Wednesday, January 2, 2013



(Below is a DRE- Diary Room Entry. If it's in italics, that means the creator of that sim wrote it and sent it to me to use. If it's NOT in italics, that means I wrote it. I rarely write the DRE's, it's usually just the sims' creators who write them.)

"YEEEEHAAWWWWW!! I gots me an exemption! I ain't so good with the test takin, so this is a LIFE saver!!  I din't even know that letters could make that big a word! I din't even know that was a word! I was just puttin' them letters together! And I gots me the best room in the house! I live in Miss'ippi, so I never gets to see the ocean.
Wait, Miss'ippi IS by the ocean? Well, skin me alive and feed me to the croc! I din't know that! Why din't my Mamma and Papa ever tell me that?! I've gots word for them when I gets home!"

"Why… WHY DID THE FIRST MISSION HAVE TO BE BALLOONS???! And climbing… And balloons???! I feel SO humiliated. Not only did I have to face seven of my greatest fears but I had to fail at facing them in front of all those people! Wait to fail at making friends again Indigo…x.x Although at least I wasn't alone in screwing up…" *Goes to stalk Ariel*

"I'm surrounded by idiots...literally. Everyone here is some form of mad, ranging from conspiracy theorists to people like Evarrine who honestly think they rule the world. I am seriously starting to regret joining this show.

On another note, I'm really suspicious of Ariel. Who in their right mind forgets to climb the vowel wall? Hell, I got 24 letters and I'm absolutely terrible at climbing walls. Anybody else smell anything fishy?"


Shayne: "Hm. Nice place, I guess."
Kaita: "Cool! Now, where are the directions to my secret headquarters? I get that, right?"

Ariel: "Neat place, if I do say so myself. Very stylish and modern."
Aiden: "Where in da devil am I?! This ain't nothing like ma home in Miss'ippi! Dis house is for da rich folk!"

Alberto: "The rich folk? Psh. This is nothing. I live in a house ten times better than this piece of crap... You don't know rich till you've seen my humble abode."
Ashlee: "This way!"

Sara: "Wow!! Awesome!!!! Look at all the lights! And the instruments!! Eeeek!!"
Alberto: "Hmph. Way too pink and girly in this room."

Ashlee: "OMG, totes cool!"
Ryan: "Awesome! They have a guitar! Any other musicians in here? Well, besides you KT, of course!"

KT: "Haha, you play the guitar? Awesome."
Ashlee: "I'm in a band!! I know how to play a few instruments as well."
KT: "Really? Cool! We're going to have a lot of fun concerts in here, then!!"

Indigo: "Where in the heck are the bedrooms?!"
Evarrine: "...What are you asking me for? You think I know? Well, this door probably leads to my bedroom chamber, so all you peasants must be sleeping outside. Now leave me."

Evarrine: "Hmm... Rather small for a room meant for a queen!"

Evarrine: "What in the Green Dragon's name do we have here?! Where is my master bed? My watchtower? My wardrobe? My sacred mirror? My piles of jewels and treasure? This wicked room is not fit for a queen!"

Evarrine: "Excuse me?! You do not tell me what to do. I do as I please you fool. I would smite you dead right now if you weren't hiding through.... through... well, I have no idea how you said that without being here. Are you a wizard?"

Evarrine: "Well then. Since there's nothing else to do might as well try this."
Evarrine: "So what do you want me to do, exactly?"
Evarrine: "Okay then... um..."

"These insolent mortals! How dare they! Why, I have been gravely insulted not once, not twice, but THREE TIMES since entering this... this... well, I am not entirely sure what it is, but I believe it is a called a "reality show." First, I was made to wear my athletic wear in front of all those peasants. A queen is never made to dress in any way she does not want to! I even threatened to use my magic to kill the producer, but he simply laughed and handed me the clothes. He is next on my hit list, once I have located a new source of magic. 
But anyway, moving on to the next insult. Those peasants did not let me win! I did not win a single exemption! HOW COULD I NOT WIN?? And all they had to do was purposefully spell short words and one of those exemptions would have been mine! Do they not understand my power? Soon Aiden and Shayne, the two mortals foolish enough to steal my rightful exemptions, will face my anger. My hit list is growing quite long. 
And finally, I have been forced to live in a room with other people! WITH OTHER PEOPLE! A queen does not have roommates. This is absolutely preposterous! These idiots have no respect for my name, my title, and my power. They will learn. When I have renewed my magic, they will face my wrath! Mwahahahahaha!"

Evarrine: "Is that all? Good. And your welcome. Glad someone is wise enough to call me by my respectful position. I might reconsider killing you now... Maybe just a curse will do."

Evarrine: "That's interesting. Usually people beg for mercy before I curse them. You, on the other hand, are eager to receive one... I guess I need to concoct a spell for you."

Indigo: "Bedrooms not in here either?! Come on!"

Antoine: "Cool room. I'll be able to continue mastering my martial arts in here. Maybe I can even teach someone else the ways of the true warrior, continuing the legacy that Jung Wang set for me."

Indigo: "Woah... Are you like, a ninja or something?"
Antoine: "Yes. You could say that." 
Indigo: "Ahhh!! Is that a pool? AND ARE THOSE DIVING BOARDS?! Okay, I'm outta here. See ya later."

Gregory: "Ohhh... They DID let me have my telescope!! Guess they aren't so evil after all... Maybe."

Casey: "Hey! Back off!"
Gregory: "Huh?"

Casey: "This is MY telescope. I have more important things to do with it then you."
Gregory: "What do you mean by that?"

Casey: "What do you think I mean by that?! I'm talking about aliens! I have to watch the skies to ensure that there is no more alien invasions attacking Earth!!"
Gregory: "...How do I know that you're not an alien yourself, telling me all this to fool me into believing that I can trust you, but really, you're just an alien in disguise? Huh? HUH?!?!?!"

Casey: "Because I'm not an earthworm. You see, only earthworms are aliens- they're an advanced extraterrestrial species that came to earth to eliminate all humans. And to be frank, there may be one or two players here that are actually earthworms in disguise, disguised as humans. They can not be trusted."

Gregory: "Hmm... Well, I guess I can trust you. I mean, would an alien really talk about an alien invasion when they're trying to keep their identity hidden? That wouldn't make sense, they would be revealing themselves."

Casey: "So you trust me?"
Gregory: "Sure! But only if you trust me too?"

Casey: "Of course I trust you! You aren't no worm-alien!"

Gregory: "Good! So if you trust me and I trust you, does that mean we should form an alliance or something? A secret coalition?"
Casey: "Sounds good to me! Let's make a pact: we both help each other to find out the identity of the Mole to further ourselves in the game, and more importantly, we work together to uncover the truth about what the aliens want, and perhaps get that information from any aliens in disguise here."

Gregory: "Sounds like a plan! Deal!"
Casey: "Kewl! My first friend!"
Gregory: "No way?! ME TOO!! It's hard to have a friend when you know they could secretly be an alien planning to destroy you and your family..."
Casey: "I know the feeling, amigo!!"

 Ariel: "Shayne! Look! I found one of the bedrooms! And look how nice it is!! Ahh, I'm so excited!"

Shayne: "...You call this a bedroom? There's no roof. And there's plants all over the place."

Gregory: "Greg here, reporting for duty!"
Ariel: "Hey Gregory! Come join us! There's still a bed available!!"

Shayne: "Not a huge fan of the lake...." :/

Shayne: "...Or this room in general."

Gregory: "I CALL THIS BED!!"

Shayne: "Good for you."
Gregory: "It is good for me, huh?!"
Shayne: "..."

 Gregory: "I'm Gregory, by the way!! Greg for short."

 Shayne: "Shayne." 


Shayne: "Now that's better. Hated that thing."

Ashlee: "Wow!! Did we just land in Hawaii or something?!"

KT: "Hawaii? More like South Molle Island!"
Ashlee: "South Molle Island?"
KT: "I'm from Australia, mate! And there's much more tropical islands there than the US."
Ashlee: "Haha... You said MOLE!"

 KT: "What a beautiful-looking bed!! Can I have this one?"

Ashlee: "Only if you want to share it with someone else... Come on! There's a free bed over here!"
KT: "Well, there IS one person in particular that I wouldn't mind sharing it with... Haha, nah, I'll just take one of those single beds!"

Ashlee: "Nice to actually meet you, by the way. Can I have your, ermm... Autograph?"

KT: "Please, no! Don't treat me like that! Just because I'm a celebrity doesn't mean you have to be all star-struck!! I'm just a normal human being, no different from you."

 Ashlee: "Oh, okay then...Can I still have that autograph though?"
KT: "Haha, okay, fine. Where you want it?"

Alberto: "What a tasteless room. We're supposed to sleep in here? It's pretty much entirely outside!"
Aiden: "And? Ma parents and me sleep outside ery' night, wat wrong wit dat?"

Alberto: "...Everything."

Alberto: "I call the bed. You get the couch. There's no way I'm sharing the bed with you."

Aiden: "Fine 'den. You don't hafta be rude 'bout it...."

Aiden: "Well I be damned! This hasta be the most comfiest 'ting I ever laid down upon!!"

Alberto: "Well then, guess it's a win-win situation, am I right? HA!"

Ryan: "Wowza.... It's like... raining in here, peeps."

Indigo: "It is! Not a huge fan of the rain though...." *shivers*

Kaita: "Interesting room. I can get used to this! Just wish there was more pink... Everything's so gray."

Ryan: "I'm guessing the beds are up here?"

Indigo: "Wait for me guys!"
Kaita: "Sleeping bags? Really? What are we, dogs?!"
Ryan: "Hey! What is that supposed to mean? That dogs are uncivilized or not as good as humans or something?"
Kaita: "...Yes. That's exactly what I'm saying."
Ryan: "Well, I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree."

Indigo: "So this is it? We're sleeping in sleeping bags every night, in the cold rain?"
Ryan: "Guess so."

Kaita: "This is why I didn't become a field operative, I'd have to undergo countless strenuous tests that tested your physical and mental strength to exhaustion. Having to do stupid stuff like sleep outside in the freezing cold and rain- boot camp, essentially- and this was all BEFORE your job even started!!"
Indigo: "It's not all bad though. We can stal- I mean, spy- I mean-!!"
Kaita: "You're actually on to something... We could so spy on the other contestants from here! Nice thinking!!"
Indigo: "...Thanks?"

Sara: "OMG! This is so cool! I've never seen the snow before!"
Antoine: "They have snowmen too... Pretty cool."
Casey: "All the other rooms are taken, soooo... Guess I'm stuck here."

Sara: "No way?! Is this AN IGLOO?!?!"

Casey: "I'm very suspicious of this statue. Very, very suspicious... This is definitely no normal human being. Could it be... No, it can't... Could it?"

Antoine: "Well, since I'm not a fan of freezing to death, I'm gonna go ahead and go inside now."

Sara: "Ooh! Bunk beds?! I LOOOOVE Bunkbeds!!"

Antoine: "I'll have the bottom bunk. Just in case an intruder comes in, I'll be able to fight them off."

Casey: "An intruder? What intruder would come in here? A yeti? The Mole? Or... AN EARTHWORM?!?!"
Antoine: "Hey, you never know."

Casey: "In that case, I call top bunk!"
Sara: "Isn't this so exciting guys!? Ah! Can't believe I'm finally on the show!! This is just so cool! There's still one bed left... I wonder who's gonna take it!? Hope it's someone nice!"

(...That night...)

Evarrine: "Now, for the last and final time... I order you peasants to go outside! NOW."
Antoine: "But Evarrine-"
Evarrine: "Correction- your highness."

Antoine: "...Your Highness- this room is for all four of us. Why can't we just share it?"

Antoine: "Yeah. One question. Are you okay? You don't seem mentally stable-"

Evarrine: "SILENCE! I've had enough of you!!"

 Evarrine: "I rule this land, and you dare try and defy me?! ME?!?! I will have you exiled, you poor excuse for a human being! Or even better: I'll have your head cut off!"

 Antoine: "What nonsense is this?! You think you can kill me? I'd like to see you try!!"

Evarrine: "Your wish is my command, you fool! Prepare to suffer!!"

 *extends her hand towards his heart*

Evarrine: "...Gah! What's happening?! My magic... it's not working!"

*continues to try and take out his heart through magical properties but fails*
Evarrine: "What is this madness?! Can you control magic? Are you blocking me out?!"
Antoine: "Ummm... No, I'm not. And you can stop tugging at my chest now."

Sara: "...Well this is a bit awkward..."

 Evarrine: "Grr.... ARRRGH!! I GIVE UP!"

 Evarrine: "What is happening to me? Where are my powers?!"

 Evarrine: "That's it. I'm done here. I'll find somewhere else to rest for the night. Once my magic returns, I can guarantee that all of you will regret disobeying me. You will be cursed for all eternity!!"

Sara: "So much for having a nice roommate..."

Evarrine: "And you're the first on my hit list you little witch. Have a pleasant night you powerless mortals."

Casey: "...Well then. Guess it's time for bed!!"


"It’s a shame I didn’t win the exemption, but oh well, there’s always next time. I’m a bit curious of that Evarrine woman, she reminds me a lot of the witch from the prophesy Jung Wang showed me back in Shang Simla. Apparently, the witch was born within the Green Dragon’s stomach but burst out to cause havoc and terror across the land. It’s an old folk story though, isn’t it? Damn, I hope this isn’t my destiny... to fight off Evarrine and bestow peace back to the land, Jung Wang could’ve told me this before he died. Looks like I found it out myself... well, if she is the witch from the prophesy then I need to keep my eye on her. Antoine, over and out."

 Ryan: "What are you two doing?"

 Indigo: "Nunya."
Ryan: "Nunya?"
Indigo: "Yeah, none of your business."

 Ryan: "You're spying on other players, aren't you?"

 Indigo: "NO! We're just... eavesdropping. In a completely respectful manner."

 Kaita: "Hush! There's something good going on over there!!"
Alberto: "...No way! I am NOT sharing my bed with that good-for-nothing hillbilly!"
KT: "Alright, I'm sorry. Didn't mean to upset you. I just want the best for everyone."
Aiden: "Imma what? Hillbilly? Wat dat? 'Dough it does sound betta than callin' me ah 'redneck', I get dat one er the time... don't make sense 'dough 'cause my neck ain't red!!"

 Kaita: "Haha, infiltrating the enemies base! So fun!!"

 Ryan: "Well, while you guys have fun with that, I'm going to sleep. G'night."

Indigo: "Good night! Now, back to stalking- I mean-!! Listening to the people in the winter room... Kaita, come over here, I hear something good! It sounds like Evarrine is trying to rip someone's heart out or something... That chick's crazy!"

.:DAY 2:.

"Dear diary… Yesterday we explored the house and there was the mission and meeting of people… Oh sorry, I'm just writing in my diary, you know the one that Kenzen gave us? I'm not finished yet so hold on… and we also…
…And thats why I think they're the mole. YAY I'm finished! I just love to write :D Its important if I'm going to make lots of friends. People will be like 'She won lets be her friend.' Speaking of people Ive wasted two hours being a loner in this room. I must stalk out the others. Especially the guys because they're all… Well never mind. But the girls too! They might try to… never mind…" *Goes to stalk* 

"I am very excited that Ariel is on this season. She was No Privacy with my future boyfriend KENNNNNNNZZEEEEEENNNNNN. I can ask her what are the things that Kenzen has done on No Privacy that we don't get to see on the show. I am less excited that there's a guy named Ryan on the show."

Ariel: "Oh my god! I had no idea you hated chihuahuas that much!! I understand why though, you definitely have had some traumatizing experiences with them, I don't blame you for disliking them."

Ryan: "Thanks for understanding, Ariel. But besides the evil chihuahuas, I absolutely love dogs!! I don't think I could live without my dogs, they are everything to me."

Ariel: "I bet! I can tell that dogs are a big part of your life. I think it's cool you run a doggy-daycare facility, I personally love dogs and all kinds of animals as well."

 Ryan: "Oh, really? What kinds of pets do you have?"

Ariel: "Well, I had a bunny named Mrs. Fluffball, but that was before I went into er... rehab. And uh, I kinda had to give her up since no one was there to take care of her... But I also had-"

Sara: "-There you are Ariel!!"

Ariel: "Oh, Sara! You scared me!!"
Sara: "I did!! Sorry, didn't mean to!! Happens a lot though, it might just be my personality... at least, that's what people tell me!!"

 Ryan: "Hey Sara."
Sara: "Hey there... Ryan."

Ryan: "Is there a problem? Did I do something wrong?"

Sara: "No, I just despise the name Ryan. And you, in case you didn't realize, are named Ryan."
Ryan: "O-kay...?"
Sara: "If you wouldn't mind, Ryan... I would like to have a word with Ariel... WITHOUT you."

Ryan: "Umm... alright." *gets up*
Ariel: "Sorry Ryan... talk to you later?"
Ryan: "I guess so. See ya."

Sara: "THANK YOU!!"

 Sara: "Now, where were we?"
Ariel: "Uhhh... We haven't talked yet."

Sara: "Oh, right!! So, I've been meaning to talk to you about this for awhile now, but.... What is Kenzen like?"
Ariel: "Kenzen?"

Sara: "Yes, Kenzen!! You were on the show No Privacy with him, right? What's he like? Tell me everything you know about him. What did he eat? What does he like to wear? What kind of women does he like?!"

Ariel: "Woah, woah, calm down! Let's not get ahead of ourselves, shall we?"
Sara: "Ahead of ourselves? NO! I just want you to tell me about him! Now, as I was saying..."

Ariel: "Lord save my soul...."

 Ashlee: "And that's it! That's the whole song!"
KT: "Wow, nice playing! I really liked that, thanks for sharing it with me!"

 Ashlee: "Yep, no problem. We should totally rock out together sometime, KT.... KT's not your actual name, is it?"

KT: "Haha, no, it isn't. My actual name is Kaytlyn Taylors."

Ryan: *stops in tracks*

Ryan: "...What did you say your name was?"

KT: "Kaytlyn... why?"

Ryan: "It's nothing, I just used to know someone by the name of Kaytlyn. But we were split apart years ago... Oh, sorry, who am I kidding. What are the chances that we'd meet again on this show? I'm sure it's purely coincidental that you have the same name."

KT: "Yeah, most likely... And no offense, but I don't remember you at all, sorry. Besides, you live in America, right? I live in Australia, so I doubt we ever met."
Ryan: "That's true... Oh well. I was just imagining it... one can only hope, right?"

KT: "Right... Though the name Ryan does sound familiar..." 

KT: And I did travel to America once on a family trip when I was like, 9 years old....
Ashlee: "Hey, Ryan! You play the guitar, right?"

Ryan: "Sure do!"
Ashlee: "Cool! We should, like... jam together!"
KT: "Sounds like fun!"
Ryan: "Wanna play 'Who Let the Dogs Out'?"
KT: "Errr... How about we just play one of my songs instead?"
Ashlee: "That works! Jamming out with the legendary KT! Awesome!!"


"Gahh! I cannot believe I didn't even get a single word in that mission, not even a puny 3 letter word. Vowels are my worst enemy..hold on a second, *counts* I HAVE 3 VOWELS IN MY NAME!!! That's some crazy *BEEP*. Knowing me it'll be impossible to get even one exemption here, I knew how hard it was in No Privacy. Maybe I need Alabaster...ALABASTERRRRRRR." *gets phone out*


Ariel: Alabaster you goody 2 shoes magician, help me!!

Albaster: *ignoring Ariel* Ah yes Grey, you shall be cut in half with this sword..


*hears sword making actions*


Albaster: Thank you for watching..or in your case, listening. *Puts phone down*

"How i'd love to see the reactions of the girls in love with him though...that'll get their b*tchy mouths shut."
*runs off to tell the girls*

KT :
"Oh God! After that challenge with those rock climbing walls, I realized I sprained my ankle when I fell. I can't walk too good. I asked to go to the doctors to get it looked at but... uh... no one is supposed to leave like that... Maybe I could sue and I won't actually have to win the show to get the charity money... I mean I did injure myself, there weren't any harnesses during the challenge, which is a clear breech of WHS and I wasn't allowed to get it checked. I can't lose!






Well.... I probably shouldn't do that... I mean, they didn't intend to hurt me. Maybe... if I have to leave, I could become the Co-host... or even the real host because, lets face it, Kenzen doesn't exactly like being host... Did you see him last season?.... Yeah I didn't watch the show either..."  :D

Shayne: "That smells horrid! What in the world are you making over there?!"

Aiden: "Duck soup, 'duh! Want some?"
Shayne: *gags* "Umm... no thank you."

Aiden: "Well, dat your loss!"

Alberto: "What's that I smell in here?"
Aiden: "Oh, you probably smellin' da duck I be cookin'-"

Alberto: "WRONG! I smell two losers who have something they shouldn't have earned."

Aiden: "Wat dat?"
Alberto: "You really are an idiot, aren't you?"

Shayne: "If you're talking about our exemptions, then you should know that we earned them fair and square."

Alberto: "Whatever. Maybe you did but that bozo over there didn't... I mean, his word was mensurability. Seriously?! Look at him. Does he look like he could form that big of a word? It's a miracle if he knows a word past 5 letters!"

Aiden: "Wat was dat?"
Alberto: "Exactly my point... I think he cheated. Someone helped him spell a word. I should have earned that exemption."

Aiden: "You just scarred 'cause you gots to face da execution tonight!!"
Alberto: "Pft. Scared? Yeah right. I only want the exemption to prove that I'm better than everyone else- I got this execution under the bag. I'm going to ace the quiz, you just watch."

Alberto: "And thanks for the meal! I appreciate it!"

Aiden: "But... Dats mine!" >:(

Shayne: "Hey! That isn't yours. Aiden made it."

Alberto: "...And your point is...?"

Shayne: "Bastard."

*                *                *

(After dinner.... THE QUIZ!!)

1. Is the Mole, male or female?
a) Male
b) Female

2. On the way to the mission, which car was the Mole riding in?
a) Blue Car
b) Black Car
c) Red Car
d) White Car

3. In which order did the Mole introduce them self?
a) 1st
b) 2nd
c) 3rd
d) 4th
e) 5th
f) 6th
g) 7th
h) 8th
i) 9th
j) 10th
k) 11th
l) 12th
m) 13th
n) 14th

4. Does the Mole's first name start with the letter "A"?
a) Yes
b) No

5. During the first mission, "THAT AIN'T A WORD!" which climbing wall did the Mole start off at?
a) Blue Climbing Wall- Consonants
b) Red Climbing Wall- Vowels

6. Was the Mole wearing pants during the mission, while in their athletic wear?
a) No
b) Yes

7. How many letters were in the Mole's final answer for part 2 of the mission?
a) 0
b) 4
c) 5
d) 6
e) 7
f) 8
g) 9
h) 10
i) 11
j) 12
k) 13

8. Did the Mole help to add points to the pot?
a) Yes
b) No

9. Did the Mole receive an exemption in the mission?
a) No
b) Yes

10. Who is, the Mole?
a) Ryan Heillom
b) Shayne Holmes
c) Antoine Valentine
d) Alberto Pretty
e) Aiden Hicks
f) Gregory Plaice
g) Casey O'Rourke
h) Kaita Blake
i) KT!
j) Indigo Stone
k) Sara Vesela
l) Ariel Woodward
m) Ashlee Coachman 
n) Evarrine Roland

11. Is the Mole's Accomplice, male or female?
a) Male
b) Female

12. Was the MA riding in a front or back seat while on their drive to the first mission?
a) Front Seat
b) Back Seat

13. Was the MA on ground level when Kenzen announced that time was over for the first part of the mission? (hint: 4 players were still climbing, and another 4 were on top of the building)
a) Yes
b) No

14. How many vowels were in the MA's final answer?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
e) 5
f) 6
g) None

15. Who is the Mole's Accomplice for this week?
a) Ryan Heillom
b) Shayne Holmes
c) Antoine Valentine
d) Alberto Pretty
e) Aiden Hicks
f) Gregory Plaice
g) Casey O'Rourke
h) Kaita Blake
i) KT!
j) Indigo Stone
k) Sara Vesela
l) Ariel Woodward
m) Ashlee Coachman 
n) Evarrine Roland

*                *                *



KENZEN: "Anyone else like the new execution area? New host, new execution place!! Though if I had it my way, I would of preferred a somewhat more dramatic way for the execution to go down... Like on a boat or something, and the executed player has to walk the plank! Hey, that's actually a really good idea... Remind me to tell that one to production later!!"

KENZEN: "Now, back to THIS execution... As you all should know, during an execution another player is eliminated. I will call your names one by one, and if the screen behind me here turns green, that means you are safe and get to stay in the game. However: if the screen turns RED, you will be the Mole's next victim."

KENZEN: "Aiden and Shayne, you both have exemptions, so neither of you can be executed tonight. Also, remember that whoever is the Mole's Accomplice for this week cannot be eliminated either; they are safe during the time that they are the MA. I will reveal who was the Accomplice for this week after the execution."

KENZEN: "Let's begin."

KENZEN: "Here we go... Who to start off with first...."

KENZEN: "Sara!! You seem like the perfect candidate! Let's start with you."

 KENZEN: "Next, Ariel."









Everyone: *gasps*

 Ryan: "Gahh... I was wearing my lucky Westie bracelet too!!"

KENZEN: "I'm sorry Ryan, but you have been executed. Please follow me to the van."

 Ryan: "Bye guys. It was fun while it lasted."

KT: "Well that's upsetting. I was really starting to feel a connection with him... Or remembering a connection that I had with him.... OH MY GOD RYAN I REMEMBER YOU NOW! YOU WERE MY CHILDHOOD LOVE!!"

Sara: "Me? I'm glad he's gone. Any person with the name Ryan should be executed, pronto. Serves him right! Maybe if your name wasn't Ryan, you might not have been the first person executed! Hah!"

Ariel: "He was a really cool guy... I'm sad to see him go. Especially so soon! It's only day 2! It almost seems unfair."

KENZEN: "Well, Ryan... It appears that it's the end of the road for you. Last thoughts?"

Ryan: "Well, not much to say when I only just got here, so all I can say is that I enjoyed the experience and wish it hadn't ended so soon. Oh well, I guess that's how the game goes. I bet no one even has an idea of who the mole is yet, this first execution was mainly just luck, so I can't blame myself too much. Just gotta blame that mole!"

KENZEN: "And the Mole's Accomplice, might I add! They seem to have fooled you too, otherwise I don't think you would be here talking to me. Anyway- it was nice having you on the show, and you should know that you're not gone forever!! We will see you again at the finale. Oh god, finale... Hate that word. Last season's finale was hell... And I'm gonna have to host another one! Great!!"

KENZEN: "Well, here comes the van now... Take care, Ryan!"
Ryan: "You too, Kenzen! Have fun hosting the rest of the season."
KENZEN: "Yeah.... That's unlikely." 

KENZEN: "What? You expect me to stare at the van longingly with one last dramatic farewell?! HA! I am NOT Grey. I'm glad when these little brats get executed, it brings me great pleasure!!"

KENZEN: "Well, contestants... Ryan was the Mole's first victim. 1 down, 11 to go. Who will be the next?"

KENZEN: "Also, before I dismiss you back the house, we must reveal the Mole's Accomplice for this week. The MA of this week did a fantastic job, almost completely avoiding any suspicion. Only 2 people put this person's name down on the quiz for question #15, and since that's not half of everyone taking the quiz, they will be getting all points missed from the last mission into their personal pot.... Which was 28 points."

KENZEN: "If you are the Accomplice for this week, please stand up now."

Indigo: "Gotcha!! Haha, that was fun! The best part? Safety from the first execution. Woo-hoo!"

KENZEN: "Good job, Indigo. Now, I want everyone to check for an envelope under their chairs- Just like we did in the beginning of the first mission. Don't open it here though, wait till you get back to the house and do so in privacy. If the paper within is green, then nothing changes for you. But if it's red, that means you are the Mole's next Accomplice. And remember, this process is completely random, since any one of you could have sat at the seat that held the red paper, including the Mole or even the last Accomplice... So yes, Indigo, you could be the MA again.
That's it for tonight. Good night contestants."

*                *                *

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