Wednesday, August 7, 2013


  Mole Video (updated! Thanks Jake)

.:DAY 11:.

 CAPTAIN CROOK: "Ahoy, mateys! Welcome to yer brief house tour o' the new house all them bumnuggets will be stayin' in fer the next few days! They be doing their piratey mission now, so we have time to tour the place before they come runnin'!"

"Les' enter!"

"Instead of me walking aroun' this damned place, I'll jus' show ye some pictures instead! Is a beach house if ye haven' noticed yet...."

"Main Entry!"

"Diary Room."

"Sorreh fer the weird picture sizes, technical problems apparently.... Ah, bloody hell matey! Watch where ye goin'!"
Camera Man: "My bad..."

CAPTAIN CROOK: "Anyway.... as I was sayin'! Wait.... What was I sayin'?! Arrrgh! I must've forgotten. I seem to be losin' my memory lately! Aye, 'tis no good...."

"Well, here be the main sittin' room!"

"An' rooms throughout..."

"Aye! A toilet! Haven't used one of dose in a long while.... The ocean is me bathroom!! Bath and toilet in one, no cleanin' involved!! Yarrhahahahha!!!"

"Up da deck we go!"

"Speakin' of decks.... Here's a REAL deck for ye!"

"Wha' a nice view!"

"Der study.... to plan our next ambush agains' the enemy ship!"

"Shiver me timbers! What a nice bat'room dey have righ' herr?! Ooh willey!"

"The last bedroom, I guarantee it! That makes 8 beds... looks like two of 'dem landlubbers will have to bunk together!"

"Outside we go!"

"Wouldja look at dat?! Livin' in the laps of luxury, these mates! Ooh! What's dat over thar? Hold on tight, I'll be back!"

Camera Man: "Err.... Crook? We lost you there, weren't sure where went... We need someone to do the voice over."

CAPTAIN CROOK: "Oh hey! The house tour is finished! Nothin' left to see! Now let me enjoy me mad bath before them dirty rats invade this place and stink it up!"
 Camera Man: "It's a mud bath.... You can't get much worse than that...."
CAPTAIN CROOK: "Oh, then ye obviously haven't been on a pirate ship filled to the brim of drunken and sweaty ole' pirates, have ye?!"

Camera Man: "I suppose not, no.... And there you have it, viewers! The vacation home the contestants will be staying at during their stay here on Sunlit Tides. We'll be back after this short break!"

“I can't believe that Kenzen left me. They told me that there will be a co-host this season but I remember on the night of Casey's execution, I made a wish at 11:11 saying that there won't a co-host this season. I guess that that wish didn't came true. Now, Taiha, can you please give me advice on what to do when your obsession leaves you? Now, if you excuse me, I have to skype with Kenzen right now since he is gone for a while. Bye!"

 *Sara tries to leave the confessional room*

CAPTAIN CROOK: "Sara, there isn't any computers here so you can't skype with him."
Sara: "Damn it!”

Evarrine: "Ah! Stupid effing painting! Give me your damn oranges!!"

Shayne: "Erm... Is this a bad time? Because I can come back later...."
Evarrine: "Huh?!"

Evarrine: "Oh! Hello there, Shaun! You scared me!"
Shayne: "It's Shayne, but-"
Evarrine: "Next time please knock. It's quite rude to walk into someone's room without announcing yourself... Especially the room of a royal queen. But of course you foolish mortals don't give a damn about my power..."

Shayne: "Yes, of course..."
Evarrine: "Not like I have power anymore anyway... I don't know why I keep fooling myself. I keep trying to bring my magic back but it's simply not working. I can't even summon an orange anymore! That was one of my easiest spells, I could cast any fruit and eat its fruity deliciousness right there on my throne, and be fanned by the peasants. But I simply don't have that luxury anymore.... Anyway. Did you want something?"

Shayne: "Not exactly.... I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate what you did for me today. What you shared with me.... How you helped me jump off that boat... that meant a lot to me."

Evarrine: "Oh, don't speak of it! Really. Don't. That was nothing...."

Indigo: "Hm... Evarrine helped Shayne? What are they talking about?"

Shayne: "No, it wasn't nothing. You helped me overcome something huge and honestly I'm quite impressed with you for doing it. I didn't know you were that kind of person."
Evarrine: "Exactly what kind of person do you mean?"

 Shayne: "I don't know.... compassionate? Caring?"
Indigo: "Evarrine? Compassionate?! What world is this??"

Evarrine: "Certainly not the realm that I'm supposed to be in..."

Indigo: "So what did she do anyway?"
Shayne: "She... she helped me jump off the boat during the mission. And you know about my fear of water and the ocean... and boats in general....."

Indigo: "Wait, really?! OMG Evarrine, that's amazing! I can't believe you'd do something like that!!"

Evarrine: "Me neither... Wait- what are you doing-"

Indigo: "You deserve a hug for that girl! I think good actions should be rewarded!"

Evarrine: "Yeah.... there there.... bring it in...."

Evarrine: "Hugging.... a peasantry act.... I prefer bowing or you getting on your knees but I guess this works too... Okay. That's enough."

Shayne: *chuckles*

Evarrine: "Alright. That's enough of that. Now get out of my room."

Indigo: "Haha, no problem. Let's leave her be Shayne."
Shayne: "Fine by me."

Indigo: "Good night my Queen!"

Evarrine: "I don't appreciate your sarcasm.... But night."

Evarrine: "Mortals these days..."

Indigo: "Well, looks like it's just you and me, bud! Of course Evarrine claimed the other queen-sized bed and everyone else is paired up together in the other rooms, so...."

Shayne: "Yeah, guess we're bunking together  for tonight. What side you want?"

Indigo: "I don't care, this side I guess."


 Shayne: "Haha, okay then."

Indigo: "Sooo..."
Shayne: "What?"
Indigo: "Nothing."

Shayne: "Okay...."
Indigo: "You tired?"
Shayne: "Yeah, I'm pretty tired. What about you?"

Indigo: "I'm exhausted! That mission absolutely wore me out."
Shayne: "Yeah, I can barely walk...."

Indigo: "Hehe, yeah..."

Shayne: "Well, good night then. See you in the morning."
Indigo: "Yeah, you too, I guess..."

Indigo: "Err... you sort of forgot to turn the lamp off..."
Shayne: "...."

Indigo: "Okay, I'll turn it off then."

Shayne: "Huh? Sorry, I'm just so tired."
Indigo: "It's fine, I got it."

Shayne: "What? No, I'm right here."

 Indigo: "No really, it's fine. Don't get up, I'll do it."

Shayne: "Seriously, go back to bed! I got it!"

Indigo: "Oh!"

Shayne: "Sorry..."
Indigo: "No, that's okay! Let me just-"

Shayne: "No, let me-"
Indigo: "No really-"
Shayne: "I got it!"

Indigo: "....."

Shayne: "I...."
Indigo: "It's alright."


Shayne: "Wow...."

Indigo: "Wow is right..."

Shayne: "I... I shouldn't have done that...."
Indigo: "It's fine Shayne, we can make it work-"

Shayne: "No. You don't understand.... I- I can't.... You know I have a girlfriend and I can't do this to her. I have to go."
Indigo: "Go!? Go where?!"

Shayne: "Away! Away from you.... and this."

Indigo: "And I'm the dramatic one?!  Ha!"

Sara: "Are you guys as surprised as I am that Team Dysfunctional won today's mission? I knew my team probably wasn't going to win but I thought for sure you guys would."

Antoine: "I presumed we would as well. That team had KT, who isn't that bad at missions, but we all know that wasn't a mission she'd excel at. Then Shayne, who never seems to put his 100% into anything.... And then there's Evarrine. I think that one is self-explanatory."

Gregory: "Yeah, because she's an alien! Isn't it obvious?! She's absolutely insane. Must not be very comfortable being inside a human body, so she finds normal tasks difficult to do."
Antoine: "Hehe, I think YOU'RE the insane one in this instance, my friend. Aliens are fictional."

 Gregory: "Are you joking?! There's no way we are the only intelligent life forms in this universe, let alone in the entire area we call SPACE! Witches, on the other hand, are entirely fictional and it's preposterous for you to think Evarrine could be a fairytale character."

Sara: "There actually is logic in that... Somewhere..."
Gregory: "... Unless..... why are you defending her so much? Why are you trying to convince me that she's NOT an alien? Are you trying to cover for- Wait. NO. Does that mean you too- ... no, that can't be right. Never mind, sorry I said anything.... Carry on!"

 Antoine: "All I'm saying, is that the prophecy could very well indeed be true and Evarrine-"

Sara: "-can be the Evil Witch behind it, yeah yeah, you've told us a million times before."

Antoine: "What, you don't believe me now? I thought you two were going to help me watch out for her and possibly join me in the final battle between us.... IF she's part of the prophecy, it's destined to happen."

Gregory: "Of course we're still going to help you, but perhaps some people are less convinced of this 'prophecy' then others...."

Sara: "Agreed."
Gregory: "....Yep. Okay, what now? I'm bored."
Sara: "You're not tired?"
Gregory: "Not really."
Sara: "Good because neither am I!" :D

 Antoine: "I might head to bed soon.... My body is aching from that mission."
Sara: "Really? I'm totally fine! I'm actually wide awake for some strange reason... There's a stereo right here, how about we listen to some music, see what's playing? It's not often we get to have electronic devices on this show!!!"

 Antoine: "Alright... People are sleeping though so don't blast it..."

Sara: "Hmm... nope. That station sucks. Oh! Wait... nope. Country. I hate country. Ooh, how about this song??"

Sara: "Oh yeah! I think this Britney's new song! Ooh La La!!"

Sara: "...We don't stop 'til we get enough, c'mon turn it up 'til the speakers POP!"

Antoine: "No, please don't do that, I just said don't have it on too loud because people are trying to sleep."
Gregory: "I think she was singing part of the song when she said that...."
Sara: "Ooh my my baby don't be shy, I see that spark flashing in your eye!"

Antoine: "Ugh, this just isn't my type of music. I'm going to bed, I can't listen to this anymore."
Gregory: "Yeah.... This isn't exactly my cup of tea either."

Antoine: "Good night!"
Sara: "...So baby come with me and be my ooh la la!!"
Antoine: "Ooookay then... I'll pass on that, no thanks. I don't even know what the hell an 'ooh la la' is."

Gregory: "Again, I think she's singing to the lyrics of the song.... But this is making my ears hurt. I want to pull out my hair listening to this... I'm going to bed too."

Gregory: "Night, Sara!"
Sara: "Take my hand, we can go all night-"

Sara: "-And spin me around just the way I like!"
Gregory: "Shut. Up!"

Sara: "It feels so good I don't wanna stop!"

Antoine: "That was fast."
Gregory: "Yeah, it doesn't take long for Sara to drive you bonkers."

Sara: "So baby come with me and be my Ooh La La!!"

 *                *                 *

.:DAY 12:.

 “So, me, Gregory, and Antoine were talking about Evarrine late at night last night. During that conversation, we got bored so we have decided to turn on the radio. We didn't turn it too loud as people were sleeping at that time so we put it loud enough so that only us can hear the radio. When we were listening to the radio, I heard Britney Spears' newest song Ooh La La. At first, I was getting into the mood and I was singing along to it. Then, after that the song, the radio host told us that song was from the Smurfs 2. I can't believe that Britney Spears  decided to sing a song for a movie that is about the most evil and scary creatures on this planet. I can't believe that I have decided to sing along to that song.”



CAPTAIN CROOK: "Me foxy lady-pirate Kaita, please report to the DR! What is the DR anyway? The Deck Room?"
Production Woman: "That would be the diary room, sir."
CAPTAIN CROOK: "Oh, yes, yer right, me matey! Yarhahaha, all hands on deck in the diary room!!"
Production Woman: "That's not.... Oh, never mind."

Kaita: "...This can't be good."

*Kaita passes gas*
Kaita: "Oop! Excuse me!"

CAPTAIN CROOK: "Avast! Der she blows!"
Kaita: "Excuse me?!"
CAPTAIN CROOK: "What?! Ye be a true pirate now! Harhar, please take a seat mate!"

Kaita: "So, what's this about?"
CAPTAIN CROOK: "Ye be takin' off the show so ye can be me lady pirate! Ye can sail the vast seas with me and enjoy the fresh water of the sea and- what? No! I don' wanna! ...Fine. As you wish, madam."

Kaita: "....what?"
Production Woman: "Hello there, Kaita! Sorry about that brief scare, you're not going anywhere. I'm going to have to address you about this since our new co-host is a bit unreliable and unpredictable..."

Kaita: "Okay.... Address me about what? Is everything alright? I still have my job in MI6, right??"
 Production Woman: "Yes, yes, of course! For the most part, everything is fine.... except you did break one of our rules of bringing in a electronic device."
Kaita: "Which was....?"

 Production Woman: "Don't play dumb with me, Ms. Blake. After everyone was shipped over to Sunlit Tides, we had a housemaid tidy up the house back in Sunset Valley and imagine, to her surprise, when she saw that stray cat that keeps coming to the house! Except when she went over to pet it, it's fur coloring changed to rainbow and started to emit the Nyan Cat theme song. She rushed back to us in fear of her life."

Kaita: "That.... that wasn't me...."
 Production Woman: "Yes, it was. You have a background in electronic inventions and making new advanced spying gadgets. We also found a voice recorder on the cat which breaks another one of our rules: cheating. We have confiscated the cat and as punishment you will receive a deduction of 3 points on your next quiz."

Kaita: "Fine. Are we done here?"
 Production Woman: "Not quite. We are sick and tired of seeing contestants smuggling cats into the show.... whether they be real or robotic. We want you to be a sort of spy for us and watch out for any foul play from any of the other players. No cheating, no smuggling any more cats, dogs, guns, or whatever the hell you people seem to not be able to live without. None of that crap. You're undercover, working as security for us from now on. Understood?"

Kaita: "Maybe you should get better security..."
Production Woman: "Pardon me, smartass?"
Kaita: "Nothing. I'll accept! I've always wanted to be the actual spy.... I'll watch the other players to make sure they don't break any of the rules. You got my word."


Production Woman: "Good. Then you are dismissed."

KT: “Hey, did you hear about the changes to the show?"

Aiden: "Naw, whatcha talkin' 'bout?"

KT: "Well, the producers and video editors of the show are cutting back on the episodes."

Aiden: "Bu' Why?!"

KT: “Apparently last week’s episode aired for over 2 hours and went into Honey Boo Boo’s time slot. I guess a lot of people got angry over that so now they are cutting the episodes back."

Aiden: "How much?"
KT: “A lot. Like, episodes are only 30 minutes long now."

Aiden: "Haf'n hour?! Tha's it!? If they are tryin' to keeps it short, shoul'nt we jus' stop talkin' so dat they canst record dis conversation??"

KT: “…Yeah, you’re right! If we don’t talk they don’t have anything to record…"
Aiden: "Yeah…"
KT: “Right…"

Aiden: "…."

KT: “…...."

Aiden: "Well, is been fun chattin' with ya!!"
KT: “Yep, it’s been fun talking to you too!"

Aiden: "Alrigh', later gator!"

KT: “Bye! Good luck at the execution!!!”
Aiden: "You too beauty!"
KT: "I'm exempt..."
Aiden: "Oh, tha's righ'! Then goo'luck at da next execution afta this one!"
KT: "Thanks, Aiden!" 



 *                 *                 *






1. Is the Mole, male or female?
a) Male
b) Female

2. While Captain Crook explained the mission on the deck of the boat, where was the Mole standing, from his perspective?
a) Front Row
b) Back Row

3. In the mission, "A Pirate's Life For Me!", which cell number was the Mole locked up in?
a) Cell 1
b) Cell 2
c) Cell 3

4. In the 1st stage of the mission, was the Mole ever seen attempting to feed the parrot?
a) Yes
b) No

5. In what order did the Mole escape from the cell, compared to their cellmates?
a) 1st to escape
b) 2nd to escape
c) Last to escape

6. Was the Mole in the team that reached the Isthmus first?
a) No
b) Yes

7. Was the Mole the designated digger for their team during the 3rd stage of the mission?
a) Yes
b) No

8. Who is, the Mole?
a) Shayne Holmes
b) Antoine Valentine
c) Aiden Hicks
d) Gregory Plaice
e) Kaita Blake
f) KT!
g) Indigo Stone
h) Sara Vesela
i) Evarrine Roland


9. Is the Mole's Accomplice, male or female?
a) Male
b) Female

10. Which team was the Mole's Accomplice in?
a) Team Dysfunctional
b) Team Honey Badgers
c) The GAGA Squad

11. How many points did the MA's team help contribute to the pot?
a) 60
b) 40

12. Who is the Mole's Accomplice for this week?
a) Shayne Holmes
b) Antoine Valentine
c) Aiden Hicks
d) Gregory Plaice
e) Kaita Blake
f) KT!
g) Indigo Stone
h) Sara Vesela
i) Evarrine Roland

 *                 *                 *




Shayne: "Great. This looks like a whole lot of fun. Is this show meant for torturing people?"
Evarrine: "I'd say so."
Antoine: ".... I guess I'll go first..."

CAPTAIN CROOK: "Welcome, me hearties! Ain't this jus' the most beautiful execution place! Aye! I'd say so!!"

CAPTAIN CROOK: "Yes, yes, have ah seat!"

CAPTAIN CROOK: "ARRRRRRRighty then! Everyone be counted for? Good! Time to get this show on the sea!! Yarharhahahar!!"

"...But there be a twist. The poor lad executed will NOT be walkin' back down 'dem stairs there.... Nope! Instead, gettin' off 'dis ship here, yer gonna have to do sometin' a BIT diff'ent...."

"Ye must...."



Shayne: "Are you shittin' me right now?! I fricken HATE this damn show! But.... at least I'm exempt for tonight."

 CAPTAIN CROOK: "Tha's righ'! Ye be safe tonight, along wit' yer fellow team members, KT and Evarrine!!"

 CAPTAIN CROOK: "An' o'course, we got the van driver on the utter side of de lake here. Yer'll just have to swim yerself over to it! An' don' worry 'bout sharks... none of those! Well, maybe jus' a few.... Harharhahhar!!"

"Bu' besides dat.... ye know the lay of the land! If the screen here is green, ye be safe! Howe'er.... if it turns the color of blood.... Ye be black-spotted and marked for ye death! We will watch as you walk the plank to your doom!!"

CAPTAIN CROOK: "SO! Who wants to get started?!"
*crickets can be heard*
"Arrrrighty then! I'll startcha off! To start...."

"Gregory! Ye be first!!"

Gregory: "Awesome...."






 Indigo: "Nooo.... This can't be happening...."


 CAPTAIN CROOK: "Sorry me matey, bu' is yer time to take the plunge!"

Indigo: "Do I have to? I'm deeply afraid of water... and heights.... and dark places...."
Shayne: "Y-you..... You can do it Indigo." 


CAPTAIN CROOK: "Jus' walk up to the edge of the plank and say yer final goodbyes!"
Indigo: "Okay... Where's my luggage?"
CAPTAIN CROOK: "Yer'll see it soon enough!"
Indigo: "And my skelebear?"
CAPTAIN CROOK: "He's in there, wit' the res' of yer luggage."

CAPTAIN CROOK: "Ye can't stay up here forever!! Ye must jump eventually! Don't make me get me sword and scare you off the edge!"


Indigo: "So. I guess this is it. It's been fun guys.... It was nice getting to know all of you and making bonds with... some of you. So yeah. I don't regret a thing, I had a blast and would do it again in a heartbeat.... Minus a few things, like having to do this part of the show.... which I really don't want to do.... Do I have to???"

Everyone: "YES!!"
Indigo: "Okay. Bye everyone! Good luck to all and find that mole, whoever it is!" 

 CAPTAIN CROOK: "Seriously now, am I goin' to have to push ye off for ya?!"

Indigo: *takes deep breathe* "Okay, I'm ready now."

CAPTAIN CROOK: *pushes her off*



 KT: "This show is pretty good at executing my friends... But who am I kidding, I'm friends with everyone!!! Which is why these execution ceremonies are so sad for me. Poor Indigo, she deserved to go much farther than this."
Shayne: "Agreed. I... liked her. I mean, I more than liked her.... No, not like that!! She was.... Indigo was a good friend to me. She understood me and comforted me when I was feeling lonely. I feel terrible seeing her go like that.... This is my fault. I should have kept her safe. I could have given her information and helped her get farther...... She looked up to me and I let her down."
Kaita: "I'm a bit sad myself. So far I haven't much cared for the people who have been eliminated from the game, but this really saddens me. Indigo was a beautiful and intelligent girl, and she was always so friendly. A bit quirky, yes, but aren't we all? She was a true friend and it sucks to see a coalition partner leave..."
Evarrine: "Coalition partner?! I thought I was your coalition buddy!"
Kaita: "Err.... please don't say the word 'buddy' ever again.... you sound weird when you say it."
Evarrine: "Don't you dare change the subject on me! We'll have a serious talk about this later."
Kaita: "Fine....whatever, your majesty."


CAPTAIN CROOK: "So. Apparently there be some kind of Mole's Accomplice?? What in Poseidon's name is that person? I be unsure as to why I signed up fer this show, I jus' don' get it!"

"Well, anyway.... The Accomplice did not go wi
thout detection. A few people caught on, but not enough to prevent the MA from getting their well-deserved points. The instructions here tells me to tell 'em to stand up! So.... whoever you blasted scoundrel are, reveal thyself!"

Kaita: "Me. I was the Mole's Accomplice." *smirks*

Sara: "So THAT'S why we sucked so bad...." 

 Kaita: "Yep. That's probably why."


CAPTAIN CROOK: "Now if yer'll excuse me, me fellow mateys are awaitin' fer me down at de local pub!! 99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer..."




 *                 *                 *




It appears like the contestants had some trouble on the stairwell leading up to the ship for the Execution...

Aiden Octopus? 

That's.... strange.

A female Antoine? With.... two faces?

Oh! There's Sara!

And Shayne....

And.... I don't even know what that is. Some kind of demented monster of Indigo, Shayne, Antoine and partly Sara.... bizarre....

No comment. 

DEFINITELY no comment.... KT's face there is going to haunt me in my dreams tonight....

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