Saturday, December 15, 2012


KENZEN SUMMERS: "Hello, and welcome to season 3 of The Mole."

"14 strangers will set off on a 30 day journey that will take them across the world. Each destination consists of a new mission, and each mission they do adds points to a group pot, that only one player will win, and can grow up to 2000 points, or rather, 2 million dollars."

 "But one of them is a Mole, a double agent who is trying to sabotage the group’s efforts by preventing them from passing the challenges. No one knows who the Mole is, so no one knows whom they can trust. Not everyone will complete the journey, because every 3 days, there is a quiz about the Mole, questions like, “Is the Mole male or female?”, or “How old is the Mole?”, or even, “What did the Mole have for breakfast?” The player who scores the lowest on the quiz is executed, and must leave the game immediately.

 This season, however, a new twist will be introduced to the game. We like to call this twist, The Mole's Accomplice, because for the first time in The Mole history, the Mole will NOT be working alone. This new game-changer will be explained to the contestants later."

"It is a simple game. Be observant, expose the Mole, claim the prize. Each player has a strategy, but only one will win- the one who correctly answers the question, who, is..."


Is it... 

Kaita Blake, a 21-year-old MI6 Tech Engineer, from Great Britain?

Ashlee Coachman, the 19-year-old Band Member, from Wisconsin, USA?

Aiden Hicks, a 25-year-old unemployed hillbilly, from Mississippi, USA?

Ryan Heillom, the 25-year-old Doggy Daycare Employee from Seattle, Washington, USA?

Shayne Holmes, an unemployed 23-year-old from California, USA?

Casey O'Rourke, the 22-year-old Astronomer from Idaho, USA?

Gregory Plaice, a 21-year-old Scientologist, from Roswell, New Mexico, USA?

Alberto Pretty, the 30-year-old aspiring Actor, from Canada?

Evarrine Roland, the 27-year-old self-proclaimed "Queen" from NY, New York, USA?

Indigo Stone, a 22-year-old part-time Student from England?

KT, the 24-year-old International Superstar and Singer, from Australia?

Antoine Valentine, a 24-year-old Martial Arts Dojo from Los Aniegos, Kansas, USA?

Sara Vesela, the 19-year-old Record Company Intern from Jacksonville, Florida, USA?

Or Ariel Woodward, a 23-year-old Culinary Chef from London, UK?


KENZEN: "The contestants are arriving to their very first mission now. Remember: This is the first time that they are seeing each other. They don't know anything about the people riding in their car, nor about any of the other contestants. They better start learning soon though, because being able to know and read people is the very first step in figuring out who the Mole is."

Ariel: "I'm guessing we just sit down?"
Indigo: "Suppose so!"

KT: "I wonder where Grey Winters is?"

Sara: "Grey?! I hope not!! Don't you know? KENZEN IS HOSTING THIS SEASON! OMG, YAY!!"

Antoine: "Should we introduce ourselves?"
Kaita: "Yeah, sounds like a good idea."
Antoine: "Alright, then I guess I'll go first-"
Evarrine: "Hold your tongue you fool! I did not give you permission to speak."
Antoine: "...Pardon me?"

 (The following introductions in bold were created by each sim's creator... All I did was copy and paste, so some might be in the wrong point of view/tense)

"Greetings, peasants! I am Her Highness, the Queen Evarrine Roland. You may call me the Queen, Your Majesty, or Your Highness. I rule in the well-known, prosperous kingdom of Brendale, but lately I have been residing in the despicable city of New York. I am all-powerful and possess much magic. Naturally, you will all be catering to me, so be prepared to obey my every order. If you dare disobey me you will suffer greatly. I expect my breakfast to be served promptly at 8 am each morning, my lunch at 12 pm, and my dinner at 6 pm. You peasants will eat only after I am finished. I will give further orders later. If any one of you proves to be a valuable, obedient servant, I may consider blessing you with the gift of immortality. Also, I expect to win this game, and I will crush anyone who chooses to stand in my way. You do not want to become my enemy. You have been warned. I do hope that you will all be wonderful little peasants and ensure that I have an excellent experience in this house."

Gregory: "Umm... Okay. Hah, weirdo... Anyways...."

"Hiya guys... I'm Gregory, call me Greg if you want, it's easier. Do any of you know if we have a telescope here? I hope there is a telescope, I mean they wouldn't let me bring my personal one in with me? I mean what kind of mean show is this? Oh what? Sorry, I'm supposed to be introducing myself... right, yeah... sorry. Well... like I said, I'm Greg. I like astronomy, science and all that stuff. Planets, looking for life-fo--Urm, I mean you know, meteors and stuff. Er... I'm studying to be a scientologist - I wanna explore the skies. I have a part time job at the Science Laboratory. I er, love reading? Is that interesting? You all seem a bit bored when I talk about planets... OH and I love making gadgets. I tried to bring some of those in, too. But nope! Stupid network won't let me. WHAT IS THIS GUYS? PRISON? Okay, okay. Sorry. Yeah, so hi. -Massive Grin- I'm a lot less boring than I seem, Promise!"

Gregory: "Your turn green-haired boy!"
Shayne: "Thanks... You're one to talk."
Gregory: "Never said it was a bad thing! Dying one's hair is awesome."
Shayne: "Whatever..."

"Hi, I'm Shayne. I'm 23 years old from Los Angeles, California. I am currently unemployed, because I just moved to LA after losing my family in a tragic accident- don't want to talk about it- and I am looking to start a new life in a whole new city. And that's about it, so yeah..."

Sara: "Are you done introducing yourself yet Mr. Emo?!?!"
Shayne: "What the hell is wrong with you people? You're also one to talk!"
Sara: "Excuse me?! I am NOT emo!! Just let me introduce myself first!!!"

"Hey guysssssssssssss, my name is Sara. I'm NOT emo despite my looks. I'm scene. I love nyan cat and someday I shall marry Kennnnnnnnzzzzzzzzzzzzen. *her cell phone starts ringing* *Sara then bursts out crying* Sorry, I cry every day at 2:00 pm. It's Scene kid thing, and it has something to do with TUMBLLLLLLLRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. *Stops crying* There, it's 2:01. Anyways, Smurfs are very scary creatures in case you should know- AND I ABSOLUTELY HATE TROLLS. I work as an intern for this record company, and I live in Jacksonville, Florida."

"Hi! I'm Ariel, Ariel Woodward. I live in the UK. You may notice me from No Privacy, where I came 4th... and yes, I do notice now that towards the end I did get a bit wonder I went into rehab! AHEM, since then, I've been going back to reality working as a chef, I tried applying for Masterchef but that didn't turn out so well, perhaps it was my anger..anyway, I'm back and I'm ready to go! Whether my housemates like me or not, I'm here to win, and NOT to come 4th again!"

"Greetings, fellow earthlings. I do not come in peace. Haha, just kidding! What's up? My name is Ryan and I'm 25 years old. I come from my chihuahua-free doggy daycare in Seattle, WA, USA, where I have lived since my birth! :D If you love guitars then you've come to the right man, because I dream to be a rock star some day and guitar has been my passion since I was just a tot! Anyways, look forward to meeting you all and getting to know you!"

"Guys, listen carefully, okay? This is very important so you have to pay close attention. Okay? Okay. *leans in close* We are being watched right now. And I don't mean by the cameras. The creatures you refer to as earthworms are actually an advanced alien race that has come to annihilate all humans. I came here to ensure that the world is told about their diabolical plans. Also, my name is Casey."

Gregory: *gasps* "Quiet! You'll expose the truth that we know about them!"

Aiden: "Ya'll it your turn to speak my brotha."

Evarrine: "Wait, hold on a second here... What is wrong with both of your faces? You're unnaturally hideous! I don't recall seeing either of you before.... Is it possible that I cursed you with eternal ugliness for disobeying me?! Unless... unless you are trolls from another realm?"


Alberto: "How rude! I am a human being!"

Aiden: "Me too!!"

Casey: "Sure you are... How do we know you're not secretly EARTH WORMS IN DISGUISE? HUH? HUH?!?!"
Ryan: "You're crazy dude."

"Hello, my name is Alberto Pretty. You should already know that, but alas I can't seem to get any auditions... I'm 30 years old. I currently don't work - looking for jobs in the TV business. My family's well off, the only reason I'm here is for the fame that you get when you win. None of you will stand a chance against me."

" 'ello. I'm Aiden. Some people think I'm a backwoods hillbilly. But that's not true. My momma and daddy are only second cousins, so it's okay. Ima gonna go to college and get me an education! That's why I'm here! Ima gonna win this money and pay for my schoolin'. "

"KT!! The international superstar singer and TV personnel! Tehe. No. I don't mean to brag. You all know me, right? A lot of people do. I'm here for an entirely weird reason... I was actually applying to be the new host... but my application got mixed in with the players applications. So I got stuck on here. I'm not complaining but I am playing for charity. I don't want to be treated any different from anyone else ok. I'm just a normal person... on a normal TV show. Got it? Ok! I'll be so honoured to meet everyone!"

"Hello my name is Indigo. But you already knew that didnt you? I'm a part time student and work part time at the local take out shop. I like to play video games I guess.. Especially fantasy ones! Theres this one where you choose to be a magician or a knight its so cool! And you use spells! You get to kill things and dress in black! I like to put different hair extensions in my hair but Black is my favourite colour. Although aparantly it isnt a colour. Its a shade, DUH!! Black plushies are the best! Theyre so soft and cuddly! I love to bring my skelebear everywhere. I'm totaly excited to be in this game and get away from my average old life. Plus meet new people! I hope they like me :S And that they like black too! If they dont, I will die D: I hope theres no scary stuff in this game, like diving into water or off planes or throwing balls. Or balloons. They scare me! OMG and things that fly!"

"Well..... i really enjoy just hanging out with my friends honestly... just chillin. I enjoy just having a laugh and rocking out with the gang. The thing is with me though... im to worried about what people think  of me and people's judgements. But over all i just hope to forget all my experiences and just enjoy my life while i'm young! Also i'm not afraid to take a risk!"

"Hello! My name is Kaita Blake. I’m 21, I live in London, and I work for MI6. I can’t tell you exactly what I do, but I can tell you that I work in the engineering department developing new tech for the service. Any other details are top secret and I highly doubt any of you have security clearance. Anyhow, that’s not important. It’s nice to meet you all and I wish you all good luck."

"Hi there everyone! I’m Antoine Valentine, I’m 24, and I’m from Shang Simla... I mean, I was originally from Los Aniegos- and I’ve moved back to Los Aniegos; but my parents were killed in a horrible accident and I was taken to China to be an orphan. However, apart from the bad stuff, I met a great man named Jung Wang who became my foster dad. He taught me the way of the warrior... he even taught me meditation... but that’s for another day. Erm... I like Pie, if that helps? Haha. If anyone wants to learn any Sim-Fu just give me a call. Oh, I’m also a Dojo at the Martial Arts Academy in Sunset Valley. You haven’t heard of it? Well, it’s not been open long, but if you ever drive past it sometime, and go in... you might get a discount off membership... hehe... no you won’t, I was just kidding."

Kaita: "What did you say your name was?!"

Antoine: "Antoine... Antoine Valentine. Why?"

Kaita: "Oh... Nothing. Never mind."

Evarrine: "Kaita, is it?"
Kaita: "Yes. It is."
Evarrine: "Did you happen to be born with that hair color?"
Kaita: "Uhhh... That's top secret."

Evarrine: "Hmmm....."


KENZEN: "Nice to see all of you in person!! Well, with a few exceptions here and there..."


KENZEN: "Oh god... Please don't tell me we have another fan-girl this season... Someone please shoot me in the face."

Sara: "NO KENZIE! Why would anybody want to do that?! YOU'RE AWESOME!!... and cute."
KT: "I would! Haha, just kidding... Though I really wanted that host position..."

KENZEN: "Well, anyway... My name is Kenzen Summers and I'll be your host for this season. As you can see, Grey is no longer with us, because... Well, he's in jail for murder. But that's for another time."

KENZEN: "I assume you all already know the rules of the game. But there's one little thing that you DON'T know yet... And that, is this season's twist."

"For the first time in The Mole history, the Mole will NOT be working alone. That's because every week- or rather, after every execution- a new 'Mole's Accomplice' will be chosen.... The Mole's Accomplice, also known as MA, is essentially hired by the Mole to help them sabotage the mission. Like I said, a new MA will be chosen after every execution, so each mission there will be a new Accomplice. This person's job is to help the Mole fail the missions- all points that DON'T go into the pot for that mission mission will go into that MA's PERSONAL POT- which can accumulate more points over time as that person can become the Mole's Accomplice again another week."

"Whoever wins the season not only earns the entire group pot, but also gets all the points in their personal pot, which is TRIPLED in value. So if you like money, and are the MA at any point, then... It might be a good idea to try and sabotage that mission."

"There is a catch though!! Each mole quiz now has 5 additional questions- these 5 questions will NOT be answered towards the Mole, but instead, that week's Accomplice. Not only does everyone have to figure out the Mole, but you also have to figure out who's the Accomplice that week if you want to stay in the game.
The 15th question of each quiz is "Who is the Mole's Accomplice?" and if at least half the people taking the quiz vote for the right person, then the MA that week DOES NOT earn the points they won for their personal pot from the last mission. This rule is made because it prevents the MA from sabotaging too obviously; if you are the Accomplice, you actually have to try and keep that hidden, just like how the Mole keeps their identity hidden all season long."

"The Mole is already amongst you; they know who they are. However, the first Mole's Accomplice of the season has yet to be selected. That's why we are going to determine that person now. Everyone, please check under the cushion of your seat. There will be a slip of paper; inside, if the color is red, then you are this season's very first Mole's Accomplice; and if it's green, then you aren't. Please do this now."

*everyone finding the slip of paper and looking inside of it*

KENZEN: "Remember: This process is completely random and anyone could be the MA- including the Mole. Hell, the Mole will probably end up as the Accomplice at least a few times during the season, since they have immunity throughout the entirety of the show and have a better shot at becoming it each week as people are eliminated from the game."

KENZEN: "Okay, has everybody checked their seat? Does the Mole's Accomplice know who they are?"
Everyone: "Yes sir!"
KENZEN: "Sir? I like it. I like the authority that implies... Anyways- everyone, please stand up and walk up to one of the 14 climbing walls."

 KENZEN: "Also, we have each of your bags in the van- While I explain the rules of the mission, please change into your athletic clothes."

KT: "Thank god! There's no way I was going to climb that with this dress on... No thank you."

 KENZEN: "Here's how this mission will work: There will be two parts to this mission. The first part, everyone must climb one of the following walls to get to the top."

"The two red walls will be harder to climb, which I'll explain why shortly."

"Once you've reached the top, you must run across the platform to one of the balloon bundles."

"Each balloon contains a single letter block; all letters in the blue bundles will be consonants, while the red balloon bundles only hold vowels; the only way you can take a vowel is by going up the RED climbing wall. So yes, getting vowels will be harder to achieve since they are more valuable."

"Once you get to the balloons, simply pop it, and find the letter that was in it. You may only pop one balloon per trip; and once you have your block letter, you must go back the way you came."

"...And climb back down the wall you came up with. Careful- you don't want to collide with someone who's going up, while you're going down, because that can get, well.... awkward."

 "Once you're down, get a piece of paper, write the letter down, throw the block away, and run back up to a climbing wall and climb again. What's the point of the letters, you ask? Well, once the time limit is over- 20 minutes- I'll blow a whistle and everyone must stop and come back down for part 2 of the mission. Part 2 of the mission, you must use all the letters you've collected to create a single word. Anyone with a word 5 letters or longer, will add 14 points to the pot."

KENZEN: "Since there are 14 of you, and each of you has the potential to add 14 points, this mission is worth 196 points. I like to call this mission "THAT AIN'T A WORD!" because undoubtedly, some of you will come up with a word that is NOT a word... like ain't."
Aiden: "Hey! Ain'ts a word! I say it ya'll the time!"
KENZEN: "And how much education have you received in your life time?"
Aiden: "Uhhhh... some.... OK, none."
KENZEN: "Exactly."


 Gregory: "I can do this!"
Shayne: "This looks fun..."
Sara: "It does, huh?!"

Casey: "Focus! Imagine aliens earthworms chasing you up the wall!!"

Indigo: "Ah! I'm going to fall! Physical activities are NOT my specialty..."

KT: "Nor mine!"

Aiden: "Howdy sweetheart! How ya doing ova thar?"
KT: "Can't... hold... on!"

KT: "Ah!"

KT: "Aww no! I lost my footing! The red wall is way too hard to climb..."

Kaita: "Kinda wish I became an actual field agent now.... The training definitely would have helped me here!"
Evarrine: "Curse this blasted game! I should not be participating in this wretched activity you peasants do for fun... Where are my servants when I need them?!"
Antoine: "Focus on your mind and spirit, and anything is possible."
Ashlee: "Haha, this is kinda fun!"
Ariel: "Yeah, unless you fall! That's going to hurt pretty bad if you do!"

Sara: "Almost there!"
Alberto: "This is not fair! All you people are much thinner and in better shape than me... If this was any other activity, I would win for sure!"
Ryan: "My arms are starting to tire already... And I don't even have a single letter yet!"

 KENZEN: "First person to reach the top is Antoine!! Followed by Casey."

 Evarrine: "Argh!!"

 Evarrine: "Phew... Barely made that..."

KENZEN: "Shayne, VERY close to reaching the top!!"

 Antoine: "I got a D!!"
Casey: "I hope I get something good!! Anything but a Q, Z, or X..."

 Casey: "Yes! Got a B!"

Casey: "And he sticks the landing!"

KENZEN: "Ariel and KT, now the only people still trying to climb the wall."
KT: "Hey! Have you seen this thing? It's impossible to climb up!"

KENZEN: "There is now a mad dash to get to the balloons!"

*sudden burst of popping*

Ashlee: "Ah! Where is it?! Where did my letter go!?"
Indigo: "I have to climb back DOWN the wall, too! Lord save my soul!"

(...15 minutes later...)

KENZEN: "Only a minute left, contestants. Better hurry up and try to get that last letter."

Antoine: "Yes! I got the last letter I needed to complete my word."
Sara: "Aw no! I don't have enough time to get another one!!"

Ariel: "Hey everyone! Working on your words already?!"
Kaita: "Might as well. Don't have time to get more."
KT: "Hm... I have quite a lot of vowels, which is good..."
Shayne: "Me too."

 KENZEN: "And.... TIME'S UP!!"

 Aiden: "Aw, shucks!!"

KENZEN: "Everyone, please take a seat for part 2 of the mission."

Ariel: "Oh noes... I don't think I got any vowels! I forgot to climb the red wall!"
Indigo: "Don't worry, you weren't the only one who totally sucked... My butt is bruised from falling off those walls so much!!"

 KENZEN: "Hello players. Did you have fun doing the mission? No? Aww... That's too bad. It was supposed to be a blast to do!!... NOT. Haha, just joking. Wait, no I'm not."

KENZEN: "I have something for all of you. Can you guess what it is?"
KT: "Is it-"
KENZEN: "That was a rhetorical question! Don't answer it!"
KT: "Oh, sorry.... You know, if you don't like being host, we could do an 'ole switch-a-roo and I could-"
KENZEN: "Thanks,  but no. As I was saying... YOU ARE ALL RECEIVING JOURNALS! Here they are now."

 (Passes out journals...)

KENZEN: "These journals are essential to your survival. They will help you pass the quizzes, as it is impossible to memorize everything that happens as you play. These journals will help you to remember stuff, and you can write down whatever you want- suspicious behavior of the Mole AND his/her Accomplice each week. This is the only place where you can keep track of your suspicions, and no other players are allowed to look through it."

KENZEN: "Now, back to this mission. I see you are all already copying down your letters into your journals.... Good luck. Try to come up with a word longer than 4 letters, and remember- whoever gets the longest word, gets an exemption."


KENZEN: "Time's up for part 2! Everyone, please put your pens down, and be ready to say your answer."

(The following answers were made by the REAL LIFE PLAYERS)

KENZEN: "Let's just go down each row, and when it's your turn say your word. Let's start with Ariel."
Ariel: "Uhh... I don't have a word. Sorry guys."
Antoine: "FUNKIER"
Alberto: "QUIETISM"

 Ashlee: "BLUNT"

 Evarrine: "QUACKEST"

KENZEN: "So far, Casey has the longest word with 11 letters... Can he be beat? Aiden, you're next."
Gregory: "MINDER"
Indigo: "FURY"

KENZEN: "We have a tie. Both Shayne and Aiden have 13 letters in their word... There is something that I did not tell you. There was a secret, hidden exemption in this mission, and the person who got it is the person who spelled the word, 'EXEMPTION' as their word, no matter if it was the longest word or not. Since there was a possible chance of two people getting exemptions this mission, I'll give both Aiden and Shayne an exemption. Congrats guys, you do not have to complete tomorrow night's quiz, and therefore are automatically safe from the first execution."
Shayne: *nods*
Aiden: "Wha? I won sum'tin? Hoopla! Momma and papa would be proud of me!!"
KENZEN: "As for points earned... 12 of you were able to successfully come up with a word 5 letters or longer... Which means 168 points will be added to the group pot. Nice job contestants, you passed the first mission with flying colors. I'll be seeing all of you again at tomorrow night's dinner, quiz, and execution, where one of you WILL be eliminated from the game.
Until then, here are the directions to finding where you will be living for most of the next 30 days... Have fun exploring the house and bedrooms, and make sure to get to know each other more! You might even want to form a coalition or two. But just be careful who you trust, because if you trust the wrong person... You might just be the Mole's first victim."

*                *                *


Already been shown.

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