Sunday, January 27, 2013



 .:DAY 5:.




“Uh. Why are these competitions sooo hard?! I mean. I got a four. A FOUR! Out of 12. Can I hire a stunt double to do the hard challenges? Or Just all the challenges while I watch from the sidelines and keep an eye on my suspects? I'm gonna call up my agents right now.
* gets out phone*
Yeah Hello. It's KT. Listen... Can I pretty pretty please get a stunt double... or someone to do my challenges?...... NO?! Why no?........ Oh. Ok... Yeah I understand that... Yeah yeah. Against the shows rules... I know... Yep ok... I better hide my phone before the producers of the show see it. So cya! Mwah! *kissing noise*
*hides phone*


*stares at journal... Flips through pages... Writes something. Tears page out* “Nooo I can't take the pressure this isn't fair ;_; My beginning suspect is showing signs of not being the mole but that makes sense right? And my MA suspect is showing obvious signs of being the MA... it could have been Ashlee. Or maybe even Shayne? I don't knowwwww.”




Aiden (sleep talking): "You are definitely right about that.... Yes. That's true... So we have a deal then?"

Alberto: "You know, I'm starting to get really suspicious of that Aiden guy. Can you hear him talking in his sleep over there?"

KT: "Yeah, I have noticed that... Bit strange that he talks like a normal person in his sleep."

 Alberto: "Well, I'm starting to think that his 'hillbilly' accent is just a part of his disguise. His guard's down when he's sleeping, and that's the real him we're hearing right now. He must be trying to fool us by pretending to be a dumb redneck."

KT: "That's a bit far-fetched, don't you think? Though that would make for a good Mole... Everyone thinks he's so dumb that he couldn't possibly be it... And look at the first mission! There's no way that the Aiden we know spelled that big of a word...."
Alberto: "My thoughts exactly."

Alberto: "Wakey wakey, little boy!! We found out the truth about you, my friend!!"

Aiden: "Wat.... Wat goin' on?!"

Aiden: "Wat you lookin' at mah for!?"

Alberto: "We discovered what you've been hiding. You can't lie to us no more."
Aiden: "Alberto, watcha talkin' 'bout? I ain't lyin' to no one!"

KT: "Oh god... here we go... Always so much conflict in this house!"

Aiden: "I swears, I dunno watcha talkin' 'bout!! I ain't dun nuttin'  bad!"

Alberto: "We heard you talking in your sleep idiot! We heard you talking like any other normal person!! It was very different from how you're talking now... Just give up. Cut the crap!! Stop trying to fool us with your 'accent'!"

Aiden: "Huh?! I is so confused!! Wat you mean by normal? I is normal! You know dat more dan anyone else here!"

 KT: "It's true Aiden..."

KT: "You speak correctly when you talk in your sleep. Like a normal person. I don't know what to think of this... I wouldn't want to think that you've been lying to us, but you have to admit... That is highly suspicious."

 Aiden: "Wat you guys tryin' to imply?! That I is da Mole or sometin'? Dat is one mighty accusation! Cain't believe you'd suspect meh of sometin' so bad! God almighty!!"

KT: "We're not saying that you're the Mole, but...."
Alberto: "You're hiding something. What reason would you have to fool us into believing you're stupid when in actuality you're much smarter? Either you're the Mole, or... You're an extremely rich dude who's trying to hide the fact he's rich by pretending to be a dumb hick. You're choice."

Aiden: "I- I.... I ain't any of dat!"

Alberto: "Nice try. I'm outta here. By the way, I'm an expertise actor, and one of the main rules to acting is to exaggerate your speech to sound in-character. And exaggerate your speech you do... very well, I might add. But not as good as me. I'm the only real actor in this household. Peace out."

 Aiden: "But..."
Aiden: "..."
KT: "It's okay Aiden. We won't tell anyone."
Aiden: "BUT I AIN'T LYIN'!!!!!"




 “Ya know what I likes? Takin' naps. Cain't ever has enough sleep! Bu' sumin strange happened the las' time time I took one. After I woke up, Alberto kep yellin' at me! Wut was that all 'bout?! He kep sayin' that I was lyin to the res of the house. Kep tellin' me that in mah sleep I talk. I aint' had anybody tell me that before! Then KT joins in an' says that I do talk like a 'normal' person in mah sleep. Wut's that even mean? I is a real person! I already speaks normal! E'ryone else speaks funneh!”



 Evarrine: "So who's the royal family in this land? Where I lived in Brendale, I was the Queen. Everyone bowed down to me. Usually the successor is the first born son. But I never had a son. I had two daughters, which was rather unfortunate. My husband, the King, died before we could have more kids. He uh, died an unfortunate death. He killed himself by jumping to his death. Very sad day for our kingdom indeed."

Ashlee: "Sorry to hear about your husband.... And here in America, there is no 'royal family'. We have the President among other branches of government... I think. Sorry, I'm not the greatest when it comes to politics. One of my weaknesses."

Aiden: "Hold 'n now... if yous had two girls, den how old does dat make you?"

Ashlee: "Yeah, I thought you were in your twenties?"

Evarrine: "EXCUSE me?!"

Aiden: "...You's be excused?"

 Evarrine: "HOW DARE YOU ASK ME OF MY AGE! I think you well know of my age!! I am immortal, you fool! My actual age is irrelevant, because I'll never age! You do not know how to respect authority and people in power, do you, your brat?"

Aiden: "Huh?! I was jus' askin'!!! Wat wrong wit dat?!"

 Evarrine: "You do not just 'ask' the Queen whatever you want! When you speak to ME, you speak humbly and with respect!! I'll smite you down if you dare talk to me like that again, you wretched troll!!"

 Ashlee: "He was just curious-"

 Evarrine: "NO! CURIOSITY KILLED THE WARRIOR! If you see a dragon sleeping, do you poke it? NO, YOU DON'T! UNLESS, OF COURSE, YOU WANT TO DIE!"

Aiden: "Now wat you be talkin' 'bout? Wats dis dragon you speak of?"

Ashlee: "Shush now Aiden. You're aggravating her. We should probably, just, you know... avoid talking to her."

 Aiden: "Okay den. Watcha wanna talk 'bout?"

Ashlee: "I don't know!! You tell me!! We could talk about music... or movies! Or sports!!!!"
Aiden: "Ooh! I love da music!! Get mah a banjo and guitar and we'll be playin' some country tunes all night!!"
Evarrine: "....Why did I sign up for this horrendous show again?"


 “I dislike all the idiotic peasants that reside in this house. Today, that oaf Aiden had the nerve to ask me how old I am. As if anyone should ever ask a woman that question! Much less I, the immortal and all-powerful queen. Though I appear to be the young age of 27, I am in actuality much older than that and I will, of course, live forever. That's right! I will be alive and prosperous when all these imbeciles are merely bones in the ground! Aiden had better watch himself. I may have temporarily lost access to magic, but when I am my usual self again he will suffer. In my kingdom, Aiden would not even be fit to polish my shoes. I am unable to believe that he is actually excelling in this game and has won even won an exemption. As have Shayne and now that obnoxious brat Ariel. WHERE IS MY EXEMPTION!?! GAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!










.:DAY 6:.




“THIS IS PREPOSTEROUS! I'VE CONDUCTED AN IN-DEPTH SEARCH AND STILL NO MILK IN A BAG! HOW COULD YOU NOT HAVE SUCH A THING?!?! THE SHOW IS NUTS. I had to CLIMB a ROCK WALL just to get a stupid letter! Couldn't they have just broken my sunglasses instead? Even that would have been easier! Then, I had to make a time capsule, which wasn't bad - BUT I HAD TO GUESS WHOSE TIME CAPSULE WAS WHOSE! How was I supposed to know anything?! My fellow contestants are crazy! WHO PUTS A GRENADE AND A GUN IN A TIME CAPSULE?! Then again, that Evie girl thinks she's a witch with actual magic powers. As if. But who cares about them?! I'm only here to win, not make friends and frolick in flowers with others.”

 Sara: "Hey guys! What are all of you eating for breakfast?!"


Evarrine: "Not sure... Something called a 'pooptart', apparently... Such despicable food in this world."

 Ashlee: "Uhh... It's actually called a poptart." 
Evarrine: "Whatever. Still despicable. I won't be eating it, no matter what kind of 'tart' it is."

 *snivels, sheds a tear* 

Sara: "HOW COULD YOU?!"  *sobs*
KT: "...What was that about?"

Alberto: "Think I know? I don't know anything in this god-forsaken house!! I tried pouring myself a glass of milk just now, and guess what? Couldn't find the milk. Apparently they don't have milk here. What refrigerator doesn't have milk in it?!"

KT: "Uhmm... It's there. I had chocolate milk last night."
Alberto: "Well, was the milk in a bag?"
KT: "...No?"
Alberto: "My point exactly. If the milk is not in a bag, then it's not the same. When it's in the bag, it tastes natural. Right out of the cow."
KT: "How does that, err... work? A liquid in a bag? Wouldn't that like, slosh around all over the place?" *shudders* 

     Alberto: "You obviously don't know much about pouring milk, do you?"
KT: "Honestly, no. I usually have my cook or butler get me milk or whatever I need from the kitchen."
Alberto: "Well, aren't you special? Must be nice to be a successful celebrity..."
KT: "I thought you were too? Aren't you rich?"
Alberto: "I am!! I mean, I am rich..."

KT: "But you're not an actor?"
Alberto: "I'm trying, okay?!?! And if you don't mind me, I'm going to continue to enjoy my poptart now."
KT: "...Okay."

Aiden: "I dunno wat dis even is, whetha it a pooptart or a 'baby nyan cat', but it sure da hell is yummy!!"
Indigo: "Agreed! It is pretty delicious! But... doesn't the nyan cat fly?! AH NO! I'M EATING A FLYING CREATURE!! AAAAGHHHH!!" 
 *gags, spits poptart out* 

Evarrine: "What is wrong with you peasants? You clearly do not know how to obey orders, do you? And you don't know how to respect a Queen.  I thought I had warned all of you to eat ONLY after I  have eaten! Did I not make myself clear enough? Pathetic, useless, good-for-nothing mortals!"

 Evarrine: "You know what, I won't even bother with you people. For now you are safe, but one day, you will pay. Yes, one day you will ALL pay.... mwhaha.... mwhahahahaha..... 

Inidgo: "Is it just me or is that chick cray-cray?"
Ashlee: "Nope, she's crazy!"
Indigo: "She seems convinced that she's some kind of magic-wielder though... Wish I could control magic!!!" 


"For breakfast, some of the contestants decided to eat poptarts. However, I could not eat a poptart for breakfast. Eating a poptart for breakfast is like eating a nyan cat. The rest of the contestants are killing nyan cats as we speak. This is absolutely sad."

Indigo: "Alberto! Just the guy I was looking for! Mind if I have a word with you outside?"

Alberto: "Erm... alright."

Alberto: "So what was it that you wanted to-"


Alberto: "Woah now, hold on chick! What the hell did I do to you?!"

Indigo: "What did you do to me? NOTHING! It's what you did to everyone else... Like bullying Aiden constantly and pushing Shayne into the pool! You're a real piece of shit, you know that?"
Alberto: "Pft. Why do you care about them?"


Alberto: "Well, I have nothing to say about that. All I have to say is that you're a....."
Indigo: "A what?"
Alberto: "B*tch. You're a b*tch. That's right."

Alberto: "Stop being so loud!"

Indigo: *stops raging and yelling* "...You know, I feel sorry for you. Your life must be so bad that you're forced to suck the life out of other people just to complete yours. How pathetic."

Alberto: "I think it's time that I leave."
Indigo: "Your best idea yet."

Alberto: "See ya later loser."
Indigo: "Ha! GOOD ONE!" *chuckles*
Alberto: "Won't be seeing you tonight though...  ONCE YOU'VE BEEN EXECUTED!"
Indigo: "...Oh noes. I'm so offended! I'll be the one laughing when it's YOU that's going home!!"
Alberto: "...We'll see about that...."




“I can't believe that Alberto guy! First off I find out that he stole Aidens duck soup (although hardly can blame that it's soooo nummy!!!) and then I find out that he pushed Shayne in the pool. THE POOL!! When I was younger I nearly drowned from being pushed in the pool :( Alberto could have killed Shayne! Shayne could have died!! Why would you want to kill something as cute as him!? He’s like a little bunny... With green... Uhmm anyway that's why I decided to put that creep into line!”





“I'm so nervous for the quiz this time. I mean, sure I've been able to spy on people from both my perch and the computers, but I haven't come up with anything major. It's disappointing, really, that I went to all that trouble to bug the system and I have yet to profit from it.”

  *                *                *




 (After dinner.... THE QUIZ!!)



1. Is the Mole, male or female?
a) Male
b) Female

2. In which bedroom does the Mole reside in?
a) Spring Room
b) Summer Room
c) Autumn Room
d) Winter Room

3. During the mission, "Time Capsules", which row was the Mole standing in when Kenzen was giving the instructions?
a) Front Row
b) Back Row

4. And, from Kenzen's perspective, in which order was the Mole standing left to right from where they were standing in their row?
a) 1st
b) 2nd
c) 3rd
d) 4th
e) 5th
f) 6th
g) 7th

5. In the mission, was there a male  contestant standing to the left or right of the Mole while everyone first started to dig up their holes?
a) Yes
b) No

6. Was there any kind of book (or large pamphlet XD) in the Mole's time capsule?
a) No
b) Yes

7. Did the Mole receive an exemption in the mission?
a) Yes
b) No

8. Who is, the Mole?
a) Shayne Holmes
b) Antoine Valentine
c) Alberto Pretty
d) Aiden Hicks
e) Gregory Plaice
f) Casey O'Rourke
g) Kaita Blake
h) KT!
i) Indigo Stone
j) Sara Vesela
k) Ariel Woodward
l) Ashlee Coachman 
m) Evarrine Roland


9. Is the Mole's Accomplice, male or female?
a) Male
b) Female

10. Did the MA include any type of wearable object in their time capsule? (that includes every kind of accessory and wearable clothing item that someone could put on and/or wear)
a) No
b) Yes

11. What was the MA's score in the mission?
a) 0
b) 2
c) 4
d) 5
e) 6
f) 7
g) 9

12. Who is the Mole's Accomplice for this week?
a) Shayne Holmes
b) Antoine Valentine
c) Alberto Pretty
d) Aiden Hicks
e) Gregory Plaice
f) Casey O'Rourke
g) Kaita Blake
h) KT!
i) Indigo Stone
j) Sara Vesela
k) Ariel Woodward
l) Ashlee Coachman
 m) Evarrine Roland





KENZEN: "Hello, contestants!!"

KENZEN: "Tonight we have your second execution... I have some surprising news regarding the score of your quizzes: there was a FOUR-WAY TIE for lowest score... Yep. Four of you tied by scoring the lowest... You guys aren't too good at this game, are you? I mean, a 4-way tie?! That's embarrassing... Well, of course, the score didn't have to be low. It could have been high... But that's unlikely."

KENZEN: "Let's begin."

KENZEN: "Alright.... Who wants to go first? Anyone? No? Okay, let's start with...."



"Next... Shayne."












KENZEN: "I'm terribly sorry, Ashlee... But it's official: You have been executed."
Ashlee: "Darn... This sucks!!"

Casey: "Wait, that girl was on this show?! I don't even remember seeing her!"

KT: "She tried talking to you once and you completely ignored her... Anyway... Ashlee will be missed for sure. She was like a younger version of me! I could see her love for music in her eyes... She was very determined to become a rockstar someday, and I have no doubts that she will accomplish that."

Indigo: "I liked her. She had a cool style, very unique. I especially liked spying on her in her room- I mean!! You know, trying to dig up some mole info. Obviously she's not the Mole now, but I totally thought she was." -.-

KENZEN: "Well, Ash... Any last words?"

Ashlee: "Hmmm... Well, all I have to say is good luck to everyone else!! I hope they make it far! Or not... I don't know, I'm just looking forward to going back home to see my family and friends again! And of course, I miss rocking out with my band, it feels like ages since I last played with them!!! Oh geez, I'm talking too much now, aren't I? Okay, I'm done now!! Hehe!"

KENZEN: "...Well then. Here comes the van. It was nice meeting you, Ashlee. One question, though... Do you have your right eye?"
Ashlee: "Say what?"
KENZEN: "It's just that I've never seen your other eye because your hair is always blocking it... not sure if you actually have both eyes or not."
Ashlee: "Oh... That's awk. Course I do!! Though I really don't need it because I can't see anything out of it besides my hair..."
KENZEN: "Alrighty then! Scootch along now, we have a show to get to!"
Ashlee: "Okay... BYE EVERYONE!!!"

KENZEN: "It is now time to reveal this week's Accomplice... This MA did fairly well, they sabotaged the mission perfectly. Not too obvious, not too subtle. They barely had to sabotage though because everyone else was doing it for them!!"

KENZEN: "If you are this season's second Mole's Accomplice, please stand up now and reveal yourself."


Casey: "Hoop-la!! Fooled you all!!"

KENZEN: "Yes you most certainly did, because not a single person voted for you in the 12th question of the quiz. That means you completely avoided suspicious. Nice job, Casey. That's 93 points added to your personal pot."

KENZEN: "As before, everyone please check for an envelope attached to the bottom of your seat. Make sure to open the envelope in private- because this determines who the next Accomplice will be."
(I'll be emailing the next MA tomorrow, before I post the mission :-D)

KENZEN: "Good night, contestants."

  *                *                *



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