Friday, June 20, 2014

EPISODE 20- Finale!

Can't have a finale without a poll! ;)
(please click!)

 .:: DAY 29 ::.

Gregory: "Good morning, sunshine. How you feeling?"
Sara: "You're unusually bright this morning."
Gregory: "Might just be the room."

Sara: "Huh. Well, that last mission put a toll on me.... My sleep schedule is all messed up now. I'm rather tired."

Gregory: "Better get rested up before the finale tomorrow! You need to be on your A game when taking that final quiz."

 Sara: "Good idea. I'm gonna get something to eat, maybe that'll wake me up."

 Gregory: "Evarrine attempted to try and make pancakes, but burned the frying pan in the process. So I'd recommend you have cereal."

 Sara: "Oooooor...... I could have some champagne! Nothing to wake you up like getting drunk. I made it to the final 3, I should be able to celebrate, right??"

Gregory: "You're underage! Nice try though."

Evarrine: "So. The final quiz is tomorrow, and I'm still not 100% sure who this 'mole' is. This is my last chance to try and use my powers to determine who it is, because whoever it is has done an excellent job hiding it from me. So, my last hope is to read the minds of both Gregory and Sara. Before Kaita left, I attempted to draw her power from her once more. It hadn't worked the first time but now with magic restored.... Perhaps it shall work."
Fred the Camera Man: "I'm invisible!"
Evarrine: "Don't play games with me, you cretin. I know you don't possess that power, your hair color is not white."
Fred the Camera Man:  "No, really.... I'm invisible. Look at the mirror. You can't see me or the camera!"

Evarrine: "Moving along."

Evarrine: "Greetings, Gregory."

 Gregory: "What's your motive now, Evalien?"

Evarrine: "I don't understand any of your slurs. But I'm here to ask you a question. Are you the Mole?"
Gregory: "Sorry, but you have the wrong man."
Evarrine: "Do I?"
Gregory: "Why, yes, you do."

 Evarrine: "...."
*concentrates hard on reading his mind*

Evarrine: "......GAH. You're blocking me out somehow. You're probably using radio signals or electronic airwaves to counteract my readings."
Gregory: "You're not going to win, Evarrine. I refuse to let that happen. I'm done hiding from the aliens. It's time the humans fight back. We need to squander your kind before you attempt to overthrow us. I know your plan, Evarrrine. You are trying to earn fame and fortune, and with it.... you gain power. Fortunately your alien-copilot Aiden is out of the running for the money. You too shall be stopped."

Evarrine: "I see what you're doing as well, madman. Trying to anger me and change the topic, preventing yourself from giving away the fact that you're either the Mole or you know the Mole is Sara. Which is it, then?"

Gregory: "I'm not the mind-reader here."

 Evarrine: "Grrr..... you aggravating little dunce! I shall confront the Seer. Perhaps she will give me some much needed answers."

Sara: "I foresaw this moment...."
Evarrine: "You did? ....awh, yes, of course, you can see the future..."

Sara: "What is it that you want, Evarrine?"
Evarrine: "To know whether or not you are the Mole."

 Sara: "I think the answer to that is clear."
Evarrine: "Not to me. I am not certain. I need to know for sure. I NEED that prize money."

Sara: "Well then. You haven't done anything for me, so why should I help you?"

Evarrine: "Foolish girl..... Even as a Seer, you still aren't wise. You fail to realize my power, yet again. I couldn't get to Greg's mind, but yours should be easy to infiltrate."
*concentrates hard on reading her mind*

 Sara: ".....anything?"

Evarrine: "Blasphemy! Your mind is blocked too. But how?"

Sara: "You forget I can see the future, Evarrine. Did you not think I would prepare for this very moment??"

 Evarrine: "I shall pounce on you and Gregory again, once your guards are down. Shouldn't be too difficult. Soon I will be certain of the true identity of the Mole, and the pot shall be mine, ALL MINE!! MWHAHAHAHAHA!!"

 Sara: "Ohhh man!! It is SO much fun messing with her! Haha!!"

 .:: DAY 30 ::.

Evarrine: “Wait, have any of us actually been in the hot tub this season?”

*awkward moment of silence*

Sara: “Uhmmm....…. Not that I can recall.” 
Evarrine: “Huh.”

Gregory: “Yeah, weird."
Sara: “That’s because there was no showmance!”

Evarrine: “There wasn’t?”

Gregory: "Sure there was! Well…. There was potential.” 
Sara: “This season was against love. The Mole Executioner executed people before they could fall in love.”

Evarrine: “What are you rambling on about?"

Sara: “I’m talking about KT and Ryan, or Shayne and Indigo. Got separated right before things got interesting. But let's not talk about Ryan. I hate that name. Thus, the person." 
Gregory: “So…. Any other romances I wasn’t aware of?”

Sara: “What about Aiden and KT?! Hah! Just kidding. Though I think I heard they shared the queen bed once, because Aiden was getting nightmares or something…”

Gregory: “Those two are polar opposites.”

Sara: “Well… not quite. Morally they’re equal.” 
Gregory: “Everything else …. Completely opposite.”

Sara: "Yeah.... I suppose. I miss KT. I'm glad we'll be able to see her tonight, along with everyone else!"

Gregory: "I'm a bit nervous to see everyone again to be honest. But I'm hoping Casey will be proud of the way I've raised awareness on the alien issue. Too many people are ignorant! They don't believe me when I say we are under attack."
Sara: "Ohhh Greg!! How I will miss living in this house with you."
Gregory: "I'm going to miss you too! We need to stay in touch after this is all over.... assuming you don't turn out to be an alien in disguise...."

Evarrine: "As for me, I won't be missing either of you."

Gregory: "Likewise."
Evarrine: "I'm going to go pack and get dressed for the Finale. I suggest you both do the same."

Sara: "She's got a point. Final quiz is in like 20 minutes."
Gregory: "Psh!! We got time."

 Gregory: "Well.... it's been real, Spring Room."

Sara: "I'm not too sentimental here considering I've only been in this room for a week or so.... But still, it's a nice room, and it'll be missed!"

Evarrine: "Not going to miss this miserable room at all.... Good riddance!"

(And we can't forget the Autumn Room!!)
[it's a ghost town in here]

Sara: "Well... this is it...."

Gregory: "The dramatic goodbye... But yes, this is a final farewell."

Evarrine: "Can't say this wasn't an experience, because it certainly was. Living in a house with 13 other people and not having any sort of hierarchy whatsoever and living in complete democracy was quite horrid.  But I survived. I survived without going completely mad."

Gregory: "....You sure about that?"
Evarrine: "Be quiet."
Sara: "Aren't we all a little bit mad though?"
Gregory: "That's an understatement."

"OMG! I can't believe my time in the Mole is coming to the end. I have so many memories such as KT punching Evarrine in the face. I have many new friends which I hope we can be friends after the game such as KT and Antoine. Though I made many enemies such as Evarrine and Ryan. I also got to met Kenzie who is my true love. Despite the fact that he drugged all of the contestants, tell us this season's cast is worst than last season, won't let me continue singing in the Chains mission, and force Shayne to face his fear of water. Now, that I think about it Kenzen is such a douche-bag. I don't think that I should really be in love with him. Anyway, what I was trying to say is that I will miss the Mole house. I can't believe this will be the last thing I will say in the Diary Room. Goodbye Mole house...."

*        *        *

KENZEN: "Welcome to your last and most important quiz, contestants."

 Gregory: "I'd argue they are all equally important."

Gregory: "Well, each quiz is important, because you can leave at any point. You need to do well on each one in order to win the game."
Evarrine: "Be quiet you. This one is do or die. Mess up on just ONE question and you could have lost the entire thing. And that's NOT a mistake I'm willing to take. This IS the most important quiz."

 Sara: "Can we just hurry up and get to it?!"

 KENZEN: "Words of wisdom from Sara? How unexpected. But yes. Let's get to it."

"This quiz will be 20 questions long.... and will encompass  the entire season. I hope you studied hard for this one. Between the two actual players, whoever scores the highest will be declared the winner of the season, and take home all the money in the pot. If there's a tie, the tiebreaker will go to whoever has put the Mole's name down the most amount of times on all previous quizzes."

KENZEN: "You may begin."

1. Is the Mole male or female?
a) Male
b) Female

Gregory: "Evarrine is interesting.There's been speculation that she's been acting all this time. If she was acting, that means she's trying to hide something, right? That something could easily be that she's the Mole. That would be an absolutely brilliant strategy. 
But at the same time, maybe she is just nuts. Crazy people are unpredictable, so I'm surprised Production would actually let the Mole be such a whack-job. So that's why I'm not convinced Evarrine is the Mole.... unless she's an actor..... or even an alien.... in which case.... WHO KNOWS?!?"

2. What was the Mole's word in the very first mission, "That Ain't A Word!" ?
a) "Quakest"
b) "Interclub"
c) "Minder"

3. In the "Time Capsules" mission, how many correct answers did the Mole have?
a) 0
b) 6
c) 7

4. What was the Mole's difficulty level in the "Magnify This" mission?
a) Easy
b) Medium

Gregory: "My other option is Sara. Sweet 'ole Sara. She seems pretty good. Hasn't sabotaged too much, except a few obvious sabotages here and there, such as the Sudoku puzzle. The girl has her eyes on the prize. That prize being Kenzen, that is...
She'd be an excellent Mole. So trustworthy, so convincingly innocent. She doesn't appear to be the deceitful type. I know she's not an alien. She's an earthling.... OR AN EARTHWORM!!"

5. In the mission, "Mole Sudoku", was the Mole responsible for the center square?
a) Yes

6. Was the Mole's team the first out of their jail cell in the "Pirate's Life For Me!" mission?
a) No
b) Yes

7. What was the furthest round the Mole made it to in the "It's Either Your Or Me" mission?

a) 1st round
b) 2nd round

Sara: "I must admit I've suspected Gregory for awhile now. He's a clever person, and could easily pull off being the Mole. Although his obsession with aliens continues to make me doubt him. You'd think his crazy antics would be exposed by now somehow, and yet, he hasn't let off a thing. He's very secretive, an obvious trait of the Mole. But is it too obvious?"

 8. During the "Jail Break" mission, was the Mole able to escape the compound?
a) Yes

9. How many digits were in the Mole's number in the "Cryptic Digits" mission? 
a) 1

10. Did the Mole earn the final exemption in the "20 Questions" mission?

a) No

Sara: "As for Evarrine.... I'm starting to suspect her more and more as of late. It hadn't even occurred to me in the beginning of the game that she could have been an actress all along. I just assumed she was an escaped mental patient. She genuinely seems to  want that prize money at the end, and has played the game hardcore to get this far. 
But when you look back at her performance in the missions.... She doesn't have the best tracking record. Sure, it LOOKS like she's trying hard, and the times she fails is usually excused by her being an uptight self-entitled "queen". But if she truly IS an actress...... that means..... Everything we know about her game is wrong. So the question now is.... Is Evarrine an actor, or is she seriously messed-up in the brain??"

11. In the real life "Today Never Dies" mission, did the Mole reset the clock at 1:59?
a) Yes
b) No

12. How many times did the Mole reset the clock?
a) 0
b) 3
c) 11

13. Did the Mole receive an offer to the Mole's Dossier in this mission?
a) No
b) Yes

Evarrine: "Sara the Seer. Or so she claims. Do I trust her? I don't trust anyone. Ever. Trust is a sign of weakness, it means you are relying on others, putting faith in them. That's just idiotic and pathetic to me. I put faith in myself, and I deliver. I don't need help from others. I take what I need and move on..... But being mostly powerless throughout the entirety of this supposed 'game', I've learned that PRETENDING to be powerless will warrant help from others. 
Sara is the type to help and assist people. She's no Mole, surely. She's too much of a dimwit to pull off such an endeavor. But come to think of it.... she actually HASN'T relied on too many people. She hasn't had very many coalitions, at least that I'm aware of. She's played a solitary game. And isn't that the definition of the Mole's game?"

14. Where does the Mole reside?
a) Florida, USA 
b) New York, USA
c) New Mexico, USA

15. What is the Mole's occupation?
a) Currently Unemployed
c) Intern for record company

16. Are the Mole's parents deceased?
a) Yes
b) No

Evarrine: "Who knows with the alien boy. He probably thinks I'm the crazy one, but it's him that's insane. I wouldn't be surprised if his alien tactics were all just a guise for his true self.... The Mole. But him? Really? Surely Production wouldn't cast a madman as the Mole. He could ruin everything! 
He's very hard to read. But he's also very witty and intelligent. He's a bigger question mark than Sara.
..... I have made my decision. Hopefully I am correct in my theories."

17. What are the color of the Mole's eyes?

a) Blue

18. Which of the following personality traits best describes the Mole?

a) Obsessive and Happy
b) Eccentric and Bookworm
c) Neurotic and Controlling

19. How many times did the Mole become the Accomplice throughout the entirety of the season? 
a) 2 times
1 time
c) 0 times

Who is... THE MOLE??
a) Gregory Plaice
b) Sara Vesela
c) Evarrine Roland

*        *        *


 KENZEN: "...oh, shut up for once.... huh? ...... WHAT? Oh, shit, we're on air!!
Ah-em.... Welcome to.... The Mole Live Reunion Show and Finale!!!"

(It's updated and extended a bit... Do watch!)  
[Thank you so much Jake for updating the intros all season long! You've been a big help :-) ]

KENZEN: "We have a long night ahead of us... So get comfortable! Tonight we reunite all executed players, and then go through the possible sabotages of each player. After that, we will finally uncover the winner, and then the moment we've all been waiting for... THE MOLE!
Shall we get started then? Introducing our very first executed player.... Ryan!!"

Ryan: "After 19 whole months, it's nice to be back!"

KENZEN: "Pft! What you talking 'bout Willis?? It's been exactly one month. How in the heck did you get 19??"
Ryan: "Uhm..... no reason."

KENZEN: "Anywho.... Then we have Ashlee!!"

Ashlee: "Long time no see."
Ryan: "No kidding."
KENZEN: "Next executed- excuse me, expelled- is....."

"Ariel! .... in..... a straight jacket-type thing?"
Ariel: "Hi."
KENZEN: "Uhm.... hi?"
Production Woman: "Her hands are tied together..... it's protocol. She resides in an asylum now. This is for everyone's safety."

KENZEN: "Gotcha. What a sight. You can take a seat, Ariel."
Ariel: "Hi."
Ashlee & Ryan: "....."

KENZEN: "Let's welcome Casey to the scene!"
Casey: "Hey everyone!"

Casey: "Why do I gotta sit next to the crazy??"
 Ashlee: "Look who's talking...."
Ariel: "Hi."

KENZEN: "My favorite contestant EVER..... ALBERTO NOT-SO-PRETTY!"
Alberto: "Hey bitches!"

Casey: "I still think you're an earthworm. About just as ugly as one."
Alberto: "I've learned to tune out my haters."
Ariel: "Hi."
Alberto: "What's up with her?"
KENZEN: "Don't ask questions..... Next up.... Indigo!"

Indigo: "Woo! I'm here."

KENZEN: "So happy to see you. I'm a bit sad I didn't get to see your plunge into the sea in person, but, maybe we'll get to reenact that later?"
Indigo: "What?! NO WAY!"

KENZEN: "Welcome Antoine."
Antoine: "I marvel at the beauty at that fountain dragon."
KENZEN: "Glad you noticed."

Ashlee: "Hey Antoine!"
Ariel: "Hi."
Antoine: "Greetings."

KENZEN: "Here comes our favorite hillbilly!"
Aiden: "HOLA!"
KENZEN: "....the fuck?"

Ariel: "Hi."
Aiden: "Hola!"
KENZEN: "Anyone know why the illiterate redneck is speaking Spanish??"
Antoine: "No clue."
Casey: "Beats me."
KENZEN: "You know what.... I'm not even going to ask. Next up.... KT!"

KT: "Nice to see all of you again! Hey Kenzen!"
KENZEN: "Uhhhh... Who's that?"
KT: "My bodyguard."
KENZEN: "Do I have to ask?"

KT: "I don't want to be stabbed again, plain and simple. There's lots of crazy people here. I need extra protection from the crazies."
Ariel: "Hi."
Bodyguard: "I'll cover your back KT."
KT: "Good, thanks. My back wound is still healing. Don't need another one."

 KENZEN: "Moving on. Next executed... Kaita! My lady in pink!"
Kaita: "The name's Blake, Kaita Blake."

KENZEN: "Don't tell me you're Nocturne in disguise."
Kaita: "Excuse me??"
KENZEN: "Oh....nothing."
KT: "Nice to see you again, Kaita!"
Kaita: "Ditto."

KENZEN: "And our most recent eliminated player.... Shayne Holmes!"
Shayne: "Yeah, sup."

Shayne: "Hey everyone."
Indigo: "Hey...."
Ariel: "HI!"

KENZEN: "Okay, that's everyone.... Now, what about our final 3, you ask? Well, each of them are behind one of these doors, in no particular order. We'll get back to them in a moment. But first...."

Ashlee: "Any day now...."
KENZEN: "Shut up, Fabio!"
Ashlee: "....."

KENZEN: "Alright. It is time to show the possible sabotages of our 3 suspects.... Starting with..... Evarrine."

KENZEN: "Let's take a look....."

"Evarrine was a contestant like no other. Always on the edge, always looking for ways to benefit herself and her own game."

"In the 'It's Either You Or Me' mission, Evarrine refused to give in to KT, leading to a loss of points."

 Evarrine: "Thanks to me?! Don't pretend like you didn't sabotage this. We both couldn't decide, so we both sabotaged. We don't have to tell anybody what happened. Let their imaginations run wild. But what I don't want is for you to go around saying I sabotaged this, when clearly it takes two to do so."

"She also turned down possibly very helpful information, just because she wanted to keep her integrity by not losing and not falling into the water down below. And when accused of being the Mole, she reacted defensively."
KT: "Fine, but all I'm saying is I handed  you a perfectly good deal and you shut me down. I offered you information, which is far more valuable than any exemption. You only need an exemption because you don't have enough information!"
Evarrine: "What are you trying to imply here, you little brat?"

"In the 'Pirate's Life For Me!' mission, Evarrine scared off the parrot, nearly costing her team the mission."

Evarrine: "Well?"
KT: "Be quiet!"

*Parrot flies down, lands on window sill and starts pecking at the apple*

Evarrine: "Quick! Grab it!"
Shayne: "You idiot! You just scared it away!"

"And in the 'Jail Break' mission, she stalled the mission for a long time, simply because she wanted to try and prove her power over Sara."

Sara: "Come on Evarrine! Just let me go!"
Evarrine: "Remember all those hideous things you called me yesterday?"
Sara: "....yeah?"
Evarrine: "Well. In order for me to forgive you, you're going to need to come over here, get on your knees, and KISS. MY. SHOE!"

KT: "Evarrine!! How demeaning!"
Sara: "I'm not going to do it!!"
Evarrine: "Then I guess we'll just have to stand here in silence, until you do."

*14 minutes later....*

Evarrine: "Still waiting."

"Could this crazed woman REALLY be the Mole?"


KENZEN: "Next up: Gregory."
"Gregory always appeared as a team player. But has he been playing for the opposing team all along?
....and yes that's a pun about his bisexuality."

"In the most recent mission, "Today Never Dies", he contributed nothing to the pot and claimed his stomach was hurting throughout the duration of the  mission."

Gregory: "Okay, think you can do the next few? My stomach hurts way too much I can barely stand standing any longer."
Sara: "Yeah, I'm good. Lie down and get some rest!"

 "In the Pirates mission, he not only confused his own team about the right answer, but appeared to try and mess up spying teams as well...."

 Shayne: "I wonder what they're thinking...."
Gregory: "The obvious answer is 25% percent for that one. But in theory there's no 'right answer'. 0% could also be correct, because there's no chance in getting the question right. But if two answers are plausible, does that mean 50% would also work as an answer??"
Aiden: "Mah head hurtz...."

"And in the "Magnify This" mission, he thought he took a good picture, but ended up not following the rule that everything in the original picture HAD to be shown in the recreated photo as well.... Intentional, or unintentional, that IS the question...."

  Gregory: "I figured the bathtub must be in a public place... And where else would a tub be, other than a gym!!"

 Gregory: "Found it!"

"Is this alien-obsessed smarty pants a likely Mole?"


KENZEN: "And for our final suspect...."
"Sara didn't hide from her obvious sabotages. She was always unapologetic about her gameplay, and expected everyone else to be as well."

"In the "Mole Sudoku" mission, Sara's error was the 3rd strike, leading to a massive jackpot in the Mole's pot."

Sara: "It's too late Kaita. It's over."
Kaita: "Ah! You imbecile! What the hell?! Why'd you have to mess it up for me?! Well, thanks for letting us all know that you're obviously either the Mole, or the Mole's Accomplice. So thanks for that."
Sara: "No problem. And I wasn't the only one who messed up..."

"While in the "Magnify This" mission, she literally walked right by the watermelons on the grocery stand."

Sara: "Where could they possibly be?! Oh well, I don't have all day, might as well just take a photo of something...."

Sara: "Hehee, NYAN CAT!"

"And in the "Time Capsules" mission, she got.... none correct, contributing absolutely nothing to the group pot."
KENZEN: "Sara... 0 correct."

"Is it possible that this obsessive 'Scene'-girl could be the Mole?"

* * *

*everyone applauds.... except for Ariel....and the bodyguard*

KENZEN: "Let's just get right to it... The moment we all have been waiting for.... The revealing of the winner! ...and then the Mole! How exciting. Except not."

"I shall slide one key under each door... 2 of the keys are duds. The key that actually works will be given to the winner, so that they can unlock their door and reveal his or her self."

*grabs all 3 keys*

KENZEN: "Alright, you three! You may now insert your key into your lock."

 *all the doorknobs start rattling loudly*

 KENZEN: "Ladies, gentlemen, and....everything else in-between, I present to you, the WINNER of The Mole, SEASON 3....."



*Crowd goes wild*
(even though it doesn't look like it....)

Sara: "Hahahaa!!"

Gregory: "Typical..."


 KENZEN: "Yay. Sara won. How exciting.... You just won AT LEAST $890,000 US dollars.... How does it feel?"

 Sara: "It feels great Kenzen, thanks for asking!"
KENZEN: "I wasn't asking."
Sara: "But you just said-"
Sara: "Oh....okay...."

KENZEN: "I am holding the key that will unlock the Mole's door.... I assume you know which door the Mole is behind?"
Sara: "Yes!"
KENZEN: "And I also assume you KNOW who the Mole is?"

Sara: "Of course silly! I wouldn't have made it this far if I didn't! Give me that key."

KENZEN: "Come on out!"

*doorknob rattles*

 Sara & KENZEN: "And.... The Mole, IS..................."




Gregory: "I've finally been exposed! .....Now all aliens should stand up and expose themselves as well! ....Anyone? No?"

KENZEN: "Good job this season, Mole! I will admit I'm a tad impressed... but only a tad."

Gregory: "Thanks, Kenzie!"
Sara: "Hey! I made that nickname for him!" >:(

KENZEN: "You currently have 1110 points in your individual Mole pot. Not bad. That's pretty impressive.... However, that's not definite. Later on in the show we will count how many times everyone put you as their number one suspect on their quiz. And remember, each time someone does, 10 points transfers from your pot to theirs."
Gregory: "Understood."

KENZEN: "And Sara, we cannot forget about your personal pot. We'll deal with that later as well."

KENZEN: "We are going to cut to commercials, but stay tuned for some more juicy stuff!"
Gregory: "Ooh, juicy!"
KENZEN: "I didn't want to say it, I had to. Part of the job of being the host."
Sara: "Why you gotta be so stoic all the time?"
KENZEN: "Commercials! NOW."

 *        *        *


(very weird and funny commercials brought to you by: Old Spice)

 *        *        *

KENZEN: "Annnnnd we are back, to the live finale and reunion here on The Mole!!"

KENZEN: "Joining us is the winner of the season, Sara, and the tricky Mole, Gregory!!"

"...or, at least, tricky in the beginning. For the first half of the game, he went mostly undetected. However, soon, people began to catch on. We posted a poll on our last episode, with the question,
'Who do you think is the Mole?' .... the results?
A whopping 68.4% believed it was Gregory.
21.1% said it was Evarrine.
And only 10.5% thought the Mole was Sara."

"Want some more fun statistics? The day that Ariel was expelled from the game, there was actually supposed to be a double execution that night.... Only one person went home though, because Ariel had left the game. So, if she HADN'T been expelled, who would have been that 2nd person executed alongside Casey? The answer might shock you.... With a score of 2, the person executed would have been........"
*imaginary drum roll please*

Shayne: "What? Wow! I got lucky. Thanks Ariel, I guess!!"

 KENZEN: "And another interesting factoid.... In the Pirates mission, 3 people got exemptions, and the Mole's Accomplice that mission was Kaita, while, as we all know now, Gregory was the Mole. So 5 out of 9 were immune from being executed. That meant Antoine, Indigo, Aiden, and Sara all had a 25% chance of being eliminated. Sadly, it was Indigo who did the worst with a score of 2, while Sara, our winner, repeatedly got high scores on all her quizzes, with a 7 on this particular one."

"HOWEVER. The one time she performed badly on a quiz, it nearly cost Sara her life in the game.... This was the 7th quiz, and she tied for lowest score with Aiden and KT, all with scores of 2. This also happened to be the show's second planned double execution. Sara *cough* unfortunately *cough*  dodged the ax of death by finishing her test the fastest, sending KT and Aiden off the beach."

"Also, here's a fun chart for all ya'll. It shows everyone's main suspect in every quiz they took.... The number on the side represents which quiz number it was, so the first quiz would be for the 1st execution in episode 2, and so on and so forth. When a name is red, that means that's when that player got executed."

 [number of times Gregory's name was put down on quizzes: 6.
 6 x 10 = 60
 So the Mole's current pot, 1110, will lose 60 points, while the Winner's pot will gain 60.

Mole's kitty: 1050
Winner's kitty: 950

But Sara also had 132 points in her personal pot, so when that's tripled, you get 396, which rounds up to 400. So Sara's final pot has 1350 points, which translates to
$1,350,000!! :O]

KENZEN: "For those curious, Sara and Evarrine both got a perfect score of 20 on the final quiz- but as you can see in this chart above, Sara put down Gregory as her main suspect more times than Evarrine, thus being the winner of the tie.
Now.... Let's take a look at how the Mole tricked the majority of us for so long!!"

 "Gregory was an extraordinary Mole... due to his fascination and fear of the extraterrestrial."

 "His method, for the most part, was to be subtle in his sabotages, to lay low and avoid detection. In the first few missions, he purposefully did well so no one would catch on to him."

Gregory: "MINDER"

KENZEN: "Gregory.. 6 correct."

 "But then, his sabotaging began."

  KENZEN: "Gregory: You got close here, but I specifically said that everything you see in the original photo, must be seen in your photo as well. You failed to do that, by only showing the bathtub and not the curtains and the rest of the background like this pictures shows-"

Gregory: "You guys find anything yet?"
Aiden: "I checkin' da bed righ' now!"
Gregory: "I already checked the bunks, I didn't find anything. Stop wasting time."
Aiden: "Well by golly I'll check again!"
"Prior to the Pirates mission, Gregory was given valuable information from production about the mission about to commence. He was told the whereabouts of an important item that would lead the group to the hidden key."
 Aiden: "Dis pillow look funneh! I tink I see something!"

"This item was the rope, and Gregory attempted to steer Aiden clear away from it, but Aiden's determination found it anyway."
Aiden: "Uhh... Looks like sum kinda rope! Yeeeeee-haww!! We gots ah rope!!"

 "He purposefully tried to stall his battle with Aiden in the 'It's Either You Or Me' mission, causing time to end and a loss of points for the group pot."

Gregory: "I don't know what that is."
Aiden: "O'course yah knows wat dat is!! Is rock tree axe! E'eryone knows it!"
Gregory: "Ohhhh... You mean, rock-paper-scissors?!"

 Aiden: "Yah. Ain't that wat I jus' said?"
Gregory: "Nooo.... you said something completely different. Hillbilly talk, I'm sure. But anyways.... sounds like a good idea! Let's do it!"
Aiden: "I'm the awfullest at dis game, bu' I kain't lose now!"
 Gregory: "Maybe the rock, paper, scissors idea wasn't the best idea."
Aiden: "Yeawh.... It din't weally solve nuttin'!"

"Meanwhile, Greg was making coalitions, deceiving his fellow housemates..."

Gregory: "So if you trust me and I trust you, does that mean we should form an alliance or something? A secret coalition?"
Casey: "Sounds good to me! Let's make a pact: we both help each other to find out the identity of the Mole to further ourselves in the game, and more importantly, we work together to uncover the truth about what the aliens want, and perhaps get that information from any aliens in disguise here."

Gregory: "Sounds like a plan! Deal!"

 "....And eventually leading to their demise."


Casey: "Aww.... crap."

KENZEN: "I'm sorry Casey, but you have been executed. Please follow me to the van."

 Gregory: "Are you offering a coalition??"
Kaita: "Indeed I am."

 Gregory: "Then I accept!"

KENZEN: "I'm sorry, Kaita, but you have been executed. Please say your goodbyes and follow me to the van awaiting you."

 "Gregory often went on rants, throwing accusations left and right, putting suspicion onto others."

Gregory: "The Mole and his Accomplice probably didn't even need to try and sabotage at all this mission. They could have easily just sat back and enjoyed the show. Hell, Kaita could have been one of those roles, or possibly both! Didn't even need to stick around, she knew we'd fail."

Gregory: "Yes, poisoned... by none other than our friend Evarrine the alien scum!! I believe she poisoned my breakfast this morning in order to prevent me from doing well in this mission... Evarrine is the Mole! She HAS to be!! How else could she have made it this far with so much faulty information from Kaita and yourself? EVARRINE IS THE MOLE, I TELL YOU!!"

 "And perhaps the boldest move a Mole has ever made on this show.... Was flat-out telling people he WASN'T the Mole."

Shayne: "Uhhhh.... Well, we need to find a false Mole, right? Someone we can trust should volunteer."
Gregory: "Yeah...."
Kaita: "Uh-huh...."


 Gregory: "Me! I volunteer as tribute!"

Kaita: "You sure about that decision?"
Shayne: "Pretty bold move dude.... Whether or not you're the Mole!"

Gregory: "You guys can trust me. I want that alien scum gone more than the both of you combined!! This is our chance to finally see her executed. Tell her it's me. Tell Evarrine I'm the Mole."

  "This decision was extremely strategical; by having Evarrine convinced he was the Mole, in turn, the rest of the house trusted him. So by having only one person highly suspicious of him, everyone else grew less suspicious, assuming he wanted Evarrine out just as much as them. 
However, this took an unexpected twist, as seen in this DRE of his, never shown."

"IDIOTS! Hahaha, by pretending I wasn't the Mole, everyone actually BELIEVES ME!! What they don't know is that I actually WANT to keep Evarrine around. You see, I purposefully aligned myself with Casey to get him executed, as he wouldn't believe the Mole to be me. I did this because he was too loud about the alien issue.... I honestly was afraid for my life, as well as his. He was too vocal about it.
But since his execution, I've realized the aliens are weak! They have yet to attack. They are still mustering up their energy and power. So in honor of Casey, I've been trying to promote the existence of these space scum, to raise awareness of this threat to all of humanity. And what better way to do that than to keep an alien on the show?? I know Evarrine is one. Aiden as well. They don't realize how obvious they are.
So by keeping Evarrine on the show as long as possible, I was hoping she would eventually slip up and show the world what she TRULY is.... A SPACE IMMIGRANT!!"

"Greg was constantly paranoid, but always had his wits about him. He rarely slipped up and his obsession with the extraterrestrial kept people confused about his true intentions. Even when he did say something off by accident, few thought anything of it, assuming it was part of his neurotic personality. 
Gregory was a truly deceitful and diabolical Mole."

*  *  *

*Everyone applauds... except Casey....and Ariel.... and the bodyguard* :b
"Nice job!"
"Well done Greg."

Casey: "Y-You.... You purposefully tried to execute me?! I can't believe this! I feel so betrayed."

Gregory: "May I stand?"
KENZEN: "The floor is yours."

 Gregory: "I'm sorry, Casey, but it was part of the job. I had to sabotage while avoiding attention or detection...."
Casey: "Yeah, but you PURPOSEFULLY singled out ME to eliminate! Real friends don't do that." >:C

Gregory: "But you have to understand! At the time, I thought you were a threat to my well-being! My whole entire life I've feared but reveled in the knowledge I had about the aliens on our home planet. I've always felt their presence among strangers, my friends, even some of my family! I was scared to confront them, because I never knew for SURE. Then I come on here and meet you.... and you know about them too! Except you want everyone to know you know, even the aliens that plan on annihilating all humans!
So naturally, that scared me. I was worried you would set them off. But I've learned since that we need to strike first before they do!"

Casey: "But have you learned NOTHING?? I warned you about the redheads, but you ignored me. I told you that Aqua keeps them at bay, and yet you still refuse to wear any."
Gregory: "Maybe because I didn't bring any aqua-colored clothing to the show...?"
Casey: "A likely story."

 Aiden: "You fool'd me! An' yah lied righ' to mah face! Where I from, dat AIN'T nice! Dat's a SIN!"

Gregory: "I'm not from where you're from. And where are you from, exactly?? ....Is it, SPACE!!
And speaking of clothing.... I just realized we're wearing the same exact outfit.... Are you so socially inept about human formal attire that you had to copy what I was planning to wear?"
Aiden: ".....Wat he say?"
Gregory: "Are you deaf? Or do you not speak English?"
Aiden: "Actshually, I speaka dah MEXICAN!"
Gregory: "More like, 'idiot'. Or 'trashy hillbilly'. Or more accurately.... ALIEN."

 Gregory: "That is all."
Aiden: "....huh?"

 Casey: "You're a traitor to your kind, Greg. You pretend to care about the alien issue but do absolutely nothing about it. All bark and no bite. Like a TRUE Scientologist."

 KT: "I'm not enjoying the hostility in this room..."
Kaita: "Yeah, come on guys! Just make up. You are too much alike to NOT be best friends."
Casey: "He needs to apologize first. I thought we were in this to defeat the aliens together, but he betrayed me."
 Gregory: "I already said my piece. He can hold a grudge if he wants."
Sara: "Enough alien talk, and more me winning The Mole talk!!"
Antoine: "Very immature people here tonight."

 KENZEN: "ANYWHO. Here's a brief glance at how Sara became the ultimate Mole Hunter this season."

"This season, like last, can be compared as a battle between good versus evil.
Good has prevailed yet again."

 "Sara was opinionated, and not afraid to voice her opinion."

 Evarrine: "That's it. I'm done here. I'll find somewhere else to rest for the night. Once my magic returns, I can guarantee that all of you will regret disobeying me. You will be cursed for all eternity!!"

Sara: "So much for having a nice roommate..."

"....and she made enemies early on."

Evarrine: "And you're the first on my hit list you little witch. Have a pleasant night you powerless mortals."

"In the missions, her gameplay varied. She tried hard to earn points for the pot, but sometimes she sabotaged, and purposefully did so that people would suspect her as the Mole.
In the 'Time Capsules' mission, she intentionally placed obscure and random objects into her capsule, trying to prevent anyone from getting the exemption while at the same time appearing suspicious."

"She was an airhead at times-"
Sara: "Hey!"
"-and never took the game too seriously, enjoying it and having fun instead, taking pictures of Nyan the Cat, singing around the house and crying excessively and without reason."

Sara: "This is starting to feel like a personal attack...."
"And her obsession with Kenzen also made her appear a bit pea-brained, never too concerned about the actual game at hand."


"....However. Was this part strategy? Well, to a certain extent, it was. She often put off a rather 'stupid' persona, in order for people to THINK she was acting LIKE the Mole, even when she really was.... A reverse psychology effect."

 Sara: "We need it. It's what feeds the bird! I just realized, parrots eat apples, don't they?! They eat nuts and all kinds of different fruits... God, how could we have been so stupid??"

"She acted as the beacon of hope for some.... One of the very few to actually stand up to this season's main antagonist, Evarrine. Sara didn't appreciate her sabotaging everyone's comfort and food."

Sara: "Evarrine, that's enough. Your rampage must come to an end. You flipped a table on me, destroyed furniture including everyone's dresser, broke the pipes in the showers, clogged the toilets with who knows what, and now you're wasting all of our food?!"

"...even attempting to put matters into her own hands by persuading Evarrine to leave her darkness behind."

Sara: "You must cleanse your soul of all evil. Of every bad intention, evil thought, or cruel desire you might possess. The source of your salvation is somewhere hidden and you only have a limited amount of time to seek it out and wash away your sins and be reborn again."

"Sara became very close to mostly everyone..... going as far as to call them 'family'. Even though these relationships were genuine, she still knew she was in a game, and with these close bonds she was better able to weed out the innocents from the guilty.... And off and on throughout the game she suspected Gregory the most."

"I'm glad that I made it through the half-way point. I am starting to think that a majority of the contestants in this game are like family to me especially since my parents are dead. There's a few people that I don't really care about such as Evarrine but overall, I feel as if a majority of the contestants this season are like family to me."

"In the 'It's Either You Or Me' mission, she was so confident that she knew who the Mole was, that she willingly gave up her coin to Evarrine, adding 25 points to the pot, money she now has in her wallet."

Sara: "Wait, wait, hold up. This is good and all, but I'm planning on adding even more money to my wallet, and I refuse to sit here in silence any longer. Bill!"

KENZEN: "Oh jesus, what now?"

 Bodyguard: "Should I take care of him?"
KENZEN: "No, not yet, I'm curious about what this is. Hopefully it's not a Priest about to wed the both of us...." *shivers*
Sara: "Trust me, it's not that."

Bill: "Hello, sir."

 KENZEN: "Ughh.... you sound like a lawyer..."

Bill: "That I am, and you are being sued."
KENZEN: "SUED! Hell no I'm not!"

Bill: "This young lady is my client, and she wishes to sue you for a multitude of charges. Sara?"
Sara: "Thanks Bill. Yes, Kenzen, I am suing you. Why? Many reasons. I've had a crush on you from the start, yes, so this was a hard decision for me. But after watching myself tonight, and seeing how hypnotized I was by you, I'm more sure than ever this is the right thing to do."

KENZEN: "If anything it should be I who is suing you!"
Production Woman: "What in the WORLD is going on here??"

Karen: "Kenzen? How did this man get in here? We did not authorize his entrance."

KENZEN: "Don't look at me sista.... Ask him."
Bill: "Kenzen Summers is being sued by my client for the following charges:
-Aiding Grey Winters in the murder of Nocturne Alley
-Various minor hate crimes and verbal harassment
 -Forgery of assorted documents under The Mole rules and guidebook, for self-gain
-Drugging and kidnapping 9 individuals without their consent.
-Blackmailing coworkers into keeping them silent. "

 KENZEN: "Oh, come on! You can only prove one of those things... the drugging. And that's the only thing she can sue me on, because it's the only one that was a crime against her."
Sara: "So you admit the rest are true!"
KENZEN: "I swear to god Sara, I'm THIS close to coming over there and-"

Bill: "You better watch what you say, don't want to dig yourself into a deeper hole now do you?"
KENZEN: "Whatever.... So what now?"
Bill: "You will have to face a judge in court, and pay my client how much she has asked. Due to your amount of charges, it's very likely you will have to serve at least a few years in jail as well."

Karen: "That's enough of this! Bill, or whatever your name is, it's time to get out. We're in the middle of filming a TV show. Shame on you Sara for deciding to do this so publicly."

Bill: "My client and I will meet you again soon."
Karen: "Yeah yeah, keep moving bud."

 Alberto: "Ha! What entertainment."
Karen: "Shut up grass-head. I'll have Bill here help me sue YOU for indecent exposure of your front genitals.... I'm sure all witnesses would agree that they were traumatized by the event."
Shayne: "Agreed. But then again what am I not traumatized about...."

KENZEN: "Well then. Honestly I'm not too phased by this. If I have to serve time I'll be reunited with Grey once more... And I have money to spare. It's slightly embarrassing that this is live on televisions across the nation, but.... oh well. Anyway, the show must go on.... So on with the next segment!"

 KENZEN: "You see, I would continue with your winning segment, Sara, but because I was so RUDELY interrupted I don't think we'll be able to show the rest of it. Oh so sorry."
Sara: "I used to think your rudeness was a sort of cute use of sarcasm, but I've learned better."

KENZEN: "Well anyway. Now, it's time to reveal the 5 main clues to the identity of the Mole of the season!!

"During the 'Magnify This' mission, Shayne was struggling to find his picture spot."

"However, in the far distance, the image of a spaceship can be seen. Spaceships have to do with, well, space exploration. This was a subtle hint that either Gregory or Casey was the Mole.... and since the latter was soon executed, it would be known that Gregory was the culprit."

Shayne: "Nope, not here either."

"In the Pirates mission, all the groups had the same puzzles to solve in the 3rd stage.... However, the third digit, the math problem, was different for each team. Why? To show a clue, of course!"

 "The Mole's group- Team 'GAGA Squad', pertained the clue. Each math problem was very similar to each other, with only one digit differing between them."

 "The clue? The math problem on the second scroll is the equation for Avogadro Constant, which is defined as the number of constitute particles per MOLE, or, more known in Chemistry as 'Mol'. Anyone who's taken a class in Chemistry would know that one mole = 6.022 x 10^23... And if anyone realized this, they would know that the Mole would be one of the three people on team GAGA Squad; 
Antoine, Aiden, or Gregory."

"And in the '20 Questions' mission, the answer was... A Frisbee. Or a 'flying disc', as Evarrine would call it.... remind you of anything? Flying disc, flying.... saucer? This was a clue directed at a main aspect of Gregory's personality; aliens and UFO's."

Evarrine: "Hmm... Is it a frisbee? Ya'know, one of those peasant toys. Flying disc or disk or whatever the hell you mortals call it."
 Brianne: "That would be.... CORRECT"

"It came to a great shock to Kenzen to find out that Gregory was bisexual."

KENZEN: "Your number? And no, not your phone number."
Gregory: "Well, I'd give it to you if you wanted me to! I don't mind. I'm an open guy."
KENZEN: "What the hell does that mean?"
Gregory: "It means I'm open to anything. Anyone."
KENZEN: "Still not getting it."
Gregory: "I'm bi."
KENZEN: "What?! Those actually exist??"
Gregory: "Errrr yeah. They do. Along with aliens. But let's keep that a secret between you and me."
KENZEN: "Well I guess that's two secrets I'm holding for you now."
"Kenzen makes a point of saying that he now is holding TWO secrets for Gregory.... One being his bisexuality. The other.... is a bit ambiguous and mysterious, not hinted at or mentioned. The truth is, the other secret Kenzen is referencing to is the fact that Gregory is the Mole."

"Speaking of Gregory's sexual orientation, at the end of the episode where it's revealed he's bi, we put up an image of a distinct rainbow. The LGBT community's symbol is the rainbow, or at least, rainbow colors. This is a direct clue to the audience's new-found knowledge of Gregory's orientation, a symbol that would only represent him within this season's cast."


"And speaking of secrets, ever noticed what Gregory is doing on this season's contestant wall?"

 "Look closely... He has his finger up to his lips, as if to say, 'Shhh... Don't tell anyone, it's a secret!' .... What's his secret, you ask? Well, most people probably assumed he was trying to shush people up about the aliens. But in reality, Production actually told Gregory to strike this pose during the photoshoot, as a clear hint to Gregory being the Mole."

[ Additional hints can be found halfway through this page: ]


KENZEN: "Yay! It's Fan Favorite time!!"
*turns to camera*
"Let's just hope Sara doesn't win it.... on second thought, there's no way she could!"
Sara: "I can hear you, you know..."
KENZEN: "OH, I know..... I know."

KENZEN: "Okay.... We asked the viewers who their favorite contestant was this season.... Let's find out what they said!"

*opens envelope*
"And the fan favorite of the season, IS........."
"EVARRINE!! And an honorable mention to Aiden, who came second!"

 Aiden: "Hot diggity DAMN! NO FAIR! How did ah lose to dat mean gator!!"

KENZEN: "Errrr.... speaking of that 'mean gator'.... where the hell is she??"

KENZEN: "She's supposed to be sitting right there, next to the winner.... Oh lord... don't tell me I forgot about her..... This is bad, real bad. At least I'm fired right after this is over anyway."

KT: "You should have been fired a long time ago, Kenzen! I would have gladly taken your position, but nooooo!! You had to claim it as your own to continue the legacy Grey left behind! And I would have never forgotten about Evarrine, as much as I despised her. She's the runner-up, after all!  All night I've been wondering what happened to her."

Indigo: "Do we HAVE to bring her out here, I mean we could just keep her there till-"


KENZEN: "Evarrine! Ahaha, nice of you to finally join us!"
Ryan: "How did she get out of that room?"
Antoine: "A Kong-Fu kick!"
Kaita: "More importantly.... How did she change her dress??"

Evarrine: "FOOLS! My power has miraculously returned to me, and it's time you all PAY for all the times you have ignored me and doubted my strength!"
KENZEN: "Same old story, again and again. How'd you gain power this time 'Your Highness'?"

Evarrine: "You really want to know? You mortals wouldn't understand. The notion of magic is unimagined in this land. But I shall tell you anyway. Once I learned that I had not won, not the rightful owner of all that money.... I hit rock bottom. I had lost. I had lost the game I tried to incredibly hard to win, and more importantly, I had lost my magic. Since the last full moon, I've struggled to regain my magical properties. I had always remained hopeful and optimistic that someday, my power would return to me.
....But this was very arrogant and ignorant thinking. It was never going to return to me, not unless the environment changed around me, NOT that I changed the environment.
While trapped in that small room for the past few hours, I cried. Yes, I cried. I sobbed my heart out. Something reserved only for the weakest of humanity, such as Sara here, the worst crier of all.
But anyway, at this point, I realized, all hope was lost. I had to give up my endless pursuit of trying to restore my strength. It was time to accept the fact that I was no longer who I once was, a powerful Queen in a land where no one could rise against me. Once I realized this wasn't my reality anymore, and my reality was here, in this realm, with people like all of you..... Something changed in my heart. I felt....a sort of.... happiness. A....gratitude for having gone through what I went through on this show, because... I have faced my most wildest fears, and largely been outside my comfort zone. Being in immense power was a sickness.... My unstoppable power was controlling me, not me it! Without it.... I felt.... vulnerable again. Almost.... hopeful for a bright future. And this hope.... this feeling of vulnerability.... suddenly ate me up and consumed me. I felt changed. Somehow different. As if I was reborn again.
I stood up, and my legs trembled.... and I felt it again. MY MAGIC. I felt its power coursing through my veins, to the tips of my fingers and the ends of my hair.
I had found the light. And with this light, I have found my magic once more. It's a new kind of magic.... Less consuming of the soul. And with it.....

 Evarrine: "You shall ALL feel the wrath of the Almighty, Queen Roland!!! "

 The rest of this episode was made by a very, VERY sleep deprived teenager.

 [Things may or may not get very weird and very depressing from here-on-out]
 (Basically, the Reunion part is over, so if you came here for The Mole, you can leave. But if you came for the contestants or the drama.... Read on ;D)

 Evarrine: "Welcome to HELL, my friends!"

 Alberto: "We REALLY should have let her out..."
Shayne: "This isn't time for jokes! Something crazy and serious is going down."
Indigo: "Oh Shayne, I'm scared!"

Casey: "The alien is attacking already! How come my aqua isn't working! WORK AQUA WORK!!


KENZEN: "I have no idea how any of this is happening.... Am I hallucinating? Maybe I'm dreaming...."

 Alberto: "Alright, guess I'll be the hero, like ALWAYS."

Alberto: "Evarrine, it's time I put an end to your madness!"

Evarrine: "AHAHAHAA!! You crack me up you little wart!"

Alberto: "Don't make me reveal myself to you again!!"
Evarrine: "Oh, honey, you're not going to do that."

Alberto: "What's stopping me?!"

Evarrine: "Me!! ......ẹlẹdẹ eku!!"

Alberto: "Aahhh!! What's happening?!?!?!"


KENZEN: "Where'd he go??"

 Gregory: "Uhhm.... I think I found him...." 0_0

 Alberto:  "~~~~!"


 Evarrine: "Don't you worry, I have a fun spell planned for you as well!"

Aiden: "Oohhhhh...... DIS FEELIN' FUNNEH!"

Aiden: "Huhhh.... YOU DIN'T DO NUTTIN'!"

Sara: "....No.... You can't be....... A TROLL!??!"

 Aiden: "I AIN'T NO TROLL!"


 Aiden: "No! Come back!"

Aiden: "Wat wrong wit meh?"


KT: "I think I'm about to pass out..... Tyson, DO SOMETHING!!"

 Tyson: "Yes ma'am!"

Evarrine: "HAH! You think you can take ME?!"

Evarrine: "Elektros!!"

Tyson: "GAHAHAHH!!"

KT: "Tyson! No!"


Sara: "What's happening?!!?"
Kaita: "That's it! You've taken things WAY too far this time Evarrine.... You need to be put down!"

Evarrine: "Come stop me then!"

Kaita: "....."
Evarrine: "....."

Evarrine: "You're thinking, 'yeah, maybe this wasn't such a great idea', aren't you?"

Kaita: "No, Evarrine. As always, I am standing my ground. You might finally have your 'magic' again, but that doesn't scare me. You're still the same Evarrine I made a coalition with on day 5."

Kaita: "I'm up here to FIGHT!"

Evarrine: "How amusing."

 Evarrine: "Oohh.... Lookie what I got here! See it? No?"

Evarrine: "Hm... How about now? ....Still no?"

Evarrine: "....What about now?"

Kaita: "Is that.... NO! My true weakness..... GARLIC!"

Evarrine: "Yes, garlic indeed. I heard vampires are a bit, well, how do I put this..... Not too fond of garlic, am I right?"

 Evarrine: "Mhmmm... YUM!"

Kaita: "You have won."

Evarrine: "I thought so. In the end, I will ALWAYS win."

Aiden: "Where's Alberto?? I CAN' FIND ALBERTO!!'
Sara: "Can or CAN'T!?!"
Aiden: "OOH! I sees him!"

Evarrine: "I think it's time to take this party to the next level.... ARIEL, I CHOOSE YOU!!"

Shayne: "Uh-oh...."
Indigo: "This isn't going to end well...."

 Ariel: "Do not go insane again, do not go insane again.... You are sane. You are sane. Hi my name is Ariel and I'm sane. SAAAANE!"
Evarrine: "BRYKE FRE!!"
Ariel: "I shall cause no harm, I shall not hurt others, I shall remain sane..."

KT: "My back is exposed yet again..... I suppose this is it...."

Gregory: "HELP! HELP ME!!"


 KT: "Quick, grab my hand!"
Gregory: "It's no use! I'm being abducted! By... by.... BY ALIENS!"
KT: "No you're not Greg, it's just Evarrine's magic! Don't give in!!"

Evarrine: "I've provided you with one in your pocket, Ariel."


Casey: "....Are you taking a mental picture right now??"
Kaita: "Mind your own business!"


 Gregory: "It burns, it BURNNNSSSS!!"

KENZEN: "Ariel, stop!"


 KT: "Not again, NOT AGAIN!!"


Ariel: "HEHEEE!!"

KT: "Ahh!"
Ariel: "Huh?!"

Ryan: *gasps*

Ariel: "....OOPS."

 Ariel: "I killed Ryan!"
Sara: "You did?! ......GOOD JOB ARIEL! AIR HIGH-FIVE!!"

 KT: "No....... this can't be...."

*drops knife*
Ariel: "Well, better get goin'!"


Ariel: "Ooh, ooh, hot, hot!!"

Casey: "No! My space buddy.... Gone..... forever?!"

 Casey: "I'm alone in this fight. Utterly alone. I'm not strong enough to save all the humans... People are dying left and right... The aliens have started their invasion."

KT: "...Ryan? ..... RYAN!!"

KT: "Nooo.... Ryan...."

KT: "Why me, Lord, why me!? What have I done??"

KT: "I.... I.... I love you, Ryan."
*begins to sob*

Evarrine: "Your turn Aqua-boy!"
 Casey: "....Give me your worst."

 Evarrine: "Your wish is my command."

Evarrine:   ערטווערם

 Casey: "Owhhhh.... My head!"

 Casey: "What the.... What's happening??"

* POOF *

Evarrine: "Mwhahahaha!! Casey, reduced to the very thing he despises....

Shayne: "Ahhhhh.... and... stretch!"
Indigo: "I feel like we should probably do something..."
Shayne: "Like what? We're trapped."

Indigo: "True... Well, it's been nice knowing you, Shayne."
Shayne: "Hope we survive this ordeal."

 Evarrine: "You won't! You shall suffer the consequences of your crimes against the Queen! You will now each face your deepest, darkest fear....."
Indigo: "No..... BUTTERFLIES!"

 Indigo: "You can survive this, Indie. They're just cute little birds... but.... not... because they're insects...."

Indigo: "Shayne?! SHAYNE!"

Evarrine: "MWHAHAHAHA!!!"

 Shayne: "Death by drowning.... Wait! No! It's not true.... He didn't drown. He cracked his skull.
He didn't drown. He didn't drown. He didn't......"

 Shayne: "Drown."

Shayne: "Mom.... Dad.... Emily..... Jonathon...."

Indigo: "Ah! Get away! I hate flying things.... Especially insects! Insects and flying don't make a good combination."

Indigo: "NO! Stop touching me!! .... They're doubling! They keep coming out of nowhere..."

Indigo: "No..... can't.... What if.... What if there's so many I begin to suffocate?!

 Ashlee: "Hey what about me?! Why does everyone keep forgetting about me!??"
Evarrine: "Don't you worry Ashlee, I got plans for you as well."

Ashlee: "Oh.... what the...."

Ashlee: "Ack!"

Ashlee: "What is this?! This vortex/tornado thing is changing me.... I- what, huh!?"

Ashlee: "....I'm..... FABIO?!" 

Ashlee "Oh, COME ON!"
KENZEN: "Personally, I think it suits you."

Ashlee aka Fabio: "Honestly, being Fabio is worse than the sex change!!"

Indigo: "Heelllp meeee..."

 Kaita: "I.... I can't handle this anymore! People dying and morphing everywhere.... And I can't stand that garlic stench!!"


 Evarrine: "Don't think you can escape me, Sara! I've decided to save you and Kenzen for last...."

Evarrine: "USAFIRI!!!"

 KENZEN: "You just did me a favor! Taking that girl far, FAR away from me. Hopefully."

Sara: "What the.... What's this? Where am I? Why is everything so blue.... Wait. NO. This can't be it.... Noo....... no, no, no nonononono.... it's

Evarrine: "You're next, Kenzen Summers! This is payback time for your insufferable attitude and idiotic demeanor. You did not respect true authority, so your punishment will be worse than death."

Kenzen: "Well, I'm not host anymore so I guess I can stop capitalizing my entire name."

Kenzen: "Where am I? Awwwwhhhhh, SHIT!"

"I'm trapped. In jail. Without Grey..... FOREVER.....?"

Evarrine: "Oh how much I've missed this!"

 Antoine: "戰鬥!!"

Evarrine: "Wha-"

 Evarrine: "Ahhh!!"

Evarrine: "YOU....."

Evarrine: "You're going to regret that decision." 

Evarrine: "BULZICKS ZUK!"

Antoine: "?!?"

Evarrine: "Don't EVER try to sneak up on me again."

Evarrine: "Well then. This has been a pleasure. I think I exacted my revenge and then some...."

"It's time I reenter my home land, far away from this one."

"I would say I'm going to miss.... this, but I'd be lying."

"Mwhahahahahaha.... I knew I was going to get my magic back. Ultimately, magic is MUCH more powerful than money. So I'm content with losing this game. I'm still immensely superior than everyone here!"

Evarrine: "Goodbye.... End of one alternate universe, and an entrance to another."

Karen: "Wow... She... just.... disappeared. although I suppose that's not improbable considering all the things she just did..."

"Haha... ANYWAY...."

"WOW! Now, uhh... Those were some PRETTY GOOD special effects, wouldn't you all say?"

 "Ahaha.... ahah.... um. Someone call the FBI and special forces pronto!!"

"This is not a drill! This is serious shit! Some real messed up shit just happened, we are all in danger, we need SPECIAL FORCES NOW!!"


 [it's up to you to decide what actually went down... Was this ACTUALLY real? Was it acting? Was the whole last part planned to increase ratings? Was it all just a dream? Or was it one of many delusions that Evarrine has? .... Like I said, up to the viewer ;) ]



 Aiden: "What?? No, I wasn' pickin' mah nose! 'Course not! I was jus' stretchin' it!
Dagnabbit.... Alberto, where are you? ALBERTO, COME TO PAPA!!"

Sara: "Ooooh nice ass!"
Gregory: "Sara!"

Gregory: "There's something wrong here....."

Time to meet, half-Pinocchio half-demon Shayne!!

[3RD picture looks slightly creepy, but overall this looks pretty awesome. Especially the face designs.
Pretty cool glitch. :P I almost wanted Shayne to stay like this for the whole finale, but that would probably be too distracting, haha]

And what better way to end it than with funny pictures of Evarrine?!


