Sunday, January 13, 2013



 .:DAY 3:.


“OMG!!!! I was soooo sure I knew who the MA was!!!! I was pretty shocked when I found out it was Indigo!!!!  I had no idea at all!!!!! Well I guess you can't get everything right!? Anyway I'm just glad I wasn't executed!!! I was soo nervous!! I didn't want to be the first to go! But I didn't think I would make it anyway cause I did so poorly in the first mission!! Trust it to be something that included SPELLING!! I'm terrible at spelling!!! Kinda ashamed of my word really... I HOPE PEOPLE DON'T JUDGE ME JUST CAUSE I CAN'T SPELL VERY WELL!!!! WOW I worry too much!! And WOW am I hungry!”


“ Oh my great gravitational combustion! I actually have a comrade.. Someone in the know! Someone who understands. Someone else who picks up on these strange otherworldly signals. It's such a relief! I must inform him of my latest revelation. Evarrine. Oh I've pinned her from the start. Look at her, the way she talks.. Acts. Oh and not to mention I heard that pretty Indigo woman talking about how she was trying to extract someone's heart from their chest! Wait that was Ryan wasn't it? And now he's gone home! I would too! Evarrine... That is an alien name. What sort of human would call their child Evarrine. Oh I am on to you, alien scum! I am on to you... I will be keeping a close eye on that one. Even if I have to carry out my own espionage missions.”


Aiden: "Woops! I 'tink I stumbled across da wrong room!"

Gregory: "HEY! YOU!"

Aiden: "Wat da-?! ...Oh, der you are! Howra doin'?"

Gregory: "I'm doing just fine, thanks. Please have a seat."

Aiden: "If ya say so palley!"

 Gregory: "Please do not call me your pal. I am not your friend. I am on to you."

Aiden: "On to meh!? Wat dat mean? Are you implyin' that Imma da mole?!"

Gregory: "No, I'm not. You know what I'm implying.... ALIEN!!"

Aiden: "ALIEN?! You 'tink I am one of 'dose things?! Quite da contrary!! I ain't no alien! I am a HUMAN!"

Aiden: "But I ain't!"
Gregory: "That's what they all say! All you extraterrestrials! You happen to be the dumbest of them! I can tell by your false intellect and the way your face is shaped... No normal human being would look like you! You do NOT resemble one of my kind! Nice try, pal, but your disguise is simply not good enough."

Aiden: "But... but...-"
Gregory: "Aha!! You're at a loss for words! Just confess it! Show me who you really are... Show me your true alien form!"

Aiden: "I jus'... I jus' don't understand! .... You be insane! I hear folk call me insane before, but dat ain't true! I knows your wacko 'doh 'cause you 'tink I'm an alien! Only weirdos 'tink dat! So I'm out!"



“I'm starting to think that it might be a great idea to align with Evarrine. While she is a crazy dominatrix and is probably a wanted criminal, based upon her eccentric personality, among other things, I believe she might just be valuable. And, of course, if she's not, I can always throw her under the bus. That'd be fun to watch.”

“The apparent goal of this game is to discover who the mole is. Then I will have my money and be able to live in a style which befits a queen, until the happy moment when I find a way to return to my home in the kingdom of Brendale. Unfortunately, the peasants have been most unhelpful. I asked each of them to their face if they were the mole, but all of them said 'No.' That is impossible! One of them must be lying, and I do hate liars. Luckily for me, I have found a mind-reader in this house, a young woman named Kaita. She has pink hair, and all people born with pink hair have the magical ability to read minds. I am adept at stealing magic from others, so once I kindly relieve Kaita of her power I will be able to read the minds of everyone in the house and discover which foolish mortal has dared lie to my face. I will ambush Kaita tonight when no one else is nearby, and then grab her and steal her powers. Oh yes, this game shall be so, so very easy when I know who the mole is. Then the peasants will see me as they should, and they will bow down to my power!”

 Indigo: "I'm glad you thought I did a good job being the Accomplice! Thanks... Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to go brush my teeth before going to bed..."
Kaita: "Alright, see ya later!"

Evarrine: "Mwahaha!! Perfect!"

Kaita: "Evarrine! Just the person I've been wanting to talk to!"

Evarrine: *gasps* "Oh no! My cover is blown! She must have read my mind, she knew I was coming... If that's true, that means she could be reading my mind right now!! What do I do?!"
Kaita: "What, surprised I caught you sneaking up on me? I'm not a MI6 agent for nothing, darling." ;-)

Evarrine: "Right... Of course! I didn't mean to sneak up on you, I just-..." 
"Keep calm! Don't think! STOP THINKING!! Just talk and don't think of anything!"

Kaita: "Haha, it's fine. Come join me, then! It's nice and dry under this umbrella."

Kaita: "Anyway- I'm glad you stopped by, because I have something important to ask of you."

Evarrine: "I'm listening..."

Evarrine: "This is terrible! How am I ever going to steal her powers when she knows my every move?! And thought! ****, I need to stop thinking!"

Kaita: "Well... obviously you're a very smart woman-"
Evarrine: "-Obviously."
Kaita: "...right. And I know how badly you want to win this thing... I admire your determination. It also makes me believe that I can trust you... And there's not many people here that I can say that about."

Evarrine: "I see. What is your point?"

Kaita: "My point? I want to start a coalition with you!! Is that something you would want to do?"
Evarrine: "Well.... Let me think about it......."
Kaita: "...Okay?"
Evarrine: "I... I- can't concentrate right now.... STOP STARING AT ME!! I NEED TO THINK ON MY OWN!"

Kaita: "Woah! Clam down!" (intentional typo there ;D Inside joke XD)

 Evarrine: "...I accept!"

Kaita: "Wait, what? I didn't think you would actually-"

Evarrine: "Yes, yes, I know! But it does sound like a good idea now that I think about it!"

Kaita: "Okay, well, awesome!"
Evarrine: "Thank you SO much for asking me, Kaita. I really appreciate it!!"

Kaita: "Yeah, no problem-"

 Kaita: "-woah, I didn't know you were a hugger!!"

Evarrine: "Neither did I... Mwhahaha!!!"

Evarrine: *strengthens grip* "YOUR POWER IS MINE NOW, YOU POWERLESS HUMAN!!"

Kaita: "Ah! Let go! What are you doing?! Can't... breathe!"

Evarrine: "Huh?! Nothing's happening! Why can't I steal your power?!"
Kaita: "What in the world are you talking about?!"
Evarrine: "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?! WHY DON'T I HAVE MORE POWER?!?!" *grabs onto her even harder*
Kaita: "LET GO!"
Evarrine: "NEVER!!"



Kaita: "Now, care to explain what that was about?"

Evarrine: "I- ... I thought-"
Kaita: "That you could steal my 'power'?"
Evarrine: "...Yes. That's precisely correct. But it didn't work, obviously. I have lost my magic somehow in this dreaded new world..."

 Evarrine: "I should go."
Kaita: "That would be a good idea. Our coalition is still in effect, though, right?"
Evarrine: "Uhh... sure. Yes, whatever mortal. I need to think. I don't understand why my magic keeps disappearing... Good night."

Evarrine:  "I may not have been able to steal her power, but at least she still has it... SHE knows who the Mole is. I don't need her power, I just need to be able to get her to tell me who it is. Good thing I accepted her offer to be in a coalition together!"
 Kaita: "Alright... Good night then."

Kaita: "That is one crazy lady..."

Sara: "Guys I'm starting to think that this isn't such a good idea..."

Ariel: "Come on! What are you so worried about?! They're just smurfs!"
Sara: "JUST Smurfs?!"

Evarrine: "Can you two shut up?! I'm trying to watch this... Whatever this is."

Sara: "Okay, fine! I can do this... I am going to enjoy watching this movie!"

Ariel: "That's the spirit! Shush now, it's starting...."

Sara: *gulps* "Oh god! Look at them, they're so... they're so- so-"

Ariel: "So what? Blue and scary? Yeah, definitely scary... Come on Sara. You need to get over your fears.... Especially this one because it's pretty-"


Evarrine: "What in the world are you yelling about?! Silence you fool!"


*continues to scream loudly*
Ariel: "Uhh.... People are trying to sleep, you know...."

Evarrine: "Don't worry, I'll take care of this."

 Evarrine: "I have a spell that will shut her up... It's not permanent, I promise... I think. Oh well."
*begins chanting a curse*

 Evarrine: "ທີ່ໃຊ້ດ່າກັນສໍ  າລັບທັງຫມົດ  ຂອງ ເປັນ! ... YOU HAVE BEEN CURSED TO BE MUTE FOR ALL ETERNITY!!"

*shrieks even louder*

Evarrine: "Didn't work..."

Evarrine: "...If I can't stop her, maybe I can stop those creatures on the screen?"

Sara: "Aaaaaaahhhhhhgggggggggggggggg!!! GET THEM AWAY FROM ME! IEEEEEEEEEEEKKK!!"

Evarrine: "Shut up! Let me concentrate on my spell!!! If I turn these smurfs into toads, will you be quiet?"

Ariel: "Oh boy..."

Evarrine: *tries to cast a spell* "Annnd.... it didn't work, as expected. Great."


Ariel: *turns tv off*
"There. You happy now?"

Ariel: "I'm going to bed. I'm starting to go insane being in here with you two... And my doctor told me to stay away from stressful situations because I do NOT want to go crazy again...."

“So, me, Evarrine, and Ariel were up late last night. We had nothing better to do at the middle of the night so we have decided to watch a movie. The only movie that they had was the Smurfs. I wasn't going to watch it as I am deeply afraid of the Smurfs but Ariel convinced me to face my fears. However, I could not watch the movie without screaming in fear. Evarrine tried to use magic to make me quiet, but they ended up failing. She then tried to turn the Smurfs into toads but that ended up failing as well. Soon, we decided to not watch the movie at all.”

 .:DAY 4:.

Ashlee: "Good morning, Casey!!"

Casey: "..."

KT: "...What was that about?"

Ashlee: "I don't know! He completely ignored me!! What did I do wrong?!"

KT: "Oh, I'm sure it's nothing, Ashlee! Don't worry about it."
Ashlee: "Don't worry about it?! Of course I have to worry about it! He obviously hates me for some reason!"

KT: "Hey, we both know that Casey is a bit... neurotic. Don't take anything he says- or doesn't say- to heart."

Ashlee: "He wouldn't ignore me for no reason though!! Ugh! I can't think of what I did wrong?!"

KT: "How about I just talk to him and find out?"
Ashlee: "Would you really do that for me?"
KT: "Of course!"

KT: "Casey!"

Casey: "Yeah...?"

KT: "Hey."
Casey: "Uhm. Hi.... Did you need something?"

KT: "I don't mean to pry, but I just wanted to know why you ignored Ashlee back there... She's very upset now because she thinks she did something wrong..."

Casey: "Uhmm... Well... I don't know how to answer that. Sorry."
KT: "You mean you won't tell me why you're ignoring her?"

 Casey: "Let's just say.... I know she's an earthworm. In disguise, of course. A human being disguised as an earthworm disguised as an alien. Doesn't take much thinking to figure out."

*walks away*
KT: "Oh. Okay then..."

“Okay so we all got to choose from four rooms, all resembling the four seasons. Of course, they all contain some form of the thing that I hate the most--water. The thing that people don't know about me is that I'm terrified of w-water, something about it gives me the creeps. The reason for this fear will not be disclosed until I feel comfortable enough to talk about it with someone. Until then, *zips lips* my lips are sealed. And to my girlfriend, love you babe.” *shy grin*

Shayne: *huffing and breathing hard*

Alberto: "Ew. Exercise. What's the point of it? You obviously don't seem to be having fun..."

Shayne: "I actually find exercise to be calming. Takes my mind off... the past. Plus it makes me stronger."

Alberto: "If you find it calming then why do you seem so nervous?"
Shayne: "Huh? What do you m-mean?"

Alberto: "You know exactly what I mean. You're scared of something."

Shayne: "I- I don't know what you're talking about but I'm perfectly fine..."

Alberto: "You're lying. I can tell."

Shayne: "No I'm not!"

Alberto: "What are you scared of? Me? Am I intimidating you? It's okay, that happens a lot with people... Most people are scared of me."
Shayne: "I'M NOT SCARED OF ANYTHING! Especially not you."

Alberto: *takes step forward*
Shayne: *takes step backward*

Alberto: "Come on... You can tell me. It's my hair, isn't it? It's pretty frightening, I know... Some people have actually called me 'Medusa', can you believe that? So rude! Just because it's green with red highlights?!"

Shayne: "Please- ju- just...- STOP! GET AWAY FROM ME!"
Alberto: "What? You scared of falling in? HA! What a baby you are!"

*pushes Shayne*
Shayne: "AHHH!!!"


Alberto: "What a wuss..."

 Shayne: *swims back and climbs up ladder*
*runs off*

Alberto: "...Was that real? Or was he just acting in front of the cameras? Pft. I can act WAY better than that... Noob."

Shayne: *sobbing*

Indigo: "Vroom, vroom! Go little bunny, go!!"

Indigo: "Wait.... Who's there?! WHO'S STALKING ME???"

Shayne: *crying uncontrollably*

 Indigo: "Oh. Why hello there friend."
Shayne: *looks away*
Indigo: "Oh noes... What's wrong?"

 Shayne: *wipes away tears* "No-nothing..."
Indigo: "You're drenched! Why are you so wet?!"
Shayne: "It's a long story..."

Indigo: "Oh, I see.... Well, do you want me to get you.... erm.... a towel?" *looks down*

Shayne: "...Could you? I would really appreciate that."
Indigo: *looks back up* "Yeah, of course! I hate being wet too... Actually, I hate water in general... It's one of my greatest fears."

 Shayne: "You too?! I mean-..."
Indigo: "Yep, I'm extremely afraid of it! Something about it gives me the creeps... What about you?"
Shayne: "Why am I afraid of it? Well.... I guess for the same reason, yeah.... it... It's personal."

 Indigo: "That's cool! I can respect that."
Shayne: "Alright, cool..... Soooo... Where's that towel?"
Indigo: "Ooh! Right! Sorry, I'll go get that now!!"


“My suspicions about Evarrine may be right... she tried to rip my heart out! That obviously reinforces the prophesy. She is tougher than I expected though, I’ll have to look for help in the final battle... But who? Who seems like the right person to help me fight her in the final battle? Who says it has to be one person... I’ve got it, I’m going to ask Casey and Sara. It’ll work, hopefully! We’ll have her under surveillance all of the time if there’s more of us to cover ground. It’s going to be a journey though if I’m to train them to be at a high level of Sim Fu like I am. Oh well, I’ll have to lay low for now, we don’t want her to suspect anything at all! On other hands... I’ve been thinking about Day 1 again, when Kaita asked my name... there is something definitely wrong... I might go and ask her what’s up... I’ll have to think about this. Antoine, over and out!”


Kaita: "Haha.... Computers: Now officially hacked! Full surveillance now, b*tches!"

“I bugged the computers. Now I can watch what people are doing, maybe see if anyone's doing anything suspicious. Next step, hack the surveillance system.” *smirks*

Antoine: "Hmm..."

Antoine: "Hey Kaita. Whatcha up to?"
Kaita: "Not much... But you should know that my job training has definitely come in handy for this game, haha!"

Kaita: "Did you need something?"
Antoine: "Honestly- yes. I need to know something."
Kaita: "...Yes?"
 Antoine: "Well, remember on day one, when we were all introducing ourselves, and you asked me my name? What was that about?"

Kaita: "Oh, that? That... that was nothing important."

Antoine: "You sure? You seemed oddly concerned... I feel as if you are hiding something."

Kaita: "Concerning you? Nope. But I do work for a national secret intelligence agency... Of course you're going to think I'm hiding something!"
Antoine: "Oh, okay then. If you say so."
Kaita: "One question though- what were the names of your parents?"

 Antoine: "My parent's names? Well, my mother's name was Delilah, and my father's name was Frank.... Wait, what do you know about my parents?!"
Kaita: "Huh? Nothing! Just curious! Gosh!"
Antoine: "...Come on. You're hiding something. What is it?"

 Kaita: "Um... Well, I actually knew your parents before they, uh... passed away. Frank Valentine was a good man. And I met Delilah at- a party. Yes, a party. She was friend's with a colleague of mine and that's how we all met."

 Antoine: "Ooohhhkay. That's a bit of coincidence, don't you think? That you just happen to know my parents? How old are you anyway? I don't understand your relationship with them."
Kaita: "I'm afraid I can't tell you anymore, I've said enough already."

 Antoine: "So that's it? That's all you're going to tell me about my parents? Even though you knew them even more than I did myself, apparently?"

Kaita: "I can't tell you any more information. That's strictly confidential. And on national television? No way."
Antoine: "Fine then. When you're ready to give me some real answers we can talk. You know something. And I'm going to figure out what it is."
Kaita: "Okay then... But there's really nothing to the story. I just told you everything..."
Antoine: "We'll see about that, spy-girl."

 *                *                *

KENZEN: "Welcome to your next mission! This mission is called, 'Time Capsules'."

"In this mission you must run around town and try to find 3 objects that describe who you are- your personality, your likes, dislikes, what makes you unique, etc. Anything will do... Mainly what you're supposed to do is put things in a time capsule... So things you'd want your future-self to find."

"Once you have all 3 objects, come back and bury them in a hole. Once everyone has buried their 3 objects, after putting it in a chest first, everyone will take turns and open each chest and look through all the objects in each time capsule. Everyone must guess which time capsule belongs to which person... If you're correct, that's 1 point. Since everyone can add 12 points to the pot, this mission is worth 256 points total."

 "There are 2 exemptions available- they will go to anyone who is able to have NO ONE guess their time capsule correctly. If there are more than 3 people who accomplish this, then I'll be the deciding factor of who gets it. based on which objects are closest to that person's identity. This means you have to think about what to put in your capsule's a bit more... It shouldn't be completely random objects, unless you think that there will not be a tie."

(To non-players: If you have not read the thread, then you can find the real-life mission here with better info on the mission:

"This mission begins.... Now."

* A few hours later... after everyone finds their 3 objects somewhere in town *

KENZEN: "Alright everyone! You have all placed your time capsules in the holes... It's now time to dig all of them up and mentally guess who's capsule belongs to who! Afterwards, one at a time you will come up to me and tell me your answers."

(This mission doesn't make much sense, I know. XD I did it very fast, since it's like... 4 in the morning at the moment)


KENZEN: "ALRIGHT! I have everyone's guesses... And here are each players scores!"

"Aiden... 7 correct."

"Ashlee... 0 correct." [Creator didn't do it]

"Indigo... 4 correct."

"Kaita... 9 correct."

"Evarrine... 7 correct."

"Sara... 0 correct."

"Alberto... 5 correct."

"Antoine... 2 correct."

"Shayne... 4 correct."

"Casey... 4 correct."

"Ariel... 4 correct."

"Gregory.. 6 correct."

"KT... 4 correct."

KENZEN: "Now it's time for the exemptions!!

"Only one person was able to fool everyone else and not have a single person guess their time capsule right... And that was...."
. .
Ariel: "Woo-hoo! I actually won something!!"

KENZEN: "In total you added 63 points to the pot... Out of 156. So you lost 93 points in this mission... Looks like most of you were pretty exemption-hungry, that's what cost the pot so much money. 
Good night contestants... The next execution is in two days!"

*                *                *


Part 2 of the mission, the guessing, has already been shown. The sims's scores are the same scores as their creators. 

As for Part 1 of the mission... Here is the answer key to the time capsules:

1. Shayne
2. Gregory
3. Alberto
4. Ashlee
5. Kaita
6. Antoine
7. KT
8. Casey
9. Ariel
10. Evarrine
11. Aiden
12. Indigo


THE WINNER: 231 points
THE MOLE: 121 points

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