Monday, December 16, 2013


Mole Video:

.:: DAY 14 ::.

Evarrine: "Hurry up! What's taking you so long, you twit?!" 

Aiden: "Sorreh, sorreh, I be comin'!"

 Evarrine: "It's only taken you a century and a half... and trust me, I know how long that is."

Aiden: "I present to you.... My family's home recipe smoothie!"

Evarrine: "...Pardon me? What in witch-kind is THAT?! I SPECIFICALLY asked you to concoct me a glass of divine wine.... NOT your hideous family's secret recipe for a disgusting and vile slimey poison! HOW DARE YOU PRESENT THIS IN FRONT OF ME, YOU REPULSIVE CREATURE?!?!!?!?"

Aiden: "I-I sorreh, ma'am-"
Evarrine: "Your HIGHNESS, you fool!"
Aiden: "Oops, mah bad.... I apol'gize, my highness."

 Evarrine: "No, it's YOUR Highness!"

Aiden: "I... I.... I sorreh, 'YOUR highness... understand?'"
Evarrine: "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! FORGET IT. Just go and prepare my mud bath now daft mortal. Go. NOW!!"
Aiden: "Yes, yes, o' course, Your Highness, understand! Do yah stills wants yah drink? I spents much times on it.... I's been in mah family fer years!!"

 Evarrine: "No, just pour it into the pool behind you.... Actually.... on second thought, offer it to Kaita. I'm sure she'd love it. Now, as I said, go prepare my bath!"
Aiden: "T'is is such ah fun game!! I loves role-playin!"

Evarrine: "Ahahaha... yeah. Game. Role-playing. That's what this is...." 

Gregory: "Hmmm..."

Gregory: "She's making Aiden prepare her bath, eh? Well, I can certainly help him with that..... ha!"

“So that mission was a straining experience. My talking skills were put to absolutely NO good use when speaking with Aiden. Urgh. On another note though. I've been plotting some revenge on that alien overlord Evarrine. She simply cannot get away with hurting Sara for absolutely no good reason! Plus I've been dying to uncover her true form. I think Aiden must have been her alien servant, I mean he couldn't be king, a king would be able I achieve shape shifting with no trouble at all! Now for my plans, I'm going to make Evarrine’s life a living hell until she gives in and informs us of her plans against our poor unsuspecting world. And apologizes to poor Sara, too of course.”

Aiden: "Heehee! Jus' like mah baths back in Miss'ippi!"

Gregory: "Woah, what are you doing? I thought Evarrine instructed you to prepare it for her, not get in it yourself?"

 Aiden: "Oh, I jus' testin' it for her! Makin' sure i's at the PERFECT temp'ature!"

 Gregory: "Okay, well... I have an errand for you."

Gregory: "Errr... yeah. Role playing. That's it. So you know how you're good at catching frogs?"
Aiden: "YEAH! Well, only toads in my swamps, but YEAH!!?"

Gregory: "Whichever, I need you to catch a few for me."
Aiden: "Bu' why?! You don' like frog soup!"
Gregory: "Yah, I, um.... am making it for Evarrine. It's a surprise though! So you can't tell her."
Aiden: "You can count on mah!!"

 * hour later...*


Evarrine: "Ahhhh.... I miss having these luxuries as an all-powerful queen."

Evarrine: "...What the-?!"

 Evarrine: "Ackk! There's something moving under here!!"

Evarrine: "Ew, ew, ew, it's jumping on me!!"
*ribbit, ribbit*


Gregory: "Hehe.... It's only a matter of time before you break, alien-scum!!"

 *          *          *

Antoine: "There you go... deep breathes- yes, good. Now exhale.... Ahhhh...."

 Kaita: "Why did I have to get stuck with this ugly costume? The only way it would be cool is if it was bulletproof and had a bunch of ninja stars hidden beneath the folds..... WAIT! Brain blast!! That is a great idea, Kaita! This is definitely going to be my next invention. Though this is top secret stuff so I probably shouldn't discuss it any further."
Shayne: "I like my style, I only wear pure black. That's why you're wearing it."

 Antoine: "Less talking, and more.... breathing! Now, allow your inner spirit to spring out of its cocoon and feel its strength as it bursts out and flies away! Feel it now, can you feel it?!"
Shayne: "Nope."
Kaita: "Not feeling anything...."

 Antoine: "Shush! Do not rush the process. Feel the energy of the island surround you and aid your inner butterfly in freeing itself and unlocking your most inner thoughts and secrets!! ....there. Just concentrate on imagining your spirit rising above you, into the trees, the mountains, up into the clouds and the great beyond!"

 Kaita: "I... I think I'm feeling it! I feel like my spirit is opening up at the seams! I can see light!"
Antoine: "Good, good! Now, hold on to it! Don't let it go. Do not look directly at it, otherwise it will flee. Instead, try to call out its name, invite it into your arms! Feel the strength of it rising through your chest, into your shoulders, going through your arms, and finally stretching itself into your hands and fingertips. There! Can you feel it, the power at your fingertips?!"

 Kaita: "Yes, yes, I can feel it!!"
Shayne: "Yeeeeeeeeahhh.... I'm gonna go....."

 Shayne: "As successful as this meditation has been for me, I have more important things to do."

Antoine: "Wait, you can't just leave mid-meditation!"
Shayne: "That's exactly what I'm doing. Thanks for the session, Antoine."

Kaita: "Oh boy, are you missing out!!"
Shayne: "Ha. Doubt it."

Antoine: "What do you possibly have to do that's more important than this?!"
Shayne: "Uhmm... trying to figure out who the Mole is?"
Antoine: "Ehhh... valid point."
Shayne: "My spirit feels enriched. Thanks. Now I must go. Later."

Antoine: "I hope you join us again soon, young lad!"
Kaita: "I feel the earth underneath my feet!"
Shayne: "Yes... that would be sand."
Kaita: "I feel connected to nature, I feel.... powerful! Invincible! Immortal!"
Shayne: "And now you just sound like Evarrine...."
Kaita: "Be quiet! You're distracting me!"

Kaita: "You relaxed yet?"
Antoine: "Ooh yes, very much so."
Kaita: "Good, because... I wanted to talk to you about your parents again."

Kaita: "You see, I just wanted to say that-"

Antoine: "Don't mention it. The past is the past."

Kaita: "...Really? But, I thought you were mad at me, since after all, my parents DID kill yours-"

Antoine: "Trust me, it's okay. I've accepted my past. That's one of the benefits of meditating. You can relax and reflect upon life, and realize what's actually important in this life. Now just sit back, take in a deep breath of fresh air, and feel connected to the earth below you and the air above."
Kaita: "As you wish, instructor!"

 *          *          *

 .:: DAY 15 ::.

"I was browsing through Tumblr and I have found a Tumblr account called whatisktdoing. I went through the tumblr and I have found all sorts of pictures of KT while she was in the Mole. I showed KT and she basically freaked out because she has a stalker on her hands. Whoever this stalker is a sicko in my opinion."

 KT: "What do you need to show me, anyway?"
Sara: "Just wait, you'll see."

Sara: "You might want to prepare yourself for this..."
KT: "Why? What could be so bad?"

Sara: "Well...."
KT: "Wait, are those pictures of me?!"

Sara: "Everyday, there appears to be a new photo of you."
*scrolls down*

KT: "So you're basically telling me I have a stalker on my hands?"

Sara: "Yeah, basically. It's kind of sickening that someone would go out of their way to invade your privacy and share it on the internet... Only a perverted person would do something like that."

KT: "Ah!! That's me in the bathroom! Okay, okay, shut it down! I don't want to see anymore of these...."

 Sara: "It gets worse...."
KT: "No, I'd rather not see the rest."
Sara: "Okay dokey artichoke."

KT: "I know I have a lot of fans, and there are a few fan-created sites dedicated to me. And the media is always publishing stuff about me in the Australian papers. But THIS. It's just.... creepy. I don't like the feeling that I'm constantly being watched..."
Camera Man: "Then why the hell did you sign up for this show?! You're being watched by millions right now!"
KT: "Good point, mate."
Camera Man: "I am known for making good points, thank you, KT!"

Sara: "This is different though. KT knows she's being watched by the cameras, and she can act accordingly. Plus, not everything is shown on television, a lot of it is edited out. But the thought of some crazy stalker dude watching her every move-"
KT: "Even when I'm on the royal throne!"
Sara: "-is indeed creepy." 

KT: "And you want to know the weirdest part? A lot of those pictures couldn't have came from the film shown on television."
Sara: "No?"
KT: "No... Obviously there's no camera's in the bathroom."
Camera Man: "Ahaha.. heheee.... yeah.... 'bout that.... Calphurnia from season 1 might say otherwise..."

Sara: "Yeah, there's no bathrooms in the bathroom. So what are you implying? That the crazy stalker found The Mole location and is lurking outside the house now? That's one dedicated stalker..."
KT: "NO, Sara. I'm implying that the stalker is someone already in this house."

KT: "Plot twist indeed.... but who?" 

 *          *          *


1. Is the Mole, male or female?
a) Male
b) Female

2. Going from left to right, starting with KT and ending with Kaita, what order was the Mole standing in prior to the start of the mission?
a) 1st
b) 2nd
c) 3rd
d) 4th
e) 5th
f) 6th
g) 7th
h) 8th

3. In the mission, "It's Either You or Me", who was the Mole's first opponent?
a) Shayne Holmes
b) Antoine Valentine
c) Aiden Hicks
d) Gregory Plaice
e) Kaita Blake
f) KT!
g) Sara Vesela
h) Evarrine Roland
4. Did the Mole make it to round 2?
a) Yes
b) No

5. Did the Mole earn an exemption in this mission?
a) No
b) Yes

6. Who is, the Mole?
a) Shayne Holmes
b) Antoine Valentine
c) Aiden Hicks
d) Gregory Plaice
e) Kaita Blake
f) KT!
g) Sara Vesela
h) Evarrine Roland


7. Is the Mole's Accomplice male or female?
a) Male
b) Female

8. How many coins did the MA have when he/she fell through the floor and into the water below?
a) 0
b) 1
c) 2
d) The MA never fell through the floor

9. Did the Accomplice's original coin make it all the way to the very end with Aiden?
a) Yes
b) No

10. Who is the Mole's Accomplice for this week?
a) Shayne Holmes
b) Antoine Valentine
c) Aiden Hicks
d) Gregory Plaice
e) Kaita Blake
f) KT!
g) Sara Vesela
h) Evarrine Roland


CAPTAIN CROOK: "Take a seat, me hearties. I jus' wanna get this over wit'..."

 CROOK: "Now, before I start bawlin' all overs da place, I jus' wanted to say to yer all how much I enjoyed co-hosting on this long voyage for ye all! I be havin' much fun, 'tis sad to see it end like this."

 "Yes, this is indeed the last time we'll be seein' each others.... We must part paths! Ye all be going back to Sunset, and I be stayin' here on the vast seas sailin' the ocean blue!! Yarhahahhaha!!!"

"Now le's get onta the execution part before I start cryin' lika baby!"

 "Ye all know how 'tis works. Green screen, ye safe!! Bu' if it's red.... the color of blood.... Ye must plunder into da depths of the ocean below! Yarhahaha!!"

CROOK: "An', we haves a young'en wit' an exemption before us..."

CROOK: "Aiden! Ye be safe from da execution, me matey!"


"Who to start wit'.... Ooh! I know!! Arhaha.... E'arrine!"


 "Next up... Sara!"

"And now.... Antoine!"


Antoine: "That is rather unpleasant."

CROOK: "Sorry me matey, bu' is yer time to take da plunge!"

CROOK: "Yer not goin' to take as long as dat last girl, right? Harhar..."

Antoine: "No. I'll just need a moment to say my final goodbyes."

Antoine: "Well, this is it, my friends.... and also a few enemies. It's been such a wonderful experience, I have grown exponentially since arriving to this show. It has lifted my mind and spirit, and I have finally come to peace with my past, and now my present. I look forward to my future, full of infinite possibilities. I shall embrace it with open arms. And I thank all of you to leading me to this very part of my life. And with that, I must bid adieu...."

Antoine: "告別"

Sara: "Such a great human being.... I miss his presence already!"
Shayne: "Indeed. He was a great guy, albeit a bit too.... spiritual? Nonetheless, he will be missed by all. The house won't be the same without him...."
Kaita: "Antoine Valentine taught me many things. How to cook with natural ingredients, how to meditate, and how to be patient. But above all, that great man taught me how to love and accept all. He was so caring and compassionate, he respected everybody. Even when I told him that my parents were responsible for the deaths of his... He accepted that. He's learned how to live life without holding on to grudges and hatred. Sure, sometimes he may have been a bit short-tempered, but he was always the gentleman in the house. He's lived a trouble life, and he's been able to look into his self to find the truth behind us all. And I think he has finally found his answers. Good luck out there, Antoine!" :-)

 CROOK: "Well, tha's a goner! Yarhahha!!"

CROOK: "Now, let's not forget about that Mole's Accomplice!!"

Sara: "You kinda already did..."
CROOK: "Shut yer pie-hole ye disgustin' vermin!"
Sara: "...."

CROOK: "Now, if da Accomplice would now rise, like the sunrise on a beaut'ful mornin' on the sea!"

Gregory: "I'm getting real tired of these 'pirate' references..."
CROOK: "Did you just put 'pirate' in quotation marks?! 'Cause I'll have ye know, I wuz once ah notorious pirate, sailin' the 7 seas!! I pillaged and plundered, sailed and drank, killed and-"
Shayne: "Can we just get to the part where you tell us who the Accomplice was?"

CROOK: "Pffft. Fine by meh! Guess yer'll don' wanna hear my ole' sailin' as a pirate adventures. Yer loss!
Now, the Mole's Accomplice fer this week was...."

KT: "ME!! Sorry guys. I hated having to lie to you all :(  That mission was stressful, but I must admit I had fun!" :D

CROOK: "Me mateys... this is goodbye. Have a safe trip back home! And don' worry... I won' be druggin' you like that evil Kenzen did! Nah, I would nevah! I just wish I could sail you back home, I'm sure ye all would much prefer THAT than flyin'! Who would't enjoy sailin' the vast seas?!"


 *          *          *

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