Sunday, December 2, 2012


 [Thank you to a simmer (didn't get their username >.<) for uploading this house to the exchange... However, every single thing inside the house was pink, so I decided to do a total makeover of the interior. XD

So that person made the exterior of the house (plus the dance/bar room) while I did the interior, and, of course- the bedrooms as well]

KENZEN SUMMERS: "Hello viewers! Welcome to our pointless house tour, for season 3!"

"Let's enter, shall we?"

 "Here we are, the main entrance way."

"Go straight, and you enter the sitting room. Here are a few shots of it."

"Let's go back out and explore the rest of the house..."

 "Here we have another sitting area... Please be prepared, as there are A LOT of sitting areas in the house. Some genius decided that having somewhere to sit literally every 2 feet was a good idea. If you hate the house, don't blame me, blame the producers. They all decided that the house needed to be the size of the white house... imbeciles. These contestants aren't on vacation living in luxury! They're playing a damn game, why do they need all this space?! Gah.... Moving on now."

"Here, to the right, we have a staircase going up... if you can see it. We'll go up there later in the tour. Let's go downstairs now."

"Nothing special... just the garage to store the cars when needed to drive to missions and executions."

 "...And then the laundry room. Let's just hope we don't get a repeat of last season and get a sex scene in here....That was awkward to watch on video."

 "Back up the stairs, and down through this hall!"

 "To the right we got the dining room."

"And then connected to that is the kitchen, where the players will be cooking for themselves for the duration of the game. For the players' sake, I hope there are a few good cooks this season."

"Attached to the kitchen we have the bar/dance/music room... Let's just call it the club room."

"Nice to know that we have quite a few musicians this season, as there is the ideal band setting on the stage plus a nice little area to dance to the music. Anyone who even tries to attempt that dreaded 'Gangmen Style' dance will be immediately executed by me... And I don't mean this show's version of 'execution'. I mean actual execution. Via guillotine."

"You can also enter this room by turning left instead of right from the hall."

 "You can also reach the backyard by going through the club room, as seen in this shot. Club room is seen at left."

 "Anyway- let's go back up those stairs that I mentioned earlier."

"Here we are. The second level of the house."

 "First door, we have the diary room."

"Contestants will sit in this dungeon- I mean- room, to give confessionals. They can talk about anything. How they feel about the other players, what they think about the game, who they think the mole is, etc. We also get the occasional wackos who talk about things that have nothing to do with the game. Those are always amusing to watch.... Mostly because we're laughing AT them, not with them."

 "Next set of doors leads us to the Game Room."

"Pretty cool style of future-high-tech and funness... Seriously?! Who the hell wrote me this script?! 'Fun-ness'? That doesn't even make sense!! Jesus christ, this show will be the end of me... Anyone wanna hire Grey back for the job?"

 "Anyway. Here are some more shots."

"Next we have the study room."

"Here, contestants can relax and read up on the latest novels. They can also come here for some peace and quiet to take notes in their journals about details on the mole."

"Next to the study room, there is this door that leads outside to a deck."

"Sun-tanners: feel free to get your latest cancerous tan here."

 "Now, for the other side of the second level."

 "Nice modern sitting area here..."

 "Now we enter the gym and exercise room."

"We've added a new invention called the 'diving board'... It's this really cool thing that extends over a pool and lets you do jumps and flips into the water! How cool is that? Who's the mastermind who came up with this invention? So glad to know that AFTER 8 FREAKING EXPANSION PACKS IT WAS FINALLY ENTERED INTO THE GAME!! ... *ahem* Woops, sorry about that. I have anger issues if you couldn't tell."

 "Double-storied indoor pool. Bet you haven't seen one of those before."

"Enter the bathroom through here."

 "Outside we go!"

 "Hot tub. What would a cool house be without a cool hot tub?! Haha, cool... hot. Get the oxymoron there? Yeah? No? Okay, never mind then. I shouldn't try to be like Grey, I fail at it...."

 "Fountain-thingies. Guess they're cool, right?"

 "Now for the moment we've all been waiting for......"


 "There are 4 bedrooms again this season, and like last season, they are related but at the same time- very unique. If you remember correctly, last season's bedrooms theme was the 4 elements. Each room embodied its element, but each room was very different from the other. The colors of the rooms this season are green, yellow, red, and blue... Does that happen to ring any bells? Well, if not, the theme of the bedrooms this season are the FOUR SEASONS!!"

 "Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter. Let's start at the beginning of the cycle- spring time."

 (Please Note: I do NOT have the seasons expansion pack, so everything you see from this point on is made WITHOUT this EP. I had to use quite a few mods and CC in order to do this season's theme justice. ;D)

"Which way to go?"

"Let's go this way! This side is more of the... 'gardening' side of this room." :D

"A player who likes pink and unicorns better sleep on this bed... Can't imagine any manly men over here."

"Here's a view from sitting on the bed."

"Let's go back, and go to the other side of the Spring Bedroom."

"The theme over here is love and fresh life.... like, animal life. You'll see some critters here and there, they're a bit camera shy right now though. Don't worry, we have much friendlier animals this season then last season in the Earth Room- then we had spiders, and rats. This room will only consist of the occasional man-eating turtle and killer angry bird... Oh, and don't forget the poisonous butterfly! Those are always scary."

"That was just the Spring room... onto the next one!"

"Next, we have Summer. What do YOU imagine when you think of summer? Well, this room *most likely* represents exactly what you're thinking!"

"Front row seats to the amazing views of the sea. Has the full effect of ocean waves, fresh air breezes, seagulls calling each other, coconuts hitting your head... You know, the typical oasis-island-paradise!!! 
We're inland, you say? We sure are! That obviously isn't the actual ocean. But, instead of going to the beach, we brought the beach to you!!"

"On one side of this bedroom, we got a more oasis-feeling, soothing spa sense."

"Complete with palm trees, sunset paintings, white drapery, fresh exotic fruits in a basket, and... a double bed?! Oh yes, we did it. A double bed. Two players in this bedroom will be sleeping together on this bed for some time. Hope they like each other, because they're gonna have to snuggle up!!"

"More views of the room."

"This side of the bedroom is more... sea-inspired, as you can see. Complete with ship-shaped beds, pirate and sailor ship decor, mixed with surfing decoration- surfboards, Hawaiian hula-dancing-girl-lamp, you know, the works."

 "Gotta say that this is my favorite room... My last name isn't 'Summers' for nothing, you know. Contestants, don't be frightened if you walk in here at night and I'm lounging out somewhere... You can't blame me, it's a tropical paradise in here!!"

"What comes after Summer? Autumn! You've seen what we could do for Spring and Summer... What do you expect for the Fall Bedroom to look like?"

"What is that stuff coming down from the sky, you ask? Well... That's rain! Specially created CGI-effects features one of the main themes of the season we call Autumn- lovely, beautiful, refreshing rain! Let's take a tour of the room, shall we?"

"Sitting area number 489423216."

"And over here we have yet another sitting area... One of my favorite parts of the house, may I add- I mean, look at this designing! Beautiful!"

 "Not a bad view if I do say so myself.... HOWEVER. That cool little wooden framing overhead isn't much use for blocking out the rain... getting a bit soaked here...."

 "Here, in the back of the room, we have a neat little fireplace sitting.... area. Not much use to have a fire though, since we have the rain generating 24/7.... Hope the people who stay in this room like the rain!"

"Let's go up to the beds."

"Beds?! Did I say beds? Sorry, no beds up here...."

 "...just sleeping bags. But have no fear! The sleeping bags are specially produced to be water resistant (probably not water proof though...) and are made to generate body heat! So there will be no cold nights for these contestants!"

 "Oh, and may I add that these sleeping bags are placed under the tree branches as some sort of shelter from the constant rain... Apparently it works pretty well, but I wouldn't trust it keeping me dry through the night. Like I said, the three people sleeping in here... should like the rain and water."

 "Third one is hiding behind the dresser there."

 "Best part about this room? It's the only elevated bedroom, and since none of the rooms have roofs... You get to spy on neighboring bedrooms, especially the Summer Room over there. Perfect to eavesdrop on conversations beneficial to discovering information about the mole, as well as for you perverts out there who want to spy on other contestants getting dressed... or taking a midnight skinny-dipping in the ocean." ;D

"That's the Autumn Room for you! Rain only falls in this room, once you step out of the room... it magically disappears. Cool, huh?"

"You've seen Spring. You've seen Summer. You've even seen rain in Autumn. Now, it's time for the coldest season of all.... WINTER!!"

"Walking in a winter wonderland! Hey there, snowmen! How are you? Chillin' like a villain? That's cool.... Oh how I love puns."

 "Here's a nice view."

"Over here we got our igloo... If you can call it that. This igloo took some PAIN-STAKINGLY LONG HOURS TO MAKE!! Let's just say... making an igloo that's not really an igloo is NOT an easy thing to do."

"There's a whole bunch of cool furniture in there as well but we won't be going in."
Camera Man: "Uhm... Yes, you actually will, Kenzen. That's part of the tour."

KENZEN: "Sorry to tell you there, boss, but that ain't happening. It's already freezing in this room for some reason- you guys decorated nicely but you didn't need to actually make it freezing as well! ... and you have real snow falling constantly- so I'm not going in that igloo. It's already cold enough as it is, I'm sure that the temperature in there is well below freezing." 

Camera Man: "Don't go in there, and you're fired."

KENZEN: "GOOD! FIRE ME! LET THAT POP-SINGER KT TAKE MY HOSTING POSITION!! ...Or bring back Grey.... He'd love this room too. His last name is 'Winters', after all... I like the hot, he likes the cold. One thing we never agreed upon."

Camera Man: *yawn* "Such an interesting story. Please, go on, I beg you. Because this is definitely the last story I want to hear before the world ends tonight in like.... 2 hours."


"Front view, from entrance."

"Beware of the yeti, he likes to come around time from time... Not even joking. Look on the table, next to the candles."

"Here's a shot of the entrance from within the igloo."

"Back outside... Here's the cabin."

 "Inside the cabin... Very warm and cozy-feeling."

"Usually there's a fire there, but.... not right now. It adds to the affect though. Offers a lot of warmth from the coldness outside, too."

"Getting you into the holiday spirit yet? Christmas, Hanukkah, even Cat Day! Is that a thing? Probably not. It should be a thing though. I'd celebrate it."

 "This is where the players will be sleeping, on these bunk beds."

 "It's already a small cabin, and with 4 beds... Might get a bit crowded in here. Hopefully the contestants sleeping in here will like each other, otherwise... someone will probably end up dead, or worse- sleeping in the igloo."

"...Speaking of which- I'm still in here, freezing my nuggets off!" *shivers violently*

 "Hello? Anybody-y out thereee? I need hel-help... I don't think I- I cannn ge-get outtt...... I'm get-getting frostbite here! Anyone? I t-told you guys I can't handle the coolddd.... 
At least I have you mister Polar Bear to keep me company while I freeze to death..."

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