Friday, March 22, 2013



.:DAY 10:.


“I can’t believe I messed up during the mission yesterday, I mean it was one mistake but that cost the team a lot. Anyway, let’s not look at the past and focus on the future, my head needs to be in the game for this quiz. Luckily we have Gregory as a new recruit for our ‘team’ now. I’m not sure if Sara is still on board, I’ll have to have a little chat to her... but for now, all I’m going to do is get Gregory up to my level... Long Jogs! Lengths in the Pool! Treadmill for 3 hours solid! It’s gonna be tough, but it’ll be worth it and I am gonna make sure...
*sniffs the air* 
Is something burning in here?
*smoke appears below the door*


“I have decided to take it upon myself to protect KT from those aliens. I mean, I cannot believe Ariel was one of them! She was a fellow red-head, I would never suspect such a thing. So in my attempts to protect KT - a true human - from harm I have been setting traps and tricks around for anyone that get's too close to her. I just don't know who to trust now, and it is obvious me and Casey are not the only targets. I've been spending a lot of time around her. It shook me up when she got stabbed, I don't want to lose another of our precious kind, they have already took too many. Don't worry KT! Gregory is here for you! I have the wit, intelligence and scientific skills to make contraptions to trap those manipulative scum.”

Gregory: "Hm... Almost got it.... there! Perfect!!"

KT: "Gregory! What are you doing in here?"
Gregory: "Setting up traps so no one can hurt you again!"

KT: "Haha, ohh... You don't have to do that!"

Gregory: "I do though. We can't let you get hurt again."

KT: "I'm a big girl, you know. I can take care of myself."

Gregory: "Yeah? Then how come you got stabbed? You couldn't protect yourself then, and you can't protect yourself now."

KT: "Greg, that was a freak accident. No one could have seen that one coming... And I promise you, it won't happen ever again."

Gregory: "Yeah, but that's what they want you to think. They want you to think that you're safe, but then all of a sudden, they attack. Ariel was just the first one. There are more here, KT, and you seem to be their prime target. You need to let me help protect you."

KT: " 'They'? Who's they, Greg? What are you talking about?!"
Gregory: "I... I can't say here. It's too dangerous here, out in the open. They could be listening."
KT: "Are you rambling about your theory on aliens-"
Gregory: "-Shh! Be quiet! They might hear you!"

KT: "Fine. There's no trying to convince you otherwise.... What stuff are you working on now, then?"
Gregory: "So glad you asked! Take a look at this toy ship."

Gregory: "There's a contraption on the bow of the ship. Simply lower the pirate flag, and the hidden blade will be released and will fling out towards the unwelcome intruder, most likely stabbing them somewhere in the face, thus leading to instant death. It's a flawless trap of mine, has worked perfectly every time."

KT: "It's worked every time?! My god! You've tested it before?!"
Gregory: "Well.... Just once... on a neighbor of mine. He was 'coming over with cake to welcome me to the neighborhood', but I wouldn't believe it for a second. I knew the type of scum he was!! There's no fooling Gregory Plaice, expert on discovering those filthy extraterrestrials! Anyways, long story short... The rest of his alien-buddies caught on that he was missing, so I had to flee the city."

KT: "Well then... your concern is definitely appreciated, Gregory. I think I'm in good hands now, thanks to you."
Gregory: "Alright, and if you ever need any assistance, I'll be right next door, in the Spring room!"

 KT: "Thanks again! ...Hm.... something seems off with that..."

 Gregory: "Oh, yeah, I put razor-sharp knives along the diameter of it, so all you need to do is throw it as if it were a ninja star or something. Antoine taught me that one, he's good with making ninja stars."
KT: "Oh, well... thanks. Hopefully it doesn't fall on me when I'm sleeping... I'd hate to get stabbed yet again."

 Gregory: "Don't worry, you should be fine.... Emphasis on should.... Anywho: stay safe, my KT!"

Gregory: "Antoine! You startled me!"

Antoine: "I've been waiting for you, Gregory...."

Gregory: "That sounded a bit creepy."

Antoine: "It did, didn't it? Well, I must tell you that our training is not even near to completion. You still have a long ways to go before you become a true warrior like myself. For today, you will be hauling that wheelbarrow around."

Gregory: "Ooh! Yes! More training! I'm very excited to try and improve my mental endurance and physical strength."

Antoine: "As you should be. Let's begin."

Antoine: "Ooh... This room is very zenny. Especially this spot over here... Too bad Ariel is gone, now there is no one here to enjoy the peace and tranquility of this beautiful room."

 Gregory: "...Shayne and I are still in this room, you know."
Antoine: "Ah, yes, of course. Just wanted to point out how nice it is over here... Enough jibber-jabber! Come, my apprentice!"

 Gregory: "Hey, isn't this a bit... light? Shouldn't be too hard to push around..."

 Antoine: "Oh, don't you worry about that, young grasshopper! Leave that part to me."
Gregory: "Okay..."

Antoine: "Giddy up! Let's go!"
Gregory: "Aww... I have to carry YOU around?!"
Antoine: "Yes. Now please proceed with our training."
Gregory: "Awh, man!"


“My training with Antoine is going spectacularly. I'm learning so much, and putting on muscle - getting stronger. At this rate I will have the strength and agility as well as intelligence. Plus, Antoine is knowledgeable about the aliens, too. Though he calls Evarrine a 'witch' what a bizarre term... We have been preparing and training together at any spare minute, but I'm trying to keep it on the hush-hush from Evarrine and her desciples. Plus, the training so far has helped me in my mission to keep the lovely... uhurm, I mean human KT alive and well.”


“Lately, I have been increasingly urgent to regain my magic. I simply cannot deal with how I am treated in this house. I am studying magic by reading books I find in this house, and they are of great interest. According to the text, Harry Potter, I will find my magic when I receive a letter inviting me to a magical school, Hogwarts. I eagerly await this letter. The various other texts I have found suggest strategies such as finding a wise elder to train me in my powers, nearly dying, finding a portal to another world (I wish they had included a map!), and being chosen by a magical order. Some of the texts I found were very strange. I was unable to put down the history of the human Bella and the vampire Edward. Do mortal women truly wish to become romantically involved with vampires who watch them sleep? Mortals must be quite desperate to die. Edward is useless though. What is the point of a vampire if it does not kill? I had a pet vampire once, and he was useful in eliminating and threatening my enemies. I miss my wonderful kingdom, where I could kill and maim others in a million inventive ways! Here, if I so much as scratch another person (no matter how deserving) I will be taken away like that Aerial was!”

  Shayne: "I miss my girlfriend a lot... That's pretty much it. What about you, Sara? What do you miss most from the outside world?"

 Sara: "What do I miss the most? Well, that's a hard question to answer! I miss everything!! Well, except my co-worker Ryan, I hate him! But besides that, I miss a whole bunch of stuff! I miss my job, I miss Florida, I miss my pets, I miss being able to listen to Fall Out Boy, I miss...."

 *several minutes later...*

 Sara: "-I ALSO miss my nyan cat pillow, I miss being able to browse tumbler, watch The Invader Zim, annnnnnnnnnnd..... I think that's it! Did I miss anything?! OH! How could I forget?! I MISS KENZEEEEEEEEEN!!!!"

 Aiden: "Ken'en? As in, da host? I don' like dat guy..."
Sara: "You don't like Kenzen?! How dare you!! No one dislikes my Summers! He is amazing!"
Shayne: "We're talking about stuff OUTSIDE of the game... You can't miss Kenzen when you just saw him yesterday..."

 Sara: "Well, a day is too long for me! Anyway- your turn, Aiden!"
Aiden: "Mah turn?! A'right... Uhmm...."

 Aiden: "Oh! I know! I be missin' mah papa and mama! And me woods back in Miss'ippi! Oh, how I miss dose woods... I feel so claustrophobic in dis house!"

 Evarrine: "Claustrophobic? Really? That's a pretty big word for you... Why didn't you spell that in the first mission, instead of 'mensurability'?"
Aiden: "I dunno.... it jus' came to meh!"

 Evarrine: "Right. Now, I suppose it's my turn to discuss what I miss? Well, where to begin..."

Evarrine: "Obviously I dearly miss my precious castle, and the kingdom in which I rule. And what I miss most is magic. This blasted realm has stripped me from my powers! You petty peasants do not understand what it's like to be neglected your own magic! It's torturous! I deserve my magic, and this, this.... LAND has taken it from me!"

 Evarrine: "Once I have successfully dominated this game and won my prize money, I will find a way to get to a portal that will be able to transport me back to my righteous land in Brendale. And then I'll be able to-"

Alberto: "Sorry to interrupt, but have you guys seen my towel?"

 Sara: "...Uhm..."

Shayne: "Dude... not cool."

Alberto: "What? Is there something wrong?"

 Aiden: "Hot diggity dog!! You're NECKED!!!"
Evarrine: "Necked? What is that? What's going on?"

 Shayne: "See for yourself..."

Evarrine: "I really don't understand what's- ... oh."


Evarrine: "How DARE you present yourself like this in my presence! I am the QUEEN for goodness sakes! I might not be the ruler of this household, but I deserve some respect!!!"
Sara: "Ah!! Turn around! I don't want to see that!!! Icky!!"

Aiden: "AHAHAHAHAHA!! Dis is TOO funneh!!"
Evarrine: "I told you to leave! Get out of my sight! NOW!"

 Alberto: "Nah. I think I'll stay, so you can all FEAST YOUR EYES!!"
Evarrine: "You little wart! I'll turn you into a toad, then you'll be sorry!"
Alberto: "Alright. Go ahead. Turn me into a toad. We're all waiting."

Evarrine: "Don't tempt me! I'll do it! I'll turn you into a worthless, ugly little toad and squish your brains out! Wait, did I say ugly? Honestly, I don't think I can turn you into anything more ugly than you are now... Being a toad would be an IMPROVEMENT!"

 Alberto: "Oh, my feelings are so hurt! How dare you offend my beauty?! Haven't heard that one before, you BITCH!"

Evarrine: "EXCUSE me?! What did you just say!? Take it back, you pathetic human! TAKE IT BACK NOW OR I'LL RIP YOUR THROAT OUT!"
Alberto: "...Will that be through magic, or... what? Cause I'd really prefer the magic way, quite honestly... Seems a bit fun, ya know?"

Aiden: "Woah, E'arrine... You migh' wanna calm down a bit..."

Alberto: "Ha! Make me!"

Evarrine: "Make me? MAKE you?! Oh, I sure as hell will make you, you damned fool! You're going to regret ever saying that! Come over here now so I can show you how easily I can just  

Sara: "So... How are you?"
Shayne: "Doing quite swell, thank you. And you?"
Sara: "Oh, I'm doing just fine, thanks. Getting a bit heated in here, but, you know. It's cool."
Shayne: "Yeah, definitely...."

 Alberto: "Oh! Look at that! I found my towel."

Alberto: "I'll just take this now and be on my way... Sorry for any inconvenience everyone! Though I'm sure it was very convenient for all of you to see my prized possessions! Haha, ohhhh..."

 Aiden: "I thinks it time to go, buddy."

 Sara: "Yes! Get out of here now, you disgusting troll! No one wanted to see any of that... junk."
Evarrine: "That's what I thought. You just walk away now. Don't try to fight me again, because you know you'll just lose."

Alberto: "Hehe, too funny! Such great entertainment making these people angry."


“WHOA BOY!!! I saw sumin t'day tha I ain't never seen in mah life. I though I wus gonna die laughin'. I always though' I'd dies wreaslin' a gator. But anyways, so E'arrine, Shayne, Sara, and I was sitin' 'round talkin 'bout whut we missed most from the outside world, when Alberto comes walkin' in NECKED!!! Tha's right, NECKED.  It wus the funniest thing I saw! Especi'lly when both E'arrine and Sara freaked out! E'arrine kep talkin' 'bout turnin' him inta a toad. Sara wus screamin 'bout trolls. I dunno whut those are. I don' think we got those in Miss'ippi. Shayne jus looked embarrassed. Poor guy. I dunt think he's ever seen another guys necked before.”


“Indigo is cool and all, but her obsession (for lack of a better word) with me is a bit creepy. I'll just be minding my own business and I'll see her in the corner of my eyes staring at me with these goo-goo eyes. I don't know what she sees in me, I'm not all that interesting. I mean, she does know I have a girlfriend, right? I don't want to yell at her about it because she's a sweet girl, so I'll just ignore it for now. Plus, I don't want to accidentally start any unnecessary drama as we have enough of that already.
Although, my girlfriend did say that she wouldn't mind if I had a showmance if it helped further me in the game, as long as it wasn't anything serious. I'm really conflicted; I don't know what to do.”  :/

Indigo: "This is starting to lose its fun... It's cold, I'm soaked, and it's getting dark... ALL things I hate!"

Kaita: *yawns* "That was a nice nap..... Hey- is it time for the Execution yet?"

Indigo: "Not quite, but you should get ready for it."
Kaita: "Cool... Did I miss anything exciting happen?"
Indigo: "No... But you did miss Gregory pushing Antoine around in a wheelbarrow...."

 *A few hours before*

Gregory: "Is it my turn yet?!"
Antoine: "Shush! I am trying to meditate! And no, you do not get a turn!"
 Gregory: "But why not? I'm tired!"
Antoine: "This is your training, not mine. Now, less talking, and more walking!"

Kaita: "So, nothing out of the norm, basically?"
Indigo: "Exactly."

 Kaita: "And I'm guessing you didn't get any good information from the Winter room?"
Indigo: "No one's been in there all day."
Kaita: "Darn... Well, thanks for being on the look-out, coalition buddy."

 Indigo: "Wait, hold up.... Coalition buddy? You... you actually want to be in a coalition with me?!"

Kaita: "Of course! Why not? We've basically been coalition partners since Day 1, when we both took this room and realized we both had a similar interest in spying on people. We have told each other valuable information ever since, so we basically have been working together all along."


"Mwhahaha!! I love being a double-agent! I have a coalition with both Evarrine and Indigo. And neither of them know about the other! I work for both sides, getting twice the amount of information. Hmm... using that logic, why don't I just form a coalition with everyone?! I know I could pull it off, I am an excellent liar, after all." ;)

 Indigo: "True, I'm just a bit surprised that someone likes me enough to actually want to work with me... And I am a bit surprised that you even trust me, most people would think I'm not a very trustworthy person.... Hey, what are you looking at?!"

 Kaita: "Just a little friend of mine..."

 Kaita: "I like to call her Mrs. Fluffy."

 Indigo: "OMFG! How adorable!! She's so cute!! ... but wait. I didn't know pets were allowed?"

 Kaita: "Don't get ahead of yourself too much, this is a very special kitty.... And don't worry, I'm not like that freak girl from last season... Taiha, right? Yeah, she was a wacko."
Indigo: "Wait... Did the cat just... change its fur coloring? ...and shape?"

Kaita: "Oh, it did, didn't it? Oh, there it goes again! Yep, this isn't a normal cat... It's a spy invention of mine. One of my finest prototypes."

Indigo: "...Are you saying that's a CAT robot?"

 Kaita: "That's precisely what I'm saying. Don't tell that to her though, she likes to think she's a real cat."

 Kaita: "Oh no, her face is starting to expand, isn't it? When the face begins to explode, that means it needs charging. I need to find an outlet to charge her somewhere..."

 Indigo: "Awhh... how cute! She turned black for me! She must know black is my favorite color!"

 Kaita: "What? -OH! You're right, she's turned black... Hmm... She isn't supposed to be doing this... I think the chipset still needs some work. I wasn't quite able to finish the programming before I got on the show, I just had to throw her in my bag and hope and she would be well-developed enough to be able to do some spy-work for me."

 Indigo: "Spy-work? Like what?"

Kaita: "Well, I was trying to program it to be able to listen to sounds and conversations within 50 yards away, and be able to record it. It can hold up to 200 hours of sound storage. It's obviously unique in the way that I can move it around without people suspecting anything out of the norm, since it looks like your typical cat. It's in free mode right now though, meaning it's in control of where it wants to go."

 Kaita: "So yeah! That's about it. Pretty neat, am I right?"
Indigo: "Uhm... it's changed again..."

 Kaita: "Shoot! It must be going through some malfunction in the system... Like I said, it's still under development. Blue though?! That's not natural! I don't mind it turning into the other colors, but this cat is so obviously fake! Argh!!"

Indigo: "Well, you should try and fix that somehow... Ah! It looks so real! It's like, staring at me!!"

Kaita: "It tends to do that often.... Especially when I'm sleeping.... I just wake up and its big robotic black eyeballs are just staring at me.... pretty creepy."

Kaita: "Anyway. I should find a place to charge it."
Indigo: "So how does that work?"

Kaita: "How do you charge it? Haha, it's quite simple. The chord is wrapped around on the inside, and you just have to grab it out from the butt. It probably doesn't look that good to someone who thinks it's a real cat... Well, see you at dinner!"

Indigo: (0_0)

*            *            *



1. Is the Mole, male or female?
a) Male
b) Female

2. What is the Mole's occupation?
a) International Celebrity
b) Science Laboratory Employee
c) Tech Engineer
d) Aspiring Actor
e) Part Time Student
f) Record Company Intern
g) Martial Arts Teacher

h) Currently Unemployed

3. In the mission, "Mole Sudoku", which square belonged to the Mole?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
e) 5
f) 6
g) 7
h) 8
i) 9
j) The Mole did not have a square.

4. Was the Mole the Overseer?
a) Yes
b) No

5. How many numbers were already in the Mole's square before the mission began?
a) 3
b) 4

6. Did the Mole at any point during the mission say a wrong answer?
a) No
b) Yes

7. Was the number "2" in any of the 9 boxes in the Mole's square by the end of the mission?
a) Yes
b) No
c) The Mole did not have a square.

8. Who is, the Mole?
a) Shayne Holmes
b) Antoine Valentine
c) Alberto Pretty
d) Aiden Hicks
e) Gregory Plaice
f) Kaita Blake
g) KT!
h) Indigo Stone
i) Sara Vesela
j) Evarrine Roland


9. Is the Mole's Accomplice, male or female?
a) Male
b) Female

10. Was the MA's square number odd or even?
a) Odd
b) Even
c) The MA did not have a square.

11. How many points would have the Accomplice contributed to the pot, if the mission was not failed? (ie, how many correct answers they had)
a) 0
b) 6
c) 9
d) 12
e) 15
f) However many points were already earned.

12. Who is the Mole's Accomplice for this week?
a) Shayne Holmes
b) Antoine Valentine
c) Alberto Pretty
d) Aiden Hicks
e) Gregory Plaice
f) Kaita Blake
g) KT!
h) Indigo Stone
i) Sara Vesela
j) Evarrine Roland

*            *            *


 KENZEN: "Welcome to your 4th execution ceremony, contestants. As usual, please take a seat."

 KENZEN: "If the screen turns green when I call your name, you are safe. However, if the screen turns red, it is time to go home. Let's begin."

 KENZEN: "Let's begin with... My beloved Sara!"


 KENZEN: "Next is... Alberto."

 Alberto: "...Wait, what? Is that red?" *takes off shades* "...Shit."

 KENZEN: "I'm sorry to say, but Alberto, you have been executed. Please follow me to the van."

 Shayne: "Phew! I'm sure glad that guy is out... What a dick he was!"
 Aiden: "Agreed! He a meanie! We don' have folks like dat where I be livin'... Well, not dat I know of..."
KT: "He definitely had some problems, yes, but you all have to remember that people are the way they are because of their past. No one is just born like that."
Sara: "Well, he was born ugly! Ha!"
Antoine: "Nice one!" *high-fives Sara*
Evarrine: "I'm just glad that I don't have to deal with that dreadful little cabbage-head again. With hair like that, I bet he did grow a lot of cabbages! But we all know it wasn't cabbages he was eating..."
Gregory: "Donuts! That's what he was eating! And lots of ice-cream."
Kaita: "Evarrine, what are you talking about over there? Are you on about how people with different colored hair have different abilities again?"
Indigo: "Evarrine's had a bad day... Let's just let her ramble to herself and not interfere..."

 KENZEN: "Well, Alberto- what do you have to say? Surprised at all?"

 Alberto: "Wow. Yes, I am actually very surprised. I owned that game. I thought I knew for sure who that Mole was... Well, at least I can get out of that damn house. Everyone in there are such sensitive little bitches. I can't say one thing without one of them bitching at me! I mean, for christ sakes! And I'm looking forward to finally going home so I can drink milk the NORMAL way- which is in a bag, NOT a stupid carton. Americans and their dumb ways.... Anyways, I'm gonna advertise here if you don't mind-"

 KENZEN: "Actually I do mind, you aren't allowed to advertise on here."

Alberto: "-Well, that's unfortunate for you, because I'm going to do it anyways. I'm going to begin producing a talent show, which is going to become the best new reality show out there. Even better than this shit. That's right, it's going to be that good. I'm going to be in it too, performing a multitude of my many talents, such as singing, dancing, acting, eating, talking, and-"

KENZEN: "-being an asshole? Yeah, I bet. Alright, that's enough advertising for you."
Alberto: "But I'm not done yet!"
KENZEN: "Too bad! Now shove your large ass into the van before I get the Mole Security on you!"
Alberto: "Woah dude! I don't mean no harm!"
KENZEN: "Oh, I'm sure you don't.... BYE-BYE!!"

 KENZEN: "Alright! Now for the Accomplice part of the show..."

"I've got some bad news for the MA of this week. Unfortunately for you, you weren't able to avoid a lot of attention... Half of the players taking the quiz knew it was you, and as the rules state, if at least half of the contestants guess the Mole's Accomplice correctly, then the points they earned will NOT count. So, all 180 points you thought you earned in the mission will be flushed down the toilet... So sorry."

 "However, you should be congratulated for a job well done, because even though 4 knew it was you, the other 4 didn't. And being able to sabotage the mission successfully is a hard feat. That being said, the Accomplice of this week was........."


 Antoine: "I must try harder next time if I want to achieve victory. Antoine, over and out."

KENZEN: "...Alright then. Remember, before you all leave, to grab the envelope attached to the bottom of your seat. If the card inside is green, you continue playing as normal. But if it is red, that means you are the Mole's next Accomplice. Please open your envelopes when you are by yourself so that no one else may see it. 
Okay, that's all I have for you tonight, everyone. See you in a few days for the next mission."

*            *            *

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