Monday, March 4, 2013



.:DAY 8:.


“Oh. My. GOD! I can't believe Ariel... What got into her? We never really talked much or anything but I sort of felt we had a connection in the first mission cause we both failed... anditotalythoughtshewasthemolesonowimtotalyscewed... Anyway this means Shayne’s bedroom no longer has any girls in it…” ;D


“That fool, Kaita, thought that I would actually tell her if I were the Mole's Accomplice? HA! I do not give valuable information to anyone. I was simply trying to watch her facial expressions and deem if she already knew or not. There is still the possibility that she holds the ability to read minds, though if this is the case she is an excellent actress. But it was most refreshing to finally be immune from the dreaded prospect of execution. At last, I have experienced the power that I most craved. Now, if I only I can be Mole's Accomplice again, or win an exemption, or both! There is nothing better than being doubly safe! 
 I am praying that the most obnoxious mortal, Sara, is the next to leave. Not only would that create more space in the bedroom I am forced to share, but I am also growing sick of her talking. Does she ever stop talking? She cries at certain times during the day, she discusses at length her hatred for trolls, and lately she has become increasingly strange. Once, when I walked in, she actually assumed some sort of fighting pose. I suspect that she is plotting against me. Perhaps she has allies in this house. I am not surprised that once again I must watch my back- those with great power, such as myself, are always targeted by idiotic mortals.”

[after the execution]

Sara: "I'm so glad that the producer dude who got us a movie got this movie! I mean, "Troll Hunter"?! How much more awesome can it get!?"

Kaita: "Personally, I would have preferred a James Bond film, but this should be good too."

KT: "I don't mind what we watch, anything to get my mind off of the fact that I was stabbed in the back today!"
Kaita: "I still think that when you say that, you're saying it figuratively... I just can't believe that Ariel would actually stab you like that! For no reason, whatsoever! I mean, I understand it if she were an undercover agent and you were her target, but I doubt that."

Sara: "Let's just stop speaking of it! The movie is starting now!"
KT: "Good call, Sara!!"


Kaita: "SHUT UP SARA! STOP TALKING SO MUCH! We are trying to watch a movie here-"
Evarrine: "-Why hello dearies!"

Indigo: "Uh-oh..."

Evarrine: "What exactly are you peasants partaking in? Is this a gathering of some sort? A secret meeting? I didn't get an invitation..."
Sara: "That's because you weren't invited."

Evarrine: "...Excuse me? Not invited?! How dare you! The Queen is never excluded from such activities! I am the one who conducts the meeting! Did you really think you could hold one without me noticing!? Fools!"

KT: "Evarrine, this isn't some 'secret meeting' we're holding. It's a party.... A girl's night out!"

Evarrine: "I don't know what that is, but I am a woman too, am I not? Why was I not informed about this?"

Sara: "Because you don't belong here! All you do is try to start fights with everyone in this house, and you bring negative energy wherever you go! Here we are, trying to make KT feel better about what happened earlier today, but of course, YOU have to come in and crash it. You always ruin the fun."

 Evarrine: "...oh..."
KT: "Sara! Stop it! We all know that Evarrine has her moments, but you don't have to be so rude about it!"

Evarrine: "No. It's okay KT. I get where Sara is coming from."
Sara: "You do?"

 Evarrine: "Yes, I do. The reason you feel like you need to help others is because no one ever helps YOU. You've been alone your entire life, mostly because you are the most annoying, selfish and obnoxious mortal I have ever had the displeasure of laying my eyes on!! You feel like in order to compensate for the lack of love you have gotten, you must try and force it out of others, because that's the only way anyone will EVER pay any attention to you. Nobody likes you, not even your so called lover 'Kenzen'... What a joke! He'll never love you, you poor excuse for a human being!!!!!"

 Sara: "...."

Indigo: "Well, that escalated quickly..."
Indigo: "Nothing! Nothing at all!"

 Kaita: "Evarrine, I think you should leave."
Evarrine: "I was just thinking that myself. Obviously I do not belong here..."

 Evarrine: "Don't think that I am done here. You have only awoken a sleeping beast. Revenge will be mine, and it will be magnificent."

Indigo: "Soooo...... that was uncomfortable."

Kaita: "It's Evarrine. She has a talent for making people feel uncomfortable."
Indigo: "True that!"


 “So, after the execution, a production member went to blockbuster to pick up the movie the Trollhunter which I thought was gonna be a great movie because based on the title, I thought the troll hunter is gonna kill some trolls. Then, me, KT, Indigo, and Kaita ended up having a girls night watching the Trollhunter to cheer up KT after what Ariel did to her. Evarrine wasn't invited since she is kind of evil and crazy. Evarrine ended up crashing the party as she dislikes how she was the only girl not invited. We told that she was too evil and crazy to be a part of this. Evarrine then stated that she will get revenge for this.”

.:DAY 9:.

Antoine: "HI-YAW!"

Gregory: "This man is highly suspicious... Just look at him! What is he trying to train himself to fight for? To kill all us humans!?"

Gregory: "Yeah, that's right, I'm on to you, alien-specimen! I know who you really are, and I plan to-"

Antoine: "Please. Come in."

Gregory: "Great galaxy! It has spotted me from one of my secret spying spots! I must flee!"

Antoine: "Flee? You don't need to leave... Come join me! I don't bite."

Gregory: "Pft. That's what they all say. And when you're not looking, they eat you alive!"

Antoine: "What are you on about? Oh, right.... earthworms."

Gregory: "Earthworms? No, that was Casey. He was a weirdo. Obviously aliens disguise themselves as humans, not earthworms. I mean, out of all the animal species out there, why would an advanced-alien race decide to be an EARTHWORM?! That's idiotic! Casey was just insane."

Antoine: "...Alright then. Good to know. So, what, you think I'm one of these aliens?"

Gregory: "I'm not implying anything. It was just a suggestion."
Antoine: "Hmm.... A very rude suggestion... I've been doing martial arts my entire life, and I'm training a lot here because I must prepare myself for the finale battle."

Gregory: "Final battle?"

Antoine: "Yes, the final battle, against the evil witch. I'm sure you are aware of who this witch is."
Gregory: "Oh.... You mean Evarrine?! You plan to have a battle against her? Awesome! And here I was, thinking I was the only one left that suspected her of being extraterrestrial scum!"

Antoine: "Wait... You suspect Evarrine of having evil intentions too?! Brilliant! You know.... I'm not sure if your space-buddy Casey told you this, but I made a pact with him where we would agree to work together and try to take the evil witch down. He was supposed to be my apprentice; but obviously I have failed him since he is now gone. Instead of him, maybe I should recruit you? I could train you in the arts of self defense and you can help me in the final battle!!!"

Gregory: "Hm.... That's a mighty big proposition.... Alright! I'm in! I need to prepare myself if ever the time comes that Evarrine tries to attack me!"

Antoine: "Oh, goody! Okay, just step right up and start attacking this practice dummy! Go on, attack it!"
Gregory: "Um... alright. Here goes nothing!"

 *pathetically tries to kick it*

 Antoine: "Okay, okay, not bad! This time, just try and overpower it with your upper body strength! Master the dragon from within you and let it burst out into a spectacular fiery existence where you can conquer and defeat anything before you!!!"

 Gregory: "Hah-pewh!! ...owh! My eye!"  -_0

 Antoine: "Oh dear... This one is going to need a lot of practice..."

 Shayne: "Oh, come on you bastard! Jump up there!"

 Alberto: "Gah! I'm going to beat you two losers, if it is the LAST thing I do!"

 Aiden: "Dis ain't fair! It not lettin' meh win!"

 Alberto: "Ain't ain't a word."
Aiden: "No it ain't!"

Alberto: "Ooh! Yes, triple score, b*tches!"

Shayne: "Oh yeah? QUADRUPLE score. Take THAT."   

Aiden: "Huh?! Where it goin'?! Don't die on meh, red-hat mustache feller!"

 Shayne: "How do you not know who that is?! It's Mario for crying out loud!"
Aiden: "Mario?! Who dat?"
Shayne: "Biggest video game character ever. You're kidding, right?"
Aiden: "Hey! I dun have dis back at mah home in Mis'ippi! I nevah touch a video game in meh life!! We shoot da ducks for fun, aw'right?"

Shayne: "No.... NO NO NO!!! DAMN IT! I lost..." 


Shayne: "Have fun you two... I need to get ready for the mission."


Alberto: "What? How did I cheat? You guys are just jealous because I won and I'm better than both of you! Hah! Told you I would win! Ahahahahahhaha!!" 

 *                *                *


KENZEN: "Hello contestants! Please take a seat in one of the blue chairs... if you don't want to fight for the possibility of having an exemption. That person will become Overseer, and have ultimate power in this mission."

Alberto: "Exemption? I don't need an exemption. I can win this game without one."
Evarrine: "Agreed.... Though it WOULD be nice to have one..."
Aiden: "I aw'ready gots an ex'ption once! I don' need anoth'r one!"

Kaita: "Good. Because I want an exemption, and I'd like to have a bit of power to make sure everything goes well... I like the sound of  'Overseer'!" 
Shayne: "Hm... I'll let you have it, since I've already got an exemption."

Kaita: "Cool, thanks. Does that mean I'm Overseer?"

KENZEN: "Yep! It appears everyone has sat down in a set, which means you are now the Overseer. Now, let me briefly explain how this mission will work..."

"This mission is called, "Mole Sudoku", and together, as a group, you must all try and solve this large sudoku puzzle. Each of the 9 players sitting down may only place their answers (a number 1-9, for those of you who know how to play) in THEIR square. All of you are situated so that you are next to a square, so that will be your square. There is no order, just one at a time someone will get up, stand on a box that's within their square, and say their answer. The puzzle will electronically put your number in the box, once you say your answer."

"There are 3 ways that this mission can end:
1. The puzzle is fully completed
2. Three mistakes are made
3. The Overseer stops the mission

At any point, the Overseer, Kaita, is allowed to say 'Stop the mission', and once she says that, the mission is over, and she'll earn an exemption. Also, any correct boxes filled in at that point will add 3 points to the pot. If three mistakes are made, as in 3 wrong answers are given at any point from any of the 9 players, then the mission is automatically over and NO points will be added to the pot. If this happen, the Overseer does NOT get the exemption.

And if the puzzle is fully completed, then all 180 points will be added to the pot. If you count, there are 81 boxes altogether; however, 31 will start off with a number in it, like any regular sudoku puzzle. That means there's 50 boxes total that can be filled, meaning 150 points total. And if the whole thing is completed, then a bonus of 30 points will be added, hence the 180 points for this mission.

And if this happens, then the Overseer does not get the exemption then either. The only way they can get the exemption is if they stop the mission at any point during it. So, if this 'project' that they are overseeing finishes, they don't get it. And if it is failed (3 mistakes are made), then they don't get the exemption then either.

And if the puzzle IS fully completed, the very LAST person to put a number in will get an exemption. This allows for a multitude of strategies to take place between the 9 players, and make the mission a bit more interesting."

Sare: "Hey Kenzie! I saved you a seat over here!"

KENZEN: "That's not for me. That's for the Overseer to sit in."

Sara: "Aw, boo! I don't want Kaita over here! I want you Kenzen!"

Kaita: "Do you have to be a bitch about it?"
Sara: "..."

Kaita: "That's what I thought. Alright, ladies and gents! Let's get this mission rolling! I'm in charge now!!"

KENZEN: "Okay, one more thing- if someone makes a mistake in the puzzle, that box will turn red, indicating that it was a wrong answer. If three errors are made, so if there are 3 separate occasions that a box turns red, then this mission is over. Kaita, important things you should know: You may NOT end the mission until all boxes are correct and everything is fine and dandy- you are overseeing a "construction" (or whatever you want to call it) so you can't simply end it when there's something wrong. You must fix your worker's mess-up before you can stop the mission.
Also, you may not end the mission until everyone has gone at least once. Understood?"
Kaita: "Copy that, Kenzen!"
KENZEN: "Alright, good. This mission begins... NOW!"

[here is the beginning puzzle]

 [The rest of the mission will be fast-forwarded... Check the "Mission Scores/Results" at the very bottom for more information about how the RL mission worked]

 KT: "Okay, I'll go first and put a number in...  B7 is 1."

Alberto: "Hmm... I'll go with... A2 is 4."

 Indigo: "If I mess up, it's not my fault! I've never played Sudoku before!! ...Or have I?" ;-)
"D8 equals 9."

 Aiden: "Su-what-doo?! Wat is dat?! I ain't eva heard dat before! I jus' say a number then? Aw golly... Well, 4 minus 2 equals 2, so dis' box must be a 2!!! ...Hold'on now, eh dat right? It is?! Well I'll be damned! I knows my math! My mama woul' be so proud of meh!"

 KENZEN: "That answer is actually wrong."
Aiden: "What?"
KENZEN: "Your box. It's turning red, you idiotic hick."
Aiden: "Ooh! It is! Aw, doodley-squat! I did'uhnit know what I was doin'!"

KENZEN: "Here's what the updated board looks like now"

 Kaita: "Kenzen, I'd like to use my Overseer powers and correct that mistake. E3 should be a 6, not a 2."

 KENZEN: "Alright, I'll erase Aiden's answer now. Come on up and say your answer to see whether or not it is correct."

 *several turns later...*

Shayne: "I'll go with... G4 is 4?"

 Evarrine: "What kind of pathetic mortal game is this? I don't understand why any sane human being would ENJOY doing such an atrocious activity. I guess this is what you people are resorted to be entertained with, since you do not possess the power of magic like myself. I pity you all. At least you don't live for long! HA!
Anyway. I8 equals 3. Didn't even need magic to solve this ridiculously easy puzzle!"

 Antoine: "Erm... The Chinese Sudoku puzzles worked a bit differently then they do here in Sunset Valley. So I'm afraid to say I'm not too sure what I'm doing... I've already got a few right but I'm having trouble figuring out this box... I guess I'll just try and come up with an answer to move this along. I3 is 3."
KENZEN: "That is wrong. That's the second strike."
Kaita: "I'll go fix it..."

Sara: "Eek! It's my turn again!! Hehee!! F4 is 2, that's right, right? I sure hope so, I don't want to ruin this mission for everyone!" :O

 Gregory: "Oh, shoot! I'm sorry! I was just staring into space... Such a fascinating sight to see! Really, you all should try looking into outer-space sometime, it's quite-"
Kaita: "Just GO! I can't stop the mission until everyone has gone at least once!! Hurry up!"
Gregory: "Alright, I'm gonna say, that...."


 KENZEN: "Sara's last answer was wrong. That's the 3rd strike. This mission is over."

 Kaita: "Wait, no! I can fix it! I can fix her mistake! F4 is 6, NOT 2!!"
KENZEN: "Doesn't matter now. That was the third mess up, and this mission is over. No points will be added to the pot, and you will not be receiving an exemption. SO SORRY! ...not! Sucker! Hahah!!"

[Most updated version of the puzzle]

Kaita: "No! Stop the mission!!!"


Sara: "It's too late Kaita. It's over. I'm sorry."
Kaita: "Ah! You imbecile! What the hell?! Why'd you have to mess it up for me?! Well, thanks for letting us all know that you're obviously either the Mole, or the Mole's Accomplice. So thanks for that."
Sara: "No problem. And I wasn't the only one who messed up..."

Aiden: "Don' look at meh!"

Antoine: "I'm sorry, Kaita-"
Kaita: "Shut up. You did that on purpose."
Antoine: "I see you're getting angry. Want me to help you meditate later to calm yourself?"
Kaita: ".... Are you being serious right now?! FUCK YOU!"

KENZEN: "Well, that wraps up this mission nicely! That's all I have for you today, contestants. See you in a few days for the Execution ceremony! ... Yes, I'm calling it a ceremony. It's fun to celebrate the departure of one of you people! There's still way too many of you.... Anywho. Make sure to study for that quiz! And of course update your journals with any recent Mole/Accomplice activity. If you're not using your journals, then you're obviously a dipwad... And with that, see ya next time, on.... THE MOLE!!"

*                *                *

(Check this page of the thread to see the RL mission, which is what this mission was based off of. The thread holds more accurate and detailed information about the sabotages made by all the players in this mission)

Here is the answer sheet to the puzzle, if you are curious:

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