', it looked enchanted so I bought it. Where I'm from, most women just let their hair down. But if not, we just use sticks, daggers, and-"
Kaita: "-and magic?"
Evarrine: "...yes. And magic."
Kaita: "Well, it didn't take magic for me to break that chain! Success!!"

 Gregory: "How did you do that?!"
Kaita: "The hair clip is equipped with mini pliers, and once unfolded, can be used to cut through ropes, cuffs, and yes, chains."

Kaita: "Well, enjoy the rest of the mission, everyone!"
Evarrine: "Wait! Give me your little contraption at once!! I'm through being held against my will! I'm cold, hungry, and tired of listening to these foolish mortals ramble on and on about their petty reasons for being allowed to approach the box. Come on, dear Kaita. We.... we're a team, remember!?"
Kaita: "Let me think about it..... no."

Kaita: "Cheerio!"
Evarrine: "KAITAAAAA!!!"

 Sara: "Crap! Guys, the box just closed again!!"
KT: "Then... I guess we wait. Again."

*1 hour later....*

Sara: "That's it. I'm tired of waiting! I want to go next. I promise on Kenzen's LIFE that I'm going to take the key!!"
Shayne: "Wow. She's serious."

Evarrine: "I don't believe her for a second. She didn't specifically say she's not going to take the exemption- simply that she's going to take the key, meaning theoretically she could just take the exemption first, THEN take the key."

Gregory: "True....."

KT: "Well, it's not like we have a ton of time left. I don't know guys.... She sounds sincere. I trust her. I'm giving her my permission to proceed."

*steps back*

 Sara: "Are you guys going to resist??"
Gregory: "Ehhh..."
Shayne: "Meh."

Sara: "That's what I thought.... THANKS YOU TWO!  .....Evarrine? Is there a reason you're not stepping towards the fence?"
Evarrine: "Not particularly."

Sara: "Okay then. I'll just go ahead and approach the box now."
Evarrine: "You do that."

Sara: "Almost there now...."
Evarrine: "You just keep going.... OH wait! You can't go any further. Looks like you need MY permission to go any further."
Sara: "Hmm...."
Evarrine: "Hm indeed."

Sara: "Come on Evarrine! Just let me go!"
Evarrine: "Remember all those hideous things you called me yesterday?"
Sara: "....yeah?"
Evarrine: "Well. In order for me to forgive you, you're going to need to come over here, get on your knees, and KISS. MY. SHOE!"

KT: "Evarrine!! How demeaning!"
Sara: "I'm not going to do it!!"
Evarrine: "Then I guess we'll just have to stand here in silence, until you do."

*14 minutes later....*

Evarrine: "Still waiting."

 Sara: "Fine. You know what, have it your way."

Evarrine: "Good girl. Now get on the ground."

Evarrine: "Mwhahahha.... Do it. Kiss my shoe!!"

*kneels down*

 KT: "Sara, wait! You don't have to do this!!"
Evarrine: "YOU can be quiet. I'm tired of you trying to act like this perfect little angel. We all know how fake you are."

*briefly kisses shoe*

KT: "...."

 Shayne: "Duuuuuuuude! That's MESSED!!!"
Gregory: "....did you just call me 'dude'? You never call me that! You really are drunk!"

*Sara stands up*

Evarrine: *smirks*

Sara: "I did it. Now step back, you awful witch."

Evarrine: "You have my permission now. You'll think twice before calling me a terrible, ugly monster again."

*door opens*

Sara: "Oh god!! What should I do?!"
KT: "Your choice, Sara!"
Evarrine: "If you even DARE consider leaving me to sleep out here in the cold...."
Gregory: "Do what's best for your game. But think wisely..."


Sara: "I got the key, guys! Don't worry!"

  *uses key to open the lock*

 Gregory: "And it closes once more...."
Shayne: "Hey! It'sh gettin' lighter alrrready!!!"

 *door opens and closes several more times....*

KT: "Ahhh! We're never going to win this mission. Kaita was right. We're all too paranoid with each other. Evarrine, no one wants you go to because we all know you'd take the exemption in a heartbeat."

Evarrine: "Fair enough."
KT: "Gregory, you have yet to make up your mind on who should go next, because you're always too paranoid about everything."

Gregory: "No I'm not! I just know everyone left is going to take the exemption, which leaves me with a 2 point deduction on the quiz! NO ONE CAN BE TRUSTED! YOU COULD BE THE MOLE, OR YOU, OR YOU, or even.... ME!! Or worse..... I could be..... AN ALIEN." 0_0
KT: "....My point exactly. And you, Shayne, have no idea what's going on."
Shayne: "I haves an IDEA!! It'sh....wait, what wass it?? We did somethin' rrrrreal bad, din't we?!?! Why elshe would we be locked up!?"

Evarrine: "They're useless, as usual."
KT: "We're all a bit sleep deprived, is all. But we need to put our heads together and try and figure this out!"

Evarrine: "Good luck with that.... This mission was destined to fail. Between the Mole, their Accomplice, greedy contestants willing to do anything for an exemption, and our short supply of time, we really had no chance to begin with."

Gregory: "The Mole and his Accomplice probably didn't even need to try and sabotage at all this mission. They could have easily just sat back and enjoyed the show. Hell, Kaita could have been one of those roles, or possibly both! Didn't even need to stick around, she knew we'd fail."

Evarrine: "Same with that disfigured bonehead. He didn't mind getting freed first, he knew he didn't have to stick around to influence things. He most likely assumed that some greedy bastard would take the exemption, but if not that, we would be arguing all the way till sunrise."
Shayne: "It'sh REALLY shtarting to get lighterrr now..."

 KT: "I've had enough of this waiting around, not doing anything. I'm going for the box, and I can guarantee you all that I'm NOT taking the exemption. I just want to get this done before the sun rises, and a soft bed sounds really nice at the moment."

Evarrine: "Out of everyone here, I trust you the most, JT."

KT: "It's KT, but whatever."

 KT: "And you boys? Do you have any objections to this decision?"

Gregory: *sighs* "....fine. Ditto what Evarrine said."
Shayne: "You gots my permishion, Kat! Dat's whut frrrriends are fer, righ'?!"

KT: "Thanks mates!"

KT: "Hmmm.... I should just take the exemption, buuuut... I need to stick with my word. Right? But we're going to fail anyway, so.....huuuhhh...."


KT: "I can't go against my word. I chose to take the key."

Evarrine: "I knew you would."

KT: "Good luck, guys!!"

 Evarrine: "....and then there were 3."

 *a few minutes later...*

Shayne: "Arrre, are we freed fr-frrrom jail y-yet?!"
Gregory: "Woah! Get ahold of yourself!"

 Evarrine: "I'm afraid not. And look! The sun! And look! Kenzen. Just the man I wanted to see."

 KENZEN: "Very funny, Ms. Roland. Somehow I doubt that's true."

Evarrine: "You are my knight in shining armor! You have come to rescue me, haven't you?!"
KENZEN: "When's the last time you slept?"
Evarrine: "Uhhm.... That is unimportant, now that you are here to save me!!"

 Shayne: "Ugh!"
Gregory: "Careful, Shayne!"

 KENZEN: "Well. You guys are a sorry bunch..... is he okay? He doesn't look okay. On second thought, I don't really care."

KENZEN: "No one took the exemption, really?! Wow, I'm surprised. Such an easy exemption to take too, just right there for the taking! And everyone resisted temptation. I'm impressed."
Evarrine: "Actually, I never got the chance. Neither did these two dunces. Who knows what we would have done, if given the opportunity.":

KENZEN: "Good point. Okay, so, obviously, the sun has fully risen. This mission is over, all 200 points will not be going into the group pot, but instead, this week's MA's personal pot. The Accomplice this week sure lucked out, it's a good week to be the Mole's little helper! And not just because of this mission...." ;)

 Gregory: "Uhm. I think he may need help...."
KENZEN: "Oh, drats, I have to deal with this now too?! Before anyone accuses me of anything, it wasn't me this time!! I swear! It's his own damn fault for drinking too much.... And he probably passed out from lack of sleep too. Oh well. MEDICS!!"

*         *         *


The order the contestants approached the box and their decision corresponds to that of the real life contestants who role-played this very same mission.

(Kaita's creator was removed for inactivity)
(The real life mission on the thread also ended due to time being up. The players were given a week to try and complete the mission)

CURRENT POT: 506/1292

THE WINNER: 506 points
THE MOLE: 786 points

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