Monday, November 25, 2013


Mole Video:

.:: DAY 13 ::.

"I'm glad that I made it through the half-way point. I am starting to think that a majority of the contestants in this game are like family to me especially since my parents are dead. There's a few people that I don't really care about such as Evarrine but overall, I feel as if a majority of the contestants this season are like family to me."

KT: "How are those hotdogs going over there, Antoine??"
Antoine: "Good, just need to fire up the grill!"

KT: "I'm getting pretty hungry! What about you?"
Shayne: "Eh.... I'm not that hungry at all...."
KT: "You're not hungry?! You have to be! You haven't eaten anything at all today, you slept in and totally skipped breakfast. I'm telling you, you're going to need energy for the mission today, even if it's half as physical as the last one was."

Shayne: "I'm just.... not hungry. So don't pester me about it anymore, please."

Antoine: "Well, suit yourself, I'm not admitting I'm the best when it comes to barbecuing...."

Antoine: "Oh, hello there, Aiden! What can I do for you? I'm cooking up some hot dogs, would you like any?"
Aiden: "Yaw, sound good!"

Antoine: "Ah!"
Aiden: "Woah Nilly! Cookin' up ah storm ova' here, ain't yeah?"

KT: "Everything okay over there?!"
Antoine: "Yeah, it's fine.... I have it under control-"
Aiden: "No ya ain't! You gots it smokin' all ova' da place! Here, let meh have ah try ah it!"
Antoine: "Ugh.... fine. Go ahead and take over for me."

Aiden: "Don' worreh, you can trus' meh! ..... 'dough I have't used ah grill befores, Imma use to jus' cookin' mah meat ovah a fire pit."

Antoine: "... KT, I suppose you don't know how to work a grill?"
KT: "No idea."
Antoine: "That's what I thought. Guess we are screwed either way...."

“Phew! I'm still here, I am really shocked. I definitely felt like it should have been me who should have gone instead of Indigo, but oh well. My suspicions must be correct though, right? Anyway, after the conversation I had with Gregory and Sara about the prophecy I feel like I'm forming a sour obsession over it so I decided to go away from the whole prophecy thing and try something that might relax me. I decided to have a small barbecue with KT! and Shayne since I haven't really spoke to them as much since the photo mission. Let's just say it was going fine... until Aiden came along and burnt all the food. I'm surprised that he didn't singe his eyebrows off.”

*sudden loud burst from the grill*

Aiden: "Dontcha worreh 'bout me! I gots it ALL undah control!!"
KT: "Seriously, what is it with you guys?! It's okay to be wrong. Own up to your mistakes! Did you burn them Aiden?"
Aiden: "Hmmph.... dey ain't TOO bad...."

 KT: "As long as their edible it should be fine, haha!"
Aiden: "I thinks they still good to eat!"

Antoine: "He burned them, didn't he? Yep, he burned them. Great."

 Aiden: "Whooooo want sum hawt doggies?!?!"

Shayne: "If I wasn't hungry before, I'm definitely not hungry now."

KT: "Mhhmmm... they look... good...? Can't wait to err.... have some."

Antoine: "Stop playing nice KT. You just told us to own up to our mistakes, so maybe you should help us a bit by letting us know when we do mess up. You do nothing but encourage Aiden, and that's not helping him at all."

 KT: "Excuse me? Well, fine, if that's how you see it. I just realized that I'm not hungry, I'm still a bit full from breakfast. I think I may just go take a nap."

Shayne: "Oh but KT, weren't you just saying how starving you were!?"
KT: "Huh? When did I say that? That's nonsense. My stomach must've been acting up. G'day, mates."

Aiden: "Bu' wait KT!! You don' wanna have any of meh hawt doggies?! But I jus' spen' so much time cookin' dem for you!"
KT: "Sorry Aiden! Next time! I'm just super tired right now. Thanks for cooking for us though!"
Antoine: "You're welcome...."

Aiden: "Hmph. Well, dawgonnit! Look like we have one too many now! Guess we be gettin' seconds! Wooo-hooo!!!"

Antoine: "....."
Shayne: "Um, Aiden?"
Aiden: "Huh?!"
Shayne: "Your hot dogs suck."
Aiden: "Oh..."
Shayne: "Yeah....."
Antoine: ".... Imma go get me some chocolate milk."

*          *          *

“I am sick of these foolish peasants treating me like some kind of joke! It was bad enough that they did not respect my mysteriously vanished powers, or my royal status. Now, however, the situation has grown even worse: the imbeciles I share a house with think that I have begun to "reform." They speak to me in soft voices, freely sit in my presence and attempt to engage me in mundane conversation, and even approach me for... hugs *shudders*. Though they have never feared me to the proper extent, at least previously they would leave me to my own matters. Well, the time has come to teach all of them some sense and hopefully prevent them from thinking clearly. My plan is to create absolute chaos in this house. First, I will instigate a loud argument with Kaita, who betrayed our coalition. I do not feel personally hurt by this, but these mortals should know better than to cross me. Then I will proceed to disturb the house in any necessary way, by throwing items all over, over-turning beds, breaking the showers and toilets, anything I can think of in order to make the others miserable. Let them all suffer. They think I am powerless without my magic, but I have spent countless years torturing, enslaving, and cursing others- I am inventive enough to achieve the proper effects without any magical assistance whatsoever. It is time that I adjust to my new state and rise up to my former glory, even without my beloved powers!”

Kaita: "Oh, Ellen, you're so funny! If only your show aired in Britain!"
Evarrine: "Who's this, 'Ellen'?"

Kaita: "Oh, Evarrine! Good to see you."

Evarrine: "I'm afraid I can't say the same."

Kaita: " that so?"

Evarrine: "Yes, it is so. You betrayed me."

Kaita: *sighs*  "Now what...."

Evarrine: "Don't give me that attitude. You know EXACTLY what you did. You betrayed our trust."

Kaita: "And how so? ...Oh, god, don't tell me you're talking about me being the Accomplice!?!"

Evarrine: "That's precisely what I'm talking about. How come you didn't tell me? You're lucky I was exempt. You could have cost me this game if I didn't have that precious exemption."

 Kaita: "You're joking, right?"
Evarrine: "Do I look like I'm making jokes right now?"

Gregory: "Did you hear that?"
Sara: "Yeah.... here we go again! Evarrine the Tyrant!"

Kaita: "You must be forgetting the time when YOU were the Mole's Accomplice and YOU didn't tell ME about it!"

Evarrine: "You're sadly mistaken, my friend. That was a long time ago. We hadn't made our trust bond then."

Kaita: "Trust bond?! What the hell is a trust bond?? We were coalition partners way before you were the MA. That's when our 'trust bond' started. If anything, I should be mad at you."
Evarrine: "Hmph."

 Kaita: "Okay, really? You're being such a hypocrite right now!"

Evarrine: "Excuse me-"
Kaita: "Stop with your nonsense, Evarrine. Stop acting all high and mighty. It's rather tiring. You're no Queen."

 Evarrine: "How dare you. How DARE YOU!! You know nothing about me!"
Kaita: "I know enough."


 Kaita: "Really? You're going to destroy me? Without your 'oh-so-precious' magic? I'd like to see you try, your HIGHNESS." *smirks*

 Evarrine: "Just you wait and see, you pathetic mortal. JUST YOU WAIT!!"

 Kaita: "I'm waiting."

 Evarrine: "Fine. Maybe I can't dispose of you just yet. But what I can do is make your life miserable. And the rest of this damned house! None of your kind respects me or truly recognizes me for what I am. I am a powerful ruler, and I'm done playing nice. It's about time I burn this place to the ground!!"

Gregory: "...did she just say, 'none of your kind'? I think that's the proof in the pudding...."

Sara: "I think she just means mortals versus immortals. She's crazy, remember?"
Gregory: "I don't know.... I think she slipped! The aliens in their human form are pretty cautious. But they aren't perfect. If I wasn't already suspicious of her before, I definitely am now-"

Sara: "Shhh!! She's coming back out!"

 Evarrine: "Are you peasants talking about me behind my back?!"

Gregory: "No, no, of course not!"

Evarrine: "Well this should silence you!"

Evarrine: "Yargh!!"
Gregory: "Ahh! It's finally started to attack!"

Sara: "Owh! Evarrrine! That hurt!!"

Evarrine: "Welcome to hell you worthless humans!"

 Gregory: "....Sooooo does that mean she's NOT human? I'm confused here. She's sure not trying to hide her true form all that well...."

Evarrine: "Agh!!"

*loud crash*

Evarrine: "Mwhaha, MWHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!"

 *several minutes later...*

Evarrine: "Let these fools starve! I don't care! They'll think twice before defying me again!"

Sara: "Evarrine, that's enough. Your rampage must come to an end. You flipped a table on me, destroyed furniture including everyone's dresser, broke the pipes in the showers, clogged the toilets with who knows what, and now you're wasting all of our food?!"

Evarrine: "Be quiet. I've heard enough from you already. Don't get in my way."

Sara: "In your way of what? Your mission to make all our lives miserable? Why? What did we do except try and accept you?!"
Evarrine: "Pft. Foolish mortal. You don't get it, do you? You and the rest of them. You've never respected my status. You treat as one of yourselves, when I am HIGH above the rest of you. I demand proper respect and obedience, but instead you all choose to disregard my power and authority. That stops now."

 Sara: "You're not going to splash that in my face, are you?"

 Evarrine: "Of course not! Why would I do that?!" *throws soup bowl at her feet*

 Sara: "Ah!"

*shatters, gets all over Sara's legs*

Sara: "...Thanks for that."
Evarrine: "Sorry. It slipped."

Evarrine: "Good luck in the mission today."
Sara: "Yeah... you too..." *grumbles*

*crooked smile*

*          *          *

CAPTAIN CROOK: "'Ello der, world! Nice to see yer again! It been what nowh? Ah few full moons since I seen ya, aye? Sorreh 'bout dat, it appears production ain't doin' their job very well these days! Ah, the blokes!"

CROOK: "BUT. We's be back on schedule now, airin' an episode e'ery week!"
CROOK: "What now, feller? Ye hungry ahgain?! I jus' fed ye!"
CROOK: "OH, I see! He thinks I be lyin' to ye! Surely, we could go off air for anoder 3 to 4 full moons, but hopefully tha's not the case!! Le's get to the mission now, shall we?"
Camera Man: "Hey, uh.... Captain? You're supposed to be explaining the mission from on the deck."

CROOK: "Da deck?! Bu' there ain't any ships around here you landlubber!!"
Camera Man: "The deck above you, sir."

CROOK: "...Oh. That deck."

CROOK: "What are ye complaining 'bout?! I be the one who has to climb up there! Ye got yer wings to fly! Why can't I have wings?!"
CROOK: *sighs*

(2 minutes later....)

CROOK: "Almos-t.... dere!"

(5 minutes later...)

CROOK: "Almost!"

CROOK (panting heavily): "I'm gonna make it!"
Camera Man: "Any day now.... today would be preferable. And before the sun goes down...."

CROOK: "I made it!"

CROOK: "Phew! That was a workout!"

CROOK: "Right! Where was I?"
Camera Man: "Please face the camera Crook."

CROOK: "Yarhahhaha!! Fer dis mission-"
Production Woman: "WAIT, wait! Stop it! Let me explain the mission, Crook. No one can understand you."
CROOK: "Arrighty, fine by me! ye hag..."
Production Woman: "You better shut your pie hole before you lose your other eye! Alright, for this mission, the final 8 will randomly be divided into pairs."

Production Woman: "This mission is called, 'It's Either You or Me' and is essentially a tournament. Each pair must face off, and the winner will move on to the next bracket. Whoever makes it through all 3 levels- bronze, silver, and gold- will earn an exemption and therefore be safe at the next execution. That's the simple description. Let's go into more detail...."

 "First level: the bronze room. As said before, all pairs will face off in this level. Each player will be handed a small coin at the start of the mission. In order to move on to the next level, one player in the pair needs to give their opponent their own coin. The 'loser' stays behind, while the winner continues on to the next round."

"Same thing as before- the two competitors will face off and try to decide who gets to move on. They can do whatever they need to in order to get the coin(s) from the other person- lie, cheat, steal... well, not steal, you can't do that. Contestants must stay on their own side at all times. Violation of this rule warrants disqualification. But contestants are allowed to say whatever they want in order to convince the other to hand over their coins. If a decision is not met within 2 minutes, then it is a draw: At this point, I'll secretly message the Mole's Accomplice, and they will tell me which of the two they'd prefer to move on."

 "And if there is a draw, then the winner of it only moves on with the coins they had on them- he/she doesn't get to take the coins from their opponent.
And I think I forgot to mention... The coins represent points. Each coin is the equivalent to 25 points. The points are only earned when a coin makes it to the end. However many coins the final winner is holding, that's how many points will be added to the pot. So, since there's 8 contestants, and each hold a coin which is valued at 25 points, that's 200 points total for this mission."
Those points will go down rapidly though, depending on the greed of the contestants. It's possible to get all 200, but that requires that for each round, a person hands over their coins. And something tells me these players aren't that generous...."


 CROOK: "Tha's enough! Let me speak!"

CROOK: "Da first parings arrrrrre...
KT and Antoine!
Shayne and Gregory!"

 "Then we have:
Evarrine and Sara!
Aiden and Kaita!"

"Players, get ready.... This mission begins..... NOW!!"

 [In order to make this easier for me, and probably more entertaining for you all to read, I'm just going to show one match at a time and not go back and forth between them. 

Note: remember, the actions of the sims may or may not represent actual game play of their creators. Often times I make the sims say and do things in missions to fit their personalities, or make the situation more entertaining. So the exchanges they make in this mission don't necessarily reflect what their creators said during the time they did this mission. However, it is possible that the two do overlap, whether accidental or on purpose on my part. 
What I'm trying to say is.... you probably shouldn't try and figure out the Mole based on their social interactions alone (though you certainly can... I can't say I'm completely unbiased when writing the dialogue. I know who the Mole and MA are, so sometimes I might drop hints here and there. Each player shouldn't be equally suspicious anyway; I depict each sim in a different way, based on their personality, how well they have done in previous missions, and ultimately, how mole-ish their creator said they should be depicted in their sign-up application), but rather the outcomes of each match.
Only the outcomes resemble the real life mission, which was played out between the contestants via email]

KT: "So. What are you thinking?"
Antoine: "The real question is, what are you thinking?"

 KT: "Errr.... I don't know. You being a gentleman and all, I was hoping you'd give me your coin. But you don't have to if you don't want to..."

 Antoine: "Haha, thanks, but no thanks."

 KT: "Soooo you're NOT going to give it to me?"
Antoine: "Probably not, no. I want to make it as far as I can. I would like it very much to have exemption."

KT: "Okay, well. What now then? Should we just agree on a draw?"

 Antoine: "And let the Accomplice decide? Hmm... I don't know. If we can't decide, we lose 25 points, just like that. And I doubt we'd be the only duel that ends in a draw..."

KT: "Then what do you propose?"
Antoine: "I don't know. If I gave you my coin, what's in it for me? I don't mean to sound selfish, but..."
KT: "No, that's fine, you don't sound selfish at all. Maybe I could give you some information after this mission ends?"

Antoine: "Yeah. I'd like that. Okay, so deal?"
KT: "What? Oh, yes, deal!!"

Antoine: "Alright, then here you go." *flips coin in air*
KT: *catches it* "Thanks Antoine!"
Antoine: "No problem."

 KT: "It's locked!"

 Antoine: "Oh, yeah. I think the mission instructions said something about pulling a lever? How about you try the torch."
KT: "This?"
Antoine: "Yep, that's a torch."

KT: "Ooh, I feel like I'm Tomb Raider or-or Indiana Jones!!"

KT: "I got it! It worked!"

Antoine: "That's- woah!"

Antoine: "-!!?"

KT: "Well, that was cool. I hope the door is unlocked now!"

KT: "Oh, look, Antoine! You're fire went out! Very symbolic.... Antoine? ANTOINE?"

KT: "Nooo!! Antoine! What did I do?! Where did he fall?! Does he need help?? ANTOINE!!! ARE YOU OKAY???.........Antoine?! Well, I heard a splash, so I'm sure he's fine...."

KT: "Onto the next duel!"

 Shayne: "...."
Gregory: "...."

 Shayne: "Sooooo....."
Gregory: "Errrr.... yeah.... let's just keep this simple, and how about you give me your coin?"

Shayne: "What? If you want to keep it simple, then just give it to me. As simple as that."

 Gregory: "Yeah.... that..... that's not going to happen."
Shayne: "And why not?"
Gregory: "It's just not... going to happen. Sorry bud."

 Gregory: "Wait! I have an idea!!"
Shayne: "What?!"
Gregory: ".....I lost it...."
Shayne: "Great...."

 Shayne: "Well, I can't believe I'm saying this, but.... I DID just get an exemption last mission, so it's only fair if you get a shot this time."

Gregory: "Wait! I remembered my idea!"
Shayne: "No, don't bother saying it. I'm giving you my coin."
*tosses coin at Gregory*

Gregory: "Ack!"
*coin hits him in the face, falls to the ground*

 Gregory: "The coin!"
Shayne: "You dropped it?! I threw it right to you!"
Gregory: "No you didn't! You threw it at my face you arse!"

Shayne: "I swear, if you-"
Gregory: "Phew! It's okay, I grabbed it just before it fell into the water down there."

Shayne: "Water?! What water?"

Gregory: "The pool of water down there! I saw it when we walked in.... hmmm... I wonder if that's the lever the instructions were talking about?"

Shayne: "We better not be going into that water.... If we do, I'm officially going to sue this show."

Gregory: "Oh, you have a fear about water, don't you? Then how do you ever drink it? Everyone needs H2O to survive.... unless..... UNLESS..... YOU'RE AN EXTRATERRESTRIAL?!"

Shayne: "I'm not afraid of water, Greg. I just don't feel comfortable with large bodies of water, okay? Though I am slowly conquering that fear..."

 Gregory: "Found it!"

Shayne: "That torch just went out. What does that mean?"

Gregory: "That probably symbolizes your life in this mission-"
Shayne: *gasp*

Shayne: "You've GOOOOOOOT tooo beeee kiiiiidinnnng meeeeeEEEEEEEEE!!!"

Shayne: "AAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaAAAHHHHH!!!!!"

Shayne: "FML."


Gregory: "Thanks for the coin, Shayne!"

Evarrine: "Hm...."

Sara: "Hmmm..."

Evarrine: "You know what Sara, I really feel the need to apologize."
Sara: "Yes, you should. What do you want to apologize about, Evarrine?"

 Evarrine: "Everything, really. But today specifically, I really went wacko, didn't I?"
Sara: "Yes, you did."
Evarrine: "I must admit I wasn't acting like myself. I don't know what overcame me... though, it might have been because, you know... the anniversary and all...."

 Sara: "Anniversary?! Of what?"

 Evarrine: "Oh, do you mean I haven't told you??"
Sara: "I don't think so."
Evarrine: "Well, today marks the day of the death of my husband and my, uh, son."
Sara: "I thought you only had a daughter?"
Evarrine: "True, I do have a daughter.... But I've never talked about my son since that... fateful day."

Evarrine: "You see, on this date, 5 years ago, my husband, son and I were all relaxing at home, in our large mansion. When suddenly we're confronted by a man in full armor."
Sara: "Man in armor?! What time period is this? The Medieval-"
Evarrine: "Don't interrupt! As I was saying, we were all eating dinner together when suddenly this man enters the house and demands our money. My late husband refused to give in to his demands, so the thief stabbed him in the heart with a spear. My son tried to run, but the man grabbed him and snapped his neck.... I watched my husband and son get murdered, right in front of me. The man then... did things to me. But he kept me alive, after looting my whole house. He got away before I could call my guards- I mean, security.
Such senseless, brutal violence. So very sad indeed. I cry myself to sleep every night, you see. This is why I believe in magic so much. I've always thought that if I had magical properties, maybe I could have saved them. But, I was powerless, weak, mortal, and vulnerable. I don't want to ever feel that way again. That's why I do what I do."

Sara: *sobbing*
Evarrine: "Are you.... crying?"
Sara: "No! It's just...." *starts crying uncontrollably* 

Evarrine: "You are crying! I mean, I know my story is somewhat unfortunate, but I didn't think it was THAT sad..."
Sara: "Waaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!!"
Evarrine: "Really? Was it that bad? I mean, obviously it was bad, but-"
Sara: "wawhhuhuh.... wwahhhh!!" *sharp intakes of air*
Evarrine: "Really now, that's a bit excessive, Sara. I think you're trying to fake it or something, it really wasn't all that big of a deal!"

Sara: "No, no!!" *sniffles* "It's n-not y-you...." *sobs* "It's.... It-it is 2 pm!!!!"
*bawls loudly, sucks on thumb*

Evarrine: "Oh, for crying out loud!!"
Evarrine: "I CAN SEE THAT YOU- ...."

Evarrine: "Poor, innocent, beautiful young girl! Now now, mommies here for you- wait- that's not how that goes...."

Sara: "Okay! All better now!"
Evarrine: "What?!"
Sara: "Where were we? Ah, yes, the death of your family..."
Evarrine: "Precisely! So yes, that was a very, VERY sad day indeed, because then later-"

Sara: "You don't need to tell me anymore, Evarrine. I understand completely now. Today you were acting bitchier than usual because it's the anniversary, and all the bad memories are coming back to you. So I've decided to give you my coin."

Evarrine: "Bitchier than usual? I wouldn't say I'm usually 'bitchy', but I mean, it's possible that I'm being biased, but personally, I think most of the time people just don't- wait, did you say you were going to give me your coin??"

Sara: "I did. But under one condition. You stop your hell crusade. No more throwing out perfectly good food, overturning furniture, burning peoples clothes, clogging toilets, etc. No more bullying, too. All that needs to stop."

Sara: "You got it?"
Evarrine: "Yeah, yeah, sure, that's all fine by me! Look, I think we only got a few seconds left, hurry and give me your coin!!"

 Sara: "Yes, of course! Here-"
Evarrine: "-thanks."

Sara: "I guess I'll be stuck in here for a bit, huh?"
Evarrine: "I guess so."

Sara: "Hm, well, it's not too bad in here. It's not too cold, not too hot. Just perfect. Though I must admit I am a bit hungry.... and some music would be nice, but it's not necessary."
Evarrine: "Uh-huh."

Sara: "Anyway, I should be fine in here. Good luck to you though! I hope you make it far in the mission."
Evarrine: "Mhm-hm."
Sara: "I really want you to get that exemption, your husband and son would be proud."

Evarrine: "Yes.... yes he would...."

Sara: "And hey, sorry about before, I didn't mean to-"

Sara: "-Ahhhh!"

 Sara: "Heeelp meeeeeeeEEEE!"

Evarrine: "Whoops. My bad. Mwhaha... fool!"


 Kaita: "Errrr... no thanks. Maybe next time."
Aiden: "Aw'righ'! Next time den!"
Kaita: "Hehe.... okay."

 Kaita: *smiles*

 Kaita: "....."
Aiden: *gulps loudly*
Kaita: "Okay, what is it?! Do I have something on my face??"

 Aiden: "Naw..."
Kaita: "Then what is it?"
Aiden: "You gots..... you gots pretty on yah face...."

 Kaita: "I gots pretty on my face? Is that what you just said?"
Aiden: " like?"
Kaita: "Do I like what?"
Aiden: "....mah face."
Kaita: "Do I like my face? Uhhmm.... I guess so?"
Aiden: "No! Ah means.... MAH face! You like mah face?" 
Kaita: "Ohhhhh..... you.... you don't really want to know the answer to that."

Aiden: "Bu' why?!"
 Kaita: "Uhm. Well.... It's hard to explain."
Aiden: "Do you think I pretteh?"

Kaita: "...Are you asking me, if I think you're pretty!? Okay, dude, that's enough talking. Way to make an awkward situation even more awkward.... and now I have to make it even awkwarder.... You need to give me your coin, we're running out of time."

 Aiden: "No!"
Kaita: "What do you mean, 'no'? It would REALLY help me out if you did. Trust me, I'll repay you back later. Just give it to me."
Aiden: "No!"
Kaita: "Are you serious? You're not even going to try and reason with me?"

Aiden: "Yes!"
Kaita: "You are?"
Aiden: "...No!"
Kaita: *facepalm*

Kaita: "Look at that. We ran out of time. Good job."
Aiden: "Don' blame it on meh! I's your fault too!"

Kaita: "Yeah yeah, but if you just gave me your coin, we wouldn't have had this problem...."

Kaita: "You seem awfully confident. Do you really think the Accomplice would choose you over me? Unlikely. Unless YOU are the Accomplice.... but even then you'd probably choose me to move on."

CAPTAIN CROOK (through speaker): "Da Accomplice has made his or her decision! An' the results arrrrrrre..."

CROOK: "Good job, me matey!! Pull da torch to unlock the door."

 Aiden: "Aw'righ!"
Kaita: "Wha-"

Kaita: "Ahhhhhh!"

Kaita: "Blooooooooooooody heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelll!!" *SPLASH*

 [the duelists were messed up just a tiny bit... I changed it to represent the real life duels]

 Evarrine: "Greetings, KT."
KT: "Hey Eva-"
Evarrine: "Let's get past the formalities and get right to the point... I'm not going to fall into water, I want exemption, and therefore you're going to give me your coins. Sound fair?"

 KT: "Errm.... How is that at all fair?"

 Evarrine: "KT, I'm giving you a choice out of courtesy. Don't make me regret it."

 KT: "I don't know what you're talking about Evarrine. You can't physically take my coins away from me. You can threaten me all you want, but I won't budge. Sorry."
Evarrine: "Think again, you foolish girl.... FIREBALL! ......"

KT: "...I'm not seeing any fire..."
Evarrine: "Yeah.... I really thought it would work that time. Hmm."
KT: "Yeah.... you really need to stop trying. No offense."

Gregory: "How many coins you got?"
Aiden: "One. How 'bout you?"

 Gregory: "Got the full two. And I'm hoping to turn that into 3 pretty quickly here."

 Aiden: "Only in your dreams, alien-boy!"

 Gregory: "We're going to resort to name calling now, are we? Well, first off- you're a dimwit. Secondly, I'm not an alien, clearly. YOU could be for all I know! Trying to pull the whole 'redneck' thing off in human form. Except, you're not very good at shape-shifting, as evident by your terrible, hideous figure! You don't even look human, you look like a troll!"

Aiden: "I may haves a red neck, and I may be stupids, bu' I AIN'T a alien, boy! An' wat is it wit people callin' me a troll?! I don' understand! I ain't no troll! I Aiden!"
Gregory: "Tell yourself what you need to in order to sleep better at night."

 Evarrine: "We have less than a minute left. We need to come to a decision if we want to add any money to the pot. And I'm telling you right now, that I'm not going to willingly hand over my coins to you. That's not going to happen, period. So either you give me your coins, or we can let the Accomplice settle this."

KT: "I want to make it to the end too, you know. And for reasons not as greedy as yours. I want to make sure that in the final duel, one person hands over the coins to the other. That's the most crucial part of this mission, that's where most of the points can be lost. I want to assure that the Mole or their Accomplice doesn't stuff this up and make us lose all those points."
Evarrine: "A valid argument. What would I get out of it, besides points? Because I could just as easily do that myself."

 KT: "I don't know, information? That's really the only thing I can provide."

 Evarrine: "That's what I like to hear. If I hand over my coins, I want your top suspect. No, scratch that. Top THREE suspects. And if you fail to fulfill this simple promise...."

 KT: "That won't be a problem. You know how honest I am, Evarrine. Honesty and integrity are important to me, both inside and outside of this game."
Evarrine: "Okay, just let me think...."
KT: "You have about 30 seconds to make a decision, but no rush."
Evarrine: "Hush!"

 Gregory: "We're not getting anywhere here. And we're running out of time...."

Gregory: "Any suggestions on how to settle this?"
Aiden: "I am pretty addled...."   *scratches head*

 Aiden: "Ooh! Brain blast! How 'bout.... ROCK TREE AXE?!"

Gregory: "I don't know what that is."
Aiden: "O'course yah knows wat dat is!! Is rock tree axe! E'eryone knows it!"
Gregory: "Ohhhh... You mean, rock-paper-scissors?!"

 Aiden: "Yah. Ain't that wat I jus' said?"
Gregory: "Nooo.... you said something completely different. Hillbilly talk, I'm sure. But anyways.... sounds like a good idea! Let's do it!"
Aiden: "I'm the awfullest at dis game, bu' I kain't lose now!"

 Gregory & Aiden: "Rock."
Gregory: "-paper"
Aiden: "-tree-"
Gregory: "SCISSORS!"
Aiden: "-AXE!!"

Gregory: "Gahhh!! two out of three?"
Aiden: "Sures!"

 KT: "So do we have a deal?"
Evarrine: "I'm afraid I'm going to have to decline your offer, JT."
KT: "It's KT."
Evarrine: "BT."
KT: "KT."
Evarrine: "....Katie?"

KT: "Well, looks like times up anyway. Thanks to you."

Evarrine: "Thanks to me?! Don't pretend like you didn't sabotage this. We both couldn't decide, so we both sabotaged. We don't have to tell anybody what happened. Let their imaginations run wild. But what I don't want is for you to go around saying I sabotaged this, when clearly it takes two to do so."

KT: "Fine, but all I'm saying is I handed  you a perfectly good deal and you shut me down. I offered you information, which is far more valuable than any exemption. You only need an exemption because you don't have enough information!"
Evarrine: "What are you trying to imply here, you little brat?"

KT: "I'm saying it's quite possible that you're the Mole, or maybe even the Accomplice. Or perhaps both. The Mole doesn't need exemption nor information, and only wants to sabotage. The Accomplice doesn't need exemption, but they still might want information, because they're still in the game, trying to decide who the Mole is."

Evarrine: "You're speaking to me like I don't already know this."
KT: "I'm just thinking out loud. You refused valuable information, and if you are in fact a traitor, that to me means you're more likely to be the Mole than the Accomplice."
Evarrine: "Child, I refused your offer because for one, I don't need any of your faulty information. Two, I don't trust you. Three, exemption guarantees you safety; information does not.  And lastly..... I'm not about to fall 4 stories into a dark pool of water. Understand better now?"
CROOK (through speaker): "Da Accomplice has made his or her decision! An' the results arrrrrrre..."
Evarrine: "Pft. Not like I didn't see that one coming."

KT: "I'm sorry, Eva. But I have to-"

Evarrine: "Don't you dare. If you even dare TOUCH that torch, I swear, I'll have your throat slit by midnight!"
KT: "Evarrine, it's part of the mission...."
Evarrine: "At least let me get off this trap!"
KT: "Too late-"

Evarrine: "I WILL get vengeance for this."

KT: "Well, that was creepy how she didn't move or make any sound...."

 Gregory: "Maybe the rocks, paper, scissors idea wasn't the best idea."
Aiden: "Yeawh.... It din't weally solve nuttin'!"
CROOK (through speaker): "Da Accomplice has made his or her decision! An' the results arrrrrrre..."
Gregory: "Awwww... bummer. I really wanted to make it to the final round. Oh well. Good luck out there Aiden."

 Aiden: "Tanks, bud!"

Gregory: "Woah!!"

Gregory: "Woooooooooooh!!"

Gregory: "Yeeeeahhhhhh!!"
Aiden: "I wanna jump in da big undaground pool too!"

KT: "Fancy meeting you here, Aiden. I'm proud of you for making it so far! Quite honestly, I'm surprised I made it this far as well."

Aiden: "I ain't surprised."
KT: "About what?"
Aiden: "Tha' you made it 'tis far."

 KT: "Awwwe.... You're so sweet, Aiden! That's what I love about you, you're just so cute!"

 KT: "But down to business.... We don't have much time. How many coins do you have left?"
Aiden: "Uhh.... hold'n and le' me counts!"
KT: "....really? Okay, fine, go ahead. I'm patient. Though time's waning...."
Aiden: "I gots 1!"
KT: "It took you that long to count to one...? Okay, well, at least that's something! So all your duels have been undecided?"

Aiden: "Mhm-hm."

 KT: "Let's hope this one doesn't end the same! Okay, so I have 2 coins left... If we can't come to an agreement, then the Accomplice will obviously choose you, once again, since you only have one coin while I still have 2. Make sense?"
Aiden: "I follow, yep."
KT: "Great. So, the bottom line is.... one of us needs to hand over our coins- or, in your case, coin."

 Aiden: "Well, it ain't gonna be me!"
KT: "And why not?"
Aiden: "I jus' don' wanna. I ain't had an e'emption in a looong time!!"

 KT: "Yeah, but why do you deserve to win over me? I don't get that. You didn't even consider handing your coin over to me. I honestly feel like I tried harder in this challenge. First I had to get through Antoine, who is.... well, pretty easy to go against, I guess, but when he's determined he's unbeatable. And then I had to face off against Evarrine. EVARRINE! Of course she didn't hand hers over, and luckily the Accomplice let me through. In your case, the Accomplice has let you through. Twice. Have you even done anything to try and convince your previous opponents?"

 Aiden: "I don' remember. Jus' a lot of talk and rock tree axe."
KT: "Rock tree axe?"
Aiden: "Lon' story."
KT: "Okay, well.... did you at least glean any information from them that you might want to give to me? Who was your first opponent? Kaita? Who was your second?"
Aiden: "I can' remember!"
KT: "Can or Can't?!?!"
Aiden: "Can'!"
KT: "So you can remember?"
Aiden: "NO! I can'!"

KT: "AGHH! We don't have time for this!!"

KT: "Quick, just tell me this- who are your top suspects?"
Aiden: "Suspects of what? Oh, you mean da person who ate mah last chicken breast?"
KT: "No, Aiden, who you suspect as the Mole!"

Aiden: "Uhm.... well.... I been suspectin' Antoine for awhile nows, he jus' seem real shady! But I haves to say me main suspect is Sara. Tha girl has somein' up her sleeve! Plus, she pretty poor at da missions.... I don' know. Tha's all I have!"

 KT: "That's enough for now. Okay, I'm giving you my coins, since there's no way you're giving me you yours." *tosses coins over*
"Quick! We literally have less than 20 seconds left!"


KT: "Bye!!"

Aiden: "Sorreh pretty KT!"

Aiden: "Crook! I made't!"

Aiden: "Youch! Wha's dat terrible smell I smellin'? Smell ike my cuzin's back home in Miss'ippi!"

CROOK: "Yarhahaha, tha's what happens when ye leave an 'ole pirate like me up in da deck for too long!"
Aiden: "Ack! I tink I migh' puke!"

 Aiden: "Okies, I'm gewd! Wha's mah prize?"

 CROOK: "How much booty ye got?"
Aiden: "Uhh... I gots lots of booteh!"
CROOK: "Nawh, mate! I mean coins! How many coins yer got there?"
Aiden: "Oof! I gots... le' me count.... 3!"

CROOK: "Then you've earned 75 points for dis mission, and ye also earned yerself an exemption! Congrats, feller!"

 CROOK: "Now, I jus' need to climb back down these stairs here.... oh lord."

"So, today, I was looking through the house and I realized that there was a computer in the house. Captain Crook lied to me when he said there isn't any computers in the house. So, after the mission, I ended up having a bone to pick with him as there was a computer in the house. Fortunately for him, Kenzen didn't have a skype so even if there wasn't a computer in the house, I wouldn't be able to skype with him anyway. Captain Crook ended up apologizing for his mistake and production makes him owe me an autograph from Patrick Stump who is the lead singer of Fall Out Boy to make up for it."
Production Woman: “Uhmmm… That never happened.”
Sara: “What?”
Production Woman: “We’re not going to force him to get some ‘autograph’ for someone. It’s Crook we’re talking about. Do you really think he’s capable of achieving such a thing?”
Sara: “Well, yeah…. He owes me!”
Production Woman: “He doesn’t owe you anything. He doesn’t even know what a computer is for christ’s sake. He’s lived in a boat all his life, I’m sure he doesn’t even know what a phone is.”
Sara: “Oh, well… okay.”
Production Woman: “That’s what I thought. Now get out! Other people are waiting to get in!”

*          *          *

Mission Results

Round #1:

Haylo vs. Smarties
Kali vs. Sammi
Jojo vs. Jake
Mojo vs. Krose

Round #2:

Haylo vs. Jojo
Sammi vs. Mojo 

Final Round:

Haylo vs. Mojo

Deleted Scene

 CROOK: "Ahhh... look at dat beautiful horizon! I miss me sailing days..."

CROOK: "I know me matey, I know.... Someday, we will roam the vast ocean again! Someday..."
CROOK: "Oh, you hate the main production lady too? That makes two of us! Yarrhahahah!!"
Production Lady: "Hey! I heard that! You two are getting fired after this next episode!"
CROOK: "Look what you've done now, parrot! You've made her angry again!"


 Soooo I left my game for awhile to come back to this....

Apparently they all starved to death..... Woops! Guess I should have fed them more often.

 And there's Captain Crook.... Not sure what he's doing in the house....

Well, Death took him first. And he's strangely skinny as a ghost. Weird.

Death then took the rest of his victims...

Poor, innocent KT. First escapes death by being stabbed, then dies of starvation. What a cruel world we live in. 

 I found these bodies too.... I guess Evarrine isn't immortal after all. ;)

Shane asking for a second chance at life (his plea didn't do him much good, fyi)

 And I left a few sims back at the execution area on the ship.... Here Gregory lies, also dead. Some little girl apparently was on the ship when it happened so she witnessed his death. She should've known not to go onto a mysterious ship smack middle of the island, but, live and let learn, I guess. (well, not in this case.... I MIGHT have "accidentally" killed her directly after this incident....whoops. My bad again, guys. >:D)

Antoine was the sole survivor (guess he grabbed himself a snack at some point. Smart guy)
Anyway, so he was the last one left alive....

....So he engaged in a pillow fight with Death!! 

This is what happens when I leave The Mole contestants unattended for 10 minutes.... Not making that mistake again!

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