Monday, July 22, 2013



.:DAY 11:.



"So, today, I have found out about Smurfs 2. I have no plans to see that movie what so ever. As of today, the worst experience I have had on the Mole was watching that Smurfs movie. That scared the heck out of me. I can't believe people called Smurfs 2 to be a kids movie when it seems more like a horror flick in my opinion."

Sara: "Huh, what's that noise? Is someone up before me?"

Sara: "...Ken-KENZEN?! OH MY GOD IT'S YOU!!"

 Sara: "OH MY GOD OH MY GOD!!!!"

Sara: "Kenzen! Where have you been?! It's been months!!"

KENZEN: "Errr..... is this absolutely necessary?"

Sara: "Of course it's necessary, you silly goose! I've missed you!!!!"

KENZEN: "Wait, did you say months? Sara, I saw you last night..."

 Sara: "Oh..... Really?! It's felt much longer than that! I feel like I haven't seen you in 3 months! Well, anyway.... Whatcha up to in here?! Can I help?"

KENZEN: "Oh, I just thought I'd stop by and make everyone some breakfast! I'm feeling nice today, and that doesn't happen very often.... And as a matter of fact, you can help! How about you go and wake up everyone else so they can join us in having breakfast?"

Sara: "Sure thing, Kenzie! Anything for you!"

 (10 minutes later....)

KENZEN: "Good morning contestants! Rise and shine, I have pancakes for you!!"

Evarrine: "This is odd behavior coming from you. Did you poison them?"
KENZEN: "Pft! Poison them?! What?! Come on now. Who do you think I am?"
Everyone: "Kenzen."
KENZEN: "Oh, well.... Never mind that."
Evarrine: "Still don't trust them...."

KENZEN: "Well, if you want, my dear Evarrine, you can use your magic to muster up your own pancakes and eat those instead?"
Sara: *snorts*
KENZEN: "I'll take that as a no. So for now, you'll just have to trust me. Besides, what's a game of The Mole without any Mole? I wouldn't kill ALL of you..... maybe just a select few...."

KENZEN: " you."
Sara: "Who, me?!"
KENZEN: "What? I didn't say anything?"
Sara: "But you just said-"
KENZEN: "ANYWAY. How is everyone doing? This house must be quiet now without Alberto... Does anyone miss him yet?"


 Antoine: "Well... He may have had a few tiffs here and there with different people, but in the end all he wanted was to have fun.... by making everyone's lives miserable, that is."
KT: "True, but remember the day before he left? He was the one who got everyone together for the song and dance!"
Evarrine: "Oh, please don't remind me of that horrendous mortal act I had the grand misfortune of doing..."

 (2 days earlier...)

KT: *singing and playing guitar*

Sara: "Wow, KT sure is good at singing!!! I wish I was as good as her! I'm afraid that if I try singing in this house, everyone's going to think I suck, especially compared to her beautiful voice..."

Alberto: "Well, maybe you don't have to sing by yourself. Go sing with her! How many chances do you get to sing with an all-star singer? Not like she's THAT good though.... I mean, I could probably do better than her if I tried. When I was 10 I was the best singer in my city! I almost joined a boy band too, except my talent was too good for them and they got jealous of me so they kicked me out. Bastards."

Sara: "I can't sing with her! I'll look even worse if I do that! And really?! What band?"
Alberto: "I don't remember now.... It had 'boy' in it, I remember that...."
Sara: "That doesn't narrow it down very much."
Alberto: "And I think 'Fall' was in it too....?"

 Sara: "Wait, hold up! YOU WERE GOING TO BE IN THE FALL OUT BOY BAND?! OMG!! THAT'S MY FAVORITE BAND! What a coincidence! Too bad you didn't make it in though...."

Sara: "Though that's probably a good thing because you would have ruined it...."
Alberto: "Excuse me?!"

KT: "Hey, whatcha two talking about?"

Sara: "Oh, nothing.... Just talking about bands and stuff."

Alberto: "Well, Sara here was telling me how she'd like to sing with you, KT!"
Sara: "What! NO I DIDN'T!"

Alberto: "...Oops."

KT: "If that's true Sara, I have no problem with that! I'd love to hear you sing. We could do a duet!"
Sara: "No.... I can't. My voice is nothing compared to yours! I don't want the whole world watching me suck. Maybe if we could get a few other people to sing with us so that the spotlight isn't on me as much.... Who else here likes to sing?"

KT: "Hmmm....."
Alberto: "Hey, I have an idea! Let's get everyone involved! We need to keep the tradition going, after all."
Sara: "Tradition?"
Alberto: "Yes, tradition! Each season there's always a song and dance! If we don't do one this season then we'd break the tradition. What do you guys think? By the way, this is my idea. I'm coordinating it so I get all the credit. Okay? Okay."

KT: "Well, alright then! You seem to already have it planned. Sounds fun to me. Sara, you in?"

Sara: "Of course I'm in! Yipee! This is going to be SOOO much fun!!!"

KT: "Awesome! Let's go tell everyone while Alberto figures out the dance routine we're going to perform for the cameras. This should be fun!"

(several hours later.....)

[please play song and continue reading. Try to follow along!]

"Some nights I stay up,"

"cashing in my bad luck,"

"Some nights, I call it a draw."

 "Some nights, I wish that my lips could build a castle"

 "Some nights, I wish they'd just fall off."

 "But I still wake up, "

  "I still see your ghost,"

  "Oh lord, I'm still not sure what I stand for, Ohhhhh."


 "What do I stand for?"


 "What do I stand for?"

 "Most nights, I don't know.... Any-"


  "Ohhoooa-oh! Ohhoooa-oh! Ohoa."

"Oooooah! Ohhoooa-oh! Ohhoooa-oh! Ohoa."

"This is it, boys, this is war!"

"What are we waiting for?"

"Why don't we break the rules already?"

"I was never one to believe the hype!"

"Save that for the black and white,"

"I try twice as hard and I'm half as liked"

"But here they come again to jack my style..."

 "That's alright," 

"That's alright!"

"I found a martyr in my bed tonight"

"Stops my bones from wondering just who I, who I-"

"Who I AAAA-aaaaaaaaaamm...."

"Oh, who am I?"


 "Who am I?"



 "Some nights, I wish that this all would end"

"'Cause I could use some friends for a change"

"And some nights, I'm scared you'll forget me again"

"Some nights, I always win,"

"I always wiiiiinnn...."

"But I still wake up, I still see your ghost"

"Oh lord, I'm still not sure what I stand for, ohhhh-"


"What do I stand for?"


"What do I stand for?"

"Most nights, I don't knoooooooww"

 "Oh come ooooooooooonnnn...."

"So this is it?"

"I sold my soul for this?"

"Washed my hands and that for this?"

"I miss my mom and dad for this?"

"Oh come oooooo-OOO-ooooooooon......"

"When I see stars, when I see-"

"When I see stars, that's all they are."
"When I hear sooooongs"

"They sound like a swan."

"So come oooooooooooooooooooooooooon-"

"Oh, come ooooooooooooooooooooooooon-"

"Come ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooon-"


 "Well, that is it, guys, that is all"

"Five minutes in and I'm bored again"

"Ten years of this, I'm not sure if anybody understands..."

"This one is not for the folks at home"

"Sorry to leave, mom, I had to go"

"Who the heck wants to die alone all dried up in the desert sun?"

 "My heart is breaking for my sister"

"And the con that she called 'love',"

"But when I look into my nephews eyes..."

"Man, you wouldn't believe"

"The most amazing things"

"That can come frooooooooooooooom..." 

 "Some terrible liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII"

*continues to make awesomely impossible sounds*


" ♪♫♩♬♭♯♪♫♩♬♭♯♪♫♩"

 " ♪♫♩♬♭♯♪♫♩♬♭♯♪♫♩"



 "Ohhoooa-oh! Ohoa."



 "Ohhoooa-oh! Ohoa."

 "The other night, you wouldn't believe the dream"

"I just had about you and me"

"I called you up, but we'd both agree"

"Ohh, come oooooooooooooooooooooon"

"It's for the best you didn't listen"


"It's for the best we get our distance"

"Ohhhh come ooooooooooOOOOONN!"

"It's for the best you didn't listen" 


"It's for the best we get our distance"







KENZEN: "Wow. That must have been a lot of fun, huh? Too bad I wasn't there to be part of it.... Awh, who am I kidding?! That was terrible! Just the whole production was bad.... The singing, the dancing, the whole thing! I am so sorry that the world had to see that shit. How are the pancakes, by the way?"

Gregory: "Awesome! Why?"
Indigo: "I don't feel so good....."
KENZEN: "You don't feel so good? Maybe you might wanna lie down...."
Indigo: "Why? ....WHAT DID YOU DO?!"
KENZEN: "Oh, nothing.... Just put a few drugs in there, that's all. No biggy!"

Kaita: "Wait, hold on! Did you just say you drugged us?!"
Shayne: "What?!" *gags*
Aiden: "If ya did, I sures don' feel nuttin'...."

KENZEN: "That's right, I drugged you all! You should all start to feel a little sleepy in about.... 3....2.....1! ....Nothing? Oh, guess my timing was a bit off... Well this is awkward...."

Evarrine: "Ha! Guess what? Your plan failed, because I didn't take a single bite of your poisoned pancakes!"
KENZEN: "Yawn.... When will you ever learn? I'm more powerful than you! I drugged the orange juice you drank earlier. So, IN YO FACE, BITCH!"
Evarrine: "Woah. Didn't expect that from you."
KENZEN: "I'm full of all sorts of fun surprises."

 KT: "Wha-what kind of drug did y-you.... u-use...?"

Antoine: "My stomach! It burns!"

Kaita: "So-so.... So does m-ine!! I can.... can't breath!"
Shayne: "I think I'm going to be sick..."

Gregory: "I don't know about you people but I think these pancakes are really delicious! Unless.... No, it can't be! Alien.... food?"

Indigo: "I.... I like p-ponies... BLACK ponies...."

Indigo: "...Ugh..."

Gregory: "It's an alien invasion! They're turning us into their own!"

 Shayne: "I'm really not feeling that g- BLARGH!"
Aiden: "Really, I don't get what the big deal is...."

*thumping noises as people fall to the ground*
 Kaita: "Must. Stay....S-standing....Cannot....fall....asleep...."


Sara: "Oh Kenzen... Why are you doing this to us?!"

Evarrine: "You- y...." *coughs* "You'll p-pay for this...."
KENZEN: "Yeah yeah, you're going to kill me with your imaginary magic, blah blah BLAH!"

Kaita: "Can't.... keep... eyes....o-op..... open...."

Kaita: *gasps for air*
Aiden: "Ya'll be havin' weak tummies!"

KENZEN: "Aiden, why are you still conscious?  You ate your pancakes before anyone could even put syrup on theirs!"

Aiden: "I dunno! Meh jus' use to eatin' strange stuff!"

Aiden: "Ohh.... hold on cowboy...."

Aiden: "I feelin' kinda droopy...."

KENZEN: "Any day now would be great. I have things to do."

Aiden: "Ohhh lordeh!" 
*falls to ground*

Aiden: "Ughhh...."

  KENZEN: ".....You asleep yet?"

 KENZEN: "Yes! Finally! Took long enough!!"

KENZEN: "...well...."

"This doesn't look all too good....Hope no one files any lawsuits for this... And even if they do, it's not my problem! Mole Production can deal with that one...."

 KENZEN: "But yay! I did it! I killed them all! Well, I didn't really... I should've though, because then I would be reunited with Grey in jail... Oh well. This was fun too. Got to shut all of them up! Haha, suckers."

KENZEN: "Peace out, peeps!"

 KENZEN: "Hey, this job isn't so bad after all!"
Camera Man: "Mr. Summers, we never authorized you to drug them all...."
KENZEN: "EXCUSE ME!? I'm the host, I can do whatever the hell I want!"
Camera Man: "Well, within reason, yes. What you did was a bit illegal, you can't-"
KENZEN: "They consented to my ruling when they signed up for this show. And if you don't shut up, I'm gonna drug you too! Anymore questions?"

Camera Man: "No, sir..."
KENZEN: "That's what I thought."

*sounds of seagulls and ocean waves*


??: "'Ello me mateys! Wakey Wakey!!"


??: "Rise 'n shine, folks!"


??: "That fiend Kenzen must of really knocked yarr out pretty damn well! Oh look! One of you is waking up.... And what would yer name be?"

Shayne: "...-huh?"

??: "Yer name, me matey. What do ya go by?"

Shayne: "I- ..... Shayne. My name is Shayne. Where am I?"

??: "Nice to meet ye, Shayne!! I be Captain Crook, the mightiest pirate of the Caribbean Sea! Well, not so much anymore.... Though I used to be a ruff-n-tuff young lad! I've mellowed out in me recent years..."

CAPTAIN CROOK: "Aye!! Looks like ye have a big crew with ya! Let's wake 'em up and start yer next mission!"

 Shayne: "Next mission? Did you take over Kenzen as host or something? Wow, these guys are out cold.... Antoine! Wake up!!"

CAPTAIN CROOK: "Shiver me timbers! Didn't I say? Me vast apologies me matey! I'm not taking over Kenzen's position, just only for some time. I'll be the co-host for this season! So I hope you and your crew enjoy the company of an 'ole pirate 'cause we be sailing together on this voyage for the next few days."

 Shayne: "You mean we're going to be on this f*cking ship for the next few days?!"
CAPTAIN CROOK: "Oh no, ye misunderstood young lad! Yer only be on me beauty for this mission, yer be off her in no time! Why, ye scared of the seas?"
Shayne: "You could say that...."

Shayne: "Anyway. I guess I should wake everyone up now."
CAPTAIN CROOK: "Yarrrrghhh!!! Let's get this mission started already!"


CAPTAIN CROOK: "Arrr-righty then! Now that yer all awake, I can start ye with the mission!"

"Ye landlubbers will enjoy this one, I guarantee it! This mission be called "A Pirate's Life For Me!", a very appropriate name! You will be broken up into three teams of three, and must complete three stages! Each stage completed by each team will add 20 points to the pot. So, this mission will be worth 180 points total! Yarharahaha!!"

 "First stage, ye must try and break free from a cell within my gal Betsy the ship! Once ye team breaks free, ye must grab the map that leads ye to me hidden treasure!! A map to my buried booty, aye!"

 "An' for the second stage, you use the map to the treasure! And the very last stage, ye must try and uncover the code to the treasure chest that contains all the gold ye could e'er ask for in yer life! Well.... maybe not, be ye do earn exemptions for yer entire team, aye!! Tis' right, first team to dig up and open the buried treasure will each earn themselves an exemption! Important mission indeed."

 "O'course, there be a time limit.... of 6 hours! So ye must be quick, mates! 'Cause if time run out, then it possible NO ONE gets the exemptions!"

"...and something tells me that won't be a problem seeing as ye all got this determination to get these exemptions, even if it involves stealin' from others! But hey, what's a pirate without his great skill in theft? A coward! If ye want to win this race, yer going to need to think like a pirate."

"Enough of this jibber-jabber! Ye will all be escorted into yer respective cells now. Teams shall be randomized so I pray to Poseidon that you like the company of your jailmates, 'cause ye get to be sharing a toilet with them! Yarrrahahahaha!!"

[You can find the real life mission here: 

The mission was done through group email with the contestants. Many of the events in this episode are based off of the events that happened through email.... That's one reason why reading this series is more enjoyable to the actual contestants, because they understand the inside jokes :P 
But if you enjoy reading this just as a lurker, I hope you decide to join the show sometime in the future, because you'll find these episodes even more enjoyable :D]


CAPTAIN CROOK: "Well, mateys! Yer all locked up now, so.... good luck!"

"I have more important matters to attend to.... Like exploring the vast seas! Me crew isn't too good at handling Betsy.... A pirate who doesn't know how to steer a ship, e'er heard that one before?!"

"Anywho... Have fun on yer mission!"

Gregory: "What? You're just going to leave us here?!"

Sara: "I really don't like that pirate.... Where's Kenzen?! I miss Kenzen!"

Evarrine: "Umm.... Excuse me?! Hello? Captain? You forgot me!"
Shayne: "Shut up Evarrine, he's gone."
Evarrine: "B-but... But I'm the Queen! I deserve better treatment than this! This is just dastardly! When I get out of here that Crook guy better flee for his life! I am NOT a prisoner.... I am the one who does the imprisoning!"
KT: "Guess the roles have reversed, huh?"
Evarrine: "Shut up!"

 KT: "Okay then.... Well let's all just calm down a bit. We're a team now so we need to work together."

Evarrine: "Pft. I don't need either of your help. I can do this on my own."

Shayne: "Oh, can you your highness? And how do you plan on doing that, your majesty? Going to use your magic to break open that lock? Because if you could that would be lovely. Come on. We're waiting. Ooh! You know what you could also do?! You could melt these metal bars!! Now who would have thunk of such a thing?"

Evarrine: "I said SHUT UP!! I'll show you.... Maybe my magic has returned now that we're out in the middle of the ocean."
Shayne: "Unlikely."
Evarrine: "Grr..... I'll kill you before we get out of this hell hole!"

KT: "....If we're doing team names I think I just figured out ours.... Team Dysfunctional. Yep, that'll do."
[Team names were created by the real life players themselves]

Aiden: "How 'bout we awh go searchin' for da key?"
Gregory: "Sounds good to me. Now if we only knew where the key was, that would be great."

Antoine: "If we all spread out, I'm sure we can find it! Let's go, team!! We got this!"

Kaita: "Well. What do you girls think?"
Indigo: "Uhm.... well.... We could, y'know.... try the ceiling for clues? There's some pipes up there...."
Kaita: "The ceiling? If you want, go for it. But let's try to be a bit more practical. I doubt we're looking for hidden traps, we just need to find the key."

Sara: "Let's find it then!!"

Shayne: "Are you just going to stand there all day or are you going to try and help us escape?"
KT: "...What? Sorry, I'm just a bit uncomfortable right now.... And grossed out by the smell in here!"
Shayne: "We're all uncomfortable. But if we're going to get those exemptions at the end, we're going to have to work as a team."
KT: "Alright, alright.... it just smells like dirty feet and beer and-"
Evarrine: "EWWW!"

Evarrine: "It smells like urine in this barrel! Oh, just, just.... how grotesque! This is the lifestyle of a peasant, certainly not one suited for a Queen! I can't stand it in here!"

KT: "They peed in our only water supply?! Great. I need to get out of here, I can't stand the filthiness. Where are my agents when I need them?!"

 Shayne: "Yep, you're right. That water is definitely tinged yellow. Maybe it's lemonade?"
Evarrine: *gags*

Antoine: "Let me think.... I sort of have an idea. Using the old parchment and pen, we could write a fake ‘release letter’ signed by ‘Lord Barrington of Tortuga’. Apparently, ‘The Lord’ requests our release and will pay the pirates a wealthy sum of money."

Antoine: "And then once one of us has written the letter, one of us could rip down the bars on the ceiling and use them to get the pirate hat next to the food tray. Once we have the pirate hat, we could use this to disguise as one of the pirates. The bars that were previously on the ceiling can be used to bang on the bars to attract some sort of attention from the pirates. Once we get the attention of one of the pirates, the person in the disguise shows the pirate the ‘letter’. If this works, the pirate will let us out. Then we can knock the pirate out."

Antoine: "What do you guys think?"
Gregory: "Uhm.... well....."
Aiden: "It cer'ainly worth da shot!"

*5 minutes later*

Antoine: "I got the letter, you guys get the pipe yet?"
Gregory: "Errr.... no. We can't seem to break it off. And I don't think it's long enough to get the pirate hat on the table over there anyway...."
Aiden: "An' boss? I uh...... don' tink anyone be comin' down here anyways. Tha' Crook feller is da only one on board."

 Antoine: "Well.... So much for that! Back to looking for the key."

KT: "Hmmm....."

KT: "I wonder if there's anything down in there? The key, a clue perhaps?"

 KT: "Might as well try...."

 KT: "This is one way to ruin a manicure...."

KT: "Nothing down there.... Too bad."

Shayne: *coughs*
Evarrine: "Having fun down there, sticking your hand up toilet drains?"

 KT: "Nope! Nothing. Feels just like the toilets back home!!"
Shayne: "Umm...."
Evarrine: "Ooookay then.... Let's keep looking."

 Sara: "Uh-oh, I think it's..... it's getting close to 2.... I can tell.... it's...... WAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!"

Sara: *begins crying insanely*

Kaita: "Oh sweet Jesus.... not this again."
Indigo: "Uhm.... Sara? You okay there?"

Indigo: "Wait.... the window! We haven't checked out there yet! Maybe there's a clue to help us."
Kaita: "Hmm.... alright, let's check it. I'll push the table over, you can check to see if there's anything of value somewhere out there. Sara, move."

Sara: "B-but.... ohh... whaaaaaaahaha!! I can't do this! Kenzen's gone, and I'm stuck in here with you two!" *sobs*
Kaita: "WE two?! Are you kidding me?! You're the annoying one! Look, it's whatever. Let's just do this."

Sara: "Ugh.... Get that camera off me, it looks like I'm puking! I'm fine now, okay? Phew... okay. All good. Everyone needs to cry now and again!!"
Kaita: "Get on the table Indigo and tell us if you see anything."

Indigo: "I see.... blue skies, clear waters. Nothing out of the norm.... though something's in the air.... It's a bird! Ick, I hate birds! Their talons are so creepy. Though I can't see it's talons... I think it's holding something? Can't tell what it is. Might just be a fish. Yeah, nothing of value here. Let's move on."

"That mission was freakin' crazy! Getting  locked up by pirates ON A F***ING PIRATE SHIP in the MIDDLE of the OCEAN. Really? Are they trying to torture me? Of course, it's my luck to get stuck in a cell with Evarrine who is bitching the whole time about how queens are not to be treated like peasants, and how she should be the one locking people up. Then there's KT trying to work her magic with the producers to find a way to get us, or at least her, out of the cell quickly without having to get her hands dirty. Then there's me, trying not to go crazy from having to deal with the two of them. As if being on the water wasn't enough. *sigh* Why me? I couldn't be stuck with relatively sane people, no that'd be too easy -.- I mean, KT isn't that bad but I'm talking being stuck with Evarrine the queen...the queen of crazy that is."

Evarrine: "Ah! Stupid thing!"
KT: "Uhh... Evarrine? Where did you find that?"
Evarrine: "Under the bed! Why does it matter anyway, it's useless!"
KT: "That's because you don't know how to use it! It's called a spyglass. It's used to see distances far away. Like a magnifying glass, just.... better."

Evarrine: "Oh, right.... You mortals depend on science for everyday use. I keep forgetting how unfortunate and pathetic your lives are! I used to be able to wave my arm in the air and imagine any place in the world I wanted, and it would appear before me! No need for this worthless spikeass!"
Shayne: "...Did you really just say 'spikeass'?"
KT: "Whatever, let's just use it to look out the window!"

KT: "Alright.... you see anything?"
Evarrine: "Not exactly.... Just.... ocean. A few birds in the air....." *tilts spyglass up* "Ooh! Look at that colorful bird! I wonder if it contains any magical properties...."
Shayne: "What?!"
Evarrine: "Nothing. I see a colorful bird.... and if it would just stay still..... Ah, yes! It's holding something. A metal.... hook... of some sort? Yeah. That's what it is."

KT: "Great! I bet it's a parrot, and if it's part of the mission I bet it's the Captain's. Now we just need to find a way to lure it in.... The apple! We can use the apple!"
Shayne: "That's smart.... Alright, let's do it. We need the table."
Evarrine: "And how do you suggest we do that? I'm not stripping down naked to use my clothes as a rope to get it, if that's what you're thinking of."

KT: "Oh, no, nothing of the sort!"
Shayne: "Oh, phew! Because I really wasn't interested in seeing that junk...."

Gregory: "You guys find anything yet?"
Aiden: "I checkin' da bed righ' now!"
Gregory: "I already checked the bunks, I didn't find anything. Stop wasting time."
Aiden: "Well by golly I'll check again!"

Antoine: "Checked the toilet.... yep, definitely no key in there."

 Aiden: "Dis pillow look funneh! I tink I see something!"

Antoine: "Shh! You're being too loud! The other groups can hear what you're saying when you're yelling so loudly!"
Aiden: "...Sorreh.... but I find sumthin'! It in the pillow case thingy!"
Antoine: "Okay.... what is it?

Aiden: "Uhh... Looks like sum kinda rope! Yeeeeee-haww!! We gots ah rope!!"

Aiden: "Here's ya go!"
Antoine: "Nice find, Aiden. This rope is bound to come in handy somehow..."

Kaita: "Hey! We haven't tried anything with this anchor yet. Maybe we could use it for something?"

 Indigo: "Seriously? What do you plan on doing with an anchor?"
Sara: "We could use it to break open the cell bars?"
Indigo: "It looks too heavy to lift...."
Kaita: "Well, we should at least try. Could be something underneath it."

Kaita: "Push!"
 Indigo: "Ugh!"
Sara: "No, pull!"
Indigo: "Gahh!"
Kaita: "Yeah.... this isn't going anywhere. On to plan B."
Indigo: "More like plan Z.... We've tried everything already!"
Sara: "Shh... Do you hear that?"

Indigo: "Yes! That was Aiden! He was saying something about a rope.... on the top bunk? I think that's what he said. I'll check."

Kaita: "No, I think he said bottom bunk."
Sara: "Well, we're just have to check both! Yes! Finally, a breakthrough!"


KT: "Oh, god.... I hate fangirls..... NO! I'M GOOD! THANKS THOUGH!


Shayne: "I found some rope."
KT: "TO KEEP US AS HOSTAGES AND- ...wait, what? You found rope?!"
Shayne: "Yep, that's what I just said-"

KT: "Haha, yay Shayne! I knew I could count on you!!"  =D
Shayne: "Hehe..... thanks KT."  :3

Antoine: "I think I found something. Come look."

Aiden: "Wha is it?"
Antoine: "I don't know, but I feel like something could be down here. Too dark to see anything though."

Gregory: "Well, can you open it?"
Antoine: "No."
Aiden: "Tha' mean we needs somethin'! A le'erage o' sometin'!"
Gregory: "You mean a leverage? Good idea."

 Antoine: "Okay.... What can we use as leverage?"
Gregory: "How about the pen?"
Antoine: "We could certainly try that."

 Gregory: "Here."
Antoine: "Thanks."

 Antoine: "Nope, this won't work. We need something with a curve of some sort. This just isn't strong enough...."
Aiden: "How 'bouts mah finger?"
Antoine: "That won't work either, the lid to this thing is too heavy."

Gregory: "Alright, well... Let's move on. There's gotta be something else in this room we can use to get out of here."

Indigo: "I got the rope! It was underneath the pillow on the top bunk. Thanks Aiden for the help, LOL!"
Sara: "Woo-hoo! I think we're in the lead now!!"
Kaita: "That's doubtful..."

Indigo: "Soooo.... What should we do with the rope?!"
Sara: "Let's try to latch it onto the table leg and drag it over!"

 Kaita: "You two do that, I'll search this scroll thing.... There's gotta be something here that can help us..."

Kaita: *scrolling through the pad*
"Oh look! There's something written under here.... it reads:
 '...those damn pirates! They stole my map to the hidden treasure! How dare they! Whoever they capture after me, please know this: I believe the captain of the ship has my map. He's the one who stole it from my ship! You most likely won't be able to read it, but you having it is better than those bastards holding it with their grubby and filthy fingers!' least we know where to get the map for stage 2 now? Crook never specified where we were supposed to go once we escaped from here...."

Kaita: "What a cute little pen they have! It has like skulls and treasure chests and stuff on it.... I don't care what those pirates say, this is my pen now! I think I'll name him Steve."

Sara: "Oh, let me guess.... You're going to turn the pen into one of your spy creations and have it shoot out arrows?"
Kaita: ".... I was planning on turning it into a recording camera but I like your idea better! Poisonous darts, wouldn't that be a cool gadget?! My boss will sure like this idea! Anyway, any progress?"

 Indigo: "Yes, indeed. I ALMOST have the rope wrapped around the leg.... Oh! Yes, there we go, got you, sucker!! Mwhaha!!"

Sara: "AWESOME!! ...Now what?"
Indigo: "Yeah.... no idea. What could we possibly do with bacon, an apple, and a pirate's hat?"

Kaita: "Ooh! I want to wear the pirate's hat!"
Indigo: "We're in the middle of a mission Kaita."
Kaita: "I know.... there might be something under it!"

 Sara: "OMG THIS IS JUST SO EXCITING!! I feel like the key is probably under the hat!! Gahh!!"
Indigo: "I miss my skelebear."
Kaita: "You're what?"

Indigo: "My skelebear! I left him in the Fall Room, and they didn't bring him back on the ship with us! What am I supposed to do without him?!"
Sara: "I'm sure Kenzen sent our luggage here! He isn't that cruel, you know!!"
Indigo: "I hope you're right...."

Sara: "Not like we have a whole lot of luggage to carry anyways... Anyone realize that we all wear the same thing everyday?"
Indigo: "What? That's not true, I have a lot of clothing.... all black, of course."
Sara: "No, I'm pretty sure we all wear the same outfit everyday. Strange.... What's the point of even doing laundry?! Well, point is.... Wherever we're going, that will be our new location for awhile! I know Kenzen brought us our luggage. He's just so thoughtful!"

Kaita: "Oh yeah! How sexy do I look with this pirate hat?"
Indigo: "I'd say pretty damn sexy!"

Kaita: "Thanks mate!"

KT: "Okay, we lassoed the apple with the rope and now we're going to try and lure the parrot to the window so we can feed it the apple and hopefully grab the hook it's carrying.... So quiet on set!"

Evarrine: "I sure hope this works...."
Shayne: "It will."

KT: "Shhh.... I think it's flying towards us! It must smell the apple. Okay, I'm just going to leave it on the sill and see if the bird takes it."

Evarrine: "Well?"
KT: "Be quiet!"

*Parrot flies down, lands on window sill and starts pecking at the apple*

Evarrine: "Quick! Grab it!"
Shayne: "You idiot! You just scared it away!"

KT: "It's fine.... It took off with the apple but it left the hook, so we're good! Now what can we do with this?"

  Aiden: "I wonda' if da rope will fits through da holes in there?"
Antoine: "Alright, it's worth the shot!"

Gregory: "I really hope this works..."
Antoine: "It better.... I'm getting quite tired of this. I feel as if I'm about to lose it. I'm not claustrophobic but I'm getting really anxious staying in here."

Gregory: "I don't think this is going to work either...."
Antoine: "What, do you have any better suggestions?"
Gregory: "Well, no, but-"

Aiden: "Brotha, yellin' ain't gonna help nuttin'!"

Antoine: "I don't care!"  *shakes bars furiously*
Gregory: "And neither will that...."

 Aiden: "I gots a idea..."
Gregory: "Great. Another genius idea by Aiden the hillbilly."

Aiden: "No, real'y! Jus' for ah team name dough.... How'bout Da GAGA Squad? Da Great Aiden, Gregory, an' Antoine!!"

Aiden: "What'd'ya think!?"
Gregory: "Sounds great. GAGA Squad it is. And Antoine, it would be great if you stopped rattling the bars now. No one's coming to rescue us, if we want to get out we need to get out ourselves."

Antoine: "Ughh.... fine. I need to calm down. This mission is getting the best of me. I must enter zen mode."

Aiden: "Hold'n now! Why don' we jus' use da rope to gets the items from da table?!"

Antoine: "I don't even care anymore. Do whatever you want..."
Gregory: "You're right! How come we didn't think of that before? Okay, get the rope and just lasso in the food plate."

Aiden: "Hehe, mah momma wuz righ' when she say I am smarts!"

Antoine: "Don't mind me. Go on with what you were doing."
Aiden: "Sures! Here goes!" *throws rope out onto table, makes a single quick movement to pull it back.... plate shatters, bacon lies everywhere and apple rolls over to gate*
Antoine: "Well, that's one way to do it, I guess. Anyone want bacon?"

Sara: "Remember the bird we saw? We thought it was carrying something. What if we have to feed the bird? It's hanging around the window for a reason... I'll try to feed it this bacon and see if it acts interested!"
Indigo: "That's not a waste of time at all. But go ahead, no one's stopping you."

Kaita: "I'm contemplating whether or not I should eat that apple.... Yeah, I think I will. It might not be fresh, but.... Honey badger don't care!"
Indigo: "HA! I LOVE that expression! 'Honey Badger don't care!!'... We should call ourselves The Honey Badgers, wouldn't that be funny?!"
Kaita: "Sounds good to me."

Sara: "Come on down Mr. Parrot! I got a treat for you!!"

Kaita: "Mhmm!! Bloody hell this is one scrumptious apple! Anyone else want some?"
Indigo: "I'm good. Thanks."

Sara: "Well.... didn't exactly work like how I PLANNED, but... Maybe he's just not hungry?"
Kaita: "What happened?"
Sara: "He flew down and sniffed the bacon, but then quickly flew back up. Wasn't interested, and there was definitely something in his talons. I'm starving though! How could anyone resist BACON?! Unfortunately I sort of dropped it into the sea, sooo.... yeah. My bad. Oopsies!"

 Shayne: "I can't seem to pick this lock. Only a key will be able to open it.... Evarrine, can you use your magic to tell us where the key is?"

 Evarrine: "I wish I could, unfortunately my magic isn't working. If it was though, I could certainly summon it to-"
Shayne: "...."
Evarrine: "...You were joking, weren't you?"
Shayne: "Always."

KT: "Hey, why don't we try the sewer lid? The hook could definitely fit in there!"
Shayne: "Sounds good, let's try it-"

KT: "Ah!"
Shayne: "Shit!"
KT: "You nearly just stabbed me with that thing!"

Shayne: "Oh... sorry about that, that was a close call."
KT: "Don't worry, I'm used to being stabbed by now. At least you didn't stab me in the back like some other people..."
Shayne: "Yep, I'll stab you in the front any day.... Wait-"
KT: "Excuse me?!"
Shayne: "Didn't mean it in that way...."
KT: "Never mind. Either way, I want people to keep their sharp objects away from me. That would be much preferred."

KT: "I really need to start hiring more bodyguards....."

Gregory: "Bacon, a shattered plate, and an apple... We also have a rope and a pirate's hat if we need it. None of which will help us open that sewer drain. I think we need to try something more drastic.... I'm pretty good at making stuff. What can we make with all these items?"

 Antoine: "Nothing. Absolutely nothing. I suppose you can't make the key out of them? Because that would be ideal."

Aiden: "I is goin' to takes a bite of this bacon if ya'll don' mind..."

Antoine: "Go for it, kiddo."

Indigo: "I got an idea. Give me the pen."
Kaita: "What?! No way!"
Indigo: "Come on, I need to try something out!"

Kaita: "Like what?"
Indigo: "You'll see!"
Kaita: "No! I don't trust you!"
Indigo: "Jesus christ woman..."  *snatches pen from Kaita's hand*

Kaita: "Hey! That's Steve! He's my pen!"
Indigo: "Well Steve is going to try and help us get out of here."

Indigo: "Come around and help me try to lift this lid."

Kaita: "You're going to use Steve as leverage to lift it up?"
Sara: "Great thinking, Indie!!"

Kaita: "I can't watch.... Just be careful. I don't want him to get hurt."
Sara: "It's just a pen, Kaita-"

Indigo: "Woops...."
Kaita: "Did you- did you just..."
Indigo: "I'm sorry Kaita, but I think I just decapitated Steve-"

Sara: "You just dropped your hat in the toilet...."

Indigo: "There's nothing we can do now but bury him."
Kaita: "Where are we supposed to bury him?! We're in a pirate ship in the middle of the ocean!"

 Sara: "We always could toss him remains out into the ocean...."
Kaita: "How disrespectful! Steve is not a fish, he's a PEN! He deserves better treatment!"

Indigo: "Look, I'm sorry about your pen Kaita, but I think you're overacting a bit. You're usually not this crazy, it might just be the circumstances that's doing this to you-"

Kaita: "You are a MURDERER!"

Indigo: "What did you just say?! I'm nothing of the sort! Stop being so annoying, pink-hair! ...Though I do really like that color, maybe I should get some pink highlights..... But I'm sick of your attitude in here! It's driving me bonkers!"

Kaita: "Calm down soul sister, I wasn't really being serious-"

Indigo: "Weren't being serious?! I know that, you haven't been serious this whole mission! Gah! Sorry, I'm not angry at you, I'm just really, REALLY frustrated!"

 Indigo: "We're in this stupid cell, in this stupid ship, out in the middle of some stupid ocean about to go find some stupid treasure chest! This whole mission is just stupid! We can't find anything, and I am running out of ideas on what to do and we need to do something if we want to win the exemptions because if we don't get the exemptions then some other team probably will and if another team does that means 3 people are safe, 6 take the quiz, which may include either or the Mole or the Mole's Accomplice and then I'm just SCREWED!"

Kaita: "It's okay Indigo, we might still win."
Sara: "I know I get a bit excited sometimes and talk a lot but you need to take a few deep breathes and try to concentrate on what's important right now."

Indigo: "I just- I just can't deal with this right now! Concentrate on what?! Us losing?"
Sara: "Just breathe girl."

Indigo: *takes deep breathe* "You're right. I'm being overly dramatic. I apologize..... I'm just tired and stressed, that's all."
Kaita: "We all are. That's what the game can do to you. Just stay focused and don't let the game or the players get to you."
Indigo: "I need sleep. I'm going to take a nap. Wake me up when you get us out of here."

Evarrine: "Hurry up already! What's taking so long?!"

Shayne: "Don't pressure us! We're trying as fast as we can. You're not the only one who wants to win this mission."
KT: "There! We got the hook in! Think you can lift it up Shayne?"
Shayne: "Yeah, no problem."

Evarrine: "What if the key isn't even down there? What if.... it's in the barrel?"
Shayne: "Go check if you want. I'm convinced it's down here, everything has lead it to be in this sewer drain."

 Evarrine: "Fine! I'll check it."
Shayne: "This thing is REALLY heavy..."
KT: "You need help?"
Shayne: "No! ...I'm good... thanks though."

 Evarrine: "I am NOT sticking my arm in there... I'll kick it and see- or rather hear- if there's a rattle in there."

*kicks container full of pee-water* 

Evarrine: "Uh-oh.... I thought the lid was still on! Who took it off?!"

KT: "What have you done now, Evarrine- Ahh!"


Evarrine: "Ew, ew, gross! Get it away from me! Uh-uhm..... What's my dry spell?! It's... šalin! Sausi! Vanish! Garinimo Rašybos!" *waves arm in air, nothing happens*
"Where's my blasted magic when I need it?!"

 Shayne: "Gee, thanks your Highness. I've always wanted to be bathed in pee.... Luckily for you we have a sewer right here!"

Evarrine: "Just... just... just hurry up already! That damn key better be down there..."

Shayne: "Sticking my hand in now.... I think I feel a key!"
 KT: "You got it?"
Shayne: "Yeah.... Let's go!"

Evarrine: "YES! Victory is mine!!"

Shayne: "Not quite yet.... We still have two more stages to complete!"

 Evarrine: "Whatever, we're in the lead!"

KT: "I feel sorry for the other teams... They are going to have to suffer through this stench that Evarrine caused!"
Evarrine: "Too bad for them. At least that could be advantage for us.... Learn how to play dirty, Kaytlyn."
KT: "...."
*key turns, lock hits the floor*


 Shayne: "Come on!"

 Aiden: "They beat us, dagnabbit!"

 Indigo: "Looks like a team has already found a way out.... we're definitely screwed."

Antoine: "You really think that bird's going to come down and take the apple?"
Aiden: "I knows it!"

 Aiden: "Jus' look! It comin'! Shush now."

*parrot flies in cautiously, grabs hold of window bars, and starts eating the apple. It lets go of the hook and it rests on the edge of the window sill*

Gregory: "Careful, don't make any sudden movements because we might frighten it and it'll grab the hook again and fly off with it."

Aiden: "Ah wish I could pet 'em! He such a good 'ole boy."
Antoine: "I wouldn't suggest that.... it might think your fingers are worms and then bite them off."
Aiden: "Nawh.... I would'n want dat!"

Antoine: "Shouldn't we scare it though so it doesn't have time to fly off with the hook?"
Aiden: "No! He ah critter an' we don' scare 'em! He my friend!"
Antoine: "Alrighty then. Guess we'll wait for it to finish that apple."

Kaita: "Ugh... So tired of this bloody challenge. I'm starting to actually feel like a prisoner now...."

Sara: "I pirate prisoner? I mean you have the hat too.... I could see you as a pirate. Just sayin'."

 Kaita: "Yeah, I'm feeling like a whole bunch of identities.... Do I look like a zombie right now? Blaaargh! Braaaaaains...."

Sara: "Well, you certainly have the skin for it."
Kaita: "What does that mean?!"
Sara: "Wait.... What did you do with the apple?!"

 Kaita: "The apple? I ate it. Why?"

 Sara: "We need it. It's what feeds the bird! I just realized, parrots eat apples, don't they?! They eat nuts and all kinds of different fruits... God, how could we have been so stupid??"

 Kaita: "Oh.... Well.... about that...."
Sara: "What did you do with it?"
Kaita: "I uh.... might've put it in the pee-water bucket...."

 Kaita: "...I guess it's me who has to get it?"
Sara: "Uh yeah. You're the one who put it in there!"
Kaita: "I didn't think we needed it!"

Indigo: "Woah woah wait, what's going on?"
Kaita: "We're stupid, that's what's going on."

Indigo: "Oh, hah! I already knew that! I'm going back to dreamland, just wake me up when we actually get the key."

Kaita: "I hope the parrot doesn't mind the smell of human urine?"
Indigo: "...what?! And I thought I was the random one...."

KT: "The light! It burns!"

KT: "I'll go ask the Captain about Stage 2 of the mission. Aren't we supposed to get a map or something?"
Evarrine: "Yeah, that's what he said.... Go check."

Evarrine: "Are you okay? You look sick."
Shayne: "It's... nothing."

KT: "Captain Crook! We freed ourselves from the cell... now what?"
CAPTAIN CROOK: "Yarhaha, me hearty! What a exhilarating experience, aye?"

KT: "Exhilarating? That's not the exact word I'd use, but-"

CAPTAIN CROOK: "Oh! I meant steerin' this vessel here! Harharhar!! Gotta love it! Say, you on Stage 2 yet?"
KT: "Yeah, that's why I'm asking-"
CAPTAIN CROOK: "I got nothing for ya! If ye want to find me buried treasure, yer need to find my map as well, matey!"

CAPTAIN CROOK: "Be careful though... It will be a dangerous voyage. Stay clear of danger and follow the path of my ancestors footsteps. One wrong step and ye may end up dead! And we wouldn't want such a cute face to go to waste, now do we?"
KT: "Err.... you are joking, right? I don't want to get hurt, I have a lot of fans that would be greatly saddened. I've already been stabbed once here.... and today almost twice!"
CAPTAIN CROOK: "GOTCHA! HARHARHAR!! O'course yer in no real danger! ....except for the sharks. Stay wide clear of those babies! Most shark bites occur at this very island! Isn't that a fun fact?"
KT: "Right.... I'm leaving now. Thanks for the help?"

KT: "Alright, we need to search for the map! But I'm pretty sure I saw some scrolls on the way up here from our cells.... I'll go check to see if it's the map we need. I'll be right back!!"

Evarrine: "Alright...."

Evarrine: "Okay. I know something is wrong. What is it? I don't want you being a dead weight in this mission, we need you."

 Shayne: "Don't worry, I-I'll be.... fine. Maybe.... The truth is..... I'm afraid of the ocean. And boats especially.... I've felt really uneasy this entire mission."

 Evarrine: "It's just some water and wood! What are you so afraid of? Can't swim?"
Shayne: "No, I can swim all right...."
Evarrine: "Then what is it?"

 Shayne: "It's.... well, it's a bit personal. I don't feel comfortable talking about it...."
Evarrine: "Does it have something to do with.... your family?"

Shayne: "...Yes. How'd you know?"
Evarrine: "Haha, I may seem weak without my magic, but I can still be smart without it, mortal."
Shayne: "Oh, well.... yes, you're right. My whole family...." *chokes*

 Evarrine: "Go on."
Shayne: *gulps, starts over* "My whole family passed away in a boating accident. It wasn't even that long ago... I'm still in sort of a state of shock, or in denial someone might say... I know it's happened, but I just can't accept it and really don't want to relive it.... I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't have said anything, now I'm starting to cry again and you don't have confidence in me to continue doing this, which I'm not sure I do myself...."

 Evarrine: "No, I'm glad you shared that with me. Most people tend not to share their feelings with me, I don't know why.... Maybe because I usually don't really give a damn, but I still don't understand why. Anyway. The only family I have are my two daughters, but I haven't seen them since I landed in this strange new world. They're still back in Brendale.... My parents are dead, too."

 Shayne: "They are?! I mean.... Sorry. It's just not that often that I run into someone about my age who's parents are also dead-"
Evarrine: "Hush, it's fine. Didn't really care for them anyways, ha! And about your age?! If only you knew how old I was...."
Shayne: "Wait, how old are you-"
KT: "I'M BACK! And I found the map!"

KT: "Here, let's keep it under your shirt, Evarrine. It'll be driest there."
Evarrine: "Get your hands off me you peasant!"
KT: "Sorry! Okay, we good?"
Evarrine: "Just don't like to be touched.... But yes, we're good. Good thinking."

KT: "Okay, you two ready?"
Evarrine: "Wait, when you said it would be driest there.... Oh lord. You got to be kidding. We have to SWIM to the island?"
Shayne: 0_0

 KT: "Yeah, but look, it's not too far away! It'll be fun, trust me! How often do you get to swim in the Caribbeans?"
Evarrine: "I don't... because I DON'T LIVE IN THIS BLASTED REALM!"

 KT: "Last one in is a Kenzen!"


Shayne: "Ev-Evarrine.... I can't..... I don't think I c-can do this...."

Evarrine: "Sure you can! You don't want to be a Kenzen, do you?"
Shayne: "Not in the mood for jokes."

 Evarrine: "Then we won't joke. Just at least walk up to the edge and see how comfortable you are."

Shayne: "Not very comfortable. Not comfortable at all.... I'm sorry. I can't. I'll have to forfeit the mission, I can't continue on. I-I just can't do this.... I can't.... no...."
Evarrine: "Give me you hand."

 Shayne: "What?"
 Evarrine: "Just do it."

Shayne: "Okay...."
Evarrine: "Good."
Shayne: "This looks ridiculous...."
Evarrine: "Do you trust me?"
Shayne: "What?"
Evarrine: "I said, do you trust me?"

Shayne: "...I.... I mean.... Sure, I guess..."
Evarrine: "We're going to jump, on the count of three. One..."
Shayne: "WHAT?!"
Evarrine: "Two...."

Shayne: "No! You don't understand.... I...." *takes a deep breathe*
"...alright. I can do this. I'm ready-"

Shayne & Evarrine: "THREE!"

Shayne: "Ahhhhhhhhh!!"
Evarrine: "Weeee!!"

 Kaita: "Time to see if parrots like half-eaten pee-covered rotten apples."

Sara: "If they don't, I give up on this mission."

Kaita: "Yeah.... I don't see it. This might take awhile..."

Sara: "He's probably full from eating the apples from the other two groups... I bet he's sick of apples! Kinda like how Ariel became sick of apples too.... Weird!"

Antoine: "Damn this lid is heavy.... alright, got it."

Aiden: "Feel aroun'. Feel anythin'?"
Gregory: "....I'm convinced you are an alien. Who has a nose that big?! Except maybe Cyrano De Bergerac..."
Aiden: "Wha...?
 Gregory: "Never mind. Pretend I didn't say that... Did you find the key, Antoine?"
Antoine: "I'm trying! I can't find anything!! It's so wet in here...."

Kaita: "Wake up Indigo. We're getting out."
Indigo: "We are?! Finally!"

Indigo: "Where was the key?"
Kaita: "In the sewer drain."
Indigo: "I knew it."

Kaita: "Does the key fit Sara?"
Sara: "It sure does! Just hard to figure out where to put it..."

Sara: "Ah, there we go! Got it!"


 Indigo: "Let's go Team Honey Badgers!!"

Antoine: "I feel something....... I got it! It is the key!"
Gregory: "Alright, give it to me! Come on, let's go!!"


Aiden: "Hey, at leas' we ain't last!!"
Gregory: "We are last you idiot!"
Antoine: "Go The GAGA Squad! We still got this guys!"

Antoine: "You okay there, Greg?"
Gregory: "Yeah, I just REALLY need to pee!"
Aiden: "Coulda went in da water barrel thingy!!"
Gregory: "....Why would I pee in there when there was a TOILET in the room?!"
Aiden: "I dunno...."

Antoine: "Anyway. We got the map safely secured.... Now it's time we jump in and swim to the island.... Who wants to go first?"
Gregory: "I don't! I bet it's freezing!"

 Aiden: "How 'bout we all go at once?? Okay, let do dat!"

Gregory: "Ah! Let go of me!"
Antoine: "Woahhhhh!!"
Aiden: "Yeee-haaaaw!!"


 [Scroll & Maps given to both real life players and to their contestants in the show]

KT: "Come on you two! This is a race, remember?"

Shayne: "Sorry KT! I had trouble jumping into the sea so Evarrine helped me-"

Evarrine: "Be quiet!"
Shayne: "What?"
Evarrine: "I don't know what you're talking about, but nothing happened. Alright?"
Shayne: "Yeah... fine."
KT: "Hmmm...."

KT: "Well, let's get that map out."

*takes map out of Evarrine's possession* 

KT: "Alright.... It says we need to go to 3 separate checkpoints on the island to get the scrolls we need to do stage 3. So once we go to each check point, then that will lead us to the location of the buried treasure...."
Shayne: "Okay, where's the first checkpoint?"
KT: "There's a clue... It says we need to put it in front the sea to get its meaning."

KT: "Back to the ocean!"

 Indigo: "Ewww... I'm soaked! I hate water! And I smell like fish!"
Kaita: "Uh-oh.... Wait!"

Kaita: "I lost my pirate hat in the ocean! I didn't even notice.... I know I just had it, it should be real close by. Give me a minute to find it, I'll be right back!!"

Sara: "Ugh... Kaita and her flippin' pirate hat...."

 (2 minutes later....)

Indigo: "You find it?"
Kaita: "Yeah! Thanks for waiting, I got it!!"

Sara: "Who has the map? We need to hurry up, The GAGA Squad is right behind us!"

 Evarrine: "What does it say?"
KT: "Ah, I see. The text was backwards.... I believe it says '(close to sharks) Go the Isles of Death'...."

KT: "Where's that?"
Evarrine: "Check the map on the other side."
KT: "Right! Isles of Death..... There!!! The Death Isles! Looks like we're going to have to go swimming again..."

Shayne: "Are you serious?! I was just getting dry!"

KT: "Come on Team Dysfunctional! Let's show the world that we're actually functional!"
Evarrine: "Good one...."

Gregory: "We need to decipher this first clue... Though it looks like it's in some kind of alien language..."
Antoine: "It says to 'seek the ocean and show it yer clue'.... because the ocean waters will reflect it? Maybe the text is backwards?"
Gregory: "Oh, you're right! It says.... Go to.... Wait... yeah. Go to Isles of Death."

Aiden: "Dat sounds scurry!"

Antoine: "Let's check the map to see where it is!"
Gregory: "Found it! Death Isles! Come on, follow me!!"

Kaita: "These clues make no sense.... Are we supposed to do them in order?"
Sara: "Aww.... shoot. The GAGA Squad already knows where to go! Now we're behind."

Indigo: "Want to follow them?"
Sara: "What? You serious?"
Indigo: "Yes! It's not cheating. It's just being smart."
Sara: "Alright.... Let's chase GAGA!  I mean, not Lady Gaga, though I wish I could chase her..."

Kaita: "That's weird."
Sara: "You get my point. I just wish I could meet her!! She's so awesome."
Indigo: "Alright, let's get a move on before we lose them!"

(half an hour later....)

Shayne: "Okay, now that we've got the first scroll from the first checkpoint... What is the clue for the next checkpoint?"

 KT: "It was Spanish.... And then some other language. I took Spanish while in college, and I think it says something about going to the part... or the top of something?"
Evarrine: "It said to go to the top of what?"
KT: "I don't know.... the rest wasn't in Spanish."

 Evarrine: "What about the top of a volcano?"

Shayne: "What?! That's crazy. And hazardous."
KT: "What if the volcano is active?!"

Evarrine: "Do you want to win this mission or not? The volcano is the tallest thing on this island.... That last part on the clue probably said volcano. Might as well give it a shot."
Shayne: "Alright..... I'm down. Let's go."

Antoine: "Looks like we got company...."

Gregory: "Oh,  great... Are the Honey Badgers following us?"

Antoine: "Yes indeed. God, I hate cheaters..."

Aiden: "I tink I founds sum'ting, brothas!! It looks like da squirrel!"

Gregory: "Squirrel?! You mean scroll?"
Aiden: "Yeah, dat.... Sorreh, I jus' thinkin' of scroll soup!!"
Antoine: "....You mean SQUIRREL soup?"
Aiden: "Oh, righ'! Hehe, I goofed!"

 Indigo: "Ugh, I don't have the energy for this! I'm starving...."

 Sara: "Come on Indie! You got this!"
Indigo: "Actually I don't got this.... I'm about to pass out!!"
Kaita: "Maybe you should have had some of the bacon...."
Indigo: "Unlike you Kaita, I don't EAT the useful items we need to win this mission!"
Kaita: "Well, at least I'm not hungry now..."

Indigo: "Looks like the Squad just found the scroll...."
Sara: "Then it should be around here!"

 Kaita: "I think I see something in the palms of the tree.... Anyone good at climbing?"

Indigo: "Not me. I hate heights."
Kaita: "I don't exactly specialize in climbing... I only specialize in making new and inventive gadgets. But I guess I could try if you girls don't want to...."

Sara: "Go for it. I'll try and solve the rest of the clues so we're know where to go next."

KT: "Riiiight.... Sooo...."

KT: "Who wants to go first?"

Evarrine: "Oh come on, it can't be that bad. We don't have to actually climb the damn thing, looks like you can just walk in and there might be stairs in there or something that leads you to the top."
Shayne: "Alright, then go right on ahead. Tell us how it is."

 Evarrine: "Here goes nothing...."

KT: "So.... do we follow her, or-"
Shayne: "I'm fine with just staying right here."
KT: "Sounds good!"
Shayne: "Let's make her do something for once..."

Aiden: "Oh looky! I finds myself a hispanic!! A furner!"

 Antoine: "Wait, Aiden, stop!"

Gregory: "He doesn't know better Antoine. He's from the South... deep, deep into the South, into swamp-land. Or SO he claims...."

 Aiden: "Howdy! You speaka da Mexican, righ'?"

Gregory: *facepalm*
Girl: "Um, no I don't, thank you very much. And who are you to ask?"
Antoine: "Sorry for our friend here, he's a bit.... Mentally-handicapped. We just needed some help translating a few things..."

 Girl: "Oh yeah? Like what?"

 Aiden: "Dis clue righ' here! We needs help de'iphering it! Canst you help?!"

Girl: "Sorry, but I don't know any Spanish."

 Aiden: "Well, there other tings! Not jus' Sp'nish!"

 Girl: "Oh, wow, what is this?!"
Gregory: "They're clues... to help us find buried treasure...."
Girl: "Sounds like a fun game! And it looks like you guys are in luck. My parents are from Libya, and they've taught me some Arabic. There's an Arabic word on this paper here..."

Aiden: "An'?"

 Girl: "Volcano. I think it means volcano. That or a stripping pole... Either or."
Gregory: "...Stripping pole? Yeah, I think we'll go with volcano."
Antoine: "Okay, then what does the Spanish portion say?"
Gregory: "I'm not exactly sure.... I've heard people speak Spanish a lot and I'm pretty sure 'ir' just means to go. I could be wrong on that but at least we know volcano. Let's just go there."

Woman: "Are those men troubling you, Natasha?"

Natasha: "No, it's fine Mrs. Aloani!"

Antoine: "No worries, just asking for some help!"
Mrs. Aloani: "That's what the ALL say.... hmmm...."

Antoine: "Well, we got to go! Come on Aiden."

Aiden: "Uhm.... Mucho gracios for da help!"
Girl: "I'M NOT MEXICAN!! Jeez... What a weirdo!"

Indigo: "Careful Kaita!"

Sara: "Ummm.... Guys? I think I found the scroll...."

Kaita: "...Are you-" *gasps* "S-Serious?!"

 Kaita: "I climbed ALL the way up here for nothing?!"
Indigo: "It wasn't for nothing, it was a good effort!"

Sara: "Hey, you were the one who thought the scroll was up there...."
Kaita: "Yeah, but if I knew it was on the fricken GROUND right by your damn feet I wouldn't have hauled my ass all the way up here! How did you even miss it?!"
Sara: "Sorry! I'm just not very observant sometimes...."
Kaita: "Obviously. Now. How do I get down?"
Indigo & Sara: "Er....."


KT: "Shoot! Uhm.... let me check..." *takes out map and scroll*
 "It says to stay on the road and keep going north... So we're on the right path!"
Shayne: "Okay, then let's keep going! We can't afford to stop."

Gregory: "Look! It's KT!!"

Antoine: "Hey KT! Did you guys just come from the volcano? Is the scroll up there?"

KT: "Yeah, just keep going up and then-"

Evarrine: "-Take a right! Take the first right you see and then take the next left. The volcano is straight up from there!"
KT: "...Well, that isn't exactly true-"
Evarrine: "Good luck!"

 Antoine: "Huh?!"

Gregory: "Come on Antoine! You can't be tired yet!"
Antoine: "That wasn't cool... KT was just trying to help us out, and of course that b*tch Evarrine has to be deceitful and lie to us."

Antoine: "I'm just so sick of her!! She's so bossy and selfish! She literally cares about no one but herself. And she's f*cking insane! She's a wackjob who-"
Shayne: "Hey, Antoine!"

Antoine: "Yeah, what is it?"

Shayne: "Right. Take two rights. The volcano will be right up that hill."

Antoine: "Oh...."

Shayne: "Later."

Antoine: "THANK YOU! ....dude?"

Kaita: "Go to the top of... We got that. Thanks to my excellent language skills. In order to get my job in MI6 I needed to take a few courses of different languages, so that I could create technology useful in any country that we placed a spy in to infiltrate."

Indigo: "Good to know. But we don't know where to go to the top of."

Sara: "We should seek the highest buildings on the island. It's bound to be somewhere up high, not easily reachable."

Indigo: "On a building? That's a bit weird, I don't think they'd want us to get on top of the local's rooftops. But I guess we could try that...."
Sara: "Then what would you suggest Ms. Black?"
Indigo: "Ha! You're one to talk! You look just as gothic as me."
Kaita: "You're crazy, that's what you are..."
Sara: "Excuse me?!"
Kaita: "Nothing... Let's just keep moving."

(....One hour later....)

Evarrine: "Well. We've reached the crossroad."

KT: "Keep going! An isthmus has to be near here."

Antoine: "Woah."
Aiden: "Wat iz't?"

 Antoine: "Look at that view! I sure hope our vacation spot is here and we'll be able to stay on this island a few days.... The meditating I'll be able to do here will be incredibly calming."
Aiden: "Wat you waitin' for?! Keep goin!"
Antoine: "Sorry, sorry!"

Indigo: "This looks promising!"

Kaita: "Hurry up! I can feel the next checkpoint up here!"

KT: "Well, we certainly found the isthmus...."

Gregory: "The crossroads! We've reached it!"

Antoine: "That means we're close!"

Aiden: "Le's go!!"

Kaita: "We've checked and check. The scrolls not up here."

Sara: "Where else could we go?!"

Sara: "Has to be somewhere labeled on the map.... something obvious..."
Indigo: "What are you thinking?"

Sara: "You girls want to climb a mountain or a volcano??"
Indigo: "EXCUSE me?!"

KT: "I can't find anything!! Where's the X?"

Gregory: "I see the scroll! Two left, means Team Dysfunctional was already here!"

Aiden: "Well dat wuz o'vious, was not it?"

Antoine: "I see them! They must be close to the treasure chest."

Sara: "I'm glad we figured out it was the volcano...."

Indigo: "You can say that again."
Sara: "I'm glad-"

KT: "Yes! We found the treasure chest!"

Evarrine: "What are you looking at me for?! You dug it up, you get it!"
Shayne: "As if I wasn't drenched enough in sweat and dirt already.... You women can't bear to get your manicures dirty..."

Gregory: "We found it! X Marks the spot, right here!"
Antoine: "Wait for me!"

Shayne: "Okay, now we know what the 3rd stage to this mission is. There's a lock on this chest.... I'm guessing that using the three scrolls we gained from each checkpoint, we can open the combination."

Aiden: "Le's hurry! We can' let'em win!"

Sara: "We're lost!"
Kaita: "The sun's going down.... We have no chance of winning this thing."
Indigo: "We can't give up yet! Never lose hope!"


[Different Math equations as to prevent cheating]

Team Dysfunctional's

GAGA Squad's

Team Honey Badger's

KT: "On the back of the math scroll it says:
Possible Answers-
6,021,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (8 – 6 = ?)
60,210,000,000,000,000,000,000 (3 x 2 = ?)
602,100,000,000,000,000,000,000 (4 + 5 = ?)
None of these are correct. (9/3 = ?)"

 Shayne: "And in-scripted on the side of the chest reads:
IV. This notorious pirate was Captain of his ship and ruled the Caribbean Sea. He and his crew terrorized the people of nearby lands and stole and marauded merchant ships and showed no mercy. They pilfered and plundered their way to become one of the greatest and feared Pirates to ever exist. Eventually, a single battle lead to the demise of this famous pirate, who ended up with his head chopped off so the killers could show the world their victory against this Pirate and his great army…
What is the 4th digit in which the year he died?"

Gregory: "Hm.... interesting...."

Aiden: "Owh! I jus' hit meh in da face wit' da shovel!"
Antoine: "Keep diggiin' would ya?! Ah! Now I'm starting to talk hillbilly like you!! That's what happens when you spend the whole day with an illiterate person..."

Kaita: "Well, at least we know the Mole or their Accomplice is within our group... it's pretty obvious."

Indigo: "Yeah, but isn't that too obvious? They wouldn't purposefully suck as much as we did today."
Kaita: "True. Maybe we just suck."

Sara: "Or all of us are trying too hard to be suspicious..."

Indigo: "Now that's a possibility."
Kaita: "I sure as hell hope one of you two is either the Mole or the Accomplice, otherwise this will be very embarrassing."

Gregory: "There's an inscription on the side of the chest."
Antoine: "How did you know that?"
Gregory: "Listening to the other group. And on the back of the math scroll, our answers are:

Possible Answers-
6,022,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (8 – 6 = ?)
60,220,000,000,000,000,000,000 (3 x 2 = ?)
602,200,000,000,000,000,000,000 (4 + 5 = ?)
None of these are correct. (9/3 = ?) "

 Aiden: "Huh. I dunno 'bout maths.... I ain't so good.... I's ac'ually gonna use da money I win from dis show to pay for my schoolin'!"

KT: "That should be 19 zeros."
Shayne: "No, it would be the next place up. So 20 zeros."
Evarrine: "I never bothered to learn that blasted thing you mortals call math... What's the point in knowledge when you have power?"
KT: "Knowledge is power."
Evarrine: "You sicken me."

Sara: "The crossroads! At least we made our way here..."
Kaita: "Yeah, after you leading us astray from the road. You shouldn't be in the lead anymore."

Indigo: "Ah! Please don't run me over!!"

Indigo: "Ice cream trucks are merciless on islands!!"

 Aiden: "Eng'ish Grammah?! Ooh!! I got dis one!"
Gregory: "Uhm.... No. That's the last one you should do."
Aiden: "Oh yeah!? I betcha I gets it righ'! Da 'seas' are mixed up! Nine 'n six needs to be switched!"
Gregory: *double facepalm* "There's no way you can be an alien. Aliens are much more intelligent than you."

 Antoine: "The real answer would be 4, since 'them' is not used properly. Question is, which digit is it in the combination? It's the first scroll we found, but the roman numbers equal two, so.... is it the second digit?"

KT: "I think it's asking what percentage you could get it right, if you could only pick ONE answer."
Shayne: "No, you're wrong. If you pick the right answer it would be 100%."
KT: "Alright, I don't want to argue about it. Just stating my opinion. What do you think Evarrine?"

Evarrine: "Well, there isn't exactly a question being asked, is there? There's nothing to solve. It's trying to make you think it's a trick question when in actuality it's not."

 Shayne: "I wonder what they're thinking...."
Gregory: "The obvious answer is 25% percent for that one. But in theory there's no 'right answer'. 0% could also be correct, because there's no chance in getting the question right. But if two answers are plausible, does that mean 50% would also work as an answer??"
Aiden: "Meh head hurtz...."

Indigo: "Is that where the last checkpoint is supposed to be?"
Sara: "I think so. Hurry! The sun's going down!"

Evarrine: "Well well well... Look who finally decided to show up!"

 Sara: "That was rude."
Kaita: "It's okay Sara, we honey badgers don't care!"

Indigo: "We don't have time to chitter-chatter! Let's start digging this hole! Though it looks like it may take awhile.... We might as well just give up..."

Sara: "No! We can't give up! We've made it this far, and it's been a looooooong day.... I wish Kenzen were here to comfort me..."
Kaita: "Alright. Who's digging? I climbed the tree so I'll let someone else do the.... dirty work." ;)

Indigo: "Fine! I'll do it! But we'll have to take turns because my arms aren't very strong."

Indigo: "Well.... this should be fun... not."

 Shayne: "Do you think we have it?"

KT: "2491. Let's try it and see." 

Indigo: "Hey. Do you guys happen to have a calculator?"
KT: "Sorry sweetie, I don't think any team was given a calculator."
Indigo: "Darn. Then how did you guys figure out the math problem? It's so hard to do in my head!"
Evarrine: "You'll get it eventually. Go away now. We're trying to win a race here."
Kaita: "You guys better hurry if you want those exemptions! The mission ends once the sun completely dips behind the horizon. I'd say you got 10 minutes."

KT: "Okay, let's try this.... 2...4....9...1..... Darn it! It didn't click open...."

Shayne: "F*ck."

Antoine: "What year did he die then? I know it was in the 1710's... I don't know the exact year. Just the decade."
Aiden: "Huh.... Le's jus' try 'em all!"
Gregory: "True. We don't even need to know the question. We can just go through the numbers!"

Indigo: "Ugh. We're so behind.... Guess we're not getting those exemptions!"
Sara: "You'll be fine. I promise."
Indigo: "If you say so...."
Kaita: "Hey! At least we added 40 points to the pot. That's $40,000 right there!! In American dollars, of course..."

Shayne: "We got the math right, I know that.... I think the general question as well. Grammar was obvious.... We thought the year Blackbeard died was 1717, but maybe we got our dates wrong?"
Evarrine: "I don't know the history of this blasted realm, so can you please just try and remember so this whole mission wouldn't have all been in vain?! The sun is almost completely submerged! We're running out of time."

 Antoine: "Then let's just try it. Hurry!"

 Aiden: "2....3...."
Gregory: "That's not it you idiot!"
Aiden: "Sorreh, sorreh! Le' me start ovah.... 2....4....wat wuz it again?!"
Gregory: "2, 4-"
Aiden: "2.... Nopes! Din't work!"
Gregory: "That's because you just did the beginning sequence twice, you dimwit!"
Aiden: "Bu' you said-"
Gregory: "Yes. 2, 4, 9, and then any number. I was just repeating the code."
Aiden: "Ohhh! Me so addled..... So it's 2.....3...."
Gregory: "NO! THERE'S NO 3!! AHHHH!!"

 KT: "We'll try this again.... 2....4....9....8?"
Shayne: "Yeah, try it."
Evarrine: "Hurry.... please."

 KT: "Annnnnnnnd..... It worked! We opened it!!"

 KT: "Haha oh my god! WE WON!! Look at all the gold in here!!"

 Evarrine: "We won?! We WON!!"

KT: "Woohoo!"

Evarrine: "We did! No thanks to me.... and of course the both of you as well, I guess."

Shayne: "Hehe, nice job you two."

KT & Evarrine: *giggling and laughing happily together*

CAPTAIN CROOK: "Looks like we got a winner!!"

Antoine: "Hm. Well, we didn't get the exemptions, but the mission isn't over yet. We can still gain those 20 points. Keep trying!"

Sara: "Raised to the 23rd power though? That would move the decimal 23 places over then."

Kaita: "Yes, but the place value is already in the thousandths place. That doesn't mean it has 23 0's."
Indigo: "My head's about to explode...."

Gregory: "Try it."

Aiden: "Dagnabbit! Din't work neither!"

CAPTAIN CROOK: "Arrright, chaps!! Yer pirate lives are over fer now, this mission is now officially over!!"

 CAPTAIN CROOK: "Time has ran out, and this mission is over!!"

"Team Dysfunctional completed all 3 stages, and both Team Honey Badgers and The GAGA Squad completed 2 stages, so in total, ye added 140 points to the pot!! Yarraahhah!! That's a lot of beer money right der!"

"Since the lovely KT, the villainous Evarrine, and me matey Shayne were able to open me treasure chest to the buried treasure, they each earned themselves an exemption for yer next quiz!"

"Avast, mateys! Before I bring ye to yer ship.... or, well, yer home- I must say job well done! And aye! Ye will be staying on this island here for the next few days, and I'll be your host till ye leavin'!"

"Arrr, scurry along now, young lads! It's getting dark and we wouldn't want any of ye to get lost now! Yarhahahaha!!! Yo ho, yo ho, it's a pirate's life for me!!"

*            *            *

 CURRENT POT: 431/892
 Winner's Pot: 431
Mole's Pot: 461


Evarrine: "WHEEEEEEEE!!"

Evarrine: "HI KT! HOW YA DOING GIRL?!?!"
KT: "Um.... are you riding an imaginary horse or something?"
Evarrine: "...MAYBE!" ;D

Sara: "Mwhahahaha!!! My plan to kill Captain Crook shall work! I will use the hook and stab him in the heart!"
Kaita: "What did you just say?!"
Sara: "What? Um.... nothing."
Camera Man: "Don't worry, we won't show that. We don't want the world to see that side of you, Sara."
Sara: "Oh, phew.... thanks! But I do still plan on killing him.... I WANT KENZEN BACK!"

Gregory: "Well, we could, but- wait, Antoine?! How did you get out?"
Antoine: "I dunno. I just... like, magically transported over here or something."
Gregory: "Hm. Strange."
Antoine: "Yep. Sooooooooo... how's life?"
Aiden: "It ain't great righ' now 'cause I still in here!"
Antoine: "Right, so.... Should I tell production that I need to be let back in?"
Gregory: "Yeah, that would be a good idea."
Antoine: "There goes my freedom! Had it one second, gone the next!"

CAPTAIN CROOK: "Avast! An enemy pirates ship! We must man the cannons and defend in case they marauder my dear Betsy!"
Camera Man: "Uhm... sir-"
CAPTAIN CROOK: "It's Captain Crook!"

Camera Man: "Right, Captain.... I don't think that's a pirate ship. Just a family sailing together."
CAPTAIN CROOK: "Arrrgh! Over my dead body will I allow that vessel any closer to my Betsy! They're not waving their flag, that means they're not trying to be friendly! Trust me, they come to take me ship!"
Camera Man: "Captain- We're in the middle of filming right now, we don't have time to play pirate with you-"
CAPTAIN CROOK: "Let's get 'em, boys! Fuel the cannons, draw your swords! Prepare for the mightiest sea battle of the decade!"
Camera Man: "....I- Crook- CAPTAIN Crook.... we.... don't have time....... AW, screw it! Do whatever you please, get sued for sinking an innocent family's ship!"

Sara: "And some nights, I put on my war paint, and I-"  *music stops*
Kaita: "Stop the music, stop the music! What the hell was that Sara?! 'I put on my war paint'? That's not part of the lyrics!"
Sara: "Sorry.... I have Fall Out Boy stuck in my head.... Kind of came out unintentionally, ya know?"
Indigo: "Great. Now we have to start ALL the way over! Way to go Sara! Alright, everyone.... Start from the top!"

Camera Man: "Uhh... Captain?"
CAPTAIN CROOK: "Yeh, matey?"
Cameran Man: "The bacon isn't for you. It's for the mission."
CAPTAIN CROOK: "Arhahaha! O'course! I was jus' washing it so it'll look nice for those cameras!"
Camera Man: "Riiiiight...."

Turner: "Evarrine.... How did you get up there?!"

Evarrine: "Get up where?"
Turner: "Up... here! With me!"

Evarrine: "Oh, you mean up here! In the sky! I'm magical, remember?"
Turner: "No, I just think you're a glitch."
Evarrine: "How insulting! Either way..... I'M WALKING ON AIR!!!"

*            *            *

❤ Rosie ❤

In loving memory of Rosie, a beautiful and very special dog who guarded my home and family and who made us smile and laugh everyday for 8 years. You will be greatly missed, but never forgotten. May you rest in peace in doggy heaven. :)
~Love, Your Best Friend, Adam

"Dogs are not our whole lives, but they make our lives whole" -Anonymous


  1. Love how you did it in memary of your dog so sweet

    1. Oh, hello there, Mineing Simmer! I apologize for not replying sooner, I'm not used to people commenting on here. :P
      But thank you. After she died I felt the need to create some type of lasting memory of her, so that one day I could look back at this and smile... Which I'm doing now, so thank you very much for that. :)
