Monday, February 11, 2013



.:DAY 7:.



Why do all of my friends in this game go home?! Ryan was my old friend... Ashlee was my friend and room mate. I think I know what to do.
*gets out phone*
Hi TurnerSims3. It's KT from the Mole. Yeah can you like get Ashlee back on the show? .... But I'll give you money!”


“Wow, that execution was intense... It was so sad for Ashlee to go. It’s made my game a hell of a lot harder now though, I’m gonna admit it, I thought she was the mole. Look’s like I’ll have to get my magnifying glass out again and go snooping. Oh well, it’s what you gotta do. On other notes, I’m still a little curious about how Kaita knows my parents... it must be something bad, you wouldn’t hide anything from someone if you knew it would hurt them, right? I’m keeping my eye of the game... I shouldn’t be worried about Kaita, I should be worrying about Evarrine and the prophecy... Antoine, Over and Out!”

Kaita: "Hmm... This surveillance system isn't as easy to crack as I thought it would be. Who knew reality show cameras would be so hard-wired?!"

Antoine: "We need to talk."

Kaita: "....Okay. Let's sit down then."

 Antoine: "Really?! You're going to tell me what you know now?"

Kaita: "All of it that I can share, yes."

Antoine: "Okay, cool... Let's start with this, then- What do you know about my parents?"

 Kaita: "You want me to just get right on with it, don't you? Alright, I'll tell you... Normally in this instance when someone is trying to get information from me, I bullshit it and make up a lie as I go.... BUT: I won't do that to you. I feel as if you deserve to know... It wasn't my responsibility to tell you. Some man named Jung Wang in Shang Simla was supposed to raise you and tell you the truth about your parents, but apparently he failed."

Antoine: "Wait, you know about my foster father?! How?! And yes, he did raise me, but.... he didn't mention anything about the death of my parents. He didn't even know them!"
Kaita: "Well, the truth is... he did. He knew your parents very well."

Antoine: "What?! There's no way! If he knew my parents, why didn't he say anything to me?"

Kaita: "There probably is a very good reason for that, but I don't know-"
Antoine: "Yes, you do know! Don't hold back on me! Tell me!"
Kaita: "I can't-"
Antoine: "Yes, you can!! I'm tired of all these secrets! I'm tired of not knowing the truth about my parents!"
Kaita: "That's because you don't want to know the truth!"
Kaita: "I'm sorry, but I can't do that."


Antoine: "......what?"

Kaita: "I'm sorry, Antoine. I really didn't want to tell you...."

Antoine: "But, but... But how?!"

Kaita: "I don't know the full story. I never actually met them, I was about your age when they died. However, my father knew all about them. He was a MI6 agent at the time they were wanted... He was assigned the mission to eliminate them, with a group of other field operatives. He left Britain to go to America where they were spotted... Los Aniegos was the city they found them in. Your parents, Delilah and Frank, had no idea that the MI6 had found them, they thought they were safe from detection after they blew up a building in London, killing hundreds. This was before you were born, though. Anyway- so my father helped plant a C4 bomb in your parent's car... Made it look like an accident, the public simply thought something had gone wrong with the engine..... And that was it. They were successfully assassinated and my father and his fellow spies came home as heroes. That's all I know."

*long silence*
Antoine: "I... I- I don't even know what to say..."

Kaita: "I know, it is a lot to take in. I completely understand. I hope you're not... upset with me or anything. I mean, I know this is all a bit weird... But the day of the "Valentine Explosion"- the day your parents blew up the building, which was on Valentine's Day, by the way- I pledged that I would follow in my father's footsteps and become a MI6 operative as well, to fight evil like that of your.... parents."

Antoine: "I.... I need some air. This is just too surreal... How do I know you're telling the truth? I mean, I guess you are, unless this is a strategy of some sort to get inside of my head.... No, now I'm just being paranoid. Please excuse me."

Kaita: "Yeah, no problem. I'm sorry Antoine... I really didn't want to tell you like this, but you pushed me to. Plus, I think you deserved to know. Your parents had a will that said if they were to be killed, then to send you to a man named Jung Wang somewhere in China. That's the last I heard of the story... I've heard so much about you and now I'm talking to you, face-to-face, over a decade later."

 Antoine: "Yeah.... I'm sure you heard a lot about my parents. But that doesn't mean you heard the truth about them. I admit, I don't know my parents- I barely remember them. But if there's one thing I know, I know that they were not bad people. They were set up.... I'm sure of it. Goodbye, Kaita. Nice doing business with you."
Kaita: "Alright, see you later then...."

Kaita: "...Jesus. Can't believe that just happened... Is he going to be mad that basically my parents killed his parents? I hope not.... Oh well. Back to hacking the surveillance system!!"


“As I suspected, Evarrine's a little crazy in the head. Fortunately, that means that she's also very easy to manipulate. I'm going to have a lot of fun with her.”


“I've been watching people very closely... It's evident that we have others among us! I mean you can clearly see the humans from the.... Otherworldly beings. I've been hiding, sneaking... Just to catch then off guard! In my attempts I've found various places that are perfect, where the others have no idea I am there... Waiting. I can see and hear everything! No secrets from Gregory in this house!
Whilst in one of my hiding spots, I heard Evarrine talking about her 'powers' and attempting some weird rituals... I knew I was onto something. I must confer notes with Casey. See what he's found and make sure Evarrine keeps her dirty alien form away from me and the other humans!”

Gregory: "Casey? You in here?"
Casey: "Yeah, in here!!"

Gregory: *gasps*

Gregory: "The snowman.... it's talking! Unless.... YOU are the snowman?!"

Casey: "No, silly! I'm in the igloo!!"
Gregory: "Ohhhh.... right. I knew that."

Gregory: "Coming in!"

Casey: "Quick, get in! We don't want anyone to see us in here!"

Gregory: "Don't worry, there's no one out there... But the aliens are always in disguise. They could be anywhere! They could be eavesdropping on us right now!"

Casey: "My point exactly, we need to keep our heads low to avoid detection. If the earthworms knew what WE knew... We'd be destroyed. Anyways, please have a seat."

Gregory: "This is a pretty good hiding spot... I like it. I've been finding a lot of good hiding spots recently, and just yesterday, while I was hiding in the club room behind the bar, I overheard Evarrine talking about spells and performing rituals.... I KNEW IT! I KNEW SHE WAS AN ALIEN ALL ALONG! That pathetic piece of alien-scum... She doesn't belong here, in our planet."

Casey: "Agreed. None of them belong on our planet Earth. Do you know what the scary part is? I've detected at least 4 aliens in this house already. And now Evarrine too?! We're surrounded, my friend. And we're alone in this... completely and utterly alone. The other contestants don't sense a thing."

Gregory: "Wait, you say there are more?! WHO?!"

Casey: "Well, one thing you should know is that humans who have red hair are actually earthworms in disguise... Let's be realistic here- red hair?! That's not natural at all. It's gotta be an alien."

Gregory: "Alright, so that's... Ariel and Ashlee?"
Casey: "Yep. And, fortunately, Ashlee was executed last night. Thank the space-aliens god! I don't know how he did it, but I think Kenzen is the one who got rid of her. He must have known she was an alien in disguise... So one down, four to go."

Gregory: "And the other two must be the two hideous monsters of the house, right? Aiden and Alberto?"
Casey: "Yes, I think so."
Gregory: "I KNEW IT!!"

Casey: "Those two space invaders are probably the least intelligent of their kind, coming to Earth looking like THAT! How dumb do they think we are?! No human is naturally that hideous!"

Gregory: "Agreed. We need to keep this on the down-low though... We don't want the aliens to know we figured them out!"

Casey: "True, but at the same time we need to reveal the truth about them and save the world!!! The public needs to know the truth about what's REALLY going on in our own planet's soil! There are diabolical worms out there, Greg, and we must prepare ourselves and protect our families when the time comes that they rise up from the ground and annihilate all humans!!!!!!!!"
*movement can be heard from outside the igloo*
Gregory: "Sh!! What was that?!"

Casey: "I don't know... I think they're here!"
Gregory: "Crap. What do we do?"
Casey: "We run. That's the only thing we can do."
Gregory: "That's a bit extreme, don't you think? I don't think they mean to cause that much harm."
Casey: "How do you know? They landed in our planet for a reason... And that reason is to take over Earth!"

Gregory: "Alright, I'm outta here. It doesn't feel safe here anymore.... Must find myself another hiding spot!!"


“I expected there to be an earthworm or two involved in the show, but never did I think there would be so many! Obviously, Ariel and Ashlee are aliens in disguise. I mean really, red hair? Everyone knows that that isn't natural. Not natural at all! And I'm beginning to suspect that the hideous creatures Aiden and Alberto are aliens as well! Nobody could possibly be that ugly naturally. It seems that the only possible ally I have around this place is Gregory, although I'm still not one hundred percent sure of him yet. And Kenzen seems to know about what's really going on; he wears aqua! So, viewers of this alien infested program, my message is this: If I should be executed, it is because the aliens know that I am on to them and have gotten rid of me. If I get caught, they will kill me. Or worse, probe me! The message must be spread about the danger hiding under our own planet's soil! So stay away from red heads, wear aqua, and always remain vigilant! Casey, signing out.”

Aiden: *snoring loudly*

Aiden: *wakes up*

Aiden: "Well, dat wuz a good nappin'! Too bad I canst stretch mah legs out on dis 'ting.... Ooh! I haves a genius plan!"

Aiden: "Since dat Ashlee gurl is gone, I can takes her sack for sleepin'!"

Sara: "Oh, hey Aiden! Didn't know you were in here!"

Aiden: "Hey! What you doin' in mah bed?!"

Sara: "This isn't your bed, is it? I thought it was Ashlee's...."
Aiden: "Yeah, it mine now!!"
Sara: "Oh, okay.... I'm just enjoying the scenery, the winter room gets a bit... cold after awhile. This room reminds me of home, in Florida. It's so beautiful in here!"

Sara: "It even smells like the ocean!! How cool is that?! Eeekk!!!"

Sara: "Oh, right, getting off now! Like you said!! Hehe!"

Sara: "Oh crap... It's 1:59!!"
Aiden: "...and?"

Sara: *breaks out crying out of no where, sobs violently* 

Aiden: "Uhm... well.... how's dat weather?! Err.... Can you just gets off mah bed already?!"

Sara: *stops crying* "Ohh... Sorry about that. And yep!! No problem!! Hehee!"

 Sara: "See you later, crocodile!"

Aiden: "There's sum strange folks in dis house.... Crocodile? Did she say crocodile? I luv me sum crocodile!! They taste sooooo damn good! I even wrestled wit one once!!"




“I've come to find that that Indigo chick is pretty cool. After the incident with Alberto, she was very comforting. What's weird is that I actually feel comfortable talking to her about things. There's just something about her that I can relate to. She's afraid of water like me, though I'm sure it's for a totally different reason. My fear stems from a traumatic event involving the death of my family. They died in a boating accident in which they fell from the boat and drowned. I was the only survivor of the incident, hence why I will not willingly go swimming or have anything to do with water.

The other people in the house, on the other hand, are going to drive me to drink, which I rarely do. There's Evarrine acting all holier than thou and Casey and Gregory obsessed with aliens/ earthworms and then there's Alberto who is picking on everybody in the house.

As for gameplay, Ashlee's leaving was a bit of a surprise, as I suspected her of being the mole or even the MA. Now that she's gone I can focus my attention on my other suspicions.”

Shayne: *to camera on wall* "I wonder if my girlfriend is watching me right now..... Hey babe! Are you there? If so, I miss you!!"

Ariel: "Aww... I bet she misses you too!"
Shayne: "What the-?!"

Ariel: "Oh, sorry, did I scare you?"

Shayne: "What... What are you doing in there?"

 Ariel: "Eating a hotdog."

Shayne: "Well, I can see that.... But I'm asking WHY you're eating in there... There's about a billion other places to sit and eat, like a normal person." 

Ariel: "....Are you implying that I'm not normal?"

 Shayne: "Errr.... not at all."
Ariel: "Good! Because my doctor says I'm fully back to my normal state of health, so I'd hate to go back to crazy-town again!! Anyways- you want to join me? I made plenty of hotdogs! I surely can't eat them all."

Shayne: "Uhm... No thanks. I would, but-"
Ariel: "-but what?"
Shayne: "I- I'm... vegetarian. Yep, don't eat meat. Sorry."

 Ariel: "Pft! That's an outright lie! I saw you eating chicken just the other day! Fine, if you're not hungry, that's fine.... Or is it my cooking? Because I can guarantee you that my cooking is just fine."
Shayne: "It's not that at all, it's... hard to explain."
Ariel: "Then what is it? What, you don't want to get in the boat? Haha, come on! Stop acting so 'macho' and serious! Have fun for once!"

Shayne: "I'm afraid you don't understand. I don't want to get in, alright? Just drop it."

Ariel: "Come on, silly! Just get in! We can roleplay! Ever done that before? We can pretend like we're sailors, like my parents were! My mom and dad were sailors, in case you didn't know-"
Shayne: "..."
Ariel: "-and we can sail through this lake, but instead of a lake, it's an OCEAN!"
Shayne: "........"
Ariel: "And then guess what happens next?! We realize that there's a HOLE in the boat, see, right there?"
 Shayne: "..................."
Ariel: "Then, the boat starts sinking, and we're trying to stay aboard but it just keeps filling with more and more water! And suddenly the whole ship sinks like the TITANIC!! And we're forced to jump out and try to swim for our lives and-"


Shayne: "I have to go."

Ariel: "....Did I say something wrong?"

 *                *                *

KENZEN: "Mmmm... Tasty!"

KENZEN: "Orange Sherbet! My favorite!"

Sara: "Lalalalala...."

Sara: *gasps* "KENZEN?!?!"

KENZEN: "No, it's Grey, Shitlock Holmes."
KENZEN: "Here we go.... Why do you think I'm here?"
Sara: "I don't know.. To see me?!"
KENZEN: "Wrong. I'm here to explain the next mission."

 Sara: "Oh... okay. That's good too. Hey! Is that our ice cream?!"
KENZEN: "Yep. Got a problem with that?"
Sara: "Not at all Kenzie-Pie!!"

 KENZEN: "Good. Because I didn't care about your opinion anyways."

Sara: "So, I've been wondering this for awhile now, but.... CAN I HAVE YOUR LAST NAME?! 'SARA SUMMERS'! ISN'T THAT A BEAUTIFUL NAME?!?!"
KENZEN: "Yeah, nice name."
Sara: "So I CAN have your last name?!"

 KENZEN: "Umm... no."

Sara: "Aww..." *begins to cry*

 KENZEN: "Don't cry in front of me. I don't like emotional people. Plus- No, I will not marry you, if that is what you're implying."

Sara: "WHAT?! Marry you?!?! Ahaha, ahah.... Pft! I never suggested THAT! Of course not! I mean.... really? You wouldn't even consider it? Not that I'd want to anything like that, it's just that I reallylikeyouandthinkyouareasupercoolpersonand-"

KENZEN: "-annd..... that's enough. Go get everyone for the mission now."

Sara: "Whatever you say, Kenzen!"

 KENZEN: "Well. This is a large crowd. Alrighty then.... Here's how today's mission will work: it will be another individual challenge- meaning you're doing everything on your own and help from someone else is considered cheating. The mission is pretty simple... It's called "Magnify This" and will be worth 180 points total."

[Real life mission instructions can be found here: 

 KENZEN: "Brief description of this mission- each of you will receive a camera, and on each camera is a magnified version of a picture, which is of either an object or place in town. Your job is to find this place in Sunset Valley from simply the photo given to you. There will be 3 levels of difficulty- easy, medium, and hard. 4 photos for each level of difficulty. You guys choose who gets what level... Choose wisely. Don't give someone who doesn't know this town very well or is very dumb, a hard one. Unless you want to because you're sabotaging..."

"Once you find the place, take a photo. You can only take a single photo and that's it- one chance only. Take it, and come back here. There are two rules you must follow in order to ensure you get your photo right: 
1: The photo must be taken from ground level.
2: Whatever content was in the original, must be seen in your photo."

[The real life players of this show did this exact same mission- refer to the link above for more details]

KENZEN: "So if you get it right, I'll add 15 points to the pot. 12 players times 15 points each, equals 180 points for this mission.
There will be no exemptions in this mission. Sorry. Oh, and don't forget to look out for the Mole as well as the Mole's Accomplice.... They are both among you right now. Or, maybe they're the same person this week. That's up to you to figure out. You have 2 hours to complete this mission... And time starts NOW."

 Alberto: "These are the cameras?! They suck! Terrible quality!"

 KENZEN: "Run free, my little lambs! Run like you have never ran in your life!!"

KENZEN: "Haha, ohhh... Maybe this job isn't too bad after all."

Evarrine: "How do I use this dreadful thing?"
Kaita: "Uhmm... I don't know, turn it on first?"
Evarrine: "Ha! You say it as if everyone knows the secrets to it!"
Kaita: "Well.... Everyone actually does. Except you, apparently. And old people."

Evarrine: "Okay, here's my photo."


 Kaita: "Here's mine."


Kaita: "Let's get going!"
Evarrine: "Though we're not allowed to help each other, right?"
Kaita: "I don't think so. But we can travel together till we find our destination."

Indigo: "What are you doing, Sara?"

Sara: "I... I can't cross that bridge."
Ariel: "Err... why? Are you afraid of water too? First Shayne, now you?!"
Indigo: "I'm afraid of water too!"
Ariel: "... I rest my case."

Sara: "No, it's not that... It's just that... Well.... You know how the story goes about trolls under a bridge..."
Indigo: "Are you kidding me? You're afraid of a MYTH?!"
Sara: "Hey! Shut up! You're afraid of everything, you're not one to talk!"
Indigo: "Yeah, but.... I'm afraid of REAL things. Things that are actually scary." *shudders* "You're scared of an imaginary creature under a bridge."

Ariel: "Alright, no point in arguing. We will meet you on the other end, Sara. No woman left behind! We're a team, so let's leave it that way!"
Indigo: "Though ours tasks are separate and individual.... We can't be a team for long."
Ariel: "Speaking of which.... We need to check our pictures!"



Ariel: "Let's go."

Sara: "Thanks guys! Just couldn't risk getting attacked by some troll.... Eek!!"
*checks camera*


*checking cameras*



 Alberto: "No way man. We're not asking them for help. Is that even part of the rules?"

 Aiden: "Da rules?! Rules are meants to be broken! We needs help, so dey will help us!"
Alberto: (under breath) "I should probably convince them with MY charms... something you don't have..."

 Aiden: "Howdy! So we be wonderin' if maybe you two ma'ams might wanna-"

Random Lady: "Ah, ****! Get away from me you hideous monster!!"
Other Random Lady: "RUN!! AHHHHHHHH!!"

 Alberto: "Well... that went smoothly, wouldn't you agree?"

Aiden: "You be quiet. I din't see you helpin'!"
Alberto: "Probably because I knew they would be scared of us and run for their lives either way. I mean look at us.... well, you. I'm pretty gorgeous if I do say so myself- If I was a girl, I'd be the prettiest girl alive, as my last name suggests. But the second they saw you they went running for the hills."

 Gregory: "Okay, let's check our pictures!"
Casey: "Alright... here's mine!"



Casey: "Hmm.... I have an idea where mine could be. You?"
Gregory: "Maybe! It's pretty obvious WHAT it is, but not WHERE it is... Alright, let's go!"

 Shayne: "Did you two get the difficulty level that you wanted?"

Antoine: "Yeah, I'm glad I got medium... Not too easy, not too hard."
KT: "Meh... Not super enthusiastic about having hard. I've been to this town once while I was on tour, but that was it. It's not like I explored the entire city! I simply arrived, sang at the concert, and continued on with my tour. I don't think I will do too well."

Shayne: "Well, guess we'll find out now how doomed we are... Here's mine."


KT: "And this one's mine."


Antoine: "Wow, you guys have hard ones... Mine looks like a landmark, so should be pretty easy."


Shayne: "We should probably split. Bet they're all in different directions."
Antoine: "Agreed. See you both later."
KT: "Bye! And good luck!"


Kaita: "Well, I've looked all over town and this is the only statue of this kind that I've found, so... I guess this is it."

 [All the larger pictures shown below were the pictures taken by the REAL LIFE PLAYERS of this game. The creators of each sim were the ones to take the photo- they basically did the same exact mission that the sims are doing]

Kaita: "Well, that was easy."


Evarrine: "If I had my powers back, there's no way I'd be doing this labor work meant for a peasant! Hell, if I had my powers, I wouldn't be here in the first place... The first thing I'd do is try to find my way back to Brendale, but unfortunately I'm stuck here in this magic-less world!"

Evarrine: "Well, I found the mighty throne.... Not exactly what was pictured in the photo, but oh well-"

 Obese Gym Member: "Hey! What's going on out there? I'm trying to take a dump here! Get out!"
 Evarrine: "Excuse me, you insolent fool?! Nobody tells ME what to do!"

Obese Gym Member: "Wait... You're a woman! What are you doing in the men's bathroom?!"

Evarrine: "I could say the same for you, you pig. Now get out before I behead you with my magic!"

Evarrine: "Haha, works even without my magic! Maybe I'm not so powerless after all..."

*takes photo*

 Evarrine: "My work here is done."

Sara: "Gahh... Stupid watermelons! Can't find them anywhere!"

Sara: "Where could they possibly be?! Oh well, I don't have all day, mind as well just take a photo of something...."

Sara: "Hehee, NYAN CAT!"


Indigo: "Hmm... A robot. Where can I find a robot?"

Indigo: "It could be at- OH MY GOD LOOK AT THOSE CUTE KITTIES!!"

Indigo: "I'm taking a pic of these guys... They're just so cute!!"

 Indigo: "Oh, crap... I probably shouldn't have taken that photo... Can I still complete the mission?"
Camera Man: "Nope, you just took the only shot you have. Mission's over for you."
Indigo: "Aww, seriously?! Well, that's a bummer..." *evil grin*

Ariel: "Apples?! Where are the apples?! APPLES! I FOUND THE APPLES EVERYONE!!"


 Ariel: "Quick, Ariel... FIND THEM APPLES!!"
Random Pedestrian: "Get off the street young lady! You're going to get hit by a car!!"

Alberto:  *huffing and puffing* "That's it, I'm done with this damn mission. I don't care about the money anymore! I'll just let the Mole have it... yeah, you're welcome, you stupid mole."

Alberto: "I looked ALL over town and couldn't find it ANYWHERE. Where could it possibly be?! I feel like this mission is just a joke... I  haven't found mine, I doubt others have either."

Alberto: "Well, mind as well look like I tried..."

Alberto: "What are YOU looking at?! Focus the camera on my celebrity face, not the background you dingbat!!!"

 Aiden: "Well by golly, looks like I founds da tower!"

 Aiden: "...Wut exact'y am I suppose to do agains? Re-take dem photo? Al'rigty den! I should prob'ly get high'a... I just climb dis tree here!"

 Aiden: "Wut? You think dis is hard?! Nawh, not at all, I do dis alla the time back at home in da woods wit my brothas and sistas!! And mah couz'es!!"

Aiden: "Now for da hard part... gettin' down!!" *chuckles*

 Casey: "Hey there, I was wondering if you knew where the local swimming pool was-"

 Casey: "Wait a second! Red hair! I know what you are, don't try and fool me! YOU'RE AN EARTHWORM, AREN'T YOU?! TELL ME! CONFESS THAT YOU'RE AN ALIEN!!"

 Girl: "What?! Earthworm? Alien?!  What the hell is wrong with you, dude?"
Casey: "Yeah, I bet you'd love to just feast on my flesh right now, but unfortunately for you I was prepared for your attack... that's right, I'm wearing aqua. You can't hurt me this time, you disgusting earthworm!!"

 Girl: "I'm just going to keep walking now...."
Casey: "That's right! You keep running! The sight of aqua is too bright and powerful for you!!! .... OH look! I found the swimming pool!"

 Casey: "Haha, found the dolphins!"

 Gregory: "What is SHE doing here? Or should I say.... what is that doing here? This is probably where all her and her space-buddies hang out, or maybe this is where they hide their UFOs?"

 Gregory: "Don't mind the aliens, Greg- just concentrate at the current mission at hand!"

 Gregory: "I figured the bathtub must be in a public place... And where else would a tub be, other than a gym!!"

 Gregory: "Found it!"

Gregory: "Is it okay if I just take a short bath for a little bit? I need to wash off all this alien scum that I have on me..." *shudders*

Antoine: "The ancient map that was written on a rock told me to follow this path in order to find the great rocks of the ancient gods, where the sun dial is born... That's what I think it said. It was written in an old form of the Chinese language."

Antoine: "Oh! Look! There it is!"

Antoine: " 'It is not the destination, but the journey that you find what you are looking for, in yourself' ... those are words that a wise man once told me."

Antoine: "What a nice calm, peaceful place! I have some time to meditate, right?"

 Antoine: "Huummm.... Huuuuummmm.... Zen Chan.... 平和な平和的な ..."

 KT: "Hello, my name is-"

 Man: "KT!? Aren't you KT!? Oh my god, what are you doing at my work office?!"
KT: "Haha, yes, that's me. I'm on a reality show and need some help to complete a challenge... From the picture I could tell it had something to do with a science facility. But I have no idea where to look!"

Man: "Oh, I think I can help you with that.... follow me."

Man: "This is it! Just a back entrance to the building."
KT: "Well, that was easy! One great thing about being famous- people will do anything for you!! So, do you think you can take a picture of me with this camera?"
Man: "Sure, no problem!"
KT: "Yay!! Thanks!"

KT: "Hold on, just let me think of a good pose..."

 KT: "Ooh! I got one! Okay, take the shot! Be careful though because we only got one chance to get it right..."

Man: "Got it! Man, this is so cool... I feel like the paparazzi or something, taking a photo of a huge star like you!!"

KT: "Haha, I bet! Okay, thanks, sir! .... Can I have the camera back now?"
Man: "Err.... no. "
KT: "What?"
Man: "I'm not giving the camera back to you. If I did, then I would have no evidence to show my wife that I met KT!"

 KT: "...Seriously? Okay, fine then. Take another one, and you can keep that photo. But I still need the camera."

 Man: "Really?! OH, thank you so much, you're such an angel, KT!"
KT: "Yeah, yeah... Just get it over with.... Forget what I said earlier about being happy to be a celebrity..."

Shayne: "I can't find this soldier dude anywhere!! Where could he be? Hmm...  I should check the military base in this town."

Shayne: "Nope, not here either-"
??: "OUCH!!"

Shayne: "What was that?!"

Shayne: "Aiden? Is that you?"  *squints eyes*  "Yes, it is you... What a funny coincidence to see you here!"

*30 minutes later*

Shayne: "Well, it's getting late, I think time's almost up.... Wait... Is that it?!"

Shayne: "It is! Score!"

 *                *                *

KENZEN: "Aw, gross, look how sweaty you all are! You sure hurried your asses back here... Me? I was lounging in the game room watching tv, and reading some of your journals. Pretty juicy stuff some of you guys got there.... They're not even journals anymore! They're diaries! Made for good reading though."

 "Anyway, here in this camera I have all 12 of your photos... Well, all 11. Ariel hasn't shown up... Our camera crew lost her, apparently. Hope she doesn't freeze to death tonight... Nawh, I'm sure she'll show up soon. So because she never took a picture, that's 0 points added to the pot for her part. Let's see how the rest of you did..."

 *checking photos*

KENZEN: "Alright, contestants. I can say with confidence that only FOUR people got their picture right.... And those people are: KT, Shayne, Casey, and Antoine."

"I am now going to show examples of what the correct pictures could have looked like for those who missed them... And an explanation as to why it was wrong."

 "Kaita: Wrong Statue"

 "Evarrine: Wrong Toilet"

"Sara: ... Do I really have to explain this one?"

 "Indigo: Ditto... the robot was in the science facility... But I see you were too busy taking pictures of cats to care. Please don't tell me we have another Taiha this season.... Oh wait, we do. And she goes by the name Sara Vesela."
Indigo: "But they were so CUTE!"
Sara: "OMG Kenzie! You know my whole name!! Eeek!!!"
KENZEN: "Shut up Taiha."
Sara: "...guess not..." :'(

 "Ariel: ...Well, you didn't even take a picture so I can't critique it. Darn."

"Alberto: Don't ask me what those little red things were, either peppers or strawberries, or maybe even Christmas lights, I don't know, but I can tell you this: there definitely weren't any of those in the fountain. You fail. The great part about this failure is that it was on a BILLBOARD. A billboard! Those things are huge!! How do you miss that? Well, if your name is Alberto, you do...."

 "Aiden: I... I don't even know what to say here. Are you f*cking stupid? Did you not hear me say that you have to be ON GROUND LEVEL?! You stupid hick. Imbecile..."

 "Gregory: You got close here, but I specifically said that everything you see in the original photo, must be seen in your photo as well. You failed to do that, by only showing the bathtub and not the curtains and the rest of the background like this pictures shows-"

KENZEN: "Okay, that's all of them. In total, 4 people got it right, so that's 60 points added to the pot. And 120 points to the personal pot of whoever the Mole's Accomplice is of this week. Nice job, MA and Mole.... you earned yourselves lots of money in this mission."

 KENZEN: "Now if you would all bunch up together and smile for the camera, that would be great. Why am I taking a photo of all of you, you ask? Well.... Grey is currently in jail... Yes, they found him yesterday and are charging him for murder, so he's going to be locked up for a few years. Anyway- he wanted to see this season's cast, soooo... I'm going to take a picture and give it to him the next time I visit him in prison!"

 KENZEN: "Say cheese!"

KENZEN: "Yeah... lovely photo. Just lovely..."  (O_- )

 KENZEN: "Alright, good night everyone. I had a long day of doing nothing, so I need some rest... Prepare for the quiz, that and the execution will be in two days."
Sara: "Good night Kenzen!! I'll miss you!"

 *                *                *


[RED = they got it wrong, GREEN = they got it correct]

Evarrine Roland by Jojo777
Casey O'Rourke by xpaintitblack7x
 Sara Vesela by x_MG_x 
 Ariel Woodward by ArtistByNight 

Shayne Holmes by Kaliko103
Alberto Pretty by Gingi
Antoine Valentine by Smarties101
 Gregory Plaice by Suresammi

Indigo Stone by ne0cats
Aiden Hicks by Mojot89 
Kaita Blake by krose240
KT! by HayloHusky



THE WINNER: 291 points
THE MOLE: 241 points

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